Weekend-Tuesday Feb 16-19, 2008 Vol 2117 ...can long endure
Quotes "Barack's camp accuses Bill Clinton of being
the junkyard dog. And we can't
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McCain expects to lose Excerpt:
McCain spokeswoman Melissa Shuffield told the
Phoenix Business Journal
Like Bob Dole, McCain wants a job after
a Democrat kicks his ass.
Since he figures he's going to lose, he's choosing to keep his current job.
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![]() Used by permission
Democrats torn apart... Subject: hillary vs obama It seems like you are clearly biased toward Hillary. Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Subject: corporate whore I told you Hillary was a corp. whore. Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Quotes "Did you see the Roger Clemens hearings? Every
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Subject: Obamaniax Why do you keep using inflammatory words
like this?
I asked on the page what the proper term was - I got no replies.
What word works best for "People who
really like Obama?"
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It pays to advertise on bartcop.com Still at 2006 prices,
Subject: Obama is more electable I honestly think Obama is more electable than Hillary. Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
An Obama Question Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Quotes "When you're down, you flail and you attack."
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Odd... Still no endorsement from John Edwards?
You watch, when he finally decides, I'll bet he says,
...but funny it's taking him so long to see that very hueueueuege difference.
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Is the media playing Obama Softball? Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Subject: Buzzflash Holy shit, Bart...did you see Buzzflash's current
main headline (as of Feb 14, 4:15 PM EST)?
Man, they not only have drunk the Kool-Aid,
I'll tell you, back in 2000, I started going to
you, Buzz, Consortium News, Daily Howler
I am feeling particularly bleak right now.
Pat, like you, I've always liked Buzzflash.
I applaud his "We'll close before being intimidated"
Obviously Mr. Buzz is an Obamaniac, (Does everyone hate that
word?) and I can
Perhaps Mr Buzz just had a rough day - Koresh knows I have 'em...
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One guy wrote, He asked
Quotes "Let's be frank: The New York Times op-ed page
is an intellectual sewer. Yesterday,
Here's what Clinton actually said: FOUHY (2/13/08): She criticized Bush, the former Texas governor. "There's a great saying in Texas," she said,
"all hat and no cattle.
Huh! She had criticized Bush - but Obama worked
Gee, it's almost like the whore press is lying about the Clintons.
I'm 54 and a Democrat - I've never had that feeling.
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Subject: Rush loves Hillary Are you OK with the fact the Rush the vulgar pig
boy is supporting Hillary over McCain?
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Obama's Senate Record If this is wrong, don't set yourself on fire or kick your
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Who can argue with that?
Subject: I'm for Obama Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
How I Read
Sen. Clinton, who insists that she will be "ready
on Day One," wasn't ready on
It's amazing how Bob can read the minds of other people. He's giving us the Bob Parry Guarantee
that Hillary took this decision lightly.
Let's assume that Hillary didn't personally share this secret with Bob. Bob says this IS what she was thinking at the
time - for sure.
He didn't say "maybe."
No, Bob Parry goes inside Hillary's mind to get the real scoop. Damn, I wish I could read minds like Bob Parry.
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Subject: Larry Flynt?! Obama's got your knickers all twisted in a wad & he's scaring the bejesus right out of you. No, a third Bush term is what scares me.
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If I had time to read books, I'd
order these books just to reward her honesty.
Quotes "...a light will shine thru that
window, a beam of light will come down upon you,
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Subject: Do we need Republican voters? In order to elect a Democratic president, do we need Republican voters? Can the Democrat be elected with votes from Democrats only? In your opinion, which of our leading Democratic
candidates is
Great question - wish I had an answer because we have a cunundrum:. Obama says he can reach across the aisle
and get GOP votes,
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Subject: Obama people Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Black lawmakers
back-up on Clinton
Rep. David Scott's defection and Rep. John Lewis'
remarks highlight one of the challenges
"I want to go with a winner, and I'm getting lots
of calls," Scott said in at the Capitol.
Lewis, whose district voted 3-to-1 for Obama,
said he is not quite ready to abandon his
Why did Lewis give his support if it was conditioned on Hillary winning? Oh, we're Democrats - I forgot. Note to Barack:
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Quotes "McCain is attacking Obama -
why? Maybe McCain's goal is not
First, McCain is not helping Hillary. Even he's not that
In the last six weeks, we've had six front-runners,
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Subject: Will you support Obama? So I ask you again, Bart, and you would do well
to make a definitive
If Obama wins the nomination, will you support
him? Will you vote for him?
Yes, yes and yes.
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CNN has room for a right-wing handjob
Quotes "Nearly all men can stand adversity,
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Subject: battle tested bullshit Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Entertainment Page
What does this toon mean?
I think he's insulting the media. Getting a free ride, portraying Hillary as the evil-tempered nag, hobbled
Bart, consider
YOUR OWN interests
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Subject: 'that 'Miss Divisive' crap Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal Solar on a tight budget?
Subject: Battle-Tested by Joe Wilson I'm so sick of the "she voted to go to War" Obamaniax
Now if only Rhandi Rhodes, and people like her,
would accept those facts
If they were smart they'd introduce some joint
bills together to end the war
What makes it worse is they make it sounds like Bush and congress and
She voted with 77 other senators, including Edwards, Kerry and Biden.
Still can't get an answer of why Kerry got a pass on his "war vote,"
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Advice for Barack... As you know, I've been giving the fresh-faced
newcomer some advice,
Barack, dude - those Bush bastards ALWAYS go after the wife. You need to be prepared for that.
The pressure of the campaign will be enormous,
and at the end of the day when
So watch those Bush bastards.
And if
you win the nomination, and find yourself jammed up in some jackpot,
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Here for
Collector's item!
Join the rest of the world!
Quotes "The larger campaign question, however, may
be whether the Clintons will set
The Clintons' "hunger" for the White House?
After Gore and Kerry, I lust for a candidate who wants to win. Let's hope Obama has a little hunger, too.
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Gonzo Protest TODAY in St Louis
Campus Republicans invited Tortureboy as part
of the SU's attempt to bring in controversial
Disgraced Bush bastard Tortureboy is coming to St. Louis! More Info We'll be there to show him that St. Louis demands human rights for ALL! Tuesday,
February 19, 5pm
Close Guantánamo!
Hey St Louis - got plans for
5 PM today?
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Dr. Laura explains how to be a lady Handjob Link (scroll, second from bottom) Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Subject: consortiumnews.com Bart, you wrote: > "I found this story on consortiumnews.com and it confused me. > Where was the gratuitous Hillary sliming?
And to think that used to be the most important
site on the web.
Sad, isn't it?
But they were once the best - until Bob Parry
started giving out his
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Subject: Bart, a quote for you "Plagiarism is no big deal."
Lou, shame, shame, shame...
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Subject: Why equating Obama with Jesse is an insult Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
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If you want, you can get angry and be insulted,
Rev Perry Sanders hits 80
When the school was founded there were 32 students
"He had the vision for growth," Dennis Clark,
the minister for media said
The Reverend Sanders is my good friend.
Thanks to Andree for noticing the anniversary.
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Subject: those team metaphors kelly-racism.doc
Ran out of time - this might appear in the
next bartrcop.com
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obama-commercial-208a and 208b.wav This might have to wait until the standoff is settled.
Quotes At 6 PM Central on Monday, Lou Dobbs and Bill
Schneider are hurting themselves
Again and again and again, Dobbs and Schneider are assuring their viewing
audience that
Christ, ...think if Hillary had said that.
Think how different this race would be if the press was neutral.
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Subject: RE: Thanks from bart The emotion swirling around the Democratic Primary
is disgusting.
The primary coverage has become the Brittany/Lindsay/Paris
shiny, spinning lure of the winter.
Positive things, like Dodd, contempt charges,
etc. go under reported by the lefty sites these days.
That leads me to a possible solution for your
dilemma. Declare the truce and take a hiatus
I hope you keep on swinging, but I wouldn't blame you for stepping aside for a while. By the way, hemorrhaging has two
Mike, I think I'll let the subscribers decide. If I lose a bunch today,
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Subject: More Bart Hypocrisy Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Randi... Every day, every minute, every second, Randi Rhodes is pro-Obama.
If you heard her yesterday, every other word out of her mouth was "Rovian." Because I'm a man who wants this war over, I'm not going to accuse
What would YOU
call the tactic of turning the Clintons into racists?
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Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada They read it in Trenton, Tennessee They read it in Telde, Canarias, Spain They read it in Murrieta, California They read it in Hamburg, Germany
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is posting great 'toons
You like 'toons?
cheated since 2000
to pardon on-the-junk Clemens?
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pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day. No wonder they were so eager to start a war, It's the biggest theft in Earth's history. Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...
We lost another 3 soldiers since last issue. We have 3,963 dead soldiers. We'd like to bring the soldiers home,
That's why
How do we
know for sure?
$200M-400M a day missing Where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Subject: donation Bart, tell the Clinton haters a no vote is a repug
PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Howie Kurtz does Tweety Excerpt:
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Mandy rocks the Roxy See the best collection of Mandy Moore pictures on the net at BC Hotties
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