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 Calming the Democrats


BCR 140 is here!HOTHOT

Thurs-Fri   May 8-9, 2008 Vol 2149 - Ignore it

Quote of the Day

"You have to slay this woman. 
  Knife her directly in the naval! 
  I have had enough of her crap."
    -- whatamess,

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow What does Hillary Want? 
Arrow Dazzling win in Carolina 
Arrow Hillary's Race Card again HOT
Arrow Corrupt McCain Caught
Arrow Oil Breaks $126 per barrel 
Arrow The Flight Stuff 
Arrow You should be angry HOT
Arrow Ignorant & Pigheaded HOT
Arrow Ricci in 'Speed Racer' 






"In Obamaland, Wright and Ayers are not problems, Michelle is an asset, no one perceives
  Obama as an elitist, and those purple states are all going to turn a lovely shade of blue.
  Stay tuned for contrary evidence in November."
   -- kempis   Link

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What does Hillary Want?


If she does concede defeat, the question "What does Hillary want?"
should have some fairly obvious answers

This is a good/excellent article about Hillary's options.
There's nobody screaming the "C" word at Her, no gratuitous slimeball attacks,
just a list of options that she can ponder as her chances grow slimmer.

...and it's from - go figure.

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"Hillary is hated on all the right fronts. The snots and the snark-mongers now all despise her,
along with the trendies, the glitzies; the food, drama, and lifestyle critics, the beautiful people
(and those who would join them), the Style sections of all the big papers; the slick magazines;
the above-it-all pundits, who have looked down for years on the Republicans and on the poor
fools who elect them, and now sneer even harder at her. The New York Whore Times is having
hysterics about her..."
     -- The Weekly Standard     Link

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Subject: Obama's BIG, sweeping, crushing, dazzling win in NC

Get on the Obama Train already, Bart! Geez!

That graphic's a little scary.
Obama was only able to corner 37% of white Democrats?

If America was 50% Black, I'd like our chances better.


"In the Left blogs today, it is considered a mortal sin to point out
 that Barack Obama has trouble connecting with white working class voters."
    -- -Big Tent Democrat,

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Hillary Plays the Race Card
 by a Black guy backing Obama


She cited a whore AP article "that found how Senator Obama's support . . . among working,
hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again. I have a much broader base
to build a winning coalition on."

As a statement of fact, that's debatable at best. As a rationale for why superdelegates should pick her
over Obama, it's a slap in the face to the party's most loyal constituency -- African Americans -- and a
repudiation of principles the party claims to stand for. Here's what she's really saying to party leaders:
There's no way that white people are going to vote for the black guy. Come November, you'll be sorry.

How silly of me. I thought the Democratic Party believed in a colorblind America.

But like I said last issue...
If our goal is to nominate a Black man, we should go with Obama.
But what if our goal is to win the White House?

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Subject: Hillary's race card


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"You almost want to look away. But it's fascinating in a way. She cannot concede;
  she cannot give an inch; she cannot acknowledge reality. Observing sociopaths
  in close detail as their world collapses around them and they cannot absorb the
  truth is always fascinating.
    -- Andrew Sullivam, wishing for the old days when Democrats surrendered early,  Link

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Not sure what this means,
but if it involves Wolf the Whore,
it's gotta be funny.

Subject: Carville vs Obama

Bart - Carville's remark was SPOT ON!  That was one of the best zinger's I've ever heard.

Tell me -- why isn't Carville out there MORE?

araw, many Democrats hate Carville as much as they hate the Clintons.
Carville helped deliver that awful "peace and prosperity" crap that was the Clinton admininstration.

Besides, since he's good, they try to keep him off TV,

That's why CNN cancelled Capital Gang and Crossfire - so the right-wingers
could spew their lies without anybody from the Left answering back.

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Corrupt McCain Caught


McCain championed legislation that will let an Arizona rancher trade remote grassland and ponderosa
pine forest here for acres of valuable federally owned property that is ready for development, a land swap
that now stands to directly benefit one of his top presidential campaign fundraisers.

Initially reluctant to support the swap, the Arizona Republican became a key figure in pushing the deal
through Congress after the rancher and his partners hired lobbyists that included McCain's 1992 Senate
campaign manager, two of his former Senate staff members (one of whom has returned as his chief of staff),
and an Arizona insider who was a major McCain donor and is now bundling campaign checks.

When McCain's legislation passed in November 2005, the ranch owner gave the job of building as many as
12,000 homes to SunCor Development, a firm in Tempe, Ariz., run by Steven A. Betts, a longtime McCain
supporter who has raised more than $100,000 for the presumptive Republican nominee. Betts said he and
McCain never discussed the deal.

Well, that's good enough for the whore press.
No sense looking into some crooked land deal unless the Clintons lost money on it.

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Subject: Florida and Michigan

How could a political party take away the constutional right of the people to vote?
By not counting the votes of Fla.and Mich.the democratic party has voided their right to vote.
That has to be illegal,
 James D

I like Howard Dean, but this is all his mess, with help from Donna Brazile,
who they say put the 'death penalty' on FL and MI.

The time to fix the MI and FL mess was before it happened,

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Subject: Clinton's blindness


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Oil Breaks $126 per barrel
 Super-rich call Bush "Best President Ever"


Oil prices surged past $125 per barrel Friday ($126 as of 8AM Eastern) on the eve of the
U.S. driving season as a weakening Bush dollar drove investors to snap up commodities.

On Friday, The Whore Street Journal published a report that suggested closer ties between
Venezuelan's Hugo Chavez and rebels attempting to overthrow Colombia's government,
heightening chances that the U.S. could impose sanctions on one of its biggest oil suppliers
as a state sponsor of terror.  Or, Bush could just invade Venezuela and murder Chavez.

Oil could hit $150 this summer and $200 by Christmas, but if a Democrat takes the Whiite House,
look for radically falling prices before congress can get the oil bastards under oath.

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Subject: If Obama is the nominee...

Dear Bart,

If Obama is the nominee I will support him just as much as if he were Hillary.
But I will be VERY disappointed if he gives up the fight at any time from this moment
until every last vote is counted in November.

If he does a "Kerry" and just stands around and allows attacks (which will certainly escalate
because they have already started...) and then rolls over and loses this election, then he will
have done a tremendous disservice to all the people who voted for Hillary because those of us
who voted for Hillary know that she would never give up, never back down from a fight,
and never take crap from the Right-Wingnuts!!!

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"At the highest levels of the Obama campaign, there is no appetite for any talk
  of a unity ticket so far. Still, big victories in West Virginia and Kentucky will help
  Clinton make the argument that she is indispensable."
    -- Marc Ambinder,    Link

 It seems like lately, she's won Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, Indiana ...and he won Carolina
 because of the large Black voter turnout.  Obama told Wolf the Whore today that she's
 going to win West Virginia and Kentucky, yet they insist she get out of the race.

 When was the last time Obama carried a mostly white state with people in it?

 Or am I a racist for asking?

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Subject: Need to get over the race thing


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McCain didn't vote for Bush in 2000
 Two West Wing actors confirm dinner conversation


Two Hollywood actors who dined with McCain in early 2001 confirmed Thursday
that he told the assembled group he did not vote for George W. Bush in the 2000 election.

Bradley Whitford and Richard Schiff both said the senator made the remarks after he spoke
about his reservations about Bush becoming president. Ari Huffy wrote about the incident Monday.
The LA Whore Times said that a woman who was also at the dinner confirmed Huffy's account.

McCain's aides, of course, denied the allegations Tuesday.

That just proves what a whore McCain has become.

He used to say religious insanity was a bad thing, now he's born again.
He told people he didn't vote for Bush then, but now...


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"Hey, you know who is getting married this weekend?  Jenna Bush is getting married this
  weekend in Crawford, Texas. And this is no surprise: the $2 billion ice sculpture contract
  went to Halliburton.  (Rim shot.)   Weddings are great, aren't they?  Everybody gets in the
  big family wedding spirit, and everybody is helping out with the big Jenna Bush wedding.
  As a matter of fact, right now, Dick Cheney is waterboarding the groom."
    -- Letterman

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Who was prettier - Einstein or Marilyn Monroe?

 Now with working link :)  

 Link  HOT

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Subject: Monkey Mail me?


Notice you're getting a semi-Monkey Mail.

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Subject: Obama can't win


 Sure he can...

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"More than 43,000 U.S. troops listed as medically unfit for combat in the weeks before their 
scheduled deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan since 2003 were sent anyway, the Pentagon says. 
This reliance on troops found medically "non-deployable" is another sign of stress placed on a 
military that has sent 1.6 million servicemembers to the war zones, soldier advocacy groups say."
    -- Gregg Zoroya,   Link

 But the worst part is (Yes, it gets worse) when these broken soldiers come back,
 the Bush bastards deny them medical care for "pre-existing conditions."

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"There is no way an astronomical, out-of-the-realm-of-possibility price for oil 
  can be sustained if people will not buy it. Markets work. It's just that simple."
    --  Der vulgar Pigboy, on why Bush bailed our Bear Sterns

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Subject: ignorant and pig-headed HOT


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The Flight Stuff
 Christ, what a stupid title


White men are warming to Hillary and it's no small shift. These men have been her fiercest antagonists.
Their conversion may point less to a new kind of male voter than to a new kind of female vote-getter.

Pundits have been quick to attribute the erosion in Obama's white male support to a newfound racism.
What they have failed to consider is the degree to which white male voters witnessing Hillary's
metamorphosis are being forced to rethink precepts they've long held about women in American politics.

For years, the prevailing theory has been that white men are often uneasy with female politicians because
they can't abide strong women. But if that's so, why haven't they deserted Her?  More particularly,
why haven't they deserted her as she has become ever more pugnacious in her campaign?"

In November, I hope we're not reading a bunch of "What went wrong?" articles, but then, Denocrats
have always been the party of "Let's step in the hole, break our leg, then we'll ask around to
see if anybody knows where we can find a good doctor," instead of avoiding stepping in the hole.

If there's something that needs fixing, why bother to do it before the election?

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Sinkhole Swallows Texas Town
 God is angry with Racist, redneck government


Dasietta, TX - A huge and ravenous sinkhole that threatened to swallow this little East Texas
oil town gobbled more crumbling earth Thursday but spared, at least for now, homes, the high
school and the main road, Farm to Market 770.

"It's unreal - the earth just wallered up," said Lynn Wells, the mayor and fire chief,
who monitored emergency efforts, speeding back and forth on his red Harley-Davidson.

Since the rim of an underground salt dome collapsed and the ground cracked and gave way
abruptly Wednesday morning, the hole - already one of the largest on record - has grown to
about 600 feet by 525 feet and 150 feet deep, said some dude at the County Sheriff's Office.

Maybe they could stop it if they held a Gay Pride Parade?

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Subject: censorship

Bart, I just want to reiterate how disappointed I am in your being so intimidated by the Obama gang
that you have to temper everything you say about him. They have forced you to post so infrequently
these days that I can only feel that they have won and I have lost and I don't like losing.
This is a fight for the best candidate to beat the Republicans. That candidate is NOT Obama!

I can tell you that No Quarter and Taylor Marsh have had to add server capacity because they
are getting so many pro-Hillary hits. Playing so down the middle may have stemmed your subscriber
losses but at the same time other pro-Hillary sites have added people.

I wish No Quarter and Taylor Marsh continued success.

All of the really successful sites have an ACTIVE comment section going all day everyday.
Your forum format should be re-vamped to instead allow posters real-time access to a
comment section immediately below each of the individual news items you run on your page.
That seems to be the successful paradigm.
People want to respond NOW to the news and other people's views.

I'll ask my tech people (Chicago Jim) about that.
Are you saying people can't post on the Bartcop Forum?

Just a thought,

Jim, if I did this for a hobby, if I had tons of money in the bank,
if I'd been making $10,000 per day for years -like some bloggers, or
if I had some big money backers, I'd be free to speak my mind
- but that's a lot of  ifs.

Truth is, Casa de Bart has a mortgage and I'm running out of time.

If I was single I could afford to go "all in" but that's another "if."
I don't like wearing a gag either, but the truth can be very expensive.
The good news is - we may be days away from losing the gag.

Wish I had a dollar for each e-mailer
who's accused me of being on somebody's payroll  :)

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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!


"Since I've been your President, we have been through a recession, 
  we have been through a terrorist attack, we have been at war, 
  we have had corporate scandals, we have had major natural disasters." 
    --  Bush, describing a typical Repoblican administration,    Link

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Subject: Curious


Just out of curiosity, after Clinton finally concedes and you start getting emails from your
Clinton-supporting readers saying that they're going to vote for McCain/third party or not vote at all
because Obama hurt their feelings in the primary (and please don't deny that there's quite a bit of this
kind of thinking going around right now), are you planning to come down as hard on them as you do
on the Nader voters (which I agree with, by the way - a vote for Nader is a vote for the BFEE)?

Keep Hammering!

Yes, I plan to come down hard on them.

Monday's page had this on it:

Many Democratswho back Hillary say they won't back Obama if he is the party choice.

I say that's bullshit.
Failing to vote Democrat this year will guarantee that we'll get nine of these.

Can I be any clearer on my position?

If he can ever manage to win, I'll fight for Obama.

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Subject: McCain

Bart, I don't think there is any reason to worry with Obama taking on MacSame.

McCain is an older, weaker, dumber Bob Dole...
It's going to be a great history-making election,
 Randy in Iowa

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You should be angry

In the 2000 election, our whore media demonized Gore and praised Bush.
They painted Gore as a helpless serial liar, and he was unstable if serial liar's not enough.
We didn't like it when the whore media made our decisions for us.

In the 2004 primaries, remember what our whore media did to Howard Dean?
Our whore media demonized Dean, saying he was unstable, and quite possibly wild enough
to eat a young child. Remember how they played his scream and laughed at him?
We didn't like it when the whore media made our decisions for us.

In the 2004 general election, remember what our whore media did to John Kerry?
They painted Kerry as a demented liar who claimed he went into battle in Vietnam,
while praising Bush's brave service to our country in the Air National Guard.
We didn't like it when the whore media made our decisions for us.

Now it's 2008, and once again, our whore media is up to their same,old tricks. 
They have demonized our front-runner and elevated and praised Obama.

Why am I the only one who sees what they're doing?
The whore media is owned by super-rich Republican bastards.

They demonized Gore, Dean and Kerry, then praised Obama
to get Hillary out of the race - and we let them do that?

We stood and applauded while they fabricated horseshit racism charges 
against the best friends Black people ever had in the White House.

Soon they're going to demonize Obama and praise McCain
and we'll be shocked - because we're Democrats.

Why am I the only one who sees what they're doing?

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They read it in Lubbock, Texas

They read it in Valenciennes, Nord-Pas de Calais, France

They read it in Summerdale, Alabama

They read it in Malm, Skane Lan, Sweden

They read it in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!

You like 'toons?

 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B
$11.66 billion in profit in 90 days

Gouging us to the tune ofHOT
$129 million profit per day


Gouging us to the tune of
$1,300 profit per second
because Bush started a fake war

...and what did it cost America,
besides $3 trillion of debt for your kids?


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 4,071....4,073

We lost another 2 soldiers since last issue.

We have 4,073 dead soldiers.

Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
but the president is busy with the economy.


Exxon makes $108M$128M every day

That's why Bush
raped Iraq and killed Saddam

How do we know for sure?
Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

 $200M-400M a day missing

Where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Subject: Donation

Bart, keep kicking their asses!

Larry T in Olive Branch, MS

 Click to Subscribe
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK  74155

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Christina Ricci's 'Speed Racer'


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BCR Show #140

Much of BCR 140 was our 
Trip Report to New York, April 08 

Listen to it before you share it
There's some language in this show.

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Thanks to Chicago Jim for the music.
Also, part of BCR 140 was recorded
late on Cinco de Mayo, if you get my drift.

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