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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

BCR 134 is HERE! HOT

Weekend-Monday, February  9-11, 2008  Vol 2114 - Gravely Disabled

Quote of the Day

"Why is Chelsea so ugly?
  Because her father is Janet Reno."
    -- John McCain, 1998, Link

 It's acceptable to say anything
 about any member of the Clinton family.

 Remember when FOX's John Derbyshire
 said "Chelsea Clinton should be killed?"

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Hillary's $5M Loan 
Arrow Hillary battles MSGOP HOT
Arrow Her superdelegates
Arrow How We Get Out HOT
Arrow Why I Hate Clinton Staffers
Arrow The GOP Loves Obama HOT
Arrow It's not Obama's Fault 
Arrow Your Candidate Sucks
Arrow Carrie and Shania 


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Still at 2006 prices,
but that's about to change

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"There is a strutting self-righteousness about McCain that goes hand in hand 
with a nitroglycerin temper. He flatters himself that his colleagues in the Senate 
dislike him because he stands up for principle whereas they sell their souls for pork. 
Not exactly. He is disliked because on many, many occasions, he has been 
disrespectful, belligerent and vulgar to those who differ with him." 
     -- Mona Charen, Nazi sow,    Link

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Hillary's Curious Campaign Loan
  by Nat Parry


Only days before the make-or-break "Super Tuesday" primaries, Hillary dipped into 
her personal finances to lend her campaign $5 million, a move she kept secret until the 
day after she had battled Barack Obama to a standstill in the coast-to-coast voting.

If she had disclosed the loan before Super Tuesday, it might not only have generated 
troubling questions about the financial health of her campaign; it might have focused 
unwanted attention on the sources of the Clintons' money.

But why would she disclose the loan?  Why should she?
Since it's legal, why would it generate "troubling questions?"

The proximity between the Clintons' new-found wealth and her presidential run raised 
eyebrows over whether the $5 million loan - and any future financial help she might give 
her campaign - could constitute backdoor financing from benefactors beyond what they 
could legally donate.

Why would it raise eyebrows?
In 2005, Kerry mortaged his home to get enough money to crush Howard Dean.
Was troubled by that?  Were eyebrows raised then?
No, selective outrage seems to be the new norm at

Kerry got a pass from because his last name wasn't Clinton 
AND because can't raise their profile doing hatchet jobs on Kerry.

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Used by permission

How we get out of this mess...

I see only one way out of this mess - and you're not going to like it.


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"Hillary has spent decades parlaying her husband's political clout into 
  both money and power. How did that benefit anybody but the Clintons?" 
     -- Uncle Tom Sewell, pleasing his white masters,   Link

 Hey Uncle Tom - she's a twice-elected United States senator.

 Just because your wife needs to get your permission to use the toilet
 doesn't mean every woman in America has to ask.

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Fun Debate '08

Subject: Obama

Obama will find that his "be nice, please?" approach is not very effective, 
either in Washington, orin foreign policy.

His record shows no risking his neck for his beliefs, which means he has none. 
Claiming to be the anti-war candidate, while as a Senator doing nothing to stop
the war, should be enough to confirm his hypocrisy.

It's not like he's managing a Dairy Queen, he's a fucking Senator-- he could 
do more to stop it than speaking empty platitudes on the campaign trail.
 -tom the fundament 

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Am I reading that right?

Tom Tomorrow is calling Obama "a blank slate
that people are projecting their hopes onto?"

Doug Wilder plays the Race Card


The nation's first elected black governor said Saturday he is not ready to excuse 
comments Bill Clinton made about Barack Obama.  (Who asked him to?)

An eternity ago, Clinton called Obama's opposition to the Iraq war "a fairy tale." 
Clinton suggested Obama had toned down his early anti-war fervor during his 2004 Senate campaign.

"Barack Obama is not a fairy tale. He is real," former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder told reporters,

Notice how wilder had to change what Clinton said.

He HAD to change it, because what Clinton said wasn't "racial enough" to outrage Wilder.
And why is Wilder drudging up something that has already been buried?
Is Obama that desperate?

"A time comes and a time goes. The president has had his time," said Wilder,
revealing his true motivation for fabricating a quote, then pretending to be outraged at it.

Is dividing the Democrats by race the ONLY way Obama can win?

Remember: We had this race won until Obama decided to save us.


"I want Barack Obama to be the next president." 
   -Doogie Wilder, explaining why he played a race card that didn't exist.   Link

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Hillary ahead in superdelegates


Hillary retains her lead among suddenly critical Democratic Party insiders.

Of the 796 Democrats who are superdelegates, Clinton had 243 and Obama had 156. 
That edge was responsible for Clinton's overall advantage in the pursuit of delegates to 
secure the party's nomination for president. According to the whore AP, Clinton has 
1,136 delegates and Obama has 1,108.   2,025 delegates is the winning numberto.

This is why Donna Brazile is thretening to quit the Democratic party,
because Hillary is playing by the rules and she's ahead. 

Brazile is spitting and stamping her feet, demanding that the rules be changed
so her favorite, the new guy, has a better chance to upset his party elders.

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Subject: Moore vs. Dowd

You're swapping Moore for Dowd? 
How will you ever regain your integrity? 
 John F

John, I have no idea what you mean.
I like Moore (even with his flaws) and I f-ing hate Dowd.

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Subject: serious complaints


Although you said you would support the Dem candidate, you are rabidly against Obama,

Note: maybe I should go "rabid" on Obama for one issue just to show what that looks like.
I couldn't be any more goddamn polite to him if I tried.

and I really doubt that you would keep your pledge if he does win the nomination.

In fact, I'll bet you'll have to be on suicide watch if he wins the nomination.

ha ha

Quote me.
What's the worst thing I have said about Obama?

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Hillary battles MSGOP
"Pimping Chelsea" latest hate comment


A distasteful comment about Chelsea Clinton by an MSGOP whore could imperil 
Hillary's participation in future presidential debates on the network, a Clinton spokesman said.

Howard Wolfson on Friday excoriated MSGOP's David Shuster for suggesting the Clinton 
campaign had "pimped out" 27-year old Chelsea by having her place phone calls to celebrities 
and Democratic Party "superdelegates" on her mother's behalf.

Wolfson called Shuster's comment "beneath contempt" and disgusting.
"I, at this point, can't envision a scenario where we would continue to engage in debates on that network," he added.

MSNBC said Shuster, who apologized on the air for his comment, has been temporarily suspended 
from appearing on all NBC news broadcasts except to offer his apology.

"NBC News takes these matters seriously, but we make extra millions by slurring the Clintons.
Shuster got a bonus for insulting Chelsea, who the vulgar Pigboy called "The White House dog."
 MSGOP's Jeremy Gaines said the network hoped the debate would take place as planned.

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Who can argue with that?

Subject: the Obama people

The Obama people are cultists.  I went to to read what was being said there
and the religious crap mixed in with the obscene obama-worship is something to behold.
The Hillary people haven't been  silent on her blog, where 7.2 million was raised in two days.

The reason you are hearing from the Obamatons and not the Clinton supporters is that
the Obamatons are like born agains, hysterical, loud, evangelical and self-righteous.
Clinton supporters are logical, intellectual, results oriented and operate from a mind place.

They may explain why they go postal if you criticize their man.
Maybe they're trying to protect him from what the Clintons go thru every day.

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Why the GOP Loves Obama


It's perfectly obvious that the right wing is licking their chops in anticipation 
at facing Obama. Read this from Peggy Noonan's piece:

"He will be hard to get at, hard to address. There are many reasons, but a primary one 
is that the fact of his race will freeze them. No one, no candidate, no party, no heavy-breathing 
consultant, will want to cross any line--lines that have never been drawn, that are sure to 
be shifting and not always visible--in approaching the first major-party African-American
nominee for president of the United States. He is the brilliant young black man as American 
dream. No consultant, no matter how opportunistic and hungry, will think it easy - or 
professionally desirable - to take him down in a low manner."

Now, obviously it would be absurd to apply this criteria to Karl Rove. 
If you know how to read Noonan, she is calling in the hit. That is going to be the campaign.
It's childlike to believe that Karl Rove hasn't done his homework already.. 

They are drooling in anticipation.
Why do they "like" Obama so much?
Because they are terrified of Hillary Clinton, that's why.

Yes, that's obvious, but Obama backers don't want to hear that.
Suddenly, they have great faith in the honesty and integrity of the whore media.
The newest voters in our party believe the GOP slime machine won't attack him.

Next time you see a zebra with spots, call me, would you?

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Subject: Operation 10-4 Good Buddy

Dear Bartcop,

We're calling it "Operation 10-4, Good Buddy." Could you give it some press please?

The whole idea is spelled out at  . 
The point is for everyone across the country to give $10.44 on the same day 
the Obama supporters are giving $5.01 to his campaign. Imagine 10 million 
pebbles all thrown in the water at the same time... tidal wave effect.

Anyhow, thanks and keep up the good work. Your link to 
has kept me entertained for hours. I even share it with friends. :D

(and a longtime fan)

I can print your letter and run that link as a favor, but we don't take sides
here at during a primary.

We're as neutral as Randi Rhodes, Robert Parry, Arianna Huffington, CNN,
Andrew Sullivan, Buzzflash, the Village Voice and The Great and Powerful Kos.

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In Association with


"I like Barack Obama...because of his policy to give everyone a helicopter. 
  OK, I really have no idea what any of his positions are, but I like him, anyway." 
   -- Dave Barry, speaking for every Obama fan who has no idea who/what he is,   Link

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Subject: sliming Obama

Yo Bro Bart, I haven't heard you slime Obama at all. 
I think what pisses people off is how much you support Hillary. 

I think you're right.
I wish I could support every candidate every reader likes.

If I was new to your site I would think it was part of the Clinton campaign myself!! 

That's odd - do you think the hundreds of webmasters who 
support the fresh-faced newcomer are with his campaign?

But what I think don't matter at all, my pony has pulled out of the race. 
I will sit back and wait to vote for whatever Democrat gets the nod. 

If the Obama folks felt the same, we could probably win.

You may as well start preparing yourself for the Obama tidal wave. 
The vibe I am getting is that there is no stopping him now. 
Hillary's campaign stalled when her husband started running his yap. 

I disagree.
Bush's whore media has distorted every word out of his mouth.
They do that because they want the fresh-faced newcomer to fight the GOP slime machine.

She DID NOT need Mr Nafta's help at all.
She was rolling and way ahead until he started popping off. 
He got too involved and it became "all about him" again. 
A fatal mistake, and I see no way to fix it. Keep the faith.
 Danny Detroit

I just want the damn war over.
I've said 100 times, I will vigorously support Obama if he wins.

I just wish he could do it without turning the Clinton Family into 
the Grand Wizards of the KKK.   They don't deserve that.

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Assuming McCain gets the nomination, it would be the first time that a Republican 
presidential nomination went to a candidate who was not merely opposed by a majority 
of the party but was actively despised by about half its rank-and-file voters..." 
   -- Tony Blankley,    Link

 McCain is hated by the Right for not being right-wing-enough, 
 just as Hillary is hated by the Left for not being a left-wing-enough.
 Have both sides forgotten the middle is where the votes are?

 Some Obama fans say they like him because he's willing to reach across the aisle.
 But to do that, he'll have to reach over Hillary - what sense does that make?

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Subject: Obamaniax

My main problem with Clinton isn't her vote before the war, but her continued support for it. 
And on that count, Obama doesn't look any better. He wasn't there to vote for it, but he hasn't
voted against it since he has been there.

But one thing does bother me, the Obama crowd doesn't seem to be real democratic
... and especially not Democratic. It's all "my way or the highway".

It looks like if Obama wins the nomination, Clinton's supporters will support him; 
but if it goes the other way, Obama's supporters would prefer to see the Democrats lose.

John, at least they've been honest about that.
Michelle Obama said quite clearly that she and her husband will 
"have to think about" supporting Hillary against the Republicans.

They are refusing to take the pledge that would help THEM if they win.

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"Cheney is the best Vice President in history. 
  Mother may have a different opinion,
  but my opinion is the one that counts."
     -- Der Monkey,   Link

 Actually, the voters will decide and that's bad for the GOP.

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Subject: Obama scared?

Obama is afraid to take on Clinton in as many debates as offered.
Hillary isn't showing any hesitation accepting the challenge.

With the race for president tied Democrats are looking for a way to choose their
best candidate. Debates are the best way to do this because it's a one-on-one battle
of ideas. It's a fair fight for the hearts and minds of the voters. If Barak runs away from
a fair fight then he's admitting through his conduct that Hillary is better qualified to be president.

If Obama is afraid to go up against Hillary in a debate, then how can America believe
that he's ready to up against terrorists like Osama bin Laden. Are we going to risk
America's future on a man who is afraid to debate Hillary? I think not!

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.

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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Ya gotta love CNN...

Wolf the Whore is doing another one of those extra-fair "issue round-ups" with
Hillary-hating Donna Brazile speaking for Hillary and Republican strategist and
Hillary-hater Rich Galen to chew on whatever's left of Hillary's corpse.

The topic?
How much is Bill killing Hillary's campaign?

You can't get any more fair and balanced than three Clinton-haters
giving you their frank and honest opinions about those terrible Clintons.
Three honest people, there to bring you "both sides."

Next up - Hillary-hating Michael Moore.

Meanwhile, Hillary backers Carville and Begala are still banned.
Why would we expect anything different from Bush's whore media?

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Subject: Time to Support the Certain Demo Nominee

I have read your sight for many years and enjoyed it despite your recent pro-Hillary rants. 

That's mighty white of you.

You have said in the past that you would support the Democratic nominee, and Obama has 
now won 20 states to Clinton's ten.  He is dominating Clinton in nearly every way and has all 
the momentum.  My question to you is will you now support the all but certain demo nominee 
or do you want a pony?

Blake, after all these "many years" reading
you still believe every word you hear from Bush's whore media?

Hillary has more delegates than Obama and she's expected to win OH, PA and TX,
not to mention the Michigan and Florida delegates which Obamaniax want excluded.

I understand you want your guy to win, but the math puts her ahead.
I'm sorry.

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Subject: Stalinists on the Left

We would not need ANYONE ELSES oil if the Stalinists on the left allowed
us to drill for our own stinkin' oil.

Who's stopping anyone from drilling?
We have capped oil wells all over Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana.
Why don't the super-rich hire some roughnecks and tap those wells?
Who are these people you're too afraid to name?

We would not need ANYONE ELSES oil if the Stalinists on the left allowed
us to build more nuclear power plants (our good French friends do it for 75% of theirs).

Why do you think "Stalinists on the left" control Bush's government?
Why didn't Bush include more nukes in the Patriot Act?
Who are these people you're too afraid to name?

We would not need ANYONE ELSES oil if the Stalinists on the left allowed
us to build more refineries.

Who's stopping them?
If Houston wants another refinery, is a Massachusetts liberal stopping them?
Who are these people you're too afraid to name?

But Noooooo! Instead of fending for ourselves we have a bunch of
Stalinist-elitist wannabe dictators who want a collapse so they can tell us
when we get our one square to clean our butt!

Do you find that, sometimes, letters and numbers conspire against you?
Do you get wood by typing "Stalinists on the left"?
Who are these people you're too afraid to name?

McCain (liberal)/Feingold (Stalinist) - first amendment wounded. Passed by Dems.

ha ha
Let me guess, Rush is on the Left's side, too?

Keep it Exxon, I'll be looking for the liberal speculator who is the
real reason gas is so high so I can kick his ASS!
 Jay Childs

Jay, if you stumble into a Salvation Army and say that crap, you might get a
hot meal out of it - but not if you're threatening everyone with violence..

One thing you might try?
Acupuncture on your temples with railroad spikes.

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Hux "caught off guard" by endorsement
 He got the nod from the Focus on the Handjob folks


Huckabee said he was not expecting to receive the endorsement from Focus on
the Handjob leader James Dobson, even after speaking with him on Thursday.

"Frankly, the endorsement caught me off guard," Huckabee told reporters.

Gee, something caught the Hux off guard?

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Subject: Meeting Obama

I covered Barack Obama's campaign appearance in Alexandria, VA this past Sunday. 
After seeing his performance in the debates, I would have liked to have heard his policies. 
Meeting him beforehand when he did a press conference and roundtable discussion, 
I certainly was not electrified. He talked about fixing schools but didn't say how he would do it.

Then, at the actual event, the crowd was absolutely nuts. I'll give him that. It was like being 
at the superbowl. He motivates his people. But, in his entire speech, he promised everybody 
basically, utopia. Free health care, rebuit schools, tax cut for the middle and lower incomes, 
re-pave the roads, re-build the bridges, talk with our enemies, be like JFK. 

At no point did he say how we would pay for it or what any of his policies would be, 
other than a pony in every barn.

I was actually on the fence before yesterday. 
Now I'm leaning Clinton.

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Subject: You have become deceptive

Just a personal note to one of my all time favorite sites...

You have an odd way of introducing yourself...

So sad to see the demise of your site. 
I've been sticking with you but now the deceptions are too much for me.

For instance, Friday you started with:

Quote of the Day

"Obambi will fold at the first punch from the right." 
    -- Dragonlady Dowd, 

But Dowd didn't say that - she said that is the argument 
Hillary is using against Obama. She put it in quotes.

Shame on you.

The site's humor is gone and now this deception shit. 
At least Rawstory is still reliable if not funny.

You are confused.
Hillary never called him "Obambi."

Maureen Dowd wrote that.

She wants Obama to win, but it's her nature to call people names,
so she PRETENDED that Hillary called him that so she can say, 
"Isn't it awful the way mean Hillary treats Saint Obama?"

You can blame me for reporting what Dowd said, I can't stop you.
You can take every word Dowd ever wrote and claim it's my fault, I can't stop you.

But the truth could be you can't stand to see your candidate attacked
so you decided to swing wildly at whoever might answer your e-mail.

Your target is Maureen Dowd, not me.

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Huckabee's son a Hijacker?


In this booking photo released by the Pulaski County Sheriff's office, David Huckabee, 26,
a son of  Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, is shown in Little Rock, Ark..
David Huckabee was arrested at Little Rock's airport last year after a federal X-ray technician 
detected a loaded Glock pistol in his carry-on luggage.

Huckabee had a .40-caliber Glock in his black carry-on bag. Eight live rounds
were in the gun, none in the chamber and a nine-round clip was also in the bag.

District Judge Lee Munson gave Huckabee a one-year suspended jail sentence and ordered
him into 10 days of community service which Huckabee can avoid by paying $100.

Damn, good thing he wasn't a Democrat with a joint.
That would have been a serious crime.

As is, he's the son of a powerful Republican so probation and $100 fine 
is punishment enough for boarding a plane with a hidden, loaded Glock?

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"The media was all over George Bush and hated Gore. We heard over and over 
about how stiff and unlikeable Gore was, how he was a liar, etc... while we were told 
that Bush was the one everyone wanted to have a beer with. The press corp all got 
cute nicknames from Bush and loved yukking it up with him. And when he screwed 
the nation over, they all bent over without a whimper. 

MSNBC should be registered as an Obama 527.  Mika Brezinski spends every morning 
talking about how great Obama is with no mention that her father works on Obama's campaign. 
Chris Matthews is a one man hate machine when it comes to Hillary. I like Obama, but the 
press has given him a free ride. If he wins the nomination and goes up against St. McCain,
it will all come to an end." 
    -- Teresa Kopec,    Link

I think that's true and I think everyone reading that knows it's true,
yet they WANT to believe it's not true.

The press is waiting until Obama wins to release their tsunami of negativism on him.

The press works for the super-rich Republicans.
How can you deny what you know is true?

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Subject: allegation

Mr. Bart,

Obama acquired millions of dollars to criminal Resko to restore homes for the poor in Chicago.
Somehow the poor got nothing and Obama ended up with a mansion which he could not afford
on a community organizer's salary or city council pay.  Resko's slum houses are still there.

Also, Obama attended very expensive universities. Who paid for his education?
He claims his mother was poor and on food stamps. You know,  $ things just don't add up.

Either he's lying about being poor or he must have a godfather somewhere in the world.
Maybe a reader can send a photo of Resko's Chicago slums to be posted on your site.

Thank you.
 Mrs. L in Phoenix, AZ

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Why I Hate Clinton Staffers
 Poor Arianna - reduced to nothing but hate


Why does Ariana Huffington hate the Clintons so much? It's almost borderline obsessive behavior. 
Huffington and by extension the Huffington Post, her Internet venture, have spent the entire primary 
season trashing the Clinton campaign and writing assassination pieces about everyone and anyone 
tied to the campaign.

Case in point is Ariana's new hatched job on Maggie Williams. Because Ariana is a hateful revengeful 
bitch she unearthed a hatchet job piece she wrote about Williams ten years ago. Ten fucking years. 
The following is the beginning to the ten year old article,

"One of the most distressing features of our current political system and the Clinton White House 
in particular, is the way they turn otherwise honest, caring, idealistic individuals into spinning, 
rationalizing, truth-twisting defendants desperately trying to stay out of jail." 

Typical Arianna stupidity, implying lots of Clinton staffers went to jail - when NONE did.
She can't make a case on the facts - so she makes shit up.

What would you think about Arianna is she ran 100 columns trashing Obama?
Would you think she was just playing politics?
Or would she be the most hated, racial bitch in journalism?
Since she's trashing the Clintons, it's considered acceptable, even cool.

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It's not Obama's Fault

Something popped into my head Saturday.


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Subject: Wash Caucus


Obama kicked the crud out of Hillary at our precinct caucus today; 196 to 59.
I did manage to get selected as a Hillary delagate to our county convention though.

The one thing that strikes me as odd about Obama and caucuses is how mobilized
he gets his base to attend.  Obama has won every state that has held a caucus
except Nevada and yet Hillary has won 11 primary elections to Obama's 8.

When people vote in private they select Hillary.
When surrounded by their peers, they vote for Obama.

I will be interested to see the vote totals in Washington's primary on the 19th
to see what the trend is.  Here in Washington we are the only state to have both
a primary and a caucus (even though the Dems stripped the primary of its delegates;
the Republicans split selection between the two).

Keep on keepin' on,
 Houston in Seattle

That has to mean something - the way people vote.
Is it like they say, a religious thing?

Religion is really about acting religious for your friends, family and neighbors.
Behind closed doors, nobody believes that stuff, do they?

Would anybody go to church if it wasn't about "being seen" at church?
What's the difference between going to church and praying at home?

The Collection Plate.

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Let's Talk about Obama
 Ten Links that tell a story


4.  Rezko, especially Obama's below market personal real estate deals with him

Obama paid Rezko $104,500 for a strip of his land.  The transaction occurred when 
Tony Rezko was under investigation by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. 

In the Sun-Times interview, Obama acknowledged approaching Rezko about the properties 
being up for sale and that Rezko developed an immediate interest. Obama did not explain why 
he reached out to Rezko given the developer's growing problems.  Last month, Rezko was indicted. 

6.  His "fairy tale" opposition to the war given he voted to fund it 
for two years and hardly mentioned it once he got the US Senate seat

"I have been very clear even as a candidate that, once we were in, that we were 
going to have some responsibility to make (Bush's War) work as best we could..." 

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Your Favorite Candidate Sucks

"Maybe you support your favorite candidate because you are very young. 
I admire your enthusiasm. I do. Come here while I give you an affectionate 
pat on the head and congratulate you on your puppy-like if unreflective 
capering and frolicking. It is to your credit that you are too wide-eyed, naive, 
and childish to comprehend how badly you have been deceived by the empty 
promises of your favorite candidate. Who, I must soberly inform you, sucks. 
Now scamper off and do as you are told by your betters.

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Wait a minute...

Jesse Jackson is supporting Obama?

After Obama said being compared to Jesse was a terrible racial insult?
Could I get an African-American to explain that to me?

I guess I lost my new African-American friend.
Perhaps the box I constructed was inescapable?

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Subject: Randi Rhodes

Hey Bart,

The local station put Ed Schultz on in place of Randi's show so
I haven't heard her in some time.  She used to be very very pro Bill Clinton
and praise his presidency and even had him on her show once.

You're right.

When and why did she turn on Hillary?  I assumed she would like her too.
I'm really bummed to hear she's supposedly been slagging her as I used to be a very big Randi fan.
 Greg in Vacaville, CA

Greg, I'm still a big fan of hers - I'm hoping she'll go back to the Randi we know.
Hopefully things will settle down in the next 30 days.

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"I'm never disingenuous. We are less of an underdog than 
  we were two weeks ago. Now we're slight underdogs." 
     -- Obama, asked if it isn't a little disingenuous to still be clinging to the 'underdog' title,  Link

"Has the media been managed or has it fallen in love? What an arrogant man Obama is. 
"I'm never disingenuous." Indeed. Fact is that what should be a hardened press corp fell 
  for a pitch that's basically full of Oprah Winfrey style paltitudes. You'd better start doing 
  your jobs and vet this guy." 
     -- Mike M,     Link

 I imagine they've already vetted Obama, but they're sitting on his dirt
 until Hillary admits defeat - then the "We love Obama" press will crush him.

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Subject: Obama hysteria


It seems to me the very fact the Obama-ites get so hysterical
to the point of confusing simple points of argument with "sliming"
( and canceling subscriptions, etc.) indicates there is a cult factor here.

I am impressed and excited by his speeches too, but I can tell that
"I have a dream" type speeches don't necessarily mean that he is presidential.
I hope that by November folks have taken a nap, calmed down, and can once again think clearly.

I, too, am confused about those who think I'm "going off" on Obama.
Have they never seen me "go off" on somebody before?

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Augsburg, Bayern, Germany

They read it in Mokena, Illinois

They read it in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

They read it in Tehachapi, California

They read it in Eskisehir, Turkey

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Peregrin is posting 'toons
on the Bart Blog!

You like 'toons?

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B profit in 90 days
 $100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 3,950....3,959

We lost another 9 soldiers since last issue.

We have 3,959 dead soldiers.

We'd like to bring the soldiers home,
but some people are making a killing...

"Soldiers dying?  Where???"

Exxon makes $108M$128M every day

That's why Bush
raped Iraq and
killed Saddam

How do we know for sure?
Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

 $200M-300M a day - where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Subject: donation

Dear Bart, it's that time again.
Sign me up for another 90 days of Bartcop radio.

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I tune in to one of the talk radio Nazis and when I get disgusted, 
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