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Using humor to
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Tues-Thurs May 27-29, 2008 Vol
2157 - When Underbears Attack!
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We're in our busy season...
for more Hits
"We look forward to the meeting proceeding
smoothly -- and we're
asking our supporters not to show
up to demonstrate..."
-- an internal Obama campaign e-mail, talking about Saturday's circle jerk,
I don't like the sound of that.
Remember the last time a Democrat said, "Please
don't show up to demonstrate?"
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To Arrest Rove?
Democrats are making
wild claims again
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said that
the House Judiciary Committee would be
willing to arrest Karl Rove if he doesn't
testify about his role in the firing of nine U.S. attorneys in 2006.
Wasserman Schultz echoed the demand
bluff of John Conyers that Rove would not be allowed
to invoke executive privilege to avoid testifying.
Rove could not invoke the privilege since he said
he did not have conversations with the president
about the attorneys' firing, Wasserman Schultz said.
Asked by MSNBC host Dan Abrams if they would go
far as having Rove arrested,
Wasserman said, "Well, if that's what it
Oh Please!
Do the Democrats even know the story of the boy
who cried wolf?
Each time the Democrats make a stupid, clumsy
bluff like this,
it's gotta help lighten the dark mood at the
White House.
A year ago, Conyers was making the same bluff.
A year ago, Pat Leahy was making the same bluff.
Are they smoking too much dope?
Can they not remember pulling these same bluffs the last seven years
just to have Bush & Cheney reply with
"Go fuck yourself?"
Where can I place a bet that the Democrats will
back down
this time like they back down the last 500 times?
How did I get in this party of spineless wimps and cry babies?
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"'The media won't let go of these ridiculous
cocaine rumors,' I heard Bush say.
'You know, the truth is I honestly don't
remember whether I tried it or not.
We had some pretty wild parties back
in the day, and I just don't remember.'"
"I remember thinking to myself, How can that
be? How can someone simply
not remember whether or not they used
an illegal substance like cocaine?
It didn't make a lot of sense."
-- Scotty the Underbear, ratting out his lying former employer
Subject: Bart, I have a joke
for you
What's the difference between Bush and cocaine?
She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't
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Subject: Bobby's last words
I remember so well RFK standing at the Podium
after winning the California primary.
He made a speech and then said "....Now it's
on to Chicago and let's win there!"
Clearly he had won the California primary but
he had not won enough delegates
to win the nomination outright. He was going
to Chicago the city where the convention
was being held to convince the delegates that
he was the best candidate for the presidency.
Sound familiar? Remember he was trying to usurp
a sitting Vice President
who had received the imprimatur of the President
such as it was.
From Wikipedia:
Kennedy finally won the Indiana and Nebraska
Democratic primaries, but
lost the Oregon primary. If he could defeat McCarthy
in the California primary,
the leadership of the campaign thought, he would
knock him out of the race and
set up a one-on-one against Hubert Humphrey (whom
he bested in the primary
held on the same day as the California primary
in Humphrey's birth state,
South Dakota) at the Chicago national convention
in August.
I think it goes back to the old saying a week
in Politics can be an eternity.
Does that mean that one candidate is whishing
ill on another candidate...
Of course not it just means s*#t Happens....
sometimes not very nice s#&t
....and in the morning the world can be very
different from either side.
Any way Peace to All!
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"It would be very awkward for Hillary to be
on Obama's ticket after she's made
repeated references to his potential
death. Yes, that would be weird."
Rachel Maddow, earning her whore MSGOP paycheck Link
I used to like Rachel - until she turned into Chris Matthews's
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Plame Scandal
Turned McClellan
Scott McClellan said that his disappointment
with the Bush administration prompted him to write a tell-all book.
McClellan specifically singled out a discussion
with Bush during a turning point in his tenure with the administration
- the authorized leak of former CIA agent Valerie
Plame's name to reporters.
McClellan recalled a moment during the Plame scandal
in which a reporter asked McClellan if Bush
had approved the declassifying and leaking of
intelligence used to out Plame.
McClellan later asked Bush the same question.
"Yeah, I did," McClellan recalls Bush saying.
"Impeachment is off the table
...and don't f-ing ask again!!!"
Between Pelosi, Reid and Dean - it's a wonder we still have a
Is this the most-botched political trifecta we've ever seen?
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Subject: Crap
Bart, you published Sam D saying
It's disgusting.
Many people (and some on Obama's staff) have
tried to accuse the Clintons of being racist,
but this goes beyond anything I've ever seen.
Why would a black person hate the Clintons so much?
Why would anybody hate the Clintons so much?
It is titled "You know I have seen this picture
a few times before,
but I never noticed Hillary and Bill."
Has any Clinton-supporting site ever put up
anything so hateful?
Sam D
Of course this represents the Obama campaign and
no supporter of Clinton,
not a single one, would ever do anything so disgusting.
Wanna buy a bridge?
Why do you reprint this stuff?
Because this campaign has always been about playing
dirty pool.
The Clintons had to be turned into racist for
Obama to have a chance.
People like to pretend it was Hillary who decided
to divide us, but 6 months ago
but she had a united Democratic party behind
her - why would she stir things up?
You really must want Obama to lose now and in
the general election
while you pretend you never say anything nasty
about Obama.
Mike in Cheney
Mike, Sam and I chose to attack that racist prick in Philly.
You're saying assholes who publish shit like this are above
Besides, why not take the challenge?
Are there any "hate Obama" hate sites on the web?
I can show you many "I hate Hillary" sites.
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"According to a new Newsweek poll, 33 percent
of voters either believes
Obama is Muslim or they doesn't know
what religion he belongs to.
He might want to make sure that people
are clear on this as soon as possible.
Of course, Hillary's not helping by
saying he's not a Muslim 'as far as I know.' "
-- MSGOP's biggest whore Link
I agree that Obama can't afford to have 1/3 wondering if he's
a Muslim (terrorist)
but blaming Hillary for Obama's color and name is kinda stupid,
even for Chris Matthews.
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Obama wrong
on Nazi death camp
The Obama campaign said Tuesday he mistakenly
referred to the wrong Nazi death camp
when relating the story of a great-uncle who
helped liberate the camps in World War II.
He said the story is accurate except that the
camp was Buchenwald, not Auschwitz.
"Senator Obama's family is proud of the service
of his grandfather and uncles in World War II
- especially the fact that his great-uncle was
a part of liberating one of the concentration camps
at Buchenwald," spokesman Bill Burton said. "Yesterday
he mistakenly referred to Auschwitz instead
of Buchenwald in telling of his personal experience
of a soldier in his family who served heroically."
OK, so the man said Auschwitz when he meant
- there's no story here.
Bush said "Saddam
has WMDS" when he didn't - now that's
a story..
Of course, if Hillary had made this tiny mistake,
our whore media would swarm with
"That whore is using the holocaust for cheap-ass
political advantage."
Funny how one Democrat's motives can be so innocent,
just and pure,
yet the opposing Democrat is the Demon of all
Devils in corporial form,
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Subject: gas prices
Bart, we're ALREADY paying more than the worst
European gas prices, if you amortize
the cost of garrisoning the Gulf and of the obscene
amount of money we put into the 'defense'
department to keep the 'cheap oil' flowing
We get the gov't we deserve, I guess
Don, we're paying another price, too.
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Subject: "the issue of race will
Dear Bart -
I'm a long-time reader and fan. I have been
disgusted by the way the whore media
has covered the entire primary process and the
way democrats have fallen for their crap.
Has it really gotten to the point where no one
can even site racial demographics without being called a racist?
Yes - for the first time on the internet, we have
to watch what we say
and the list of taboo-topics gets longer every
Seriously, there are a LOT of racists in America,
but that isn't how you spot them. I've had people
tell me in the last month that the ENTIRE problem
with our country is that we pay all this money in
taxes just to support a bunch of black people
who don't want to work. And the republican party and
their media mouthpieces perpetuate this myth!
These people have NO IDEA what has been going on
in our country in the last 30 YEARS!
Democrats need to stop fighting each other, and
start fighting the real enemy.
Marie in DC
Marie, I have an opinion:
There's no need to "stop fighting each other" if the fighting never
Democrats are trying desperately to get out of a giant hole - and how'd
we get in that hole?
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Jesus just
left Fallujah
Why are Marines trying to convert Muslims?
At the western entrance to the Iraqi city of
Fallujah Tuesday, Muamar Anad handed his residence
badge to the U.S. Marines guarding the city.
They checked to be sure that he was a city resident,
and when they were done, Anad said, a Marine
slipped a coin out of his pocket and put it in his hand.
Out of fear, he accepted it, Anad said. When he
was inside the city, the college student said,
he looked at one side of the coin. "Where will
you spend eternity?" it asked.
He flipped it over, and on the other side it read,
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16."
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Subject: Blacks and Barak
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Subject: Support and frustration
For all I know you get hundreds of e-mails a day
supporting you, (I sometimes get 1. maybe 2)
but in case you don't, I felt the need to back
you up. They (the media mostly) are setting us up
to lose again and half of the Democratic party
seems to be going along with it. I'm really just
speechless at how naïve these Hillary haters
can be.
I wanted a fighter. She wouldn't have let
Florida go like Gore, she wouldn't have
put up with the swiftboating and she would have
fought for Ohio unlike Kerry.
Look, there's really no chance for her to take
the nomination now and yet she's still fighting.
I do not want to lose with dignity AGAIN.
I work for her here in NH but that may be my last
You get burned out quick when you actually give
a sh#*.
Chris O
Either the Hillary democrats or the Obama democrats
are going to lose
for the third time in a row. Let's hope
at least one of us wins.
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Finest Chocolate
What's wrong
with Oklahoma?
by my good friend Richard Fricker
Democrats might want to take a look at Oklahoma
to see what the future could hold if
their party fails to unite, letting right-wing
evangelicals and neoconservatives have their way.
The Republican-dominated Oklahoma legislature
is defining the frontier of xenophobic
immigration laws, anti-Muslim bigotry, gay bashing
and encouragement of gun-toting students
- with Democratic legislators often too timid
to resist.
Rep. Randy Terrill has emerged as a hero of the
"protect our borders" crowd by authoring
a law - known as HB1804 - that makes it a felony
even to give an illegal immigrant a ride.
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Fuhrer - Guilty of Murder?
Subject: Bart needs a vacation
Bart, you wrote:
> It looks like Democrats are sidelining their
.330 hitter to give the new kid a chance.
> Sounds a little crazy to me, but I've been
wrong before - seriously...
Bart, I think you should take a break for the
next couple of months... you are losing it.
Just in what league has Hillary ever hit .330?
She ran a terrible campaign - what makes you think
she will have a magic turnaround in the fall.
You act like the people in this country are betting
with their hearts instead of their minds,
...but yet Barrack has run a much better campaign
And that stupid Florida/Michigan flag icon...
what part of THEY BROKE THE
FUCKING RULES do you not understand?
Although you claim that you will support the nominee
(who is Obama, btw) I can see
months of "if you people would have listened
to Ol Bart, we wouldnt be in this mess"
or "you were warned", blah blah blah.
Ill continue to read the blog cause Im loyal like
but seriously, take some time off - you are getting
Yes, we've learned that anyone who prefers experience
to hope is "delusional."
Anyone who prefers a proven winner to a potential
winner is "losing it."
Anyone who wants a return to the peace and prosperity
of the Clinton years
should be insulted with all-caps screaming the
F word.
And if it turns out I was right all along, that
makes me a know-it-all prick?
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"If we had played by the rules of the Democrats,
I would have won, and if
the Democrats have played by our, Hillary
would have won this long ago..."
Mike Huckabee, probably telling the truth, Link
But since we're f-ing retarded, since we give a net 13
delegates for Idaho
(4 electoral votes) and a net 10
delegates for Pennsylvania, (21 votes)
we're not sending our best fighter into the ring to face the
team that fights super-dirty.
Only the Democrats could reward a 10,000 vote victory with
and then punish the 200,000 vote victor with only 10
Just when you think the Democrats couldn't possibly get any more
Howard Dean finds a way to continue screwing things up.
...and don't tell me it's not his fault.
If the Chairman of the party can't fix problems - why have one?
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Check out
our IMPEACH W banner we hung yesterday on
the 405-San
Diego Freeway AND it's still there!
Maybe the
cops were too busy chasing immigrants.
Subject: Fired up democrats
for Obama
You know if the people who have the spittle fly
from their mouths when they talk about Hillary
had just half of that gumption the last
seven years and directed their anger where it needed to go,
maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are
in today.
I just can't stand the way democrats have
roused up to attack one of their own
but sat with apathy when Bush etc raped
and pillaged this country.
That's very true.
Many democrats (you don't need the list) are so angry with Hillary
they can't speak,
and I'm talking about profesional speakers like Ed Schulktz and
Randi Rhodes.
But they never got this angry at Bush - never.
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"I still like and admire Bush, but he and his
advisers confused the propaganda campaign
with the high level of candor and honesty
so fundamentally needed to build and then
sustain public support during a time
of war...In this regard, he was terribly ill-served by
his top advisers, especially those
involved directly in national security."
-- Scotty the Underbear
- tired of lying? Link
"Scott McClellan: I'm shocked, shocked that
the Bush White House was filled with
scheming, dishonest people, which I
never figured out 'till later, and I'm really upset
Rove and Libby put me out in front to
mislead the American people while I was confused.
Still, Bush was a good guy but his advisers
and the media served him badly."
-- Scarecrow Link
"War should only be waged when necessary,
and the Iraq war was not necessary."
-- Scotty the Underbear - tired
of lying? Link
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War Killing
the Economy
As the Congress takes up the latest Bush administration
'supplemental' appropriation of another
$160 billion for the war in Iraq, the impact
of the war on families has been enormous. Montana now
has the highest number per capita of killed or
wounded in the country - 26.09 per 100,000 population
- and a total of 250 deaths or injuries as of
May 10. In fact, the Congress should consider whether
the funding - almost a trillion dollars to date
- helps al-Qaida more than us.
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Subject: Florida and Michigan
not only early primaries
It wasn't just Florida and Michigan who had early
primaries and violated DNC rules.
Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina also
had primaries earlier than DNC rule 11 allowed.
However the Democratic Party decided only to enforce
the rules against 2 of the 5 states
that violated them. So why is it that the Democratic
Party can arbitrarily punish 2 states
and decide to let 3 other states ignore the rule?
I think the Democrats are manipulating
the outcome of the election and that they are
not thinking about wining the general election
where Florida and Michigan do count.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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first kill" in Iraq
Have a bucket nearby...
"McCain's crazy preacher Robert Hagee called
the Catholic church the 'apostate church'
and 'the great whore.' I've got no
problem with the apostate part, because I don't know
what that word means. But the great
whore? You're talking about a religion that is against
condoms and the pill. We would be terrible
whores. Unless you're into pregnant whores,
in which case, shame on you."
-- Jon Stewart, taking a break
from the Hillary jokes,
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Subject: BCR Show 140 & Michael
Moore on guns
Hey Bart, I was catching up with BCR 140,
great stuff!!
Michael Moore just made $100 Million.
People know he has something to take, so he might
need security more than most.
Also, he's had a target on his back since he's
become popular for poking conservatives in the eye.
You might also need some protection, the right
wing conspiracy can't be happy with the dozens
of readers you rile up every day, but I live
in a nice town 1.5 miles from City Hall and the Police Station.
Playing the percentages, the chance of a gun
in my home causing harm to my children is greater
than the chance of someone breaking in and causing
Granted, having kids in the house poses
a problem for a gun owner.
And I don't know Bush about kids, but you'd
think once a kid hits 10 or 12
his brain would understand what "Don't
touch this gun" means.
Kids take their life in their hands when
the cross a street or ride a bike to a friend's home,
so why can't a kid learn not to mess with
a gun?
I'm just asking, cause I don't know...
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Why I Make
Stuff Up
by Maureen Dowd
"If you brought me over here to cry uncle, shame
on you, Barack Obama. You and your press lackeys
are engaged in a cover-up even though Hillary's
winnin' the popular vote and the general election."
"Hey, Bill, please, stop wagging your finger at
me. Call off Harold Ickes and the Hillaryland Huns.
You're right. I can't win without her. The two
of us can clean McCain's grandfather clock."
She just makes up imaginary dialog - do
people know her columns are imaginary?
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Advice to
Gay couples
I think June 15th is the day gays can legally marry in California.
Trust me - if you want to get married, do it right away.
Don't plan some April, 2009 wedding because we both know
the we-hate-everybody GOP
is going to work like crazy to destroy as many unions as possible,
so get married now.
Once you get legally married, I doubt they can reverse it, but
they'll overturn the law
to prevent others from following in your footsteps so tempting
fate would be unwise.
Just trying to help.
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Subject: Think about it...
If the football game is over, the final score
has been posted, and the lights are off,
if the losing team is still running around the
field, pretending the game is still on,
should we really be applauding their efforts,
celebrating their refusal to concede defeat?
Keith in LaPlace, LA
The game is over, the final score has been posted and the lights are
so is Keith prepared to bet on the game?
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Subject: Euro-trash
responce to Steve
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We need
to grow the pie higher
We need a reader to do a weekly column on the newest video games
We need a reader to do a weekly column on the newest phones,
cameras and hi-def TV stuff
We need a reader to do a weekly column on the newest web stuff,
which would probably
need to be divided into techy and youtube
fun sections
We need a reader to do a weekly column on the political implications
Guitar Hero and Grand Theft Auto
We need
a sports section
Got opinions?
Got strong opinions on what's good or bad about sports?
Baseball is hot, football is coming.
Who wants to run
Bartcop Sports?
We could divide into two parts - a "color" dude and a "play by play"
One guy would be all facts, the other would be all opinions.
We need recruits - like the army- but we won't get you killed!
Anybody want to get involved?
If so, don't send an e-mail that says, "I'd
like to get involved."
Instead, send your tech column or sports column, etc
Why blog for friends & family when you could blog for dozens?
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Subject: 'euro-trash"
As a piece of "euro-trash" I'd also like to point
out that the cars driven in Europe are usually
much smaller and even if they aren't they get
MUCH better gas mileage than here. My friend
in Scotland got rid of ther Mercedes because
it was "only getting about 27 mpg"
She got a smaller car that does about 45mpg and
no it's not a hybrid.
Not sure what is driving Steve's anger at Europeans
so much though,
I think he might put that anger where it really
belongs -BFEE....
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Here for
Get one of each for just $40
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Buy a pair
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to Order
"If gay or lesbian couples want to get married,
one of you just say you are a man,
and the other just say you're a woman.
You won't have to change your name, or the
way you dress. We'll take your word
for it. No one will ask you to drop trou and
whip it out, okay? That's illegal.
I know that for a fact."
-- Stephen Colbert
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Subject: hey from Tally
Bart, when you coming to LA next?
We miss you, dude!
What about Whalefest LA in January of 2009?
They rent these boats, they hold 100 people
or more - we'll rent one as a party barge.
January is whale-watching month just off
the Channel Islands near L.A..
We'll charter a boat, smuggle in some Chinaco
and maybe some fresh flowers
and we'll watch the whales make big splashes
thirty yards from the boat.
Damn, Mrs Bart will be nice to me for weeks
if I can pull this off.
We could even have Pokerfest Long Beach
2009 the night before!
Who's got a big house we could borrow?
We've never tried an LA fest.
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Subject: dream ticket
Considering all of the acrimony on both sides,
I wonder how many Clinton or Obama supporters
would refuse to vote for the dream ticket if
THEIR candidate wasn't in the lead position or even just on the ticket?
I would not be at all surprised if some of the
more rabid supporters on both sides would
refuse to vote for their own candidate if the
other candidate was on the ticket!
Keep up the great work,
Stan in Durant
Stan, if I know Democrats...
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They read it in Moscow, Russia
They read it in Little Rock, Arkansas
They read it in Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
They read it in Powder Springs, Georgia
They read it in Homer Glen, Illinois
If you have a business that ships products Worldwide,
(t-shirts, stickers, hats etc) you should be advertising
on bartcop.com
Why just sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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Subject: Hillary and Assassination
Bart, I have been reading stuff on your website
for a long time and I have to admit that the layout
sometimes confuses me. I guess it's you sticking
up for Senator Clinton, but I don't know why.
She brought up the Bobby Kennedy Assassination
to remind people that anything can happen,
including the supposed front runner being killed.
She didn't actually say that, but that's the subtext.
These days subtext is where it's at, and I think
you are smart enough to get that.
You were honest enough to admit she didn't
actually say that - good on you.
But you also read her mind and then told
me what she was thinking.
Why do people keep doing this?
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have tons of great 'toons on the Bart
like 'toons?
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
billion in profit in 90 days
us to the tune of
$129 million
profit per day
Gouging us to the tune of
profit per second
because Bush started a fake war
...and what did it cost America,
besides $3 trillion of debt for your kids?
Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...
Some don't.
x 4,083....4,084
We lost another soldier since last issue.
We now have 4,084
dead soldiers.
Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
but Bush is fighting a war of his own...
makes $108M - $128M
every day
That's why
Iraq and killed
How do we
know for sure?
oil wells have NO METERS!
a day goes missing!
Where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Subject: Questions for Obama
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- washing cars?
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BCR Show
Much of BCR 140 was our
Trip Report to New York, April 08
Listen to it before you share it
There's some language in this show.
to Listen to Show
to download
Show 140
Thanks to Chicago Jim for the music.
Also, part of BCR 140 was recorded
late on Cinco de Mayo, if you get my drift.
Here for the BCR Archives
turns TV Actress
Joins "Sarah Conner" next season
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