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"Anyone who voted for either of us should be
absolutely committed to voting for the other
in the general election. I'm going to shout
that from the mountaintops, no matter what the
outcome, no matter what the differences are
between Senator Obama and myself, they pale
in comparison to the differences we have with
Senator McCain and the Republicans."
-- Hillary, trying to close the
gap between the two camps, Link
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Arrest Bush!!
Bush Confesses to Waterboarding. Call D.C.
by Ted Rall
"Why are we talking about this in the White House?"
John Ashcroft nervously asked his fellow members
of the National Security Council's Principals
Committee. (The Principals were Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld
and Powell, CIA Director George Tenet and Attorney
General Ashcroft.)
"History will not judge this kindly," Ashcroft
"This" is torture. Against innocent people. Conducted
by CIA agents and American soldiers and marines.
Sanctioned by legal opinions issued by Ashcroft's
Justice Department. Directly ordered by George W. Bush.
An April 11th report by ABC News describes how
CIA agents, asked by previous presidents to carry out
illegal "black ops" actions (torture and killings),
had become tired of getting hung out to dry whenever their
dirty deeds were revealed by the press. When
Bush asked the CIA to work over prisoners captured in
Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere, Director
George Tenet demanded legal cover. The Justice Department
complied by issuing a classified 2002 memo, the
so-called "Golden Shield," authored by Office of Legal
Counsel Jay Bybee. "Enhanced interrogation techniques"--i.e.,
torture--were legal, Bybee assured the CIA.
Tenet was a good boss, a CYA type. He wanted to
protect his agents.
So he got the Principals to personally sign off
on each act of torture.
They broke the law.
They knew they were breaking the law and the whole time Bush
wagging his finger at the camera, promising, "America
does not torture."
Do you think our whore press will run that Monkey's finger-wagging
one-tenth as many times as they ran Clintons, "I didn't screw
Of course not, because America is religiously insane and idiot
consider sex much worse than kidnapping, torture and murder.
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"President Bush has fucked everything up so
he's made it hard for a white man to
become president!,"
-- Chris Rock,
last night at The Garden Link
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Subject: Ann in Philly is way
way off
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D.C. Madam
They called it 'suicide' but don't believe
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Gary Dourdan faces drug charges
Plus 'Warrick' leaving CSI this month.
"CSI" co-star Gary Dourdan was arrested Monday
for possession of "dangerous" drugs, police said.
The 41-year-old actor was found asleep in his
car by the Palm Springs Police Department.
The arresting officer described Dourdan as "high.".
The officer arrested Dourdan after locating
suspected cocaine, heroin, Ecstacy, miscellaneous
prescription drugs and paraphernalia.
Dourdan was released on $5,000 bail.
But - isn't that more proof that you can get high and still do good
He's been with C.S.I. for eight years and I've never
heard of him missing work
or coming to work late or being too high to be in the show - have you?
Besides the slurred speech, the vulgar Pigboy proved he could lead small-minded,
religiously-insane sheep off a cliff when he was higher than Clinton's
stock market.
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Subject: Charade?
After the painful PA loss, pundits blamed Wright.
Obama has to distance himself from the Rev, but how???
A week before the IN and NC primary, for UNEXPLAINED
reason, the Rev resurfaces.
For two days, he spew the same crazy sermon.
NOW Obama can COMPLETELY break from
the Rev, something he failed to do in his first
speech. Now Obama now can have a clean break.
This way, he can convince the Superdelegates to
throw their support to him.
The uneasiness in me keeps asking was it a real
divorce or just a political charade???
Raul, that's a possibility, but hasn't that move
hurt Obama's November chances?
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"It's been a week since anyone suggested that
Hillary drop out of the race."
Howie Kurtz (R-Whore) Link
Will She be our next president?
Some polls show her pulling even.
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Who Does
Better Against
State by State?
Thanks to John Paul
Subject: Reverend Wright
I think Obama is going to get burned on this.
He never should have given in
to the Lords of Loud and thrown the guy under
the bus. Wright isn't nearly as
bat crap crazy as Hagee is and the Lords know
it. I really think this helps Hillary.
Chris D. from NJ
Yes, he has double trouble on this because:
Obama used his 20-year relationship
with Wright as a shield against the Muslim lie,
so no matter how many times we mention Hagee
or Pat Robertson, they'll always
come back with, "Sure,
but not for twenty years..."
Six weeks ago, Obama said, "I
couldn't denounce Rev Wright any more than
I could denounce the Black
community ," or close to that - and now he has.
But what make Wright go off on his old friend? Wright was
about to be flown all over
the world on Air Force One. He was about to become very famous
- in a good way.
He might've become known as "Obama's conscience," he was
on the verge of being
the Black Billy Graham, and he threw it all away so he could
talk some trash about his
old friend who would soon become the most powerful man in the
planet - but noooooooo.
Instead, he danced a jig for the whore-press jackals.
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Monkey pays
for 'Mission Accomplished'
The White House said Wednesday that Der Murder
Monkey has paid a price for the "Mission Accomplished"
banner that was flown in triumph five years ago
but later became a symbol of U.S. misjudgments and mistakes
in the long and costly war in Iraq.
Thursday is the fifth anniversary of Bush's dramatic
landing in on The USS Abraham Lincoln.
Remember all the on-air orgasms Chris the Screamer
all Neocons, now!"
"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended,"
Bush said at the time. The "Mission Accomplished"
banner was prominently displayed above him -
a move the White House came to regret as the display
was mocked and became a source of controversy.
Well of course it did - and it should have.
Bush was strutting around with his "manhood"
on display like he
was cock-of-the-walk when, in fact, all he was
was a big dick.
When you taunt a person or a group, and then you
get tagged, you look extra-super-stupid.
If you're old enough to remember the Sugar Ray/Duran
fight, Sugar Ray dropped his hands and
his chin out and dared the deadly 'Hands of Stone' to make him pay for
Duran never could, but think how different Sugar
Ray's career would have turned out
if he dared Duran to hit him and Duran knocked
his ass out?
That's what we have for a president.
A guy who brags and boasts, but then can't back
it up.
And what was the result?
A wrecked ship and a dead crew.
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Subject: Obama is real candidate
Up until now I never considered Obama to be a
real candidate.
Just 5 years ago no one knew who he was. But now
his old friend Reverend Wright
is stabbing him in the back taking advantage
of their relationship for personal gain.
The Clinton's have had their friends stab them
in the back for years.
Up until now Obama hasn't been important enough
to stab in the back.
I suppose now however Obama has arrived.
Welcome to the real world of political success,
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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Secret Plan
McCain to
Disabled: 'Drop Dead'
He ain't got no time for no gimps
At least 20 disabled activists, most of them
in wheelchairs, were arrested outside McCain's
DC offices
Tuesday after being refused a meeting with the
GOP presidential nominee-to-be over a bill to expand
Medicaid coverage to more people who want in-home
"If he should be president, it would be ironic
that he comes from a party that talks a lot about family values,"
said Bob Kafka, national organizer for ADAPT,
a group advocating for passage of the bill. Without the bill,
disabled people don't have the choice to apply
coverage to anything other than institutional care, he said.
"Families are devastated because they don't have
a choice to keep people at home," Kafka said.
bother me!"
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Subject: Thanks for being consistent
Bart, thanks for being one of the few consistent
truth seekers out there.
I want to be a sensible Democrat and support
whoever is nominated, but today I finally gave up.
All the pro-Obama sites are hyping up some Youtube
video this morning claiming it proves Hillary
is some out of touch elitist. WTF? These are
the same people who screamed that the MSM was
focusing too much on insane trivia like Rev.
I have been called every name in the book by the
pro-Obama people who characterize Hillary and
her supporters as pure evil and the spawn of
Satan. Today I finally flipped out. I actually like Obama
and his ideas, but his supporters have gone off
the deep end in hateful diatribes against Hillary.
I can never be a part of that type of lynch-mob
mentality. I will continue to support Hillary,
but will never ever support Obama under any circumstances.
Thanks for your great site,
...but you're voting for the Democrat in November,
McCain will appoint more Fascist puppets to the
High Whore Court.
Hell, we could end up with nine of these...
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Why advertise
on Bartcop.com?
This one fella paid for 2
days, ($65)
got 3 days
because of my civil war low-profile.
Could your site use a 550% boost
in hits?
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Why blog for only your family and friends?
If you have something to say, I say spend $65
and see if that changes your situation
Subject: Obama video
Hey Bart,
Obama video was something else.
Wayyyy cool that you are a part of it.
Hope you're doing well my friend.
Jim in Topeka.
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Madman McCain
What if he gets his finger on
the button?
'Uncle Tom'
Obama isn't the one with the problem.
The people who put him on an impossible-to-reach pedestal are
the problem.
Michelle kept saying, "He's just a man,"
but some people wanted him to be more.
Now that they find out he's a human being, and a politician,
they think they're seeing Hillary's clone - and they feel like
they've been tricked.
I don't recall Obama trying to trick anyone.
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Subject: Not a good "turn the
other cheek" liberal?
Bart, you asked,
>...and that mother-f-ing, piece of shit rapist can still walk?
So you're not a good "turn the other cheek" liberal.
You're LIKE ME: an old-school New Deal anti-fascist
The kind of liberal who trained to fire an M1
Garand .30-06 and went over
the ocean to shoot fascists in the face because
that's the only goddamn way
to deal with fascists.
Turning the other cheek got us into this mess.
Pardoning Nixon and letting
Prescott Bush skate on dealing with the enemy,
sweeping Iran-contra under
the rug, and "getting over" the 2000 election
theft, and so on.
Too much forgiveness.
Tom B
PS. Thanks for the Bartcop radio and I hope NYC
was as cool as it so often is.
Tom, thanks for that.
I've been working hard on that NY Trip Report.
I hope it turns out as good as I think it might.
I've never done radio with pictures before.
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"I know these babies are stupid. That's why
if they're not socialized
by human beings, they grow up to be
little savages."
the vulgar Pigboy, child care expert and rapist of young boys Link
Rush, is that why you smuggled Viagra to the Dominican Republic,
which is famous around the globe for their boy-sex trade?
Did you "socialize" a few of those "savage" little boys, Rush?
Get your grabby hands off that little crippled kid!
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Subject: that bastard Murdoch
Hillary has ALREADY received big donations from
Rupert Murdoch.
It was in the headlines as far back as 2006.
Look it up.
James L
James, trust me, I knew that, and that's my point.
If Murdoch thinks he can throw a few million
at the Lady and call the tune, he's wrong
and he better be playing some serious defense
because Hillary has some scores to settle.
I've never seen a Lady who's political enemies
got some crooked judges to OK going
thru her underwear drawers "looking for evidence"
no doubt sniffing at the possible
evidence just to humiliate her a little more
- you think she's forgotten about that?.
If *I* was Hillary, I wouldn't forgive OR forget.
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Subject: Bartcop Radio
Bart, you're a scream on a microphone and
I've been digging the shows!
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Why Celebrate
Rev. Wrong?
by Joe Conason
As the Rev. Wright gleefully tours the airwaves,
inflicting severe political damage with almost every utterance,
he is proving that racism isn't the only obstacle
to a black president. The historic prize is almost within the grasp
of one of the most talented politicians America
has ever seen, yet what seems most likely to frustrate Obama now
is not white prejudice but the frivolity, egotism
and pettiness of those who should be his most dedicated supporters.
To criticize Wright is not to reject the black
church, the speaking styles of black preachers, the aspirations of black
children or the rhythms and tonalities of black
music, as he suggested in his address to the NAACP last weekend.
Somehow his self-serving formulations seem to
be approved by many black leaders, if the audience response in
Detroit provides any measure. And that apparent
approval reinforces doubts raised by Wright's televised remarks
in the minds of many Americans who might well
vote for Obama but now wonder whether they know him well enough.
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Rezko and
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Subject: See the ad you made
Bart --
Thanks to you, we're putting a new ad on the air
in Indiana and Carolina
responding to Senator Clinton's attacks ahead
of next Tuesday's primary.
I hope you take a look now:
Watch the ad that you helped air and see how Barack
addresses this important issue:
Thanks for helping us share this important issue
with the voters of Indiana and Carolina.
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Dave, always glad to help out ...(?)
But I have a question:
Obama said that gas tax thing was a sham because
it only adds $30 (I think) a month to the average
But what if you're NOT the average family?
What if you drive a truck for a living?
What if you're a farmer faced with 50% higher
fuel costs?
What if you have a one-hour drive to work because
you can't afford to live inside the expensive city limits?
What if you drive a taxi?
What if you're a home health care worker,
who visits patients who can't get to a doctor's office?
I like your man, Obama, but on this issue,
I think he bet on the losing end.
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of Rape and Murder?
I thought it couldn't get any worse - I was wrong
The Department of Defense statistics are alarming
- one
in three women who join
the US military
will be sexually assaulted or raped by men in
the military. The warnings to women should begin above the
doors of the military recruiting stations, as
that is where assaults on women in the military begin - before
they are even recruited.
But, now, even more alarming, are deaths of women
soldiers in Iraq and in the United States following rape.
The military has characterized each death of
women who were first sexually assaulted as deaths from
"noncombat related injuries," and then added
"suicide." Yet, the families of the "suicide" women strongly
dispute the findings and are calling for further
investigations into the deaths of their daughters. Specific units
and certain US military bases in Iraq have an
inordinate number of women soldiers who have died of
"noncombat related injuries," with several identified
as "suicides."
If you read the whole story, have a bucket nearby because you'll be
The story implies that these teenage girls are raped, then if the rapists
she might talk, they murder her and the military doctor labels it "a
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"I'm a huge fan of Barack Obama. I was so disappointed
when the ghastly Hillary
got Texas and kept the whole thing
going. Please God, let's not have this woman!
Hillary will want to make her mark
and show that she can be just as good as a
male president, and she will fucking
invade Iran. Trust me..."
Pink Floyd genius Roger waters, Link
I didn't know Roger Waters could read minds AND see into the future.
Note: Roger's in Dallas tonight - anybody going?
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Subject: Guns in the House
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Bush Countdown Clock
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Linked to Alleged Plot
Sweaty Wrestler caught up in Rezko probe
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Subject: NAFTA explained
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Subject: Gas Prices
Hey Bart,
Has anyone else noticed that gas prices went up
almost 20 cents in one day and that
coincided with the "free money" giveaway by the
government that stated on Monday?
Tammy D
Tammy, maybe Neil Young said it best:
Out of the blue and into the black
You pay for this, but they give you that...
They talk about giving us an 18-cent break on gas taxes
then the bastards raise the price of gas 20 cents.
It just makes our November victory more certain.
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Here for
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Bart, a photo of Son-of-Bob (known as Ferg),
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Where Are
Obama's Friends?
You know my feelings on Democrats and loyalty
- good luck, Barack!
I warned him that this was coming, but I had no
idea it would happen this soon.
Democrats just refuse to fight.
Well, most of them, anyway.
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Subject: Repubs promised lower
oil prices with Iraq
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They read it in Korea, Republic of
They read it in Keller, Texas
They read it in Cologne, Germany
They read it in Green Bank, West Virginia
They read it in Prague, Czech Republic
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it to me...
We go to war in the Middle East "to
protect out vital American interests"
And what are our "vital American interests" there?"
Cheap oil for America's energy needs.
But we don't have cheap oil for our energy needs,
so what are we fighting for?
The price of gas had tripled since Bush went there to "protect
out vital American interests,"
Wouldn't that then make Bush a failure at protecting
Why are thousands of soldiers dying if the price
of gas has tripled?
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have tons of great 'toons on the Bart
like 'toons?
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
billion in profit in 90 days
us to the tune of
$129 million
profit per day
Gouging us to the tune of
profit per second
because Bush started a fake war
...and what did it cost America,
besides $3 trillion of debt for your kids?
Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...
Some don't.
x 4,059....4,065
We lost another 6
soldiers since last issue.
We have 4,065
dead soldiers.
Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
but the White House is run by f-ing retards.
The Wizard of
makes $108M - $128M
every day
That's why
raped Iraq
and killed Saddam
How do we
know for sure?
oil wells have NO METERS!
a day missing
Where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Cheney in
K-Drag Today
Usually he's here to get 'Monica' from Jim Inhofe
He likes it from Inhofe because Pissquik does
it with a mouthful of oil.
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Subject: Donation
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Kinky Wedding Plans
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BCR Show
Listen to it before you share it
There's some language in this show.
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Show 138
Note: The Obama speech section of BCR
was previously posted in BCR
There is an anti-technology rant at 24:10
that you might find amusing.
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Show 139
There's a lot of Obama in this show because,
hopefully, this'll be the last show for that.
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Shirley, from her Angelfish
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