"I would like to just say that we're fine,
we're fine. We are going to continue what we did
in 2000 and we are going to be fine."
-- John McCain, (R-Enraged Loser) reminding us how he got his ass kicked
in 2000,Link
Excerpt: One of my other false beliefs connected to this
was that most conservatives were conservatives first and
GOP partisans second (if at all), and would therefore
be just as outraged by GOP government activism and
overreach as they had been in the 1990s.
This was the worst sort of naivete on my part, and it was repeatedly
shown to be false. To point out that some
of the same people who wanted to attack Iraq opposed aggression
against Yugoslavia was almost useless -
partisans are well aware that they use a double standard, and they
have no problem with it. Again, I mistook the
attitudes of conservatives whom I knew for what was true for
"conservatives" generally - this was just sloppy
Excerpt: Like any terrorist organization, al-Qaeda wants
It wants to be perceived as powerful. And it
wants Americans to live in fear.
Could al-Qaeda possibly have found a better publicist
than President Bush?
What effect would a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq
really have on al-Qaeda? Is it true that "surrendering
the future of Iraq to al Qaida would be a disaster
for our country," as Bush admonished yesterday?
Bush's predictions about the region have been
uniformly abysmal, so the opposite may be at least as likely.
And in that scenario, a U.S. troop withdrawal
would rob al-Qaeda of its greatest recruiting tool. It would
also free American and Iraqi fighters to hunt
down bin Laden and his fellow vermin wherever they are and
give them what they deserve -- which is not publicity,
but ignominy and extinction.
Bart, Senator Clinton came to West-by-Koresh-Virginia
Friday. Quite
a turnout.
I really wish she hadn't cabbaged onto the "it's
the Iraqis' fault" talking point as the reason it's time to leave Iraq.
As I read that, I couldn't help seeing that photo
you've run of that Iraqi father carrying what used to be his daughter.
I wonder how Senator Clinton thinks the problem
there is those folks' fault.
Then again, maybe blaming the Iraqis for the
BFEE's war of profit is the only way to get us out.
Koresh knows no Bush has ever taken personal
responsibility for his actions.
That daughterless father will just have to take
"personal responsibility" for his daughter
getting blown into bits by "the land of the free
and the home of the brave."
In the end, I have to say that "President Clinton"
beats the dickens out of "President Dog-on-the-Car"
or "President Drag Queen" or "President I-Married-A-Pole-Dancer"
or "President Manchurian Candidate."
Thus, will I vote for Her if offered the opportunity
to do so in the general election.
Bob, your first paragraph scared me.
but you answered your question in paragraph two.
"The argument that moral responsibility for
whatever happens in Iraq rests on us is not clear to me. Where were our intentions not honorable?
At which point during the last four and a half years were we we doing anything other than
try to help them?" -- --John Derbyshire,
on why those ingrate Iraqis don't thank us for turning Baghdad into Hell
on Earth, Link
"Going up against (Sopranos star) Galdolfini
is like going up against Babe Ruth. You can't say who's better than anybody.
His show is the reason the rest of out other shows exist. So give him
the Emmy."
-- Denis Leary, on his chances of winning "Best Actor in a TV Drama"
He's right - without the anti-Hero Tony Soprano,
we wouldn't have The Shield,
we wouldn't have House, or Shark,
or Rescue Me - some of the best shows on TV.
But Leary deserves it - he had a much better year
than Gandolfini
who deserved to win the Emmy in 2000, 2001 and
If this criminal voluntarily steps down (if that's
what you mean I doubt it - but who knows with this sicko)
that leaves the Dick. Do you think Go Cheney
Yourself will 'officially' ever be the president?
How could he be? He's not part of the Executive
I do think it is possible that if the (fill in
whatever adjectives you like) Dems actually fought for
our Constitution and our way of life, he would
be FORCED to resign over the scandals.
I can't stand that even this Gonzo crappola is
not being treated as it should.
I want to hear it on-air that he is NOT being
kept because bushie likes him;
he's there as the LAST wall to block the investigations
going right to Bush and Cheney.
Could you imagine if we had a real AG in there?
Heck even Ashcroft, of all people,
had a respect for the Constitution of the United
I wish Ashcroft would be public on his view of
all this bullshit.
So in your prediction, you're not betting on the
( fill in at will ) Dems fighting are you?
I admit, it's just a suspicion, but I think the Kuwaitis owe the BFEE
say, a trillion dollars
for fencing the five-year oil rape that has murdered 3700 America soldiers
and 600K Iraqis.
Once Bush is a retired, how can he ensure Kuwait pays them off?
He's got to get paid, off, retire, and then move to Paraguay
while he's still Commander in Chief - or go to prison for his
He needs to get his $1Trillion wire transfer AND THEN he retires and
leaves the country.
Cheney leaves with him, putting President Pelosi in the White House
6 months before Hillary's coronation.
They steal a trillion dollars, without much of a downside,
and they throw the Dems into severe disarray pitting President Pelosi
against Her.
Excerpt: An Iraq war veteran from Mountain Iron, Minn.
reported missing in northern Minnesota has been found dead,
said deputy Joe Skofich of the St. Louis County
Sheriff said.
Pierce, 23, went missing after he sent several
friends text messages that he was suicidal.
Pierce was last seen leaving home with a .38
caliber revolver and a 30.06 rifle, the sheriff said.
Excerpt: The Army is offering seasonal enlistment bonuses
of up to $20,000
for various categories of recruits
who agree to enter active duty by Sept. 30, the
end of the fiscal year. The seasonal bonuses may be combined
with the regular incentives of up to $25,000,
depending on specialty and length of enlistment.
The total bonus amount may not exceed $20,000
for a two-year enlistment, $25,000 for a three-year hitch and $40,000
for enlistments of four, five and six years.
I can hear the young couple arguing.
"But Honey, if I sign up for one more tour,
we'll have$40,000
to put down on a house."
But what good is $40,000
if you come home in a body bag?
I expect to catch hell for "holding some back"
but that can't be right because that would've required brains, planning
and patience, three things that I'm not known to possess, so I figured
I'd offer them to you. I'd like to get $25 for the pair.
Introducing - lapel pins/buttons
...... (Actual size)
Note: These are bad pictures - the real buttons look GREAT!
My camera is angry with my computer,
but somehow I'll get you good pictures because
you'll be proud to wear these buttons.
all three for $9
Sticker-mania For a $10.50
(or more) donation, you can get the 4-pack of bumper stickers.
You'll get: "Impeach Bush
Now!" the bartcop.com
oval, a WPE sticker
and "I Miss Clinton."
If you hate the Clinton's, tell me and I'll just send three.
For $23.50,
you can get a WPE t-shirt and the 4-pack of bumper stickers.
Excerpt: U.S. stocks plunged again Friday following Thursday's
sell-off which took the DJIA down 311 points
for its second worst day of the year. Anxiety
about shaky credit markets and the troubled housing sector
are now sweeping over Wall Street.
We warned that Dow 14,000 was not a milestone,
but rather a mirage concocted of smoke and mirrors.
One week ago the Dow hit a new nominal high of
14,000, 17% above its March 2000 peak of 11,722.
But after adjusting for inflation, the Dow still
needs to rise another 4% to 14,200 to reach the same level
it was SEVEN YEARS AGO! Whoopee! Champaign anyone?
Is this right?
Should we bet on stocks or is the market primed to fall?
If we had a Money/Stocks blogger, we could ask him/her, but nooo.
"Oprah Winfrey earned $260 million last year.
We can only wonder how much more would she have earned
if were she not African-American."
-- Rush, attacking a black woman - again,
Hey Rush, isn't that how you lost your "Dream job" with the NFL?
With you, everything is about race.
Did you lose a girlfriend to a black guy - is that what happened?
Let's say I buy into the murder theory concerning
Pat Tillman's death.
That leads me to the inevitable - why?
I doubt there was a conspiracy to kill him - it might have been a case
where a bunch of
trained killers with itchy trigger fingers snapped under pressure and
they covered it up.
They said some of his last words were, "Shut up and stop sniveling."
Maybe you don't say that to a trained killer who's having a really
bad day.
Also, *I* didn't say something funny happened to Tillman - the autopsy
records say so.
Excerpt: You have to give Republicans points for consistency.
They bring the Senate to a halt and then blame
Democrats for not getting anything done. They
destroy FEMA's ability to respond to natural disasters
and then hold it up as an example of why you
can't trust government to do anything right. They lose
a war via unparalleled military incompetence
and then claim that liberals are defeatists for pointing it out.
They spend 20 years claiming that Social Security
is going bankrupt and then use the resulting public
insecurity about Social Security as an explanation
for why the whole system needs to be privatized.
Will the press help them pass along their latest
ode to chutzpah?
Or will they instead give it the mockery it deserves?
People seem surprised when AG Alberto Gonzales
lies to Congress as if they expect him to tell the truth.
Why should he tell the truth? After all, who
is going to investigate him?
The Justice Department?
He is the Justice Department.
And even if he were investigated, brought to trial
and convicted of perjury he'd never go to jail
because Bush would pardon him just like he did
for Scooter Libby. So Gonzales and anyone in
the Bush administration can break the law with
impunity and get away with it.
The Democrats don't have the votes to impeach
Bush and Cheney. The Democrats want to impeach
Bush but nothing is going to happen unless the
Republicans decide to stop the lawlessness too.
The Republicans are the ones allowing Bush to
flaunt the law. We need to hold the GOP
accountable for allowing the Bush administration
to act lawlessly.
>"Whenever you read 'nonprofit,' > think 'liberal' nine times out
of ten." -- Rush, mocking charities
Yea....like the American Legion and the V.F.W.?
BTW....my American Legion post is so non-profit
that we are having trouble paying the bills
so if any of your readers are veterans, please
go to your local legion post and sign up.
They need the money.
Rude Rich
Bart, I haven't been able to listen to your show
for a long time, due to problems with receiving my
household goods from customs. I got through
that a few weeks ago, so I am listening to show 121,
with emphasis on health insurance.
That was one of my fabulous "theme shows," that
people like so much.
I now have health insurance in Peru. However,
prior conditions are not covered.
Tell me how many people you know who are 50 years
old who do not have prior health conditions!
I hear that - 50 years old is like 200,000 miles
on a Chevy Impala.
Anyone who does not understand the implications
of this kind of insurance has to be a f-king republitard.
If I was a stockholder in a health insurance
company, exclusion of prior existing conditions would be a gift from heaven!
Talk about stacking the deck!
Hammer away hombre!
Ron in Lima
I'll tell you what the bastards did to me, back
in the early nineties. We were stuck with "private insurance,"
or whatever it's called when you're just a dude
writing checks and not part of a big company.
One day my insurance agent told me the company
I was insured with went out of business,
but he could sign me up with a similiar company
- minus the "prior existing conditions," of course.
And believe it or not, I was even stupider back
then than I am now, so I fell for it.
Insurance companies make too much money to go
out of business, but what choice did I have?
It's a big crooked mess that needs to be fixed. Maybe if our next president has a veto-proof
congress she can get this done.
...unless the Dems stab her in the back like they
did to Bill.
Excerpt: Bush is preparing to ask Congress to approve
an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors
that is expected to eventually total $20 billion
at a time when some United States officials contend that
the Saudis are playing a counterproductive role
in Iraq.
The proposed package of advanced weaponry for
Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs,
upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels,
has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous.
Senior officials who described the package on
Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those
concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion
in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over
what Israel has received in the past 10 years.
Well sure, that way Bush can double his 'finders
He sells weapons to the Saudis so they can supply
the Sunnis.
He sells weapons to Israel so they can ward off
the Sunnis and Shias.
Any bets that Chalabi and Khashoggi are selling our top weapons to
The more arms Bush sells, the more money he makes, the wider the wars
and the price of oil skyrockets and the B.F.E.E. is sitting
on all that oil they stole.
Dweezil Zappa put together a band that is playing
all of Frank's best stuff.
These folks are all top shelf players and Dweezil
is every bit as good a player as his dad.
They played about a 3 hour show at the Lyric Opera
House Friday night.
They did most of the stuff I like including Yo
Mama, Willie the Pimp,
Montana, Carolina Hardcore, Pygmy Twilight.
Of course the highlight of the show was the "Illinois
Enema Bandit"
You can see some video clips at Frankzappa.com
under the ZPZ section.
Check out the version of "Zombie Wolf" with Steve
Vai sitting in on guitar.
Excerpt: I live in Texas. So when I went to see Sicko for a second time, I wasn't
sure what to expect from the audience.
I wasn't watching it downtown, where the elitist
liberals congregate. I went to a random mall.
A typical Texas guy sat down behind me and never
stopped talking. He talked through the entire movie and I listened.
The first twenty minutes he spent badmouthing
Moore and snorting in disgust whenever MM did a monologues. But as the
movie wore on his protestations less enthusiastic.
Somewhere, maybe at the half way point, Sicko changed this man's mind.
By the forty-five minute mark, he was breaking
into spontaneous applause. He started shouting out "hell yeah!" at the
as if the whole world flipped upside down. This
is Texas, where people support the president and voting democratic is
something only done by the terrorists. Michael
Moore should be public enemy number one.
Excerpt: Beyond the surface, a televised repackaging of
YouTube's format and technology in which "real people"
ask real questions, Monday's CNN/YouTube Democratic
debate offered nothing substantively new.
Why? Because Whore Anderson Cooper and Whore CNN
took it upon themselves to vet those real questions
from real people and chose the ones they saw
fit for primetime. As a consequence, one of the most popular
questions, one about impeachment, wren't allowed
to air. Though it would've been nice of them to make clear
to all citizens during the debate that this question
had been smothered by CNN.
Excerpt: Your country is in chaos. There are daily suicide
bombers killing hundreds of innocent civilians every day.
Two of the largest factions in your country are
in the midst of a sick and bloody civil war. Outside influences
are trying to take over your country for their
own evil deeds. You are supposed to be a person of responsibility.
You are a part of the new national government.
What do you do to stop the violence and chaos that threatens
to destroy your country? You go on vacation for
a month.
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a 1928 novel called 'Belle de Jour,'
starring Shirley Manson, a pair of crimson knee-high stockings and
a S&M allusion or two.
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