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BCR 144 is Here!HOT

 Thursday   Sept 4, 2008  Vol 2203 - Cone of Uncertainty

Quote of the Day

"It's over!"
       -- Peggy Noonan, on McCain's chances
           before Palin's sarcasm orgasm last night    Link

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Obama's Bounce Talk 
Arrow Palin's Scorn & Sarcasm HOT
Arrow Caught on a Live Mic HOT
Arrow Palin, CNP & Diebold 
Arrow Penisboy 'I don't want kids' 
Arrow McCain's Temper Problem HOT
Arrow Jennifer Morrison 'House' 


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"Enthusiastic Republicans don't see the choice of Palin as affirmative action,
despite her thin résumé and gaping absence of foreign policy knowledge.
They have a tradition of nominating fun, bantamweight cheerleaders like the
previous Miss Congeniality types Quayle and W.,  and then letting them learn
on the job. So they crash into the globe a few times while they're learning to drive,
what's the big deal?
     -- Maureen Dowd, who hates everybody,  Link

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Palin introcuces herself with scorn, sarcasm

She reminds me of  Monkey Mail that starts out, "You faggot asshole."

Oh, the Republicans loved every I-hate-niggers inflection in her voice,
but will the average American voter warm to that Fascist poison?

Does she kiss her kids with that mouth?

           Sarah Palin wows the faithful with her "Seig Heil" tribute to Hitler

And isn't it unfortunate that the Palins couldn't find a baby sitter?
I'll bet they found a sitter when Sarah won her "Wasilla First Citizen" award.

Did you see the husband pass the baby off to their youngest because he knew his big
applause line was coming up and he wanted to be unencumbered for the big moment?

Then the second her speech was over, they ran that baby out to her so she could
wave it around for the cameras.  Is it OK to use your kids as political props that way?

And did you catch L-John, A.K.A. Penisboy?

  "I don't want kids..."

He was touching Bristol's hand lovingly the entire night.

Why the hell can't they get married?
Who flies their 17 year old daughter's sperm donor 2,000 miles to be on TV?

And why do you think they dressed her in Those Seventies Clothes and Hair?
Was it to make her look small town-ish and out-of-touch?
I noticed her Mom had professional hair last night - why didn't the pit bull?

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"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right.  Also, for this country,
that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God.
That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan - that plan is God's plan."
      -- Katrina Palin, religio-whackjob, confusing Bush with God,     Link

 "Thou Shalt Not Have Meters on Iraq's Oil Wells," sayeth the Lord.

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Obama's bounce smaller than others
 I don't believe them


Obama's post-convention bounce appears to be slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions,
and it's gradually depreciating.

Gallup says Obama has risen 4 points to lead Old Man River 49 percent to 43 today. That's a slightly
smaller uptick than the 5- to 6-point bounce earned by a typical party nominee, by Gallup's measure.
Obama and McCain were evenly split at 45 points prior to the Democratic convention.

Obama's speech was seen by 80,000 people in Denver and 40 million television viewers.

So, more people watch the speech than the opening of the Olympics and what,
they were turned off by all the positive enthusiasm?

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"San Francisco judges forbidding our Pledge of Allegiance? They will take the phrase 'under God'
  away from me when my cold, dead lips can no longer utter those words. God bless America."
      -- Sarah Palin, who sounds as science and fact-based as Jim Inhofe,    Link

 Nobody has ever forbid anyone from saying "under God."
 Palin made that shit up because the facts won't sell her story.

 If those wacky San Fran liberals try to pass a law making it illegal
 for anyone to say the words "under God," then I will join your fight to stop them.

 It's 100% impossible to prevent a conscious person from praying.
 The fact is, they want to pray out loud, with you in mandatory attendence.

 It's my opinion that small-minded people whose faith is actually a sham to them,
 need constant reinforcment and verification that they actually have the right religion.

 If they really believed that hokum they try to force onto us,
 why would their faith need constant reinforcment and verification?

 It's the same reason they can't miss a minute of Rush,
 because they might turn gay if they don't hear hate radio for a few days.

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 Subject: some background on Palin

Bart, here's some facts about Wasilla, it is the Meth Capitol of Alaska

Wasilla is considered a backwoods hillbilly area.
People from the area proudly call themselves  "Valley Trash."
 Alaska Vic

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Noonan, Todd and Murphy caught on a live mic


On camera - "She's the greatest pick ever", but off camera, with live mics?

Chuck Todd: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.
                      Yeah, she's never looked comfortable about this -

Mike Murphy: They're all bummed out.

Chuck Todd: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?

Peggy Noonan: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this - excuse me-
                           political bullshit about narratives -

Chuck Todd: Yeah they went to a narrative.

Mike Murphy:  I totally agree.

Sometimes, when nobody's listening, they actually tell the truth.

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thanks to Wizard of Whimsy

 Subject: Palin & submission


The caption under the ABQ with the caption "Ask me how you can submit to your husband?"
may be truer than a joke.  The Trooper who was fired not her brother in law but his boss says
he has emails from her cc to her husband.  At least that is what has been reported.

To counter balance her claim of executive privilege.
Also I think he was the one that got her into the AIP.

 I meant that Biblically, but maybe it works other ways, too.

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FOX Whores

I just saw Brit Hume say, "Government dropped the ball on Katrina three years ago."

...and I guess that was "Government" who danced with his daughters at his Inaugural?

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Crazy Preacher Quotes

"I hate criticisms towards the President... it's almost like, it's not going to
  get you anywhere, you know, except for hell. That's what it'll get you."
      -- Katrina Palin's crazy-ass pastor,     Link

  ha ha

 Criticizing Bush sends you to Hell?

 She's a got a crazy pastor, too!

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Penisboy - 'I don't want kids'
 Is that why they're not getting married?


Levi Johnston, sperm donor to Bristol Palin, says he's not ready for fatherhood just yet.

Pit Bull Palin announced the pregnancy in a statement after the National Enquirer pulled a
"John Edwards" on Alaska's first family.  She also used the occasion to reveal Bristol and
Penis-boy's marriage plans.

That's not true.
She said they planned to marry at some unspecified future date, meaning after the election.
Then he'll get a check to leave her alone and the whore press will help cover it up.

She said, "Bristol and the young man she will marry (She doesn't know his name?)
are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child."

Good luck with that, Sarah.

The New York Whore Post reports that Levi said on his personal My Space page,
that he does not want to be a parent stating, "I don't want kids."

Looks like he'll be a great father.

The teen also boasts, "I'm a fuckin' redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.
But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing,
shoot some shit and just fuckin' chillin' I guess," which means he enjoys getting high and drunk

He warns, "Ya fuck with me I'll kick your ass."

ha ha

I'll bet he gets a show on FOX!

What kid could ask for a better dad?

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Manhattan sized ice chuck breaks loose from Canada
 Don't we care enough to at least ask why?


Nobody cares.

Smart people know God will reach out with His giant hand and push the ice chunk
back into place, searing it with a blast of His heat vision and then re-frozen there forever 
with a follow-up blast of His super-cold breath.

God can do anything.

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 Subject: Bristol Palin

I feel bad for this girl and I think her mother should be ashamed of herself.

How can she think only of herself and put herself out there as the VP for the repugs
and not think one instant about her family's feelings.  If she is such a great mom, she should
consider what all of this attention is doing to a vulnerable 17 year old girl.

I don't care if the girl is going to marry the father.  This is something that should have
been kept within the family and Palin should have kept her job as gov of Alaska and
been content instead of dragging her family and their past and present through the mud.
Shame on this "hockey mom"!!!
 Diane B

How crazy would the beauty queen be to actually think she's qualified to be president?

Do you know she has a degree in Sports Journalism?
Her goal was to get hired by ESPN, but she didn't want to move her family all the way
to Bristol, CT - which is where her most famous daughter got her name.

As Bill Maher said, "When Sarah Polin gets that famous 3 AM phone call,
it's usually because a moose got into somebody's barbage cans."

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"Saral Palin is the most exciting Republican since Ronald Reagan."
      -- Pat Robertson, to Solenoid O' Brien, on CNN

That Solenoid O'Brien sure is an opinionated little bitch, isn't she?
I'm all for women having opinions, but not during a news broadcast.

Has she ever allowed an interviewee to fully answer a question?
Maybe she's related to Rick Sanchez...

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Subject: McCain & media base fighting?

Bloomberg media claims the media's love affair with McCain is over.

A McCain spokesman said that  "internet smears" used to stay on the internet and not get into
"serious" publications.  Didn't that end with Drudge, who tells most of the media what stories to follow?
I remember something about a blue dress...

And how badly do the media hate McCain these days?
After he picked a VP with less investigation than anyone since McGovern picked Eagleton,
the Associated Press--one of the two most "serious" news wires--says the investigation was
thorough, after all, as you'd expect from someone with McCain's excellent judgment.

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"Which probably explains why Tuesday night when they were speaking, you didn't hear
a single word about the economy. Not once did they mention the hardships that people are 
going through. I guess I don't blame them, because if you don't have any issues to run on,
you want it all to be about personality. If you have Bush's track record and McCain voting
90 percent with George Bush, then you probably don't want to talk about issues either."
     -- Obama with an excellent, almost Clintonian comeback,   Link

Shot of Chinaco for Obama's excellent comeback.

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 Subject: Palin hypocrisy

There is something fundamentally wrong with these ultra-conservative women. If she's pro-family
in the traditional sense, and we all know exactly what that means, what the hell is she doing chasing
the most demanding career in the world? With five kids, including a four-month-old baby with Down's?
You've got to be kidding me. The hypocrisy of these self-hating women is so glaring it boggles the mind.

This is what is so irritating about her on a basic level, at least to me. I don't understand black conservatives
or poor conservatives (or, God forbid, gay conservatives!) either. They need to get a clue.

Hillary never pretended to believe one thing and embody the complete opposite. Sexism against her was
just that: A patriarchal misogyny that believes that women shouldn't be comfortable with a career and power.
 Megan T.

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McCain's temper


Very recently McCain has given us new reasons to wonder if he's a loose cannon. Reportedly, he offered
Sarah Palin the vice-president job at his home last Thursday even though he'd only met her once before at
a Governor's conference. It even appears that he sent his vetters to Alaska to check out her background
after making the offer. So his campaign had no less than five full months to make the best possible decision
on McCain's running mate, and this is the best they can do? McCain seems to have failed the first test of
his presidential decision-making abilities.

Now there's a short video from Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films
to make the case that John McCain doesn't have the right temperament for the presidency.

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"McCain is a lot like your next door neighbor.  In fact, he may be
  your next door neighbor because he owns a lot of houses..."
      -- Stephen Colbert

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Penis-boy and Bristol (left) get down
with some Captain Morgan Rum.

He reminds me of K-Fed, without a job.
He gets the governor's daughter drunk,
screws her, 
impregnates her, 
then says,
"I don't want kids."


When will we hear about his meth bust?

 Subject: Palin's speech


The thing I found most galling about Gov. Palin's speech last night was she equated McCain's
military experience, a person who "fought for our country" as qualification that makes him more fit
than his opponent to lead our country.   The crowd cheered.

Aren't these the same people who belittled Kerry's (D - No Spine) military service by wearing
Purple Heart "band-aides" and lauded President Clown Shoes for his valiant service in keeping
the skies of Louisiana safe from communist?

What a bunch of hypocrites. 
Her speech was all theatrics and no meat.
I hope that people see through it
 Brian in Jersey

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Humorous & Political T-Shirts


"I am close... I am this close...
  No, ...I AM white wrash."
      -- CNN Nazi Glenn Beck Tuesday, "defending" Katrina Palin

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How stupid are Republicans?

They'll buy an "Abstinence Only" program
from a woman who's daughter looks like this.

Note: Don't have a cow - it's not her.

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"We need a president who doesn't think that the protection of
  the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade." 
      -- Fred Thompson (TV-Tuxedo) at NaziCon2008     Link

 What Fred's not saying is McCain couldn't run with Lieberman, Ridge or Hutchifelon
 because they, like Pickles Bush, the Bush twins and Nancy Reagan, are pro-choice.

 They couldn't find any qualified running mates so McCain was stuck with Palin.

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Bristol Palin at the family bar
...and she's either 16 or 17 in this picture.

Random thought...

 If being tortured for 5 1/2 years by sadistic prison guards makes you presidential material
 and builds good character, will the GOP have any interest in the Gitmo Freshman Class?

 Isn't their 5 1/2 year anniversary coming up soon?

            Vote for me, the Republican, in 2112

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Palin, the CNP and Diebold are linked
 Get ready for another stolen election by Faun Otter

Fact 1. Palin was not vetted by McCain but by the leaders of CNP


Fact 2. Diebold are major financial backers of CNP candidates


Fact 3. CNP are Christian Reconstructionists and Christian Dominionists


CNP have a rule that, the media should not know when or where they meet
or who takes part in their programs, before of after a meeting. (Reported in the NYT August 2004)

The following Source Watch listing will convince you of the bad people that make up this unpleasant group:

Another good article and links on CNP is at:

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Welcome the Sarah Palin's Amerikkka

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Thanks to Tina!

'Polar bear' beaten at Nazi Con 2008


A "polar bear" collapsed on a St. Paul sidewalk, to be symbolically "finished off" by a
Republican wielding a sack of money as a weapon during a protest outside Nazi Con 2008.

"Less jobs, more wars!" the demonstrators chanted.

Sarah Palin has reportedly embraced a study funded by ExxonMobil which downplays
the effects of climate change on polar bear ecology.

Get this:

Palin recently sued the Bush Administration, calling it "too accepting" of the Oil Men's data
linking detrimental effects on polar bears, a fifth of which live in Alaska, to global warming.

So, she's to Bush's right on the oil business?
She says Bush is "too accepting" of the Left's views on ecology?
She says Bush is "too reasonable," and she's going to correct that?

If I was running this campaign, I'd make McCain suck on that.

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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!

 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their big Halliburton upgrades

Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
Since oil sells for $125 or more per barrel,
Bush is stealing $750,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history but our
whore media is too busy investigating
if Britney wore panties today.

4,150 brave men and women are gone.


All because of oil greed

Why are we there?
Because Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

Where's all that oil money going?

Why would your daughter need sex education?

Because she's 16 and chugging
rum shots with the gang?

Where was Mom????

Subject: Donation

Bart, another donation for a page without an Obama bash

Dude, I appreciate the donation, but if you're going to send $10
for each issue where I fail to bash Obama you owe me about $2,000  :)

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Jennifer Morrison Returns on 'House'


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