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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

BCR 134 is HERE! HOT

Wed-Thursday   Feb 20-21,  2008   Vol 2118 - Daggered

Quote of the Day

"Observers say Castro will either be 
   replaced by his brother Raul, or by 
   his idiot son, Fidel W. Castro." 
    -- Letterman


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Obama's Unstoppable Mo 
Arrow McCain Denies Affair HOT
Arrow My Obama Love  Hate 
Arrow Obama is Disturbing HOT
Arrow Hillary vs Osama? 
Arrow Budowsky Reads Minds HOT
Arrow Bush Drops to 19%
Arrow 'Obama' is 'Osama'
Arrow Lindsay Lohan's fur

Clinton-Obama debate tonight HOT

What's a cornered, desperate Clinton like?

We're going to find out.


"This should be a transition to free and fair elections. And I mean 
   free and fair. Not like these elections that the Castro brothers rig." 
     -- Der Fuhrer, saying it's bad when brothers fix elections,     Link

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Obama's Unstoppable Mo


Clinton needs to win Ohio and Texas on March 4 - then Pennsylvania in April - to narrow 
Obama's lead among pledged delegates. Only then could she argue with a straight face (suck me)
that a majority of the nearly 800 free-roaming "superdelegates" should back her over Obama.

"Both Senator Obama and I would make history," she said Tuesday night. "But only one of us 
is ready on Day One to be commander in chief, ready to manage our economy and ready to 
defeat the Republicans. Only one of us has spent 35 years being a doer, a fighter and a champion 
for those who need a voice."

Only one of them can win, and it doesn't look good for her.

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Used by permission

McCain Denies Affair
NY Whore Times sat on the story for months



Aides said Angry Mac would address the allegations at a news conference Thursday morning.

The published reports said McCain and Vicki Iseman each denied having a romantic relationship, 
and the paper offered no evidence that they had, saying only that aides worried about the 
appearance of McCain having close ties to a lobbyist with business before the Senate Commerce 
Committee on which McCain served.

The story alleges that McCain wrote letters and pushed legislation involving television station 
ownership that would have benefited Iseman's clients.

Rumors is... not only was he bumping nasties with this telecommunications lobbyist,
but he gave the companies she represented "special treatment" with your tax dollars. 

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 Subject: Obama's record in the senate

As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama made trips to ....

Following meetings with U.S. military in Kuwait and Iraq, Obama visited....

He left for his third official trip in August 2006, traveling to...

Obama worked with....

He joined Chuck Schumer in sponsoring....

Obama also introduced...

Obama sponsored with Kit Bond....

He joined Chuck Hagel in introducing legislation....

Obama also sponsored a Senate amendment to...

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"Congressional game-playing by Nancy Pelosi will end up killing Americans." 
      -- Glenn Beck, (Right-wing ass on CNN) accusing Nancy Pelosi of killing our soldiers,   Link

 "Pelosi didn't lie to us. Pelosi didn't send
   us to Iraq and Pelosi didn't put us here."

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 Subject: Primaries

Hi Bart

I'm OK with either Hillary or Obama as our candidate.
I'm voting Democratic in November if the Devil himself is the candidate.

I wish all of the Democrats could get over the horse race syndrome and
realize that we are toast if McCain wins the presidency.  He's another
dumbass who will do whatever the neocons tell him they need him to do.

We also have 23 Senate seats to worry about as well.

As for Edwards, I imagine he's telling both of the candidates that he will
support whichever one comes closer to supporting the issues he believes in.
 MLR2 in Nashville

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It pays to advertise on

Still at 2006 prices,
but that's about to change

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Subject: Dude, long time

Bart, I've been a loyal reader for about 7 years, and, imho,
this is the most kick-ass thing you've ever written:

> ...very other word out of Randi's mouth was "Rovian."

> Because I'm a man who wants this war over, I'm not going to accuse
> the Obama people of anything, but I have a question:

> What would YOU call the tactic of turning the Clintons into racists?

Goddammit!  That was desk-slappin' good.
I'm 30K in debt, I'm trying to buy a house, and I have 3 sons aged 2,9, and 11.
But I happened to have a PayPal balance of 11.35 and I just sent it to you.

And I might just have to buy a bottle of chinaco
just to dedicate a shot to you (well, maybe not just :).

 Rock.  On.  Bart.
  Pete the Furrier

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Hillary Running Against Osama?

  "I work for the RNC, got that?"


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"If the press really wanted to help Obama, they'd be holding
  his feet to the fire now, instead of giving him a foot rub."  
    -- Doug,    Link

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Still no endorsement from John Edwards?

Rumor has it that Edwards and Gore are officially staying neutral
in case the convention needs brokerin' to make things happen in Denver.

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Why I Hate Obama
 by the fair and balanced Whore Street Journal


 Consider these reports from Obama rallies:
Montecito, Calif., Sept. 8, 2007. "A woman appeared to faint as Obama spoke about Iraq..."
Madison, Wis., Oct. 22, 2007. "Three people fainted in the midst of all the enthusiasm."
Hanover, N.H., Jan. 8, 2008. "A young woman fainted, and was rolled off on a gurney by EMTs.
   Obama handed a bottle of water to the Dartmouth damsel in distress.
Hartford, Conn., Feb. 4, 2008. "A woman appeared to faint in front of the podium, Obama paused
    and tossed a bottle of water from the stage," reported the Yale Daily News.
Seattle, Feb. 8, 2008. "...Obama tossing a bottle of water to a woman about to faint got big cheers,"

What exactly are we to make of this? A cynic might wonder if the whole thing isn't staged,
given how often it happens and how self-serving Obama's standard response seems to be.

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Subject: Buzzflash

My credo is---I like ALL Democrats.  I may like some more than others...
but I like all Democrats until they turn into republicans.

I'm also cautiously optimistic about Move On.  They are promising to support the
notion that super delegates should go to the candidate with the most regular delegates.
Even if it's Hillary.  Their support of Obama was, in my mind, premature.

Maybe instead of asking for $6K in your next fund-raising efforts,
you should ask for $60,000.  Or a million!

 Kathleen W,

Kathleen, that's a great idea! :)
I'll remember that.

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"The Clintons will wreck the party first to get the nomination, 
  and then wreck the country to get the presidency."
    -- the Piggy Pigboy

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Subject: Whore media

The media has succeeded in their plan to take Hillary down a few notches,
and they are still at it.  I watched the Sabbath Gasbags and, without exception,
they all praised Obama and used the most pejorative terms when discussing Hillary,
even when claiming that they were praising her.  Most telling, however, was how
they all insisted that the Republicans would rather run against Hillary.  Give me a break.

Anyone who would say that the'd rather run against Obama is not allowed on TV.
I must admit, if you didn't understand how the whore media works,
you might think that the Repugs both are afraid of, and will vote for, Obama.
 Jim W

I don't get it when they say, "The only thing that can galvanize the GOP
is a Hillary candidacy that they'll all leave their houses to vote against."

They'll fight Hillary, 
but not a Black "Muslim" who they'll paint as "Osama's cousin?"

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Obama is Disturbing (from an I-love-Bush site)
 by Dan Calumari


Obama is anathema to conservatives in every way except for one, but the
one exception is crucially important: He is kicking the crap out of  Hillary.

How can you not love that? Of course we don't want him to actually get elected,
but by foiling her, Obama is doing a profound service to the nation.

Then he lists a bunch of horseshit about Obama - but didn't he get the Memo?
They're not supposed to trash him until after Hillary pulls out of the race.

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Subject: your readers

Hey bart, I am so disheartened to hear about the weak willed subscribers who take a powder 
\because you're not aboard the O-train.  I like what you're doing with the page where you put 
the controversy behind a link, but I have to's not going to stop all those people already 
looking for something to be outraged about.  Which, from what I've seen firsthand, applies to 
many of Obama's supporters.  I wonder if it would help to put,

  I will support the Democratic 
 Nominee no matter what.  Will you?

at the top of each day's page. 

I just don't understand the vitriol.  

I'm hoping things calm down as the Obama Tsunami washes over everyone.

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Who can argue with that?

Random thought...

Is Obama peaking too early?

If Obamania is at fever-pitch now, where does it go from here?

It's a long way until November.

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Subject: Obama's accomplishments

I'm not sure what counts as an accomplishment. 
Wrote a bill, sponsored a bill, co-sponsored a bill, etc. 
What counts and what doesn't?

Getting the job done is what counts.

Sponsoring a bill is like having an opinion. 
Getting the bill made into law is accomplishing something.

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How I Read Minds
 by Robert Parry


Like the Bushes, the Clintons...
The two ruling families function with a monarchical air...

The Bushes wear caps with "41" and "43" on them, while it is still not known 
what articles of clothing the Clintons might embroider with "42" and "44."

So, now Perry is in Hillary's underwear drawer?
Is Bob Parry working with Kenneth Starr these days?

Poor Bob Parry - he's become a joke, like Dennis Miller.

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Subject: A Dr. Laura laugh


Mega-dittos for openning up the Bartcop vaults
and sharing the Dr. Laura photo "spread."

Your color commentary on the good Doctor is the funniest thing 
I've ever seen on your site and probably one of the funniest things EVER.
Did you peak early? 

In the old days, I had time to write ...and sometimes even think.

That piece of comedic brillance got me into Bartcop 
and I still laugh everytime I read it.

Thanks for making the last 8 years bearable, Bart.
 David in Scranton

Note: Laura's nasty-ass, spread-legged photos deliver 2,000 clicks a week.

Thanks, Laura.

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"Poppy Bush endorsed McCain. They have been close friends since the Civil War 
  and Poppy says that McCain is the only candidate who has the strength, the leadership 
  and the vision to dig America out of this giant hole his son has put us in."
     -- Jimmy Kimmel

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Subject: Cheney clone?

Bart, I am a subscriber and I support Obama.
As of today I am not going to cancel, but you just keep pushing.
Where and when did Barack call Hillary a "Cheney Clone?"
  Jerry Mac

Any answer I give is going to cost me, <big Al Gore sigh...>  but maybe the question should be, 
"Has Obama ever given a speech where he doesn't call her Cheney's clone?"

I can't swear he's used those exact words (I suspect he did) but every time he says,
"We can't sent the same failed people back to the same failed system and expect change,"
he's saying Hillary and Cheney are interchangable - which is the same thing as a clone.

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Subject: that Clinton bitch

Let us rid ourselves of an old, whiny bitch.
Her best chance to serve her country officially would have been during
the same exact period her husband was outsourcing jobs, killing US military
in clandestine raids in eastern Europe, while taking liberties with interns.

The Clintons are so crass as to not comprehend the concept of double dipping.
That's why Bill and Hillary are looking a little tawdry of late.
They actually feel owed some right of former rule.

Damn, you sound just like Bob Parry.

No thinking American should buy their shameless act.
 Richie Monk

Richie, are you Monkey Right or Monkey Left?
Outsourcing jobs?     We had to import workers to fill all the positions.
Killing US Military?    Musta been Black Ops - no military deaths were recorded.
Liberties with Interns?    That's your f-ing business?

...and that "double dipping" is actually called "double duty."

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Reuters: 'Obama' is 'Osama'
 You think that's not intentional?


"Clinton focused on ...Ohio and Texas in three weeks as her best hope to stop Osama's surge."

"Hillary dismissed Osama's criticism over the economy,

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"Bush says if McCain gets the nomination, he'll campaign for him. 
  Well, can't do better than that."
     -- Letterman

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Subject: Olbermann

I used to enjoy watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann.
However, it seems that it has become the "Why we hate Hillary and Bill" show.
It's distressing.
Sadly, the reporting seems to come down to Hillary = bad, Obama = good.

I had been supporting John Edwards - I don't know who I will support now.
However, I will no longer be tuning to Keith Olbermann for political news.
 Mark in Bakersfield, Ca

Why can't they just give us the facts?
Seems like everybody's a mind reader these days.

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What has Obama accomplished?

  Video that will have no effect on this campaign

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Subject: A Question About Clinton

Bart, if Obama cannot defeat Clinton, there is no way he could defeate the Republicans.
My question is, if Clinton cannot defeat Obama, how could she have defeated the Republicans?

I'd say the whore media piled on and tied Hillary's hands.
Everytime she or Bill made a point, the whore press said, "Racism! How dare you!"

That's why the LBJ comment was treated as a racial slur.
That's why the Jesse Jackson comment was treated as a racial slur.
They had to play the race card to drag the Clintons down.

If I was running her campaign I'd have her retreat inside a hotel and shut up.
Since every Clinton sentence is seen as a racial slur, you'd better stop talking.

Who knew running against a Black person would have such pitfalls?
If they said anything, the reply was always,
"How long have you hated Blacks?"

Nobody's going to ask McCain that because everybody knows Republicans hate Blacks.

Weren't you a little suspicious when Obama won GOP bunkers like Idaho and Utah 
while losing liberal/Democratic strongholds like New York and California?

You weren't even a little bit suspicious?

My bullshit detector has been barking like a chihahua on Cuervo Gold for months
but this Obama Fever has captured everyone's attention and they can't say why.

Let's hope I'm 100% crazy and wrong

Question: Will Obama ask those racists to campaign for him?

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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Love Obama, Hate Hillary
  by Brent Budowsky  (Damn, we lost another one)


Bush and Hillary share a politics where they are disliked by large numbers of Americans...

Pure horseshit - trying to link the Lady who never killed anyone
with the Western Hemisphere record holder for most murders.
I always liked Budowsky - until he turned into a punk-ass whore.

...and rather than try to get their numbers up, they are reduced to
trying to get their opponent's numbers down.

Pure horseshit - absolutely pure.
You could say the same about everybody in the history of politics.
BTW, did she have to turn her opponent into racist scum to win?

Hillary entered this campaign with about 45-46% of Americans who would 
never support her. After one negative tactic after another her positive support 
has gone down and the number of people who will never support her has gone up.

But she had a 25-point lead before we learned the Clintons were racist scum.
Gee, after 17 years - and we never noticed until this year.

This is why Obama runs significantly ahead of Hillary in match-ups against McCain...

Bullshit - you don't get to make handjob pronouncements and pretend they're real.
I can say, "Obama is ahead because he's taller than her."    Would that make it true?

How low will Budowsky sink?
How eager is he to throw away a once-stellar reputation?
Why have some of our best fighters turned into mean-spirited little weasels?

Check this crap, right out of drunken Monkey Mail:

Obama reaches outward, upward and sideways
while Hillary reaches backward, downward and yesterday...

Oh, fuck me - are we in third grade?

"Obama likes puppies, while Hillary stomps kittens?"

Jesus Christ, Brent - you write like I have 50  I.Q. points on you.
Your crappy attacks are not only false, but they're written at a child's level.

What happened to the guy who made sense all those years at
Why did you turn into a poor man's Andrew Sullivan?

Brent, what made you turn whore?

Sidebar: Readers, even if you love Obama and hate Hillary,
you gotta admit this is shit writing by a small person with a personal grudge.

If someone sent me this crap with the names reversed, "Obama stinks, Hillary farts Roses,"
I would never print such unmitigated horseshit - not even if I was drunk on Cuervo.

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My Obama Love turns to Hate
  by NYWTimes's David Brooks, whore of whores


Up until now The Chosen One's speeches had seemed to them less like stretches of words 
and more like soul sensations that transcended time and space. But those in the grips of 
Obama Comedown Syndrome began to wonder if His stuff actually made sense. For example, 
His Hopeness tells rallies that we are the change we have been waiting for, but if we are the 
change we have been waiting for then why have we been waiting since we've been here all along?

As the syndrome progresses, they begin to ask questions about The Presence himself:

Obama vowed to go with public financing in the general election if his opponent did. 
But now he's waffling on his promise. Why does he need to check with his campaign 
staff members when deciding whether to keep his word? 

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Subject: Question for Bart

It is your belief that Sen. Clinton is actually more electable than Sen. Obama.  
Numerous polls have indicated otherwise.  On what basis do you believe 
Sen. Clinton is more electable than polls would indicate?

I don't agree with everything you write on your site, but enjoy it very much.  
Keep up the good work and fight the good fight!

Ken, we're going to have a problem with "terrorism"
between now and November.  Then the Repubs will say,
"We're under attack - Do you want an unqualified Muslim
  (Behind closed doors they'll say 'nigger')  in the White House 
  or a war hero like McCain, who truly loves his country?"

What do you think the idiot voters will do?

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Subject: Hate-Hillary Spreads Faster than Flu

Bart, Please help me!   I'm in a really bad B-movie dream, and it's 1992 all over again!  
It's not just the MSM whores spreading the loath. It is the progressive sites also. 
I have taken Buzzflash, Common Dreams, Slate, Consortium, etc. off of my favs list. 

Their rhetorical neo-hatred of all things Clinton has reminded me too vividly of Newt, 
Delay and the Bob Barrs of days gone by. How does anyone consider this change? 
How is inexplicable hate considered progressive?  

That's a damn good question.
All we know for sure is that the Clintons ruined America.

These hopeful idealists have gotten so bad with their neo-hateful Clinton attacks 
I have been forced  to switch to Fox-views to catch a break! Sombody please wake me up!  

Thank you Bartster for being an oasis in the sun-shiny sea of "Yes We Can" neo Clinton hate. 
 Kip in NJ.

When they say, "Yes we can," what do they mean?
Yes we can what?

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Obama vs GOP bastards


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Republican Call GirlsHOTHOT


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Bush approval drops to 19%


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Subject: uniting for November

Dear Bart,

You are a true mensch, my man. Keep fighting the good fight (as you see it), 
even when we don't always agree. At least, I know you're always coming from an honest place.

I will vote for Democratic in November, (after all, the stakes are too high, the Supreme Court 
is at risk for the rest of our lifetimes). You're for Hillary, I'm for Obama (now that Edwards has 
dropped out), but we both care about the future of our country.

And face it, any Democrat (except Joe Lieberman) is better than any Republican for President.

May we somehow make a difference, make a change in our beloved country,. You're doing that 
just by being out there, arguing your beliefs with humor and belligerence. Unfortunately, I don't 
believe in a God who gives a shit about ball games or elections, but bless you, anyway. America 
(and Oklahoma, in particular) needs more people like you.


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Subject: More

Bart, IF the Rethugs are SO wanting a fight with Hillary, then why, 
when they crossed over, didn't they vote for her in the primary?

From all indications, they crossed-over to vote for Obama.
The whore media says Obama has Repubs under his spell.

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What would Jesus Wear?

Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Seoul, Seoul-t'ukpyolsi (Korea, I assume)

They read it in Camarillo, California  (Frank!)

They read it in Auckland, New Zealand

They read it in Linton, Indiana 

They read it in Ipoh, Perak Malaysia

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B profit in 90 days
 $100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 3,963....3,968

We lost another 5 soldiers since last issue.

We have 3,968 dead soldiers.

We'd like to bring the soldiers home,
but Bush is busy playing with toys...


Exxon makes $108M$128M every day

That's why Bush
raped Iraq and
killed Saddam

How do we know for sure?
Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

 $200M-400M a day missing

Where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Subject: donation

Bart, I can't afford much, but please don't take a hiatus.
Some days this is my only sanity.
 Kelly P

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Tulsa, OK  74155

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Janet Huckabee Checks into Hooters


Janet Huckabee caught a prize fight last week in Las Vegas - where she stayed at Hooters.

That eye-opening combination - a title bout in Sin City, which celebrates gambling, drinking 
and all things wild, along with a casinoe*  favoring buxom waitresses in low-cut garb - could 
shock the conservative Christians who have made her husband, Gomer, the only remaining 
GOP opponent to chicks-in-every-town playboy John McCain.

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Lindsay Lohan - 'Mean girl' for wearing fur



See the best collection of   Lindsay Lohan pictures  on the net at BC Hotties


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BCR Show #134

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There's some language in this show.

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... Thanks to Michael for the picture

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