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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

 Calming the Democrats


BCR 140 is here!HOTHOT

Weekend-Monday   May 10-12, 2008 Vol 2150 - Facts the Face

Quote of the Day

"If Hillary becomes our nominee,
  I see 'the total destruction' of the
  Democratic party..."
    -- Al Sharpton, again with the violence,  Link

  Sharpton went to the "Give us what we want
  or we'll burn this place down!" school of diplomacy.

  I will no longer defend Al Sharpton.

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Lying and Big/Tiny Wins 
Arrow On the verge of history 
Arrow Bartcop vs Joe Conason HOT
Arrow Fossella's affair, bastard 
Arrow Oil Breaks $126 per barrel 
Arrow Troops cremated like pets 
Arrow That 15 cent gas tax HOT
Arrow Crazy about tornadoes HOT
Arrow Lindsay Lohan on 'Ugly' 


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"This is offensive and I think it's disappointing, because John McCain always says, well, 
I'm not going to run that kind of politics and then engages in that kind of smear - I think is 
unfortunate, particularly since my policy toward Hamas has been no different than his...
And so for him to toss out comments like that I think is an example of him losing his 
bearings as he pursues this nomination. We don't need name calling in this debate."
   -- Obama, on McCain claiming Hamas favors Obama for president,   Link

 If the Harvard Debate Society was judging, Obama would've won this round.
 But that answer sounds like it was written by John Kerry.

 Can Obama talk "street?"

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Lying and Big/Tiny Wins
 by Ken Carman


I've been pondering a region; a gulf; a canyon so deep; so wide, that the Grand Canyon would be 
a skunk's footprint in comparison. How fitting to use a skunk: because this same divide is far more 
odiferous and seems set on permanent spray mode. I, of course, am referring to the O'Bama/Clinton 
divide that still lingers despite cries of, "It's over..." which have been spouted practically since the first caucus.

At least they're a little more reality-based right now. Well, a lot more.

I know, its all BillHillaryGeraldinesWrightsBaracksupportersBlacksWhites fault. If you wish, take 
whatever simplistic slice you want out of that non-word and go ahead... cast your slimier than fish 
bait blame.  Then leave me alone, because I find simple answers only satisfy simpletons with big 
egos and empty peanut shell minds. Truth is usually far more complex than this "evil vs. good" meme' 
which seems to thrive inside the human cortex.

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"There's two kinds of loyalty. There's loyalty to people and there's loyalty to principle. 
I'm proud that I endorsed Hillary last October. But I think the time has come, in the life 
of the Democratic Party, in fact, in the life of the nation, for us to get together on a 
candidate as soon as conveniently possible..." 
     -- George McGovern, on why he withdrew his support from Hillary,    Link

 If most Democrats are going to withdraw their support from Hillary,
 could they at least get together and do it all at once?

 I'd rather have that than the drip, drip, drip that we're getting now..
 Either way - let's get this over with and move on.

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Subject: Obama

Im sick and tired of Obamaa people pretending that a Hillary VP would taint the pure Messiah.
 Keith    (No, not that Keith)

I, too, find it odd how ungracious the Obama people are in victory.
They got what they wanted and they're angrier than ever.

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"I just want to report that this morning I personally checked John McCain's balls. 
  He has not lost any of them. They are all in really great shape."
    -- Kissyface - a little too close to McCain,   Link

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Obama, on the verge of history


The amazement was on their faces. Hundreds waited for Obama on that evening in Carolina,
15 weeks ago, to claim victory - a surprising victory, surprisingly large.  And amazing it was.
It made it possible for him to stand today on the verge of being the first black person ever
nominated for president by a major party.

One could guess the crowd's thoughts: Can you believe that South Carolina is now catapulting
a black man to the front of the presidential contest in a year that bodes well for Democrats?

Even more astounding, the man had been a state legislator only four years earlier - a lawyer
with no fame, wealth or family connections.

Now, the entire nation is absorbing a moment that had seemed decades away, if possible at all.
Smart strategists and rank-and-file voters ponder how Obama rose so far so fast, and theories
abound. Historians will sort it out someday...

Why wait?  I'll sort it out for you right now:
Democrats had a choice between voting for the fresh-faced newcomer
those filthy, conniving, cold-hearted, slash-and-burn, race-baiting, Hitler-loving Clintons.

Don't believe me?  Ask Rep James Clyburn:

"We all know anything that continues to be reinforced 
  in the minds of voters, tends to take on a life of its own..."   Link

Or, you could tune into any TV channel, 
open any newspaper or weekly news magazine, 
or click on almost any political website.

The "proof" is everywhere.

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Republicans get wood thinking about
Condi preparing to kill someone.

Statistically, her victim is a person of color
born into poverty and hopelessness.

Subject: People just don't like her HOT


 I admit, if Hillary would stop winning big states,
 this fight would've been over a long time ago.

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"I think if we had real leadership - as we do with Barack Obama
  - in the number-two spot as well, it'd be enormously helpful." 
    -- Ted Kennedy, saying Hillary's not fit to be VP,    Link

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Subject: I'm black and I agree with Paul Begala


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Rep. Fossella, (R-DWI) admits affair, bastard


NY Representative Vito J. Fossella was arrested on drunken-driving charges in Virginia last week,
admits he fathered a daughter, now 3, in an extramarital affair.

Mr. Fossella, who has three children with his wife on Staten Island, issued a terse statement that said
nothing about the arrest, which occurred hours after he attended a White House reception.

The White House gets people drunk and then puts them behind the wheel?
Oh, that's right - Bush & Cheney have FIVE DWIs between them

"My scumbag behavior has caused enormous pain to the people I love," he lied in the statement,
"and I am truly sorry that I got caught because I planned to keep whoring and crunk driving."

The five-term Fascist stuck his willy in Laura Fay.  She is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel
whom he apparently called after he was taken into custody early May 1, saying he was on the
way to pick up his sick child. The police said his blood-alcohol level at the time was more
than double the legal limit, and he faces a mandatory five days in jail if he is convicted.

Bush & Cheney should be charged as co-conspirators.

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Subject: question for the Bartster


You claim the whore media defeated Hillary in the Democratic Primary.

If the Whore Press could defeat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary,
wouldn't they have defeated her in the General Election, too?


Walt, all this year Hillary has battled the Republicans and the whore media but the 
worst assaults and the most personal attacks have come from her fellow Democrats.

Think of Patton trying to take Germany with US soldiers firing at him from behind.
Patton could defeat the German army and the weather, but it's tough to win
when your own people want you dead.

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Subject: the vulgar Pigboy


Similar to the GOP misdirection that Osama wants you to vote Democratic,
Rush has publicly touted his plan to have GOP stalwarts vote for Hillary in the primaries.

Am I the only one that gets that??? He is using his considerable bile to goad dems
to vote for Obama, because he knows McCane (sic) has a better chance against him.

I'll work for Obama, but I predict he hasn't got a hound in hells chance.
But I'm really glad he's been able to secure the nomination with red state victories.
Hammer time,
 Wayne in Dayton

I don't think it's quite that bad.

We turned our back on certain victory to embrace probable victory.
We can still win with Obama.

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I hope our nominee remembers to use the big hammer...

Bartcop vs Joe Conason HOT
 If we've lost Joe, surely the end is near


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Subject: you sound ridiculous


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"Cockroaches: You hate them, they're underneath your sink. 
  They're like the Clintons: Not even a nuclear war could get rid of them."

 Who said that?
 The vulgar Pigboy or Obama's campaign manager?

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Some people will look at this toon and see it
as "proof" that Hillary is the cause of this split.

Subject: Bush bastards strike again

First there was sending troops into Iraq at all based on lies.  Then we found out that they were
being sent without sufficient body armor or vehicle armor.  After that they lied about Pat Tillman,
about Jessica Lynch, and how Abu Ghraib was mereky the result of "a few bad apples."

Then there were the deplorable conditions at Walter Reed.  Soldiers have had to do multiple tours
in war zones without sufficient time at home between rotations.  Soldiers were stop-lossed and told
their tour dates were being extended.  A recently proposed bipartisan GI bill that would provide the
same benefits to our soldiers that was given to WW2 soldiers has been opposed by many in Congress,
including that bastard McCain, who said that to give such good benefits to veterans would encourage
soldiers to leave the military.  Why would increased benefits make them want to leace?

And now this.  Even after a soldier's death there will be more abuse.

Support the troops?  How much more support can our troops take?

War dead cremated at pet facility
 Bush will do anything to screw a soldier


The U.S. military has, since 2001, cremated some of the remains of U.S. service members in a
Delaware facility that also cremates pets, a practice that ended Friday when the Pentagon got caught.

The facility, the Friends Forever Pet Cremation Service, has cremated about 200 service members.

Yet the soldiers still love those Bush bastards, and the Deserter-in-Chief.

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Pauline in Hayward,
stop smoking so many cigarettes!!!

Subject: BCR #140

Holy crap Bart!  
What an awesome time NY was, and I only got to hear the first half!
You gotta finish the story!!!  I feel like I got led to the Gates of Heaven and then told, 
"OK, see ya later kiddo.." while the angel flies on in and I'm standing there with an empty beer.
Git yer Okie ass back in that sound booth and let's hear what happened!  
Take a deep toke, a long pull, and tell it to the mic Bart, your fans are waiting!
 Buck in LA

Buck, Part 2 will be on the page and with pictures.
I plan to finish that New York story tomorrow.


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What does Hillary Want? - Now with working link!


If she does concede defeat, the question "What does Hillary want?"
should have some fairly obvious answers

This is a good/excellent article about Hillary's options.
There's nobody screaming the "C" word at Her, no gratuitous slimeball attacks,
just a list of options that she can ponder as her chances grow slimmer.

...and it's from - go figure.

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Subject: what the hell happened to you? HOT


 If you're nice, then I'll be nice.
 But if you want to have a nasty contest...

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Subject: yes, I'm angry, too

I read your You Should be Angry article, and you're not the only one.
I'm the second one to agree with you.

Remember when Dick Durbin said that Guantanamo Bay was like a Russian gulag
and the Dem leadership made him apologize the next day because of the outcry from Bush?

Yep, surrender is what we do - we're Democrats.

Last year Pete Stark called Bush a homicidal maniac in so many words and Pelosi
made him apologize the next day because of the outcry from Bush.

Why do we apologize for telling the truth?  The Fascist bastards lie, cheat, rape, torture,
kidnap, murder and invade helpless countries and they never apologize for anything.

The Dems are little, itty bitty mice who are terrified of speaking up. In the words of
Helen Gurley Brown they're "mouseburgers."   They are emotional eunuchs who have cost
this country what's left of its heart and soul. Hillary has the crazies terrified which is why
they've politically assassinated her.   Dean also scared them so they did the same to him.

Gore and Kerry both won but assasinated themselves.
But they're all wealthy so they won't suffer.

Yeah, it's tough being a member of the Surrender Monkey party.
We have two Democrats who know how to fight - and (now) most Democrats hate them.

Have you heard Bid Eddie or Randi lately?
They hate her more now than they did a month ago.

Even in victory, they have nothing to talk about except how much they hate Hillary.
Randi, especially, is "so concerned" about the Clintons' legacy.   Does anybody
believe Randi when she says she's concerned about "that f-ing whore's" legacy?

I noticed something last week that really pissed me off - Eddie, Randi and Olbermann 
went after Hillary a lot harder than they ever went after Bush ...and that makes me sick.

Did Randi, in her entire career, ever call Bush "a fucking whore?"

I'll bet she didn't - she saved her nastiest fits of rage for her fellow Democrats.
Eddie and Randi went after Hillary harder than Rush ever did.

And now that Obama's won, they f-ing hate her even more.
They have no idea how to accept victory and move on - they just keep trashing her.

Will Eddie and Randi spend their entire careers raging at Hillary?

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"Democrats have finally voted to impeach."
    -- The Whore Street Journal, on the "we hate Hillary" Democrats,   Link

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"On a positive note, maybe Hillary could bring back all that stuff she pilfered on her way out.
    --  Maureen Dowd, sticking with her "The Clintons robbed the White House" lie from 2001,   Link

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Help Save America's Redrock Wilderness

Don't let those Bush bastards ruin everything.

Subject: Who won Texas?


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Marihuana - Weakening your Mind and your Morals
 What year is this - 1933?

Using it once can make you an addict for life.
Using it once can cost you your life.
I am talking about Marihuana, advertised by the liberal media as "harmless" and "fun",
known among today's youth to be a great "can opener".  (What?)
Modern Christians know that Marihuana is the first step towards hell.

This is so stupid, it can only be a Betty Bowers-style gag.

As stupid as Republicans are - they're not this stupid, are they?

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B.I.G. Wrongful Death Case Reopened
 What proof does the family have on the crooked LA cops?


A California judge has reportedly reinstated a wrongful death lawsuit that charges that
crooked LAPD officers had a role in the 1997 murder of  Notorious B.I.G.

The original suit claimed that B.I.G. was shot on orders from Suge Knight,
who allegedly hired off-duty officers Rafael Perez and David Mack to execute the murder.

"We didn't find out that Perez was on duty until August 2006," said the Wallace family lawyer.

Why can't the press ever get anything right?

Mack and Perez, convicted on unrelated corruption crimes, deny EVERYTHING.

"Rigorous rules state that if you don't file suit within six months of the injury, then the suit
cannot go forward, and we didn't find out that Perez was on duty until August 2006,"
said the Wallace family lawyer just after the first lawsuit was dismissed.

If the LA cops hadn't lied, the Wallace family would have no case.
But they did and we do - so here's where we are.

The LA cops were caught lying about Perez being involved.
Why did they lie?

My sources tell me that the odds of the LA Cops being innocent on B.I.G.'s murder
are equal to the odds that Bush & Cheney invaded Iraq with honorable intentions.

Should the public be allowed to bet on the outcome of a civil trial?

If so, I'd like to bet on the Wallace family accepting a very large settlement from 
the organized criminal-cop conspiracy that covered up a murder-for-hire.

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Subject: flashback

Hey Bart,

I heard a guy on the radio saying how he felt like he was going to be assailed by Obama supporters if he
breathed a word of support for Hillary.  I kept thinking... where did I feel that feeling before... and it hit me.

For 7 years we weren't able to voice disapproval for George Bush without being call "unpatriotic" or
"for the terrorists" or "against our troops" and we had to harbor the frustration - and NOW, if we say
we don't approve of Obama, we are called "rascists" or "against progress" .

It is so weird not having anyplace to go where I can voice my indiviual support for Hillary without being
reviled by Obama supporters.  I've had to deal with Republicans doing this for 7 years and now, while
supporting a DEMOCRAT, I'm getting the same reaction from DEMOCRATS.  This is SO sad.
Keep hammering.  You're right on the money.

The worst part is the whore media is leading the charge. As far as I can tell, there's only one guy
in the entire cable universe who doesn't hate Hillary's f-ing guts and that's MSGOP's Dan Abrams

All the networks hate her, the major papers hate her, the major weekly magazines hate her
and after 150 days of  non-stop, "How dare she be so racist?" the negatives grew.

Same for the blogs - you have to watch what you say or go out of business.
You're right - it's sad.

But you know what the worst part is?

If Obama loses, which I certainly don't expect, I'll get mail saying,
"Why didn't you warn us that the Democrats were going off a cliff?"

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Bush's spiritual advisor voting Obama 
 He's the guy who married Jenna 


The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell is pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church, the largest 
United Methodist congregation in the nation. Often described as a 'spiritual advisor' to Der Monkey, 
Caldwell introduced Bush at Nazi-Con 2000 and delivered the benedictions at the 2001 and 2005 
presidential inaugurations. He endorsed Senator Barack Obama for president in January.

BTW, how did the wedding and reception go?  They say it was a blast!

The Houston Chronicle ran this picture Sunday.


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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!


"Obama continues to have particular difficulty with white working-class voters."

 Why, that's the most racist fact I've ever heard!

"In the most recent WaHoPo-ABC poll, white Democrats with a college degree preferred 
  Obama by 59 percent. But white Democrats without a college degree preferred Obama by 36 percent."
    --  Alan Abramowitz, WaHoPo,    Link

 So, in the non-degreed white majority, only 36% will vote for Obama?
 Does that make anyone else a little nervous?

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Subject: your recent rants

Dear Bart,

Keep on keeping their feet to the fire:  our fellow Democrats need to stop beating up on their own, 
praise Hillary's determination and purpose, and remind Obama that he can't be a Democratic candidate 
without the backing of ALL loyal Democrats.

We need all our energy to pull away the curtain in front of McCain to see the chubby figure of Rove 
moving all the chess pieces.  Yours is the voice of a grownup, a person speaking reason, and an antidote 
to the vague platitudes of some of our fellow progressives.

Margaret in New York,

Yes, you have a point.
Obama people like to get together and chant, "She can't win," but they need to remember that 
HE can't win without a united party, so maybe they should throttle back on the vitriol a little bit.

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Subject: Hillary and the Pope


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That 15 cent gas tax crap

Of course, saving 15 cents per gallon doesn't mean much.

The idea is simply a placebo, it won't do anything but make people feel good,
kinda like a hug, or a prayer, or a card after a tragedy that says, "Hang in there."

Stupid Hillary, trying to make a dying, depressed nation feel better...
What's wrong with her?

Cutting the price of gas 15 cents makes about as much sense as
giving a starving person a few slices of bread - it means almost nothing.

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Crazy about tornadoes

There's a guy named Jim Reid who's crazy about tornadoes.

How crazy is he? They showed footage on Good Morning America of Jim running
towards the biggest, tallest daylight tornado I've ever seen ...and I'm from Oklahoma.

So far I can't find THE picture online, but he was chasing this tornado in his SUV,
then the tornado started chasing him - seriously - then the tornado stopped, so Jim
got out and his assistant filmed him running towards the tornado. It looked like he
was maybe 50 yards away and you just don't do that with a mile-high spinning monster.

I did grab a picture off his web site  that's not nearly as wild as the video.

I don't know if Jim is in the car or between the car and the twister,
but I'd rather play with Seigfried & Roy's tigers than a tornado.

Why do I bring this up?  We get lots of tornadoes in Tulsa - it's hard to
watch TV in this state because if anybody sees a cloud, all networks take off
all programming and they track the teeny, tiny cloud until it gets 500 miles away.

...but last Wednesday, we had one coming right at Casa de Bart.

I got both cars in the garage, got whatever would fit from the back yard, she drew
down the blinds so flying glass might find some interference and she threw the cat
into a closet while I poured some vidka.

It's a little known fact that a tornado can't hurt you if you're drunk,
so I stared wolfing down the vodka as fast as I could.

I don't know how other cities handle tornadoes, but we are the weather capital
of the whole world, so the technology starts here and the best weather bastards
in the country will work for free just to cover dusty, old Oklahoma.

The technology is so good, they say, "The tornado will fly over 71st and Riverside
at 8:09, then it'll fly over 61st and Peoria at 8:13, and then 51 and Lewis at 8:17,"
and when their giant red arrow graphic is pointed right at your house, you tend to re-examine 
that whole science-and-logic, there-is-no-God dichotomy.

The tornado was 5-6 miles away when it started to break up and return to the sky.

Thank you, God.

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OK, fair enough, but what does that say about a party that
will nominate a candidate that "the stupid people" won't vote for?

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Winnipeg, Manitoba

They read it in Jamaica, New York

They read it in Ronkonkoma, New York where Southwest Airlines lands

They read it in Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy

They read it in Brno, Jihomoravsky Kraj, Czech Republic

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Not sure what this guy's trying to say,
but it looks anti-Hillary so I'm printing it
as an olive branch to promote party unity.



We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!

You like 'toons?

 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B
$11.66 billion in profit in 90 days

Gouging us to the tune ofHOT
$129 million profit per day


Gouging us to the tune of
$1,300 profit per second
because Bush started a fake war

...and what did it cost America,
besides $3 trillion of debt for your kids?


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 4,073....4,076

We lost another 3 soldiers since last issue.

We now have 4,076 dead soldiers.

Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
but Bush is busy with his domestic agenda.


Exxon makes $108M$128M every day

That's why Bush
raped Iraq and killed Saddam!

How do we know for sure?
Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

 $200M-400M a day goes missing!

Where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Obama's problem with whites
 by FOX whore Juan Williams


Hillary says, unlike Obama, she can win white Democrats. She is right. But because she is daring 
to touch the hot button of racial politics, she is being told to shut up or risk being charged by every
headline-seeking whore in the media with exploiting racial tensions for political advantage. 

Obama has run a brilliant campaign, but it is not unfair or unsavory to point out that he
has been growing weaker over the months in his ability to win white voters.

That's the most racist fact I've ever seen in my life!

This is about facing facts. And history will reflect poorly on Democrats if they nominate the first 
black candidate for the White House - even if it means giving the Republicans a better chance to win.

He's right about one thing for sure - this is about facing facts.
White people are the biggest voting block in the country. (Sorry for that racism)

If Obama can only attract 37% of white voters...

...what is our plan for victory in November?

Is our plan to close our eyes and hope the facts are lying?

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Subject: Donation

Tim from Cedar Rapids made a donation.
Thanks, Tim!

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Tulsa, OK  74155

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Lindsay Lohan 'terrific' on Ugly Betty



 See tons of pre-psycho Lindsay Lohan pictures at BC Hotties


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Computer Tyme Hosting is owned by Marc Perkel, who first put Bartcop on the Internet back in 1996 and keeps  Bartcop online today.

Marc hosts several other political sites including American Politics Journal, Political StrikesFaux News Channel, Seeds of Doubt and interesting sites like the
Church of Reality - a religion based on believing in everything that is real.

Our motto for this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind". So - if you have an anti-bush site and you are  choking on hosting fees or dealing with threats - let us know and we'll help keep you online.

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BCR Show #140

Much of BCR 140 was our
Trip Report to New York, April 08

Listen to it before you share it
There's some language in this show.

Click to Listen to Show 140

Click to download  Show 140

Thanks to Chicago Jim for the music.
Also, part of BCR 140 was recorded
late on Cinco de Mayo, if you get my drift.

Click Here for the BCR Archives

           Bart, this is my favorite Shirley picture - Luke.

           Luke, she's hot, but I don't think that's Shirley.
           It might be Leighton Meester from Gossip Girls.


            What's your favorite Shirley picture?
            (Send the picture, don't send a description of the picture.)

 Got a Shirley picture we haven't run?

 Send it to us!  and BartCop are trademarks of attempts at humor

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