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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

BCR 128 is damn nearHOT

Weekend-Monday  Oct 20-22, 2007  Vol 2059 - War Ache

Quote of the Day

"Persistent geopolitical fears 
  provide good support to oil prices."
    -- oil analyst Andrey Kryuchenkov,   Link

 That's makes Bush the best president ever,
  -- if you're a greedy oil company bastard

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Bush Spying Abroad HOT
Arrow Dodd Screws Up!! HOT
Arrow Corrupt Hastert Out
Arrow Allies Kill Post Reporter HOT
Arrow GOP retiring in droves 
Arrow Stop Apologizing!!!! 
Arrow Suicide is not Painless
Arrow The Clinton Surprise
Arrow Kristen Bell on Heroes


Join the Solution



"For the last 35 years, we have aborted more than a million people (he means fetuses) 
  who would have been in our workforce had we not had the holocaust of liberalized abortion..."
   -- Mike Huckabee, (R-Insane)   Link

 Huckabee wants an America where every woman is forced to have her rapists's baby.
"Can you whistle Dixie?"

 Truth is, abortion is the cost of reproductive freedom.

 Huckabee wants to worry about THOSE "lives," but he's not worried about the lives lost to 
 BIG CANCER because he gets money from BIG CANCER.  

 Huckabee's not worried about the lives lost to gun violence because he gets money  from the NRA 
 to say, "The more guns we have, the safer we are."   

 Huckabee's not worried about the lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan because his insane president 
 got us stuck over there and he wants to be president.

 Bottom line is Huckabee wants to pick and choose his tragedies.

 Think of the lives (real people, not fetuses) that could be saved if cigarettes were illegal.
 Think of the lives (real people, not fetuses) that could be saved if we didn't have 200 million guns.
 Think of the lives (real people, not fetuses) that could be saved if Bush hadn't lied us into war.

 Huckabee's outraged about abortion because his political fate is in the hands of the religiously insane. 
 We're lucky the snake-handling handjobs aren't his base - he'd want snakes in every classroom.

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Bush's Spying Hits Americans Abroad
  by Robert Parry

In August after the Democratic-controlled Congress caved in to Bush's demands for broader
surveillance powers, I noted that the new authority went far beyond what was advertised and that
the President could obtain year-long spying orders on Americans who ventured outside the United States.

My analysis, which was based on a reading of the law's language, wasn't shared by commentators in
the major U.S. news media and even drew some reader criticism as alarmist for failing to take into
account secret "minimization" provisions that supposedly would protect American citizens.

However, the Bush administration's hostile reaction to a seemingly innocuous amendment added to a
new surveillance bill by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, suggests that targeting Americans who travel
abroad was a key goal of Bush's "Protect America Act of 2007."

Note: The Democrats caved in because they wanted to go on vacation.
           For that, Pelosi and Reid should lose their jobs.

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Used with permission

Dodd Screws Up!!
Reveals they had the power to stop Bush all along


Senator Chris Dodd on Thursday single-handedly blocked a bill to legalize unconstitutional spying and
immunize criminals who have engaged in it. But by doing so, Dodd may have made the biggest blunder
Washington has seen in many months. He advertised the fact that a single senator with nerve has the power
to block a bill, including - of course - every bill to further fund the occupation of Iraq. Now, how will Dodd
explain his past and future failure to use the same power to end the war that he has used to end warrantless spying?
How will other senators, including Harry Reid, explain their own failure? How will Nancy Pelosi manage to keep
asserting in every conversation that only 67 senators can end a war?

This answers the question I've been asking for months or maybe even years.

Question: If a single Republican senator can block a bill when we control congress,
why can't the Democrats block all the atrocious crimes Bush has been committing?

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Corrupt Hastert to ResignHOTHOT
 Sweaty Wrestler Forced out after being
 Caught in the Cunningham Tractor's Nuts

"I'm so guilty I disgust myself!"

 Link for Details

He'll always be remember as the longest-serving speaker, one who 
allowed a homosexual predator to stalk young boys on his watch.

What is he, Catholic?

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Subject: Oil prices soar above $90 per barrel.

Bart, when you read this article you'll see the Turkish connection.

Why are the idiots in our Congress suddenly concerned about something that happened between
Turks and Armenians a hundred years ago?   They aren't. But anything that increases tensions in
that part of the world provides an excuse to raise oil prices. Both Democrats and Republicans 
are beholden to their oil masters, and this servitude trickles all the way down to every citizen
in this country and most of the developed world.

Now the Turks have a 'plausible' reason to tell us to "Go Cheney ourselves" as they invade Northern Iraq
to deal with the Kurds causing trouble on their border. Oil supplies from that reason have already slowed down.
It's always and only about the oil and the money.

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"Barry Crimmins is not only a comedy genius,
he's a legend without a paycheck."
-- Bartcop

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Ex-FOX Employees tattle

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"The Dems need to get rid of Harry Reid, have Kennedy retire, fire Dean, and demote Pelosi. 
  These idiots don't have enough sense between all of them to fill a thimble."  
    -- blue62devil, Democrat,   Link

 Is Dean still the DNC chairman?
 When the last time we heard anything from him?

 Did he go windsurfing?

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Subject: My letter to the editor

Hey, Bart, I had a letter to the editor published today in the local newspaper, 
the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.  I thought you would enjoy it.
On their own
EDITOR: The president's recent veto of a bill expanding health care for children 
should remind us that conservative Republicans revere children only until they are born. 
After that, they are on their own.
 Nancy, the Cubs fan

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"We are stopping the Democrats from accomplishing anything. Now, that's winning.
  We're not advancing much, because we're not in the majority but, we're stopping 'em."
    -- the vulgar Pigboy, 10/18/07 who no longer has the phrase "obstructionist minority" in his vocabulary.

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Bob's Discount City

Bob's Discount City

Retirement Season Hits GOP Hard
GOP defending more seats with less money than Dems


This is crunchtime for members of Congress who must decide whether to seek reelection next year
or leave office, and so far Republicans seem to be lunging for the exits. While 16 GOP lawmakers
have decided to throw in the towel on their Capitol Hill careers, only two Democrats so far have
called it quits - and they both are seeking higher office.

The disparity underscores the sharply different moods in the two parties: Democrats, still heady from
winning control of Congress last year, are enjoying the fruits of power. Republicans, in disarray and
reduced to minority status in the House and Senate, see more allure in retirement or private life.

There are so many rats jumping ship.
Will our next president have a veto-proof majority?

And if she does, how long will it be before her own party stabs her in the back?

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Why we hate Hillary
 by Peter Nicholas and Tom Hamburger


Something remarkable happened at 44 Henry St., a grimy Chinatown tenement with peeling walls. 
It also happened nearby at a dimly lighted apartment building with trash bins clustered by the front door.

And again not too far away, at 88 E. Broadway beneath the Manhattan bridge, where vendors chatter 
in Mandarin and Fujianese as they hawk rubber sandals and bargain-basement clothes.

All three locations, along with scores of others scattered throughout some of the poorest Chinese 
neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, have been swept by an extraordinary impulse 
to shower money on one particular presidential candidate -- Hillary.

I wonder how this story would read without all the we-hate-Hillary buzzwords.
What if they write it like adults without an ax to grind - how would it read then?
I guess we'll never know.

Dishwashers, waiters and others whose jobs and dilapidated home addresses seem to make them 
unpromising targets for political fundraisers are pouring $1,000 and $2,000 contributions into her campaign. 
In April, a single fundraiser in an area long known for its gritty urban poverty yielded a whopping $380,000. 
When Kerry ran for president in 2004, he received $24,000 from Chinatown.

If the we-hate-Hillary crowd has evidence a crime has been committed, they should come forward with that.
Shorty of evidence, this is justhate piece number 2,310. Why bother to write such an artticle?
Because the we-hate-Hillary crowd will run this in 10,000 places.

But a piece saying she's 30 points ahead due to hard work and smart, timely moves
will get printed only here and maybe at Josh Marshall's site.

Sidebar: Do I have that right?
Is Josh Marshall the biggest site that doesn't hate Hillary?

Remember, it's not about fairness and accuracy. It's about making the most money
and right now the BIG money is being made in the we-hate-Hillary movement.

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Subject: Obama's honesty

I thought the same thing when I heard him say that on Leno.
She never said that - the MSM is the one's saying that.
He got a laugh but it was dishonest .

What he said makes him sound like a republican.
After that I lost a lot of respect for him .
 Mike      Mesa Az

Mike, no need to lose respect for Obama.
I just wanted to point out that his "schtick" is that he's the "honest" candidate,
but since he's behind he's had to show he's just like everyone else.

He's certainly not the only guy talking shit to get elected.

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Subject: Political parties

I've always held that there is only one party worse than the Democrats.  
I guess I'm just a little tired of living with this reality.  

The Republicans have always been the Morlocks but why do the 
Democrats insist on being the Eloy?   Will they never learn?  

Hillary said something the other day - I didn't hear the entire question but her response was 
"When somebody attacks you, you deck em!  That's the kind of girl I am." (paraphrased, of course).  

I hope to see her live up to this in the near future when the right wing slime machine starts attacking.  
Maybe you can send her your resume as a Response Consultant. It would be such a pleasure to see 
and hear some serious smack down instead of the usual silence from the sackless wankers. What say you?  
You could graduate from a claw hammer to a double jack.

Greg, thanks for that, but she's probably the only candidate who doesn't need my help :)

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"Bush is not a man of his word."

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The BFEE always goes after the wife 
because they're f-ing cowards.


"Pray for Dubya, he's doing a great job!"
    -- bumper sticker seen on an SUV in Tulsa

 Now do you see why I call myself the smartest man in Oklahoma?

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Stop Apologizing!!!!
 Reid and Pelosi must go


Nancy Pelosi did it again. One more apology on a stack of endless apologies from Democrats. 
Please stop being so damn weak. It's embarrassing to look at.

This time it was a rebuke of Pete Stark (D-CA) for saying the president is getting kids killed for 
his own amusement in Iraq. Amusement, ego, whatever. The kids are dying and it is all because of 
the president's vainglory. Pete Stark shouldn't be apologizing for that, Nancy Pelosi shouldn't be 
apologizing on his behalf or rebuking him, it should be the president who is apologizing!

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Random Thought...

When someone says, "Hillary is just like Bush & Cheney,"
what I hear is, "I wouldn't mind another Bush-Cheney administration."


"You want a change from the Bush era? Only pure partisans think Clinton would do it. 
  If you care about the damage done by Bush, don't believe the Clintons would reverse it. 
  They love their power."  
     -- Andrew Sullivan,  Link

 Mr. Bareback wants anybody but Hillary to run against his beloved Fascist Dog party.

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US Allies Kill WaHoPo Reporter in Baghdad
 He survived Al Qaeda and the surge, then our allies shot him


Saif Aldin, a 32-year-old Iraqi reporter in The Washington Post's Baghdad bureau was shot in the head
in the neighborhood of Sadiyah. He was the latest in a long line of reporters, most of them Iraqis,
to be killed while covering the Iraq war. He was the first for The Washington Post.

"They killed him," one man whispered, pointing at members of the Iraqi army brigade on the street.

Iraqi polices said they believed Saif Aldin was killed by Sunni men belonging to the Awakening Council,
a tribal organization aligned with the U.S. military. Iraqi government officials have accused these Sunnis
of abusing their partnership with the Americans to kill and kidnap residents.

So why did America's allies murder the Post reporter?
Did he ask a question about why there are no meters on the Iraqi oil pumps?

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 This rumor has been circulating for years.
 For knowledgeable commentary see Link

Bart, this is BULLSHIT.....    This rumor has been around since Windows 95
 Robert in Seattle     Link

 I didn't even know what it was.
 I assumed it was a 'betray us" type pun on Bush's AG nominee.


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 Catch Mike weeknights on


"Why Democrats would want to nominate Hillary is an intellectual mystery. 
  With Obama, a victory is a slam dunk..."
    -- NA,    Link

 Tennessee is so racist, Gore couldn't even carry his home state.
 So how's a black guy going to win?

 By the way, NA, is that your mouth or your wallet talking?

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The Randi Rhodes "attack'


What really happened?
I have some theories and I invite your comments

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"Burma's rulers continue to defy the world's just demands to stop their vicious persecution." 
     -- Dubya, who's shocked that Burma didn't listen to Pickles's warning,  Link

 Everyone knows if you want to scare some brutal military dictator 
 into changing his ways you send a librarian from Midland, Texas.

 Then again, Pickles tends to get mad when things don't go her way.

  Isn't that why they caller her "Killer?"

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The problem is he IS Gonzales.

Friday, Bill Maher read a column where Mukasey said
when it comes to torture and spying, Bush was above the law.

How can our spineless weenines confirm a crooked cop?

"What Bush wants, Bush gets."

Bloggers who post on the Bartcop Forums


"Secondly, the tactics of our - as you know, we don't have relationships with Iran. 
  I mean, that's - ever since the late '70s, we have no contacts with them, 
  and we've totally sanctioned them. In other words, there's no sanctions
  - you can't - we're out of sanctions."  
    -- Dubya, trying his best to make sense.    Link

 Hey Monkey, no contact with Iran since the seventies?

 Did you forget how your Daddy and Von Reagan stole power?

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Subject: Don't be a rube!

"Will Rudy make up for his pro-choice views by promising war with Iran?"


 Oh, puleeze don't Josh us!  (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

 But seriously, stop pretending Rudolph is a pro-choice candidate.
 No one who's serious about supporting that issue would promise to appoint more Scalitos and Thomases:


 " The kind of judges he has said he would appoint are strict constructionists like Justices Scalia,
 Roberts and Alito - principled individuals who can be trusted to  respect the Constitution as it is written,
 rather than attempting to legislate from the bench."

 Eddy in OKC

 The Constitution spells out a position that prohibits abortion?

 If the Democrats had any balls or brains, (should I bother to finish this?)
 they'd hire Jon Stewart's find-them-clips people to string together every liberal,
 anti-gun, pro-gay, pro-abortion, sanctuary-city, dress-wearing clip he's ever been in.

 Then give me a budget and I promise I'll make Rudy cry.

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"The Dalai Lama admitted that his English language skills equal those of a kindergartner's. 
  When he heard this, Bush said, 'No one likes a show-off.'" 
     -- Conan   

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The Clinton Surprise
 by Judith Warner


Hillary Clinton leads the Democratic field with 51 percent of the vote.
She beats Barack Obama by 24 percentage points among black Democrats.
She is projected now to beat Giuliani - or at the very least to be in a statistical dead heat with him in the general election.

This wasn't supposed to happen. According to the received wisdom of those in-the-know 
here in Washington, Hillary was supposed to be divisive, unelectable, "radioactive."

It was the fault of Bill and Monica. It was the fault of Hillary - and it was the fault of voters
- those people out there who would never, ever elect another Clinton.

Why? Because everyone said so.

"I think the one thing we know about Hillary, the one thing we absolutely know, bottom line,
is she can`t win, right?" is how MSNBC whore Tucker Carlson put it.   "She is unelectable."

You even notice that those who say "She can't win" keep their wallets closed?
Have you ever heard somebody say,
"I have big money that says she can't win?"

And what's Judith Warner doing - saying Hillary can win?
Didn't she get the memo that said that's impossible?

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Bartcop Flashback HOT

Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story on Rush Limbaugh from Bartcop Volume 0041


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The Tattlesnake HOT


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Subject: You can't always be perfect but this one was sloppy

Isn't it likely that Obama's connection to Cheney is through his white mother's side 
of the family and has nothing to do with any possible enslavement of one of Obama's black ancestors? 
 Jon from Boston

 Sure, that's possible.
 I just thought of Cheney's proclivity towards rape.

Are you sayin' that Obama is related to Cheney thru his father's side? 
Be careful with that. 
Unless it is true, it's unwise to insinuate that the relation is not thru Obama's mother.
 Frank in Madison

 I guess I need to watch what I say.

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Suicide is not Painless


Last week a man you've never heard of - Charles D. Riechers, 47, the second-highest-ranking
procurement officer in the United States Air Force - killed himself.

Riechers's suicide occurred just two weeks after his appearance in a exposé in The Washington Whore Post.
The Post reported that the Air Force had asked a defense contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute,
to give him a no-show job while he waited for official clearance for his new Pentagon assignment.

Set against the epic corruption that has defined the war in Iraq, Mr. Riechers's tragic tale is but a passing
anecdote, his infraction at most a misdemeanor. The $26,788 he received for two months in a non-job
doesn't rise even to a rounding error in the Iraq-Afghanistan money pit. So far some $6 billion worth of
contracts are being investigated for waste and fraud, however slowly, by the Pentagon and the Justice
Department. That doesn't include the unaccounted-for piles of cash, some $9 billion in Iraqi funds,
that vanished during L. Paul Bremer's disastrous reign in the Green Zone. Yet Mr. Riechers, not the first
suicide connected to the war's corruption scandals, is a window into the culture of the whole debacle.

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'Catholics' by Louis CK 

Don't watch this while drinking milk 

Audio - Video

Now with working link!

Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

So, you want to work for the Clintons?HOT
 by Jerry Falwell, selling "The Clinton Chronicles" from Hell


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Bruce Yurgil Toon-Off Semi-Finals - Round 18

 Click to vote for your favorite Bruce Yurgil toon

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B profit in 90 days
 $100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 3,830....3,834

We lost another 4 soldiers since last issue.

We've lost 3,834 soldiers,
why are we staying in that meatgrinder?


How much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
Exxon makes $108M - every day

Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have no meters
and his front company is moving to Dubai.

 $100M a day,
$200M a day,
$300M a day - where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.


"The Dalai Lama had a private meeting with Bush. He and Bush they actually have a lot in common. 
  One of the goals of Zen Buddhism is to completely empty your mind. Bush did that years ago."  
     -- Jimmy Kimmel

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Help win "Best Liberal Blog"

Usually I don't care, but they're giving the awards
away in fabulous Las Vegas on Nov 8, 2007

Vote often, Arianna will be there.
Maybe I can convince her to debate :)

Subject: donation

Hope your new Mac works out for you. 
No need to send me any swag or BCR. 
I barely have time to keep up to date on the page. 
All the best to you and Mrs. Bart. 
 Dan L

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Who's the sexiest woman currently on TV?

 Evangeline Lily would be eligible, because Lost will be here in January,
 but Jamie Lynn Sigler would not be, because The Sopranos is in the past.
 Kelly Ripa would be eligible, because she's on TV every weekday,
 but Alyssa Milano would not be, because she's a guest star on Earl.

 Click to nominate your choice.

 If you ladies would like a Sexiest man currently on TV poll,
 you'll have to nominate your own men because I wouldn't have a clue

 And if this kind of thing makes your blood boil,
 scroll down and enjoy the Doonesbury cartoon.

 Garry Trudeau has been great lately.

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