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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

 The Democratic Healer


BCR 135 is Here!HOT
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Thur-Friday   March 13-14,  2008   Vol 2126 - Coke Chaser

by Bruce Yurgil

Quote of the Day

"Denny Hastert's seat was as safe as 
  you can get, and the (we) lost it." 
    -- the vulgar Pigboy

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Promoting Obama HOT
Arrow Bush Killing Carlyle 
Arrow 'Marginalize' 
Arrow Crazy Hillary Hate 
Arrow The Ferraro Fracas HOT
Arrow McCain Outsourcing HOT
Arrow Obama Wins Mississippi 
Arrow Dem Divisiveness 
Arrow Kate Beckensale 





"It's nice that Hillary's campaign is now using the most vicious of right-wing talking points 
  to not only demonize Obama, but demonize a good portion of the Democratic party as well.
  You'd think the dynasty that brought us "Monica..."
      --  John Aravosis   Link

How can you tell when it's all about the hate?
When they bring up Monica.

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Promoting Obama


Right-leaning pundits for months now have very openly not just called for Hillary Clinton's head,
but also coddled and promoted Obama, salivating over the prospect of facing him in November.
Obama has been beating Hillary Clinton in part because Republicans are helping him.

As often as some of them have declared that Clinton is the most beatable Democrat, their own
agenda suggested otherwise.  Republicans are collectively so confident of beating the
black guy in November that they became his unofficial advance team.

I cringe each time I hear the Republican lie, "We want to face Hillary in November."
Why else would Rush, Will, Kristol, Hannity, Dowd,  etc praise a black guy?

Do you think they're sincere in their praise for Obama?
Do you think the GOP suddenly became non-racist?

Why does nobody else see the obvious?

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Used by permission


"If you believe that we've got to heal America and we've got to repair 
  our standing in the world,  then I think my supporters believe that I am 
  the messenger who can deliver that message."
       -- Obama,  October 18, 2007,    Link

 Barack, can I ask a question?
 Are you going to heal America the way you healed the Democratic party?

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Subject: what the planets say about the race

Part astrology, part politics. Hmmm.

I wrote a bit on it in the zendablog.

Let's stack Fred Barnes up against the planets :)

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"Hillary is thoroughly detestable and I have come to detest her thoroughly. 
  On my list, she would fall just behind Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Rumsfeld."
      --  A soldier in the "healer's" army,     Link

 Funny, you never hear a Hillary backer talk bad about Obama,
 yet the Obama people swear that's all they hear from us.

 The Democratic party can't last six more weeks.

 Somebody's gotta do something.

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Bush Killing Carlyle Group


In the past days, Carlyle Capital admitted it had received "substantial additional margin calls and
additional default notices from its lenders". It said lenders are selling off securities held as collateral.
Margin calls are demanded when a creditor questions the ability of the borrower to repay.

Carlyle had leveraged $670 million in equity by an alarmingly high 32 times to finance a $21.7 billion
portfolio of highly rated mortgage-backed securities issued by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
To finance the deals it entered into repurchase agreements with banks where it posted the mortgage
securities as collateral in exchange for cash. If the value of the security held as collateral falls, the lender
has the right to ask for more collateral - a margin call - to secure the loan.

If the borrower does not meet the margin call by putting up more collateral, the lender may sell the security. .

Looks like Bush might have bankrupted his Daddy's piggy bank.

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"Besides, the real softness of his campaign is not that Obama is a wimp.
  It's that he has never explained how this new politics would actually produce
  bread-and-butter benefits to people in places like Youngstown and Altoona.
  If he can't explain that, he's going to lose at some point anyway. n
      -- David Brooks, NYWT whore,   Link

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Subject: Latest threat to humanity

First of all, thank you for answering my e-mail of earlier this week. 
Your blog is the least hysterical and most fact-intensive of all the many available to me.

Having said that, what's up with the frenzy and gnashing of teeth on just about all of the 
purportedly "progressive" sites?  Geraldine Ferraro, having remained pretty much below the radar 
of so many people, is suddenly the bitch from hell and the Antichrist, according to almost everyone.

I guess I didn't get the memo:  with all due respect, is Obama that fragile and vulnerable to defeat 
that his supporters, and so many other people, must shield him from her words?  Say you don't like 
what she said, but, PLEASE:  remember the war, and the thousands of dead and wounded? 

The people of Iraq, dying from lack of medical care (here, too), the thousands of foreclosures 
and unemployed Americans, and our poor, battered Constitution?

I'm feeling disheartened.  Why is this happening?
 Margaret in Bronxville, New York

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Do you know the meaning of the word?

Marginalize - to relegate to an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group

That's what a candidate is supposed to do in a political campaign.
He or she is supposed to make themselves appear indespensible while
making his or her opponent very dispensible and unnecessary.

But in Hillary's case, any effort to marginalize Obama
is seen as a direct attack on all people of color - how dare she?

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Subject: Obama girl

Bart, the Obama girl (u tube) is there to belittle Obama.
Of course she is for Hillary.
 Mary Jo

You could be right (I don't know) but the media didn't play it like that.

They portrayed that Obama girl video like the first gush for the new guy..
It seemed to give everyone else permission to gush.

And you say she was there to belittle him?
How is a pretty girl singing, "I got a crush on you" belittling?

If any pretty girls out there want to put a video on YouTube
singing, "I got a crush on Bartcop" - you have my permission. 

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Ashley Alexandra Dupre.
The Whore Times says she's Spitzer's "Kristen." 

I dunno, I don't see an Chinaco 30th there, no Don Julio Real...

I mean, ...what would be the point?

Elizabeth Smart - Five Years Ago


Five years ago Monday, me & Mrs Bart went whale watching off San Diego.
We had a great time - saw a bunch of whales. Mrs Bart was worried about
getting seasick, but she should've been more worried about the sun.

The next day she was sequestered in an Oceanside Motel 6 with sunburn.
She'd sent me to the drug store to buy lotions and creams to make her feel better.
When I came back, she said, "They found Elizabeth Smart."

I said something like, "Oh, damn..." and she said, "No, they found her alive."

Five years later her alleged abductors haven't been to trial - I wonder why?

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Subject: keep swinging

Bart --

Thanks for that.  I know how heavy that hammer gets.
I became an expat because I was stupid enough to keep swinging.

Lost everything, but I've not let the bastards take me out yet.
Even after they took my country from me.

Good work, lad.  ;-)
  -- Geoff

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Question, and yes, this is a trap

Has Hillary beaten up Obama so bad that he can't win in November?

Published answers will begin with a "yes" or a "no."

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Happy Birthday to Daoud,
one of our premier toonists.

Subject: Hillary is listening to you


Here in PA Hillary is using your line  "When people say we don't want the 90's back,
I say 'What didn't you like about the 90's?   The peace or the prosperity?' "

That's bartcop!   It gets the biggest reaction!
The crowds here a bigger and wilder than one reads of  in the media.
No surprise there

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Subject: Thoughts On Long Term Democratic Divisiveness?HOT


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M-i-c-k-e-y  M-o-u-s-e HOT


Sometimes we're so politically correct, we can't talk - or breathe.

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Subject: Ferraro Fallout HOT


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Subject: makes me sick

Bart, is that in all these sites I read every day

Daily KOS
Rude Pundit
Huffington Post

...have not only gone Obamamaniacal, but they have spewed so much vitriol and hate
toward Hillary as to make me sick to my stomach. I might as well read Politico or
National Review because it has made me feel like an outsider in my own party.

None of them will get a penny more from me.

And if they are wrong,
and the lollipop gets taken away a third time and we lose the election,
I'll be sending out a series of "WTF were you thinking?" messages.

And, where are the media?
All these months gone by and I still don't know a damn thing
about Obama except that he can give a good speech.

Faithful Bartcop reader for YEARS,


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Subject: The Obama Hate

Not saying you hate the guy, and you certainly haven't said anything yourself about the fella.

How could I hate him?
He's unknown and I generally don't hate strangers.

But I think the reason people get the idea from you is that when you quote a negative
opinion on Hillary you take time out and explain why you think it's wrong.

> Obama refuses to acknowledge that he'd be willing to run for Vice President.
> Why would he?  He's still in it for the Presidency.  He has to have a winner mentality.

But below that quote you have

> "Been here for three years and already wants it all."

Want's all of what?
He wants to be President, thinks he can do a good job, and I think he can do a good job.

And I would fight (but not die) for your right to say that.

I know how you feel about Hilldog, and I know as a supporter you'll defend her, but I don't think
quoting and agreeing with every negative Obama comment out there makes you out to be "fair".

You thought this page was about being fair?
If I had no opinions, this page would read like the old Buzzflash - minus about 50 IQ points.

As dumb as I am, I know it's suicide to personally attack and slur another Democrat,
which is something everyone attacking and slurring Hillary should remember.

On the flip side, you quote a negative opinion of Obama
and then take a moment to show why they're right.

...because that's what my opinion is - which part is confusing you?

I never said I was neutral in this race.
I've expressed dissappointment in those who CLAIM to be neutral,
but then constantly worship Obama and slur Hillary endlessly.

I think that's very uncool.

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Randi Rhodes

Thursday, at the end of the first hour, Randi was once again patting herself on the back
for staying neutral and not letting her fans know which presidential candidate she's backing.

Isn't that amazing?

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Subject: race

I don't know bart...
Obama was supposed to bring us all together.

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That Crazy Hillary Hate


Now that Obama is waiting in the wings, I find that once again I am barracking for Hillary.
The turnaround began upon reading about how deeply she is loathed by some Americans.

This is not the ordinary hate people feel for politicians they don't like. The hatred Americans feel
for Hillary is of a different order. Pollsters have remarked that it is unusually deep-seated and personal.
Men and women will say, for instance, that they hate Hillary's hair, her lined skin, her eyes. They hate
what she wears. They hate how she is always right. It's crazy-making sexism in action here.

Google "hate Hillary Clinton".  Richard Cohen says that more than 30 books have been written
about her, many of them "vituperative and ugly". "They have questioned Hillary's honesty, sexuality,
parenting, wifing and just about everything else Hillary has come to personify all that is wrong
with Bill, the Democrats, liberals, working women, independent women and women of a certain
kind - which is any woman you don't like. No man could possibly match her in that department."

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Subject: talk about un-subscribing...

I can't believe that I don't listen to Randi Rhodes anymore, or watch Keith Olbermann.
They were my two favorite people to listen to, next to you, Bart :-).
They trash Hillary constantly, and I can't take it.

I agree - they spew the nastiest, personal crap and who would want to hear that?
Randy says Bill wants her to lose so he'll always have one up on her.
Once again, they read the Clintons's minds and reveal their innermost thoughts.

Meanwhile, I haven't slurred anybody, at least no Democrats.

Why are people so crazy over the Clintons, when the Bushes are evil incarnate?

It's a form on insanity we've never witnessed before.
Hillary hate makes the Israeli-Palestinian thing look like friends arguing.

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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Ron, that's a good-looking dog.

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 Part-time, a few hours a week

  We Need HelpHOT

Subject: Slamming Obama

You have only ever asked legitimate and much needed questions of Obama's
capacity to be president.  Also you have pointed out where his supporters have
gone overboard in their reactions to any question of his suitability.

They really must beleive that Hillary is the worst they are going to face.
These guys forget what was done to both Gore and Kerry.

The Rethug slime machine is being oiled as we speak,
getting ready to smear B 'Hussein' O like never before.
Come November we won't be sure that Obama has a first or a last name, Just Hussein.

I hope Hillary is not his VP, hope she refuses if offered. She being his running mate
would only give the right-wing media reason to ratchet up the smearing campaign.

Invisible Cloud Being help us all.

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McCain outsourced Defense Contract
 American work isn't good enough for McCain?
 First the lobbyist girlfriend, now this?


McCain critics are starting to make waves about his relationships with lobbyists 
with a European company, by charging that the results cost Americans jobs..

European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. and Northop Grumman Corp. were
awarded a $35 billion Pentagon contract last month to build new AirForce tankers, 
instead of Boeing Co., which is formally challenging the agreement.

Boeing's complaint asks the GAO to make sure the EADS contract is fair. McCain 
pushed for EADS to get the contract, and his campaign employs three former EADS 
lobbyists, although there is no specific evidence of impropriety, according to ABC.

"Mr. Clean has a bunch of lobbyists that work for a company that won that contract," 
Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., told Whore ABC. "Some people claim the way the specs were
written, it was all but certain that the company that his campaign lobbyists worked for 
got that contract."

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Is any Dom worth $4300 an hour?

Subject: slurring Obama

Bart, I`ve never read you slurring Obama, it`s just that you
treat Sen Clinton like she`s Joan of Ark or something, sheeeeeesh!

Dude, find a quote where I said something nice about Hillary.

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The Ferraro Fracas

But just because what Ferraro said was wrong doesn't mean that the reaction to it 
hasn't been over the top -- it has.

Tuesday night, Keith Olbermann said, "It seems remarkable to me that a campaign being run in the 
21st century or even the second half of the 20th century would allow itself to be associated in any kind 
of way and not step back ... Does it not have disaster written all over it, or are we living in South Africa?" 
(Wednesday night, he followed up with one of his trademark "Special Comment" segments.)

I don't, unlike some, claim to be a mind reader. Still, I have to imagine 
that at least some of the South Africans who lived through apartheid -- not to mention some of those who 
died as a result of it -- might tell Olbermann that the comparison was perhaps a tad hyperbolic.

And suggestions that the Clinton campaign -- even the candidate herself -- had some role
in Ferraro's remarks seem to some degree illogical.

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Subject: Ferraro

Straight yes or no question:

Do you find Geraldine Ferraro's comments racist or not?

I can't do it, ...but let me ask you a question:.

If I say, "Eight of the NFL's top running backs are Black," is that racist?
Was that a "racist" thing to say, since the thought involved race?

If I say, "There are no Blacks on the US Olympic swim team," is that racist?

You're stuck for answers - aren't you?

Jimmy the Greek said, "Slaves were bred to have bigger, stronger children,"
and he was fired from CBS for "being a racist," but how can facts be racist?

Bill said, "Jesse Jackson won the primary here in 1988."  That was a fact,
but America fainted at that vile and vicious and hateful anti-Obama racist trash.

I've never heard a racist word from Bill or Hillary,
but Obama supporters hear racist words from them constantly.

So yeah, if a Clinton backer said it, it must be racist.

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Subject: Obama as VP

Bart, so you agree that it's curious for Hillary to speak of the possibility
of Obama as her VP, yet contend he is not ready to be President?

Doesn't that illustrate the lack of judgement that is Obama's case against *her*?

ha ha

That's the best laugh I've had this week.

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My brother came home yesterday
He doesn't look like I remember
He must've seen some ugly things
He just can't seem to say

God bless this mess

Heard about the day 
that two skyscrapers came down
The smoke covered the city 
The president spoke words of comfort
With tears in his eyes
Then he led us as a nation 
Into a war all based on lies

God bless this mess

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"Bush has misled Americans on intelligence-gathering and antiterrorism operations. 
  It will be up to the next president to restore the rule of law."
      -- NY Whore Times editorial,    Link

 You sons of bitches have lied for Bush, you've whored for Bush, 
 you've helped him cover up his crimes, and now you say he's misled us? 

 What the fuck have YOU been doing?

 The whole charade with the war - Cheney would leak lies to you, you'd print them, 
 of course, like a good steno agency would, and then Cheney would say, 
 "Of course it's true - even the New York Times says so."

 New York Times, you are a whore newspaper.
 New York Times, you helped Bush and Cheney do this:


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Obama Wins Mississippi
 But Don't Look for a Fall Repeat


While results from many states have suggested that Obama's candidacy might really be transcending 
old voting patterns, there is no such suggestion to be found in the results from this corner of the deep south. 
Among African Americans, Obama won a striking 90-10 margin.  Among the white, Clinton won 74-21

Among the 37 percent of the electorate identified as white protestants, Clinton's margin went to 76-18. 
Among white over 60 -- one-fifth of the primary electorate, Clinton was favored 82-16.

These numbers point to a continuing, very real and very serious racial divide in the old Confederacy. 
The divide in Mississippi is similar to the one seen in the neighboring state of Alabama on February 5.

The exit poll data provides little support for the argument that nominating Obama 
would get Democrats back in the game in the Republican-leaning south this fall.

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium 

They read it in Berthoud, Colorado 

They read it in New Delhi, India and a shout out to Jayesh in Ahmedabad!
                (Woof, woof!  Don't tell the Mu I smoked the weed!)

They read it in Tuscola, Illinois 

They read it in Burnaby, British Columbia

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
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No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

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Subject: Bartcop in Chief

The effort by the Clinton campaign to belittle Barack Obama
is hailed by her supporters as a sign of what a fighter she is.

You are looking thru Obama-tinged lenses.

Obama's refusal to go against his principles by practicing dirty politics
is cited as a sign of weakness.

His refusal to play dirty?
Is that why the Clintons are not racists now?

Yet you, Bartcop, as you repeatedly remind your readers,
have never slurred or attacked Obama, not even once.

That's the first true thing you've written.

So are you some kind of weak-kneed wimp?
Maybe you are not ready to be Bartcop in Chief.

You don't have to play dirty to fight back.
Just don't surrender early, with millions in the bank,
and yes, I'm talking to you, John Kerry.

You Obama backers better pray that he doesn't listen 
to a single word of advice he's getting from Kerry.

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Subject: Donation

Here's another small donation to show my appreciation for what you do in these difficult times.

I'm not much of a Clinton supporter, but I'm not going to take my ball and go home crying
just because I don't always agree with what you say that being said, I hope some of your
readers who claim to have abandoned you will regain their sanity soon.

I eagerly await the time that you can spend more of your time hammering the rethuglicans
as they so richly deserve instead of having to defend yourself and the candidate you support
from lies and/or distortions.

Your friend,
Mike D.

 Click to Subscribe
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK  74155

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I have a heart attack scheduled for Monday.
Wish me luck.

Kate Beckinsale - I chase it with a Coke



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