"The liar is Ahmadinejad, and he
has a lot of explaining to do."
-- Dana Purina, lying again, Link
Dana, the whole world knows you're lying.
You got CAUGHT, remember?
Nobody believes a word from this drunken
White House and they won't till Bush resigns.
"I mean, talk about a direct IV into the vein of your support. It’s a very efficient way to communicate.
They regurgitate exactly and put up on their blogs what you said to them. It is something that we’ve
cultivated and have really tried to put quite a bit of focus on."
-- White House spokeswhore Dan Bartlett, bragging about right-wing bloggers, Link
But the problem is - the American Whore Press does the same thing.
The Whore Times, the Whore Post - they're stenographers for your lies and propaganda.
They print whatever you tell them to print, and they pretend it's facts and that should be a crime.
The neoconservative strategy reached its zenith after the 9/11 attacks as the U.S. intelligence community and the
Washington press corps caved under intense political pressure. Essentially, Bush and the
neocons got to manipulate
reality itself – and they used that power to scare the heck out of the American people.
Some grassroots resistance emerged to challenge these faux realities, but it didn’t gain much traction until Katrina
flooded New Orleans in late summer 2005 and Bush couldn’t spin his administration’s incompetent response.
Since then, the struggle has been up and down. Public revulsion over Bush’s arrogance and the neocons' bloody
fiasco in Iraq led to the Republican congressional defeat in 2006. But the Democrats then frittered away their
advantage with a feckless approach on Iraq troop withdrawals and a failure to mount sustained investigations
of administration wrongdoing.
Those words are as true an any Bob Parry has ever written.
How did I end up in a party of sacless cry-babies and scared bunnies?
Pelosi and Reid don't even have hamster balls, even when Bush is at 24% in the approval ratings.
Hey guys, he'll never get any lower than he is today because 24% will ALWAYS stick with him.
Bush could rape and murder widows and orphans on the White House lawn and keep talk radio,
the cable TV Nazis, the Sunday talk shows and the NYWT and the WaHoPo, so what are you waiting for?
Bush just got caught trying to lie us into another endless bloody quagmire - and you do nothing?
Ever time Bush asks for 100 billion dollars, remember that 40 billion goes to his cronies.
We got a bunch of e-mail about the last issue - what were they writing about?
Was it Robert Parry's, "What Can Be Done?" about Bush? -- no.
Was it John Edwards vowing to support a Bush-Cheney clone for president? -- no.
Was it sending your fetus into battle in Baghdad? -- no, nobody even mentioned that.
Was it Michael Hammerschlag's report from Moscow? -- no.
Was it Huckabee attacking Rudy? -- no.
Was it Bush lying us into another fake war with Iran? -- no.
Was it Bush's illegal re-writing of mortage contracts? -- no.
Was it watching the bastard squirm whan asked about his lack of intelligence? -- no.
Was it 'How Gay is Trent Lott?' -- no.
Was it Waco? We got a few letters on that, but no.
Was it Rudy's cheating quotes? Or the bloody warmongers graphic? -- no.
Was it the article on "Obama Fever?" -- no.
Was it Bush's refusal to face the facts on that NIE report? -- no.
Was it Romney's religiously insane speech? Or the Pigboy's quotes? -- no.
Was it the Hot Teacher getting caught, while Osama runs free? -- no.
Was it another Republican caught raping little boys? -- no.
Was it outrage over the 10M e-mails the Bush bastards illegally deleted? -- no.
Was it the graphic of Obama driving Miss Hillary?
There are few choices more terrifying than the one Mr. Bush has left
us with.
We have either a president who is too dishonest to restrain himself
from invoking World War Three about Iran
at least six weeks after he
had to have known that the analogy would be fantastic, irresponsible
hyperbole --
or we
have a president too transcendently stupid not to
have asked — at what now appears to have been a
series of
opportunities to do so — whether the fairy tales he either created or
was fed, were still even remotely plausible.
A pathological presidential liar, or an idiot-in-chief.
It is the nightmare scenario of political science fiction.
Somebody needs to point out to the Democrats that if they can't handle this impeachment,
they need to step aside so others can get in there and end this bloody nightmare for America.
What might be easier is the Republicans in the senate need to pay a visit to the White House
(Or has Bush made this the Black House?) and tell Bush that his little party is over - he needs to go.
The Democrats should push for impeachment and woe to any Republican who stands in our way.
After getting caught lying us into a second fake war, voters will remove anyone who stands with The Liar.
A few days ago I stumbled onto the cd "Absolute Garbage".
Based solely on your obsession with Shirley, I bought it.
I was very surprised when I listend to it, because the woman has a very sexy voice.
I also recognised the tune "Special", which I really like. I am glad I made the epurchase.
Ron in Lima, Peru
Ron, if you like her voice, you need to get Garbage 2.0, their second album.
It has several "fog songs" on it, those moody songs that are great to hear on rainy days.
Shirley does as much moaning as she does singing on those songs - you can't go wrong there.
Use this portal and they'll send bartcop.com four cents from each
dollar you spend.
"We just found out that Iran has a covert nuclear weapons program.
It proves that we were right,
and that international pressure is what caused them to halt it." -- Dana Perino, on Fox News last night,Link
They're not even sorry they got caught?
They keep saying, "We didn't eat any ice cream" with ice cream all over their faces.
In the hope of helping our Homeland Security department, I am starting a list of traitors to the
United States, could also be considered enemy combatants, or terrorists. What makes these people
especially scary is that they live among us openly often in important positions in our social life
and government. I invite all you non readers to contribute with details. Only one rule, racism of
any kind will not get tolerated. Expression of ideas is totally free.
We have a democracy and this is our country as long as we have sworn allegiance to the flag.
Unfortunately because we live in a democracy and more importantly a Capitalist Democracy,
notice Capitalist comes before Democracy, it is intentional, but unfortunately also true.
When it comes to the psychological wounds a war inflicts, the Army still doesn't get it.
Army Officials are distressed that personal details about the health of 1st Lt. Elizabeth Whiteside
been made public. We bet: They look ridiculous in their cruel pursuit of legal charges against
a woman
injured in service to her country. This is not an isolated case of insensitivity. The abuse of
Lt. Whiteside
raises questions about how far the military has really come in its treatment of mental health problems.
Lt. Whiteside faces a possible court-martial on charges that she attempted suicide in Iraq. The 25-year-old
Army reservist had a stellar record of service but had a breakdown, possibly caused by her service in
war-torn Baghdad. After a series of stressful incidents, she shot herself in the stomach. Despite the
unequivocal judgment of psychiatrists that she suffers from significant mental illness, her commanders
pressed criminal charges against her, and she's now waiting to hear whether the Army will court-martial her.
How could anybody volunteer to join this circle jerk?
They lie to get you to join, (The Whore Court ruled it's LEGA: for them to lie to recruit you) then they
send you to places they promised they wouldn't, they give you jobs for which you have no training
in places where you could easily die if you accidentally do the job correctly. If you get hurt, they try to
push you back onto the battlefield and if you're too wounded to fight, they say you were that way
when you signed up so they refuse to pay for your treatment. Meanwhile, the mercenaries at Blackwater
are getting a year's pay each month and - get this - THEY have good benefits at Blackwater.
Who but the insane would volunteer under these circumstances?
Bart, I was horrified when you ran a two-three minute piece by O'Reilly without saying anything,
while letting his words just sort of hit the ground and lie there steaming.
I couldn't believe you let that rant of his go on.
I don't want to hear O'Reilly talk for that long on your show, or anywhere for that matter,
unless the guy he's interviewing ends up yelling "Baba Booey! Baba Booey! Howard Stern's Penis!"
-Tom R
Tom, Mike Malloy sent that clip to me.
I think he enjoyed getting under O'Reilly's skin.
Last Sunday's New York Times contained an op-ed by Frank Rich ("Who's Afraid of Obama," Dec. 2)
suggesting that, for a variety of reasons, Barack Obama is the Democrat the Republicans fear most.
While Rich emphasized Obama's authenticity, his early and unequivocal opposition to the Iraq war
and his cross-over appeal to independents and Republicans, missing from his otherwise excellent
article were polling results confirming why Republicans fear an Obama presidential candidacy and
why they would prefer to run against Hillary Clinton.
While Clinton maintains her lead in national polling among Democrats, in direct matchups against
Republican presidential candidates, she consistently runs behind both Obama and Edwards. In the
recent whore Zogby Poll (Nov. 26, 2007), every Republican candidate beats Clinton.
By contrast, Obama beats every major Republican candidate:
I printed this kinda as a joke.
Someone named Guy Saperstein, writing for Alternet, quotes Frank Rich in the Whore Times
quoting for-sale Zogby and his vote-as-many-times-as-you-want unscientific polls.
What a f-ing joke journalism is in this country.
They might as well have quoted those handjob polls that Kos runs.
If you're a writer who hates Hillary, you'd better open a few more bank accounts
because the FDIC will only insure each one for $100,000.
"What sets the books above the heap of other politically-inspired
manuals is Wokusch's writing style. She is punchy but not preachy
and her ability to synthesize information, giving readers everything they
need to know
and leaving out the rest, is invaluable." -- Tara Lohan, alternet.org
"I need a Greek translator for some of that. Really? Sounds like Green Acres-- oh, Zsa Zsa Gabor.
We're watching Green Acres. That's right, Eddie Albert and the pitchfork. Exactly right."
-- Lard-ass Limbaugh on 12/06/07, effortlessly crushing the myth the he "never mocks anyone"
by mocking Arianna Huffington after playing an audio-cilp of her. -- Mac
If Rush's brain wasn't so wracked with syphilis, he might remember it was Eva Gabor on Green Acres.
Just finished reading the page and was about to go to bed,
but figured I should get some old BCR
for the long-ass commute
to work, and bam! BCR Show 130 is up!
I hope it's as good as 129 was, it had everything.
Tony in Chicago
"Notice how we never hear how smart Chimpy is anymore, the Harvard and Yale stuff.
He's proven his stupidity, and he has proven he was a legacy in the Ivy League.
Let's face it, if Chimpy was in Delta House, he was Flounder."
-- California Dave
"They're not carrying the big stick I would have expected with the Democrats in the majority." -- Dick Cheney, telling the truth, Link
"We serve at the pleausre of the President!"
Joe Biden has been playing grab-ass with Condi all these years.
Kissyface went to the Dark Side a long time ago.
Kerry should apologize to America and resign in disgrace.
Leahy is STILL asking nice for the White House to give him documents.
How did we all get stuck in this party of pink-tutu pussies?
Hell, would they sac up if we got them drunk?
Is there ANYTHING that could make men out of our mice?
Just a little over a month ago Bush said, "If Iran had a nuclear weapon,
it'd be a dangerous threat to world peace.
So I told people that if
you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to
be interested"
in ensuring Iran not gain the capacity to develop such
But in the last few days it has come out that all 16 of our
intelligence agencies have determined that Iran is not
nuclear weapons. Now we find out that Bush was told by these agencies,
before he made his bizarre
reference to WW3, that Iran wasn't making
weapons. Bush lied ... again!
We all know now that Bush lied to get us into the Iraq war and now he's
doing the same thing all over again.
Every time Bush says something
stupid like World War III the price of gas goes up 25 cents. Bush is a
and he's trying to start another war.
Where is the outrage?
America sunk so low that when the President tries to start another
illegal war that no one cares?
And we wonder why America is no longer
respected in the world community.
Or, consider sending a check bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
Vulgar Pigboy Quotes
"If JFK were alive today, and if JFK had remained consistent to his beliefs,
they wouldn't let him into a Democrat convention." Ahm
-- the vulgar
Pigboy, begging for a tax cut because it's hard to makie it on $30M a year
Butt Rush, JFK's not alive today because you sons of bitches murdered him.
When an election doesn't go your way, you murder or impeach the guy.
"There wasn't any diplomatic pressure on Iran, unless you consider Shock and Awe,
or being labeled as one of the three members of the Axis of Evil diplomatic pressure."
-- the Oxycotin child molester, calling George W Bush a liar
"You could say ecofriendly kangaroo farts could help global warming."
-- Rush, proving that the tertiary stage of syphilis is the worst
They read it in Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
They read it in Tampa, Florida
They read it in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
What kind of person reads bartcop.com?
I don't know how you people with kids do it.
I don't have near enough hours in the day and I have no kids and no job.
I'll bet the women deserve 80% of the credit - they make better managers.
How do you juggle a job, kids and keeping the house in order?
And worse, if you don't have any money you can't cut any corners.
I'm surprised you have time to read bartcop.com
What's it like having not-enough money and having kids?
In the Fantasy Middle East, the troop surge is helping plucky Iraq get its act together; and Iran, as serious a threat
as ever and still lusting to start World War III, awaits liberation by the superpower known as “Johnny Democracy.”
In the reality version, our legacy is bad water, cancer and social chaos. Iraq has, by one scientific extrapolation,
surpassed the million mark in war dead and continues to rack up other numbers (4 million internal and external
refugees, for instance, but not to worry, only 133 of them got into the U.S. this year) that . . . I dunno, maybe
it’s just me . . . seem antithetical to the idea of democracy. And of course, as the latest National Intelligence
Estimate has just embarrassingly informed the world, Iran shut down its nuclear weapons program four years ago.
But so what? The president and his coterie of “High Nooniacs” want to invade Iran anyway and spread our
pretend— and, unavoidably, our real — legacy to that country as well, and if they really set their minds to it,
make the right calls,
rally the media, pound the fear button, pound it again, they’ll do it, reality (and its wide-eyed,
stunned adherents) be damned. We won’t stop them. We have nothing but our scattered selves.
Here's what I like to do every time I see a throng of frothing religious zombies marching in the streets
of Sudan or Pakistan or Colorado Springs or anywhere else in the world, carrying knives and torches
and holding festering clots of fear in their hearts as they burn flags or photographs or copies of
"The Goblet of Fire" or "The Golden Compass" or that sweet little book about the cute gay penguins
in the Central Park Zoo and all screaming for the instant death of someone who dared to suggest that,
say, Jesus was actually a liberal pacifist or that L. Ron Hubbard was a nutball hack or that it's perfectly
delightful to let sweet little schoolkids name a sweet little teddy bear 'Muhammad.'
I try to remember. No wait, that'not quite right. First, I get past the wave of nausea and sadness, that hot,
palpable feeling that we are, still and forever, a baffled and insane and deeply doomed species and the
world of man is indeed bleak and hopeless on far too many levels to count.
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