"Hillary can be relentless and like a sledgehammer, delivering tendentious but
probably effective attacks. But whatever you think of those attacks, Obama isn't
very good at defending himself. And that's hard for me to ignore when thinking
of him as a general election candidate. In most of these cases -- such as the Reagan
issue -- I think Obama's remarks have been unobjectionable but ambiguous and
certainly susceptible to both misunderstanding and intentional misrepresentation.
And if you're going to talk like that -- nuance, as we used to say -- be able to
it when people play with your words. And I don't see it." -- Josh Marshall, Link
Josh Marshall has been the most level-headed of the big lefty web sites.
For the second time in two weeks, the entire U.S. press has let itself be scooped by
Rupert Murdoch's London Sunday Times on a dynamite story of criminal activities
by corrupt U.S. officials promoting nuclear proliferation.
But there is a worse journalistic sin than being scooped, and that is participating in
a cover-up of information that demands urgent attention from the public, the U.S.
Congress and the courts.
For the last two weeks -- one could say, for years -- the major American media have
been guilty of ignoring entirely the allegations of the courageous and highly credible
source Sibel Edmonds, quoted in the London Times on Jan. 6, 2008, in a front-page
story that was front-page news in much of the rest of the world but was not reported
in a single American newspaper or network.
So, Bush's American whore press is covering up his crimes?
That won't come as a shock to most readers of bartcop.com.
The whore press hasn't done an honest day's work since Clinton left office.
Their practice of hiding the truth, attacking Democrats and praising Bush is
one reason the Internet has become so political - it's the
ONLY place where
Americans can get the truth about the Boy King's thugs and their crimes.
"Edwards got himself back in it last night - he showcased his style and his key issues,
and is clearly back in the game. He showed he continues to deserve to share a debate
stage with Hillary and Obama; thanks to that performance, voters here in Carolina
will likely give him another look heading into Saturday’s primary vote." -- Bill Schneider of CNN, Link
Schneider is almost as stupid as Blitzer, but he's not a whore for sale.
For that, we go to John Zogby.
He said Obama would win New Hampster by 13,
then he went on
Jon Stewart and said, "I have no f-ing idea what I'm doing."
Now he says Obama will win Carolina by TWENTY points.
Maybe the Obama camp wrote him a check?
Zogby will give you whatever poll numbers you can afford.
Sidebar: Have you noticed Jon Stewart changed the name of his show?
It's now called, "A Daily Show," instead of "THE Daily Show."
“Neither race nor gender should be a part of this campaign,” Hillary said
during the
Las Vegas debate. Obama affirmed that neither Hillary nor Bill
had racist motives,
but it’s mystifying that Obama let the controversy go as far as it did.
It’s starting to look like a pattern. Obama says something deliberately provocative,
then complains about being misrepresented or double-teamed. In basketball, to continue
a metaphor Obama would certainly recognize, it’s called “working the refs.”
Players do it when they’re losing.
Hey Bart,
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed that Parry's push for $50K jumped from about
$6K to over $40K real all of a sudden like. Right about the time he jumped on
the Clinton-bashing bandwagon.
I too have been a reader, and a fan, of his for a long time, and collecting even
small change has always seemed to be tough for him. But, like you've always said,
there's big money to be made hating Clintons. In Parry's case, it really is a shame.
Keep up the good work.
Dan L
Certainly Parry has pissed off a lot of his readers.
It's too bad he's chosen not to explain himself.
The Fed's emergency interest rate cut to keep the market from
how close the economy is to falling apart.
It's falling
apart because
we're spending more money than we have.
That rate
cut was just a short term fix to get us through the day.
It's like
borrowing on one credit card to pay off another.
We can't get out of
debt by printing more money.
We have to change back from running a
deficit to
running a surplus like we had when Clinton was president.
My caucus was the worst organized debacle I have ever been involved in.
I first have to give up my candidate, John Edwards, because he did not stay viable.
OK. My guy lost. My party rules said if you do not get enough votes you move to
another candidate or you choose uncommitted or you leave.
I joined Hillary's caucus.
Then I come home and see that Obama, despite getting substantially fewer votes,
has more delegates than my new choice, Hillary Clinton.
I lost three times today, and you wasted my time.
You guys have now joined the US Supreme Court in stealing the election
from the person who won it. Hillary Clinton won, but Obama becomes
our nominee if we are the last criteria used to choose our nominee.
>"People see themselves in Obama, they love him, they need him, they can't live
> without him but they can't explain why - they just want somebody to love".
I know you watch American Idol and I think you know more Americans voted for
the winner then
voted in an election that would alter their lives and their children's lives.
People didn't vote for the
winner because they saw themselves in Tailor Hicks.
Why did they? CHARISMA! Let's try to be honest -
Barack has it, Hillary doesn't.
Americans want to be entertained just like the Romans at the coliseum.
The Amera-Romans won't make a wise pragmatic choice unless they personally
get their nose bloodied.
I goes against my base instincts but as of now I'm backing HRC.
DFG in Blue PA
You DID notice that this is something the Republicans did in a hurry
just before
they left just in case the Democrats took over because they'd
not be able to shove it
through a Democratic congress? Cafferty said as
Excerpt: On a first-lady goodwill tour of Asia in April 1995, Hillary had been in Nepal and was
introduced to the late Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest. Ever ready to milk
the moment, she announced that her mother had actually named her for this famous explorer.
The claim "worked" well enough to be repeated at other stops and even showed up in Bill
Clinton's memoirs almost a decade later, as one more instance of the gutsy tradition that
undergirds the junior senator from New York.
Sen. Clinton was born in 1947, and Sir Edmund Hillary did not ascend Mount Everest
until 1953, so the story was self-evidently untrue and eventually yielded to fact-checking.
Indeed, a spokeswoman for Sen. Clinton named Jennifer Hanley phrased it like this in a
statement in October 2006, conceding that the tale was untrue but nonetheless charming:
"It was a sweet family story her mother shared to inspire greatness in her daughter..."
Hitchens is right - we can't elect a serial liar like Hillary.
We need another George Bush - yeah, like we need another 4,000 dead soldiers.
Don't quit running Parry just because he doesn't trust Hillary.
You think you can twist my words and I won't catch you?
Your opening sentence is a half-ton of crappola.
Parry and you and everyone reading this can trust whoever they want, but seven
of his last eight columns have been pure horseshit,
reading Hillary's
mind and then
revealing alllll of her
bad intentions to the American voters.
Parry's got balls of steel. He went up against the Rethugs on Iran-Contra,
and that
cost him his career. He's kept on fighting. Name me another journalist
conducted such extensive, effective and accurate investigations as Parry's
of the Reagan-Bush junta.
You don't need to explain Parry to me. I'm so disappointed in him
he was one of the best if not THE best before he got his mind-reading helmet.
Sidebar: Greg Palast hates her, too, but he's not 24/7 obsessed with her.
The guy's wholly dedicated to making politicians accountable for their actions.
That includes Hillary.
Funny how it doesn't include any Democrats BUT Hillary, and worse,
he's leading the torch mob for crimes Hillary will commit once she's in office.
Gosh, that mind-reading from the future sure comes in handy.
You may not like it when he calls Hillary a liar - but if anybody is in a position to
identify an establishment politician who will protect those in power from being held
accountable, it's Parry. He's seen it first-hand.
So, there's only one liar in politics and it's Hillary Clinton?
Seven of the last eight columns on Hillary's "Lies" tells you nothing?
If you like the new Bob Parry, you must love Tweety Matthews, the WaHoPo,
FOX News, Rush the vulgar Pigboy, Andrew Sullivan, Arianna and Dowd.
Parry used to be very different from them - now I can't tell them apart.
Yes, he probably is still pissed off that Clinton let Bush 1 walk after that guilty
sombitch perpetrated vast and loathsome crimes against democracy. Yes, he
probably is taking some stuff out on Hillary - but his criticisms are not without merit.
You either believe he can read minds, and that he's honest about what he "reads,"
or you don't. I'll never believe anybody can read minds until they read mine.
If you want to argue with him, that's cool.
Ideally, Parry should push you to a higher standard.
Dropping him is just weak ass punk shit.
You know me - I love a good fight, but Parry has turned into another Rush.
Every word from either Clinton is "more proof" that they're evil monsters.
Why would I print such irrational hate speech on this page?
Subject: Robert Parry
Why run a broken record? It only gets more and more
annoying every time the fucking record skips.
Is anyone surprised the super-rich are celebrating?
Bush gave them billions in extra cash and with
the coming crash, they can buy property and
companies for 10 cents on the dollar and
fire the employees and sell the assets.
Excerpt: It should have been an easy question for Obama:
“Are you allowing President Clinton to get in your head?”
Yet, it took Obama three tries to answer the question, in what turned into
a testy exchange with the New York Times' Jeff Zeleny in South Carolina.
"I am trying to make sure that his statements by him are answered.
Don't you think that's important?" Obama shot back,
"I will answer your question though off the record, would you like
to talk off the record?" Obama asked the reporter. The reporter refused.
"My suspicion is that the other side must be rattled if they’re continuing
saying false things about us," Obama finally responded, ignoring follow up
questions as he left the room.
If Obama was running against Alan Keyes again,
I'm sure he would cruise to another easy victory.
"It's bad enough when women and minorities are hardest hit, but when dogs
and cats are the victims of the subprime mortgage mess... we know it's serious." -- the vulgar jackass, sitting in his $30M mansion, laughing at the people who
lose their homes because Bush gave super-rich millions of dollars more,
I have read your site on and off over the years and have always enjoyed it.
Everything I ever quoted from your site is true as confirmed by better read
folks then I (from both sides). It's nice to whip out some bartcop quote in
the middle of debate to make conservatives stutter.
My problem now is I don't know who to vote for in this election.
Woman vs Black Guy according to the media. Obama did drugs and he's
inexperienced/Hillary was the prez's wife for 8 years but did vindictive
background searches on Bill's mistresses to discredit them.
Really? I've heard that charge before, but never saw any proof.
Do you have some links on that? I'm very interested...
It's politics and noone tells the truth anymore,
not even the good guys.
They really can't because their fatcat donors will get pissed.
I'll be damned if I vote for the woman or the black guy. I will vote for
either Clinton or Obama and I will find out what they stand for and if
they mean it and decide if I think they can pull it through.
Only time and lots of reading from all kinds of sources can tell.
Rick Farley's ad has a lot of good information and links that prove the WTC
did not
collapse from a gravitaional collapse, but everyone should already know that by now.
The article by Dr. Ward has a lot of good links and the Judy Wood site has the best
collection of pictures of any site. How did 1400 cars get toasted and even melted
from gravity several blocks away? I hope you seriously consider some of this information.
I am a member and contributing researcher of an organization that is exposing this.
Perhaps you can visit our site. http://www.ae911truth.org/
Bart, the grown ups have taken over this issue and there is no longer any reason
to keep
repeating the Osama Bin Laden and the hijacker crap anymore. The future
of America
and the future of the Human Race depends on exposing the truth of 911
and facing the
fact that it was a false flag attack carried out by evil forces in our own government.
Excerpt: Hillary may well turn out to be the best chance that the Democrats have this year. If so, those people weary of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton will have to learn
to live
with the world as it is, not what it could be.
(Damn, did I just read that?
How did reality slip into the equation? )
But if that's to be, Team Clinton would be well-served to
incorporate the hopeful
upsurge that the Obama campaign has come to represent.
In the Vegas debate,
newsman (He means whore) Tim Russert asked Hillary a question.
Did she believe that Obama and Edwards were qualified to be president?
Clinton replied, "I think that that's up to the voters to decide."
She did not seem likable enough as she said it.
A reader named "Simmons" sent a donation and I prepared
a goodie package to send you, along with some BCR access,
but like an idiot I lost your mailing label so I can't reach you.
Could you please send me an e-mail, maybe mention the amount
you sent so I kn ow it's you and I'll get you fixed up right away.
A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that the Bush Bastards
issued hundreds of false statements about the national security threat from Iraq in
the two years following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
The study concluded that the statements "were part of an orchestrated campaign
effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war
under decidedly false pretenses."
The study counted 935 false statements in the two-year period. It found that in speeches,
briefings, interviews and other venues, the Bush bastards stated unequivocally on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had WMDs or was trying to obtain them or had links to al-Qaida.
"The Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information
that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq in 2003."
Gee, what will they discover next?
That the Bush bastards stole the 2000 election with the help of the Whore Supreme Court?
Rick Farley's ad has a lot of good information and links that prove the WTC
did not
collapse from a gravitaional collapse, but everyone should already know that by now.
The article by Dr. Ward has a lot of good links and the Judy Wood site has the best
collection of pictures of any site. How did 1400 cars get toasted and even melted
from gravity several blocks away? I hope you seriously consider some of this information.
I am a member and contributing researcher of an organization that is exposing this.
Perhaps you can visit our site. http://www.ae911truth.org/
Bart, the grown ups have taken over this issue and there is no longer any reason
to keep
repeating the Osama Bin Laden and the hijacker crap anymore. The future
of America
and the future of the Human Race depends on exposing the truth of 911
and facing the
fact that it was a false flag attack carried out by evil forces in our own government.
Our motto for this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind". So - if you have an anti-bush site and you are choking on hosting fees or dealing with threats - let us know and we'll help keep you online.
We also have that strongest server side spam filtering on the planet.
Check out Marx Mail for info on how you can have a Spam Free Email Account.