Tues-Wed June 17-18, 2008 Vol 2165 - Crime Seen
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Quotes "In Bill Moyers' documentary, Buying the
War, Russert claims that he didn't raise
Poor little Timmeh, sole boss of "the Cathedral
of Washington Journalism," (Doris Kearns
He didn't cover the second biggest story
of Bush's reign because nobody called him?
Plus, notice how they have to go back to
1991 - the David Duke interview - to show
Why couldn't they show his more recent tough-as-nails
interview with Der Fuhrer or Cheney?
How can anybody look up to this joke?
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Fired for
not giving KBR fraudulent $1B
Charles M. Smith said he was forced from his job
in 2004 after informing KBR officials that
The crooked bastards write these contracts with "no performance" clauses.
This is why Bush went to war and why they "mishandled" the war.
This way, they can steal billions and they
Also, note that this is a 2004
story that we're just now hearing about.
Is Pelosi getting a "KBR bonus" for looking the other way?
...and what's the worst part?
Maybe we should impeach Pelosi. Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Quotes "America lost a really fine man yesterday.
"His passing is a great tradegy..."
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Subject: It's not McCain's age - it's his judgment John McCain's
campaign is accusing Democrats of ageism because
But this isn't a criticism of McCain's age because
Bush is far younger than
The problem with McCain isn't his age, it's his
poor judgment.
Marc Perkel
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Used with permission
We Let Drudge Pick our Nominee? Why? Excerpt:
Following Drudge, multiple news orgs treated
seriously a completely ridiculous story
Following Drudge, news orgs actually decided
that it was news that Hillary's non-use
When they did it to Gore, we were outraged.
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Woo Hoo!
Subject: Russert who? Wait a minute. Isn't that the same Russert who
was installed by "Neutron" Jack Welsh because,
Meet the Press used to consist of editors of genuine
newspapers: the NYTimes, the Washington Post,
Isn't that the same Russert who ambushed Hillary
when she was running for Senator, running a clip
Russert led the race to the bottom in the rush
to throw out journalistic integrity and impartiality.
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When McCain
Drops Out...
McCain will not be the Republican candidate in November. The reasons are simple. He can't win. The polls
show that McCain's pro-war
stance and Bush
McCain won't be the nominee.
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Could they be any more worthless?
Subject: Russert Good for you Bart: Its one thing to not speak ill of the dead;
All over the airwaves, tonight, the talking heads
are calling this a tragedy.
A tragedy is to stand on your honor, like Joe
Wilson did, only to be smeared in the
Tim died of a heart attack. Last I checked
natural causes were not tragic,
Sad? Of course; especially for his family
and friends.
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Quotes "Chris Matthews was to Hillary in some sense
what Ken Starr was to her husband."
Well, then, what was Keith Olbermann - Lucy the Bat?
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Subject: Tiger's cursing s'cuse me TIGER Won, i know u dont like it but oh well.... I don't giveafuk who wins a some damn golf tournament
I watched the entire tournament and i never heard what you claim he said. Then you missed it because it happened Friday at 4:45 Central time.
Were you reading minds??? Just stick to the facts and dont make things up. I can't read minds, but reading lips is pretty easy
Are you saying Tiger doesn't use the language that
Its obvious you know absolutely nothing about
golf, cowboy football
Your friend Mazzy
p.s. Your boy Oglevy finished +5
Dude, you're a Cowboys fan? You poor
BTW, if Oglevy is a golfer (?) and he finished
5 over,
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Subject: Tim Russert Everyone was not as diplomatic as Ol' Bart.
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When Torture
becomes fun
American soldiers herded the detainees into holding
pens of razor-sharp wire,
The guards kicked, kneed and punched many of the
men until they collapsed in pain.
I can see Bush forcing Lady Liberty's head into a toilet and flushing it. We told people we were about to elect a giggling murderer back
in 2000,
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Subject: Russert - new word In the course of all the Russert-wailing, I came
up with a new word.
"Eulorgy:" n. fr. Eng. Eulogy + orgy- the massive,
endless, sickening group display of phony piety
See, e.g. death of Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Tim Russert. Changing the terms of the discussion, one word
at a time!
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Subject: More victims of the Bush-McCain war in Iraq When I hear such news as, "four US soldiers were
killed in Iraq today"
A couple of years ago, a pilot was killed when
her helicopter was shot down near Fallujah.
Now we know better - Bush lied our nation into
a war that is bankrupting us all.
George W. McCain
needs to explain to every parent, child, sibling, neighbor
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Quotes "There's a reason for the resentment. The level
of dismissive and condescending comments,
Hillary, there were websites that supported you and paid quite a heavy
price for doing it,
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Get your Worst President Ever refrigerator magnet - free
with a nice donation.
Put your address in the subject line OR
send a check to
Note: They need to be gone in the next 150 days.
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Subject: Russert I am so disgusted with MSNBC that I can no more
tune in to that channel than I can to Fox News,
Where can a person get unbiased news today (bartcop
excepted, of course)?
I was watching Cafferty the other day when I noticed something:
Whenever carviolle comes on, it's always when Cafferty the coward is
"on break"
Cafferty would have to back down like a punk and we can't allow that to happen. Cafferty is a lot like Maureen Dowd (not a compliment.)
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Minor complaint:
Quotes "Bush is, and always has been, a not very inteligent
front man for the Neo Cons, Big Oil,
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Only 2 days til Bixby sweet corn
Gore endorses
That would probably involve staying away and keeping quiet. Gore appeared with Obama at a rally in Detroit. "Over the next four years, we are going to face
many difficult challenges - including
"Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able
to solve these problems and bring change to America."
Gee Al, why not endorse electricity while you're
at it?
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Subject: goodbye Bart, I read your issue today with great tears
as I have to say it was great reading
They way Obama was handed the nomination is just
like how Bush was handed
That means you're voting for McCain. Can you please find your balls and stop this "uniting"
b.s. because it is not working.
Why did you give up so easily Bart?
Chris, maybe you just need some good-old tough
talk - Don't be a fucking idiot.
By the way, you're pretty easy to see thru.
That won't work.
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Subject: Tweety the insane Tweety just said "I KNOW he's in Heaven!!"
More "facts" from the NBC News team
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Subject: Russert and his Dad Everytime I ever heard Tim Russert mention his
father, he always dissed him
The best kind of love is unqualified love.
They keep tripping themselves up in their lies.
So when did he see his kid play baseball? If they could just tell the truth instead of spinning
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on Russert
My choice to host Meet the Press? Helen Thomas.
NBC can't put an honest reporter in charge of Meet the
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Subject: leave the Russert graphics up Bart, don't take down the graphics of Russert.
Russert was a hack and a shill .and he didn't
die from journalistic integrity.
Keep on rockin bartdude
Casper, my fault, I was unclear. I'm not going
to take anything down,
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Subject: Russert I useta think he was pretty much straight arrow and truly fair and balanced in a non-faux sort of way. Then he moderated the first Clinton-Little Ricky
debate, and as I recall his first question was
A crooked one. The second nail in the coffin, if you will, was
during the 2000 election night coverage.
"I just don't see how Bush can win with this result.
Even if he gets all the rest of the up for
It was astonishing, to me, that NBC would let
such a partisan in the room
How naive I was back then.
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Sex and Russert Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog!
How much do they hate Obama?
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Very funny, not safe for work:
Sick of
the Russert Overload
Tthe hours and hours of cable tributes show the
news media at their worst.
The cozy schmoozing made politicos-journalists bond appear downright incestuous. Where's the news? It's not as if anyone is going
to say anything critical about Russert.
It's a bit like watching "Larry King Live" after
an octogenarian Hollywood star dies,
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Subject: Russert Augustinio wrote: > Tim Russert is responsible for far more harm
done to this country and government than good.
So what was it about his death that made Tom Brokaw
break into tears?
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Law School to hold Bush War Crimes Trial Excerpt:
Velvel noted in the years since the prosecution
and punishment of German and Japanese leaders
"For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and
John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to
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Entertainment Page
Subject: Russert Bart, I knew there'd be one safe place
from the Russert hagiographic horseshit.
Russert was one of the gate keepers, as I heard
Rachel Maddow and David Bender
It figures that Maddow would hate Hillary and
love Russert.
The guy was the worst of the worst, he started
out as an apparatchik and ended as an apparatchik.
He was bought and paid for, he was a mouthpiece
for the administration, and to rank him
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Quotes "Aren't you concerned that if you cut a deal
with Republicans,
Typical Russert, implying the Clintons kill or maim anyone who gets in their way. Was there a difference between Russert and Randi "Hillary
will kill me" Rhodes?
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BTW, note to my good friend Garland Nixon who attacked me last issue?
I would've responded on your blog but I can't keep
Isn't that what the Internet needs next?
Christ, I've been forced at gunpoint into the Google Work Kamp,
I've been using the same login and password for like 60 years,
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June 26-28, 2008
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Retard NBC I watched Leno because Rickles was on.
Then came Charles Barkley, who rocks because he
has more freedom than I do
Then came Jewel, who I like, but she's no Shirley.
But then Leno says, "Jewel's gonna do another
song for you
So I go there, hoping her second song is "Intuition" which I fancy
and I click on
Bottom line:
Why can't they do a better job?
Years ago, NBC did a three night mini-series and they ran Pt1 the first
On a SNL skit, somebody called Belushi stupid, and he said, "That
may be so,
Who remember that mini-series? I
do, Bart
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Memo to
Russert: Cheney Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Fuzhou, Fujian, China They read it in Kielce, Swietokrzyskie, Poland They read it in Hatvan, Heves, Hungary They read it in Somma Vesuviana, Campania, Italy They read it in Nehalim, HaMerkaz, Israel
If you have a business that ships
Why just sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog! You like 'toons?
Quotes "Tim Russert was the closest thing to an objective
journalist at any of the networks."
If Rush thought he was objective, what more proof would anyone
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Steny Hoyer
I wish we'd gotten Hoyer and Pelosi and Reid at Wal-Mart
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barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day. No wonder they were so eager to start a war, It's the biggest theft in Earth's history. Exxon made
Gouging us to the tune of
...and what did it cost America,
Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...
We lost another 6 soldiers since last issue. We now have 4,100
dead soldiers.
Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
That's why
How do we
know for sure?
$200M-400M a day goes missing! Where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Subject: Elections and Investing If McCain
becomes president what should the smart investor buy?
From printing war pictures with lots of blood
to printing the federal budget
Once the price of gas goes above $10/gallon all
the pumps that just go
Marc Perkel
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Subject: hate Hillary stickers Bart, have you seen these for sale?
If I was in the 'hate Hillary because she's
a woman' business,
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Subject: Donation Bart, you've got the best page on the "internets"
(and the only one that I've found worth donating to).
Not to swell your head or anything, but nobody
out there is as honest, witty, or makes me laugh more :)
bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
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