Friday August 15 2008 Vol 2194 - N'est pas?
Quotes "This is not 1968, and the invasion of Czechoslovakia,
where Russia can invade its neighbor,
I'm so old, I remember when this wouldn't happen.
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Deployed Troops Prefer Obama 6-1 Excerpt:
Honestly, after years of hearing that if you don't
support the Bush Bastards' military policy,
If I was Obama I would double verify that.
McCain's going to scream, "I'll
keep you safer than the negro Muslim,"
Will Obama use this Great Gift of a Hammer?
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Quotes "According to a new Pew Research poll, Obama's
lead has disappeared. The race is now
I wish Obama wasn't on vacation. Didn't we learn anything from 2004?
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Note: Cindy has carpal tunnel.
Subject: What's the point, Bart? Please tell me exactly how spending DNC convention
time/television coverage
If you're so inclined, tell me about the 50% that will do ANYTHING to have Hillary elected. If 50% of __my party__ feels that way, our country is doomed anyway. Looking for a specific answer, starting with "Delegates
raising their hands on national TV
First thing you might do is throttle back on the attitude because I
agree with you.
The fact is, about half the Democrats felt they got railroaded, cheated
and screwed.
Why don't you assume Obama has
a brain
And why do you feel that YOUR passion is justified,
I read one story about an older lady who cashed in her retirement money
so she could
Maybe they do it by doing just what they're doing. They're going to recognize Hillary with a big hoo-ha and then she'll
give her speech
Besides - use your head - if Hillary makes some unsuccessful power grab
in Denver,
Does that sound like a move a Clinton would make?
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How we Can
Still Blow it (Last Edition)
I hope Obama is reading these... Denounce
Michael Moore, Code Pink and MoveOn.org
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Reid gets prime DNC slot to talk energy Excerpt:
Reid will join a heavy-hitting lineup that night
that includes Bill Clinton, Obama's VP,
Harry Reid?
That's the worst idea I've heard in a long time.
Harry Reid's probably the worst guy on our team.
Hmmm, maybe jaf60431 was right to be worried.
(That's more humor for those who don't recognize it :)
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Quotes "The reason for Obama's poor polling results
is that McKeating has been running ads ABOUT Obama,
Anything I say will cause an avalanche of letters asking why I hate Obama... All I ever wanted was a candidate who would fight back.
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Quotes "McCain's worth over $100 million...
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Quotes "I think that the pro-life position is one
of the important aspects or fundamentals of the
Wait - isn't Ridge a Catholic?
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Subject: Somebody tell McCain the Cold War is Over John McCain might be old and "experienced" but
I guess he wasn't paying attention
Makes me wonder if the Russians are thinking that
perhaps we could
Marc Perkel
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Has anybody seen Obama? Quotes "McCain is despatching Lindsey Graham and Kissyface
as emissaries to Georgia immediately.
Meanwhile, Obama's in Hawaii eating ice cream with his kids.
One week from now, I predict McCain will be head by 3 points.
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Subject: wrong about sports bookies Normally, I'd agree with you about "not wanting
to bet against the oddsmakers
The Biggest Story of Our Lives Excerpt:
Bookies are extremely scientific in their assessments.
These people understand which information
And he most certainly was, at least if the votes
had been fairly and legally counted.
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Stephen - the Monkey Baldwin Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog!
Subject: BCR Show 144 Hey Bart, The site says the new show is up, but 143 is the latest show on the page. What's up?
Des, the links for the newest show are at the
bottom of the main page.
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Pigboy Quotes "The market hasn't found anything that is anywhere
Sure they have, but Detroit and BIG OIL
keeping buying them out and shelving it
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Subject: Russia and Georgia Dear Bartcop: It should be obvious why Chimpy and McCain are
so disturbed by Russia invading Georgia.
Bartcop, This whole thing stinks. Georgia was just
as responsible as Russia for the whole dust-up.
Hi Bart, been reading since 2000. Good on you.
Reagan's 'New World Order' has farked up over the last 20 years and we're reaping the harvest. The US and EU screwed Georgia (capital Tbilis,
not Atlanta) and Putin did what Dubya
Good Bless America and get the nazis out of the
White House
I watch CNN while I'm compiling the page:
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Subject: Some people say I don't print enough Obama-will-win e-mails. You're too much Bart. You promised to be 100% behind the Democratic
nominee whoever it turned out to be
You mean to be a good Democrat I have to say I
Obama's leading in the polls and it's going to
be a close one. Just like the last 5 elections.
I haven't seen any research or polls showing that
Hillary would be any further ahead
All I ever wanted was a candidate who would fight
I'm not saying she couldn't win (I know she could)
but it would take the 100% support of
Gary, I'm not sure what you sent qualifies as a "Why Obama will win" e-mail. Have you considered that I'm running "What's wrong with Obama?" stories
Obama has been hard to recognize since he got the nomination.
For a while there, every time he opened his mouth he lost supporters
Now he's fallen to about even with McCain, and McCain is stepping up
the personal attacks,
Some people want to read, "Obama's the greatest and he can't lose,"
every day.
In 2008, I've had to watch what I say and I'm having trouble adjusting
to the new rules.
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Subject: Going to see Del Castillo SAT AUG 16 HUNTER'S LODGE
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Subject: Why Obama will win The last two presidential elections show that
America is clearly 50% Democratic.
Current polls show Bush with a 20% approval. That
leaves 30% to be decided.
For McCain to win, he needs all 30% and 1% of
Obama's chips.
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Why do Soldiers Rape? Excerpt:
The view of women as sexual prey has always been
present in military culture. Indeed, civilian women have
Military men still [march to}misogynist rhymes
that have been around for decades. For example:
Wow! Really?
I wonder what soldiers think about our most powerful woman?
It seems that many or most military families would rather lose a son
under a Bush
Why does the military mind think this way? Clinton tried to stop Vietnam for everybody.
...yet they love Bush and they hate Clinton,
Bush and his criminal lying did this...
...each block is 400 dead soldiers...
...and another 141 for total of 4141 dead soldiers. What happened under Clinton? Zero dead and eight years of this:
Yet they "Hoo-Yaa"
when Bush struts by with a smirk on his face
Why does the military mind think this way? You'd think if logic was involved, they might dismiss Clinton as irrelevant
Fuck - Bush took a oath to uphold the military code or whatever and
then peed on it
Why does the military mind think this way?
If you're a military man who wants to answer, use your head and be calm, OK? I'm not attacking the military - I'm attacking the illogical mindset
that causes them to rape
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Subject: Del Castillo - live or studio? Bart, I haven't been able to check them out yet. Some bands rock in the studio and are useless
Where does Del Castillo fall?
The CDs and DVDs are good, but nothing's better
than seeing them live.
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Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Kauhava, Suomi, Finland They read it in Frth, Bayern, Germany They read it in Vienna, Wien, Austria They read it in Ceska, Jihomoravsky Krajm, Czech Republic They read it in Dhahran, Ash Sharqiyah, Saudi Arabia
If your business is worldwide,
Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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Subject: Re: Edwards as Don Juan Bart, Sooz wrote to you: > Bart, ever notice that the Democrats who
have extra-marital affairs
and you replied: > I have noticed that.
Hmm, no i did not notice that Mr.Genius, Gosh, that's awful nice of you, but my IQ is actually 64. so what about: Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured
for sexual relationship with underage
ha ha
ha ha
I'll say one thing for your FAG - he's loyal.
ha ha Bush is a Fag!
Plus, there's this evidence:
ha ha Bush is a Fag!
Barney Frank - Democrat... Wait - are we done with Bush being a FAG? Ruh-Roh! What's this?
If Bush is a FAG, and he's canoodling with McCain, ...that must mean... McCain is a Fag!
ha ha BTW, do you get paid extra each time you say "FAG?"
Barney Frank - Democrat - U.S. Representative
from Massachusetts from 1981 to present.
That's awful!
Former Rep. Mel Reynolds. The Illinois Democrat
was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault
That was bad, but I heard that phone call - the
cop bait did offer to bring another young girl
This must be a figment of my imagination LOL. I'd settle for knowing you have both hands on your keyboard right now. Not only did these guys have sex, they had it
with other men and young children.
But the subject wasn't sex or crimes.
The subject was hypocrisy. The subject was why GOP FAGS hate themselves so
much and have to spend their careers
See the difference?
Wow I'm am so happy to know that the democrats
are so sensitive and they never
Funny how that works in your world there Genius. By the way your the Idiot.Keep spewing your hate
and I will keep
Bill, I hope things get better for you. And you should send your English teacher a check - a big check.
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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of
oil per day.
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
but now...
families have been destroyed
Let's try something new in November.
Why are
we there?
That's almost
1B dollars that
Where's that money going?
Subject: Donation Thanks to C Phillips
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