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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

BCR 129 is hereHOT

Weekend-Monday  Nov 17-19, 2007  Vol 2072 - The Mac Issue 

Quote of the Day

"I can't dictate what other people say
-- that's not my business."
    -- John McCain on why it's OK to call Hillary
     "that bitch" at campaign appearances,    Link

   So John, does that mean it's OK for us
   to call you 'Republicunce?'

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Excerpt: A Cold Rain 
Arrow Send W a present HOT
Arrow Goodbye Mr. Bush
Arrow Clinton Body Count HOT
Arrow Triple Monkey Mail
Arrow False Narrative WorksHOT
Arrow Why I hate Hillary... HOT
Arrow $170,000 for Led tickets 
Arrow Jennifer Morrison's Trek 



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"Oh father, we acknowledge our wastefulness. But we're doing better."
       --Gov. Sonny Perdue (R-GA), praying for rain,

Hey Sonny, guess what?
You're asking for rain from a being that doesn't exist.

You might as well be asking Ahab's whale for rain, or the Easter Bunny.

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 A Cold Rain
 Excertp from Neck Deep by Robert Parry

One of Bush's biggest applause lines of Campaign 2000 was his vow to restore "honor and dignity"; to the Oval Office.
But other Americans believe January 20, 2001, was a day of infamy for the American Republic. It was the first time in
112 years that a popular-vote loser was to be installed as President of the United States - and then only after he
engineered an unprecedented intervention by political allies on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Five Republican justices had stopped the vote count in the swing state of Florida, where Jeb and other Bush loyalists
oversaw the election, which then was awarded to Bush by 537 votes out of six million ballots cast.

So, on that cold January day, tens of thousands of protesters poured into the streets of Washington, D.C.,
shouting angry slogans and waving handwritten anti-Bush signs.

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Used with permission

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"The idea that that this is mudslinging... We're talking about substantive issues of war. 
If anybody, including Sen. Clinton, thinks this is mudslinging - this is milquetoast, 
compared to what we're going to see next fall.''
     -- John Edwards, giving Hillary advice on how to battle the Republican slime machine.

John, I'm sure she appreciates that.
Without you, she'd never know what to expect.

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Send Bush a copy of the Constitution for Christmas


Dear President Bush:

Enclosed please find a copy of the U.S. Constitution.
I wish you'd make some time in your busy schedule to read it.

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"We of the baby boom generation and our children and grandchildren
  will be paying for this war for a very long time to come."
     -- Chuck Schumer, sponsor of torture and presidential lawlessness, Link

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Subject: Bartcop only worth one penny?

David, you over spent.

Neil in VT, who was a good friend until Hillary and Israel drove him insane with rage.

Oh well, at least he's still reading every day

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Goodbye, Mr. Bush
 by Sid Blumenthal


Under crisis conditions of an extraordinary magnitude political leadership of the highest level will be required
in the next presidency. The damage is broad, deep and spreading, apparent not only in international disorder
and violence, the unprecedented decline of U.S. prestige, and the flouting of our security and economic interests
but also in the hollowing out of the federal government's departments and agencies, and their growing incapacity
to fulfill their functions, from FEMA to the Department of Justice.

The more rigid the current president is in responding to the chaos he has fostered, the more the Republicans
still supporting him rally around him as a pillar of strength. His flat learning curve, refusal to admit error and
redoubling of mistakes are regarded as tests of his strong character. Whatever his low poll ratings of the moment,
his stubborn adherence to failure is admired as evidence of his potency.

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"A new American Research Group poll finds that 64% of American voters say that Bush
has abused his powers as president and 70% say that Cheney has abused his powers."
    -- Political Wire,   Link

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Subject: W sticker

Bart, one of the pilots that flys for me was driving in a wal-mart parkng lot not long ago, when this guy
in a big black SUV cut him off and parked in the spot that he wanted. On the back of the SUV was a
W-04 bumper sticker. My guy slowed and rolled down his window, as the "dick" got out of his SUV,
my pilot said " Hey dude, some ASSHOLE put a dubwa sticker on the back of your truck!"

What could he say? I laughed my ass off when he came back to the airport and told me.

Keep the hammer swinging

a child size pillar

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Snopes: The Clinton Body Count


We shouldn't have to tell anyone not to believe this claptrap, but we will anyway. In a frenzied media climate
where the Chief Executive couldn't boff (He didn't boff Monica, Snopes should know better) a White House
intern without the whole world finding out every niggling detail of each encounter, are we supposed to believe
the same man had been having handfuls of detractors and former friends murdered with impunity?

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Kerry gets serious about Swift-Boat lies
 He's only three years too late...


John Kerry, whose 2004 presidential campaign was torpedoed by his inability to answer critics of his war record,
said Friday he has personally accepted a Texas oilman's offer to pay $1 million to anyone who can disprove even
a single charge of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

In a letter to T. Boone Pickens, Kerry  wrote: 'While I am prepared to show they lied on allegation after allegation,
you have generously offered to pay one million dollars for just one thing that can be proven false. I am prepared
to prove the lie beyond any reasonable doubt.'"

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How False Narrative Works
  by Sam, Nat and Robert Parry

When released on May 25, 1999 - shortly after the Clinton impeachment battle had ended - the Cox report
was greeted by conservative groups and the national news media as another indictment of the Clinton administration.

By then, the Washington press corps had long been addicted to "Clinton scandals" and viewed almost any allegation
through that prism, regardless of the details.

The Cox report gave weight in the public's mind to the suspicion that there was something far more sinister behind
earlier allegations that a Chinese government front had funneled $30,000 in illegal "soft money" donations to the Democrats in 1996.

Cox pulled off his sleight of hand with barely anyone spotting the trick card up his sleeve. The key ruse was to leave out
dates of alleged Chinese spying in the 1980s and thus obscure the fact that the floodgates of U.S. nuclear secrets to China
- including how to build the miniaturized W-88 nuclear warhead - had opened wide during the Reagan-Bush era.

While leaving out those Republican time elements, Cox shoved references to the alleged lapses into the presidencies
of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

We know they're going to lie - the trick is fighting back,
but that trick was never learned by Gore or Kerry.

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Subject: BCR Show 129

Bart, for my money, show 129 was a triumph. I dig the format. More Bart, more analysis, more "attitude."
Newspapers in hand, preaching. Preaching! You're verily the first "televangelist" I ever paid. :-)

You're like a corrective lens trained on a distorted world, and if ever you quit, your followers would be sorely deprived.
That distinctive Bart vision -- severe and clear -- is what's kept me coming back to your page all these years.
It ain't the music and it ain't the hotties. It's *you*. You've got something special. I'm glad I finally paid this summer,
and if I've got any bucks next summer, I'll pay again. If I could do more I would; and if ever I can I will.

There's a doctoral dissertation for some Poli Sci researcher, just in your archives. And I think if the direction
of this country really flips next November, you're going to be in for some favorable press. Bartism will suddenly
come much more into fashion. Be ready for that.

If things go wrong, though...I don't even want to contemplate it.
They could be arresting people like you before long, and they'll come after the likes of me soon after.

As bad as the Repiglicans have f%$#ed things up, if we can't win in 2008 we may as well hang it up
and get ready for real troubles. Am I over-dramatizing?

Cliff in Fountain, NC

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Today's issue was written on a Mac, thanks to Blue in Seattle.

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Why I hate Hillary... HOT


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"I think that, you know, there's more and more opinion, less and less people who know how to do the job.
All you've got to do is shout, say something on the blog that offends and attacks the other side, and suddenly,
you have the credentials, and you’re said to be a journalist. I think it's a great lie."
       --Juan Williams, liar and whore, attacking Kos for being hired (along with Karl Rove) to write for Newsweek   Link

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Subject: What Obama is waiting for...

You get dumber every day.

I do not - I stay the same amount of dumb on a consistent basis.

At this time in the last election.  Dean was at 40% and Kerry was at 7%.

Like that means something...

How did that work out for your little frontrunner.

Was that supposed to be a question?
Questions have one of these - ? - at the end.
Plus, Dean is "my little front-runner?"
Are you trying to slur him or me?
And guess what, Dean ain't Hillary.

Here's the deal for clueless moron's like you.

ha ha

Hillary Clinton is the most well known name in the Country.

Actually, she's the most recognized and respected woman on the planet.

Obama is not as well known as Hillary's dog.

Hillary doesn't have a dog, Einstein.

What Obama is waiting for is people in Iowa to pay attention,
and not be demented idiot's that think HIllary is Bill Clinton.
 Swanny the Monkey

You better call the police because someone stole some words
that might've made that last sentence make sense - potentially.

BTW, it's 44 days until Iowa - when's he going to start?

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Subject: Re your 9-11 theory about controller tapes

Bart, you  wrote:

> Another fact to remember: They took the audio tapes from the control towers and cut them into
> little pieces and put them in many different trash cans so nobody could ever hear what was on them - why?
> Why would innocent men need to cover their tracks?

Sorry, but Randi Rhodes is wrong about this.

I didn't hear this from Randi, or at least not exclusively from her.

First of all, the tape was not an official tape of radio communication.
Second, it was not created at a control tower, but an enroute center.
Third, it was a record, after the fact, of controller's recollection of what transpired.
Fourth, it was recorded illegally in violation of Federal and Labor laws.
Fifth, the controllers statements were to be written records entered into the official record, and that did occur.
Sixth, when the manager found out it was an illegal tape, he destroyed it on his own accord,
without approval from the powers that be.  He took much heat for it from the upper echelon.

There is no need to make things up.
Call me anonymous.

I didn't make up a goddamn thing and you need to watch your ass.
I make mistakes but I don't tell lies.

It seems you have an opinion about some tape, and that's OK.
But don't tell me that I didn't hear what my ears heard.

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"Yeah. And it's measurable. In other words, violence is declining..."
    -- Der Shipanse, on the fact that there are fewer people left to murder in Baghdad   Link

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Subject: i love bush

You can kiss my ass.
I love bush and reagan.
I'll kick you in your bush fag. Get a life.

You have nothing better to do but talk shit.
If any other fag like you was in there, you would have let 911 go
and made the whole country look like pussies.
He had the balls to do something. Fuck you bitch ass fag.
 Andrew Deans

I'm curious - how would you kick me in my "bush fag?"
I don't own a "bush fag," so how you going to kick me there?

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Syphlitic Quotes

"I wonder if anybody sighted Eliot Spitzer on a rowboat out on Lake Placid
  with Don Vito Clintonleone, supposedly having a good time over breakfast?"
       --Rush Limbaugh

The poor Pigboy, so desperate to paint Clinton as a bad guy, in his syphlitic fever
he's convinced himself that Clinton's going to whack Spitzer for some damn reason.

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"It makes sense for Newsweek to hire Rove. He has been writing their news
  for seven years anyway.  May as well have him on the staff."
     -- fishingriver,   Link

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Nancy Grace back in the Hospital
She surprised doctors with twin chupacabras



New mom Nancy Grace is doing "good" after she was hospitalized with complications after giving birth
to twin chupacabras prematurely.  The Limbaugh-esque "newswoman" had trouble breathing after delivering
chupacabras Rush and Karl two months early on November 4. Doctors then found two blood clots in her lungs,
but the 48-year-old witch is now on the road to recovery. She'll be back to slurring the innocent in no time.

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Subject: loose change

Hey Bart,

I was a big fan of yours for a long time.
However, because of your position against 9-11 truth you lost me.

I happened to check out your site today for some reason and saw this post for loosechange.
You have me back.

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Rumsfeld met by angry anti-war crowd


NEWPORT BEACH - Protesters swarmed the intersection outside the Island Hotel Saturday night to protest
an appearance by Donald Rumsfeld, who came to the hotel to accept an award from a conservative institute.

The protesters, many of whom identified themselves as members of anti-war groups, drew a steady series of honks
from motorists and often shouted slogans at drivers who gave no response. Inside the hotel by Fashion Island,
the Claremont Institute prepared to honor Rumsfeld with its annual Statesmanship Award.

"We're here to make a statement to Mr. Rumsfeld that not everyone bought his lies," said Whittier resident
Arturo Cambron, whose son is stationed in Baghdad.

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They read it in Citta' di Castello, Perugia, Italy

They read it in Lake City, MN.

They read it in Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile.

They read it in Pozo Lorente, Spain

They read it in Melvindale, Michigan

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Can we believe they'd sink this low?

They're equating a 40-year old accident to the intentional
and repeated torture of hundreds of possibly-innocent men for the
amusement of a sad little boy who never got any love as a child.

Subject: Dead Americans?

Last I heard, we had actually lost many thousand more soldiers than are actually being counted.
Many parents are asking why their kids are not in the list of nearly 4k.
I heard on Mike Malloy it may be closer to 12k.
 Julie from Scottsdale

P.S. we all know Iraqis are somehow not human or important as their totals aren't even allowed
to be counted or reported. Damn I hate these people.

Someone like USA Today or the whore AP could do a real count, but they love this war.

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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B profit in 90 days
 $100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 3,865....3,871

We lost another 6 soldiers since last issue.

We've have 3,871 dead soldiers.

We'd like to bring the soldiers home,
but someone is stopping us.

How much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
Exxon makes $108M - every day

Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have no meters
and his front company is moving to Dubai.

 $100M a day,
$200M a day,
$300M a day - where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Zep fan pays $170,000 for reunion tickets


A Led Zeppelin fan has paid $170,000 dollars for a pair of tickets to their upcoming reunion in London, the BBC said Thursday.

Kenneth Donnell from Glasgow paid the huge sum to see the band rehearse and perform at the gig on 10 December,
in an auction to raise funds for a BBC charity. Tickets for the gig were put on sale at $250 in October.
More than one million people applied for the 20,000 tickets after the reunion gig, a tribute to Ahmet Ertegun,
the late founder of the Atlantic Records label, who signed the group in 1968.

Led Zeppelin have sold more than 300 million albums worldwide.

I've heard they're doing closed circuit showings instead of a Pay-Per-View.
Anybody heard of that closed circuit offer in your town?

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Subject: donation

Hey Bart,

Just a note to tell you I wish I could get you some dough. Alas; I haven't been paid myself in a month.
Friggin' start up company that looks like it was a semi-money laundering ruse by some pump-and-dump shysters.
I am depressed (as our buddy Slim Pickens said).

Keep swingin' the hammer; it is one of the few chucks I get in a day, these days.
When I get better heeled, I'll send you some gelt.
 Mad Mike

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