Friday-Monday Sept 5-8, 2008 Vol 2204 - Evil white monkey
Quotes "Do you really want to have a guy as commander
in chief when you can question
Because nobody is more stupid than an American voter, this is
killing us.
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The Snark
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Quotes "McCain
provides the basic policy trajectory of a third Bush term, and Palin provides
So why are people leaning towards four more years of Hell?
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McCain Leads
by 4 points
Surely this is just a convention/Palin bounce that will vanish, right? How can America want more war, murders, kidnappings, torture and rape?
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Quotes "Democrats should be nervous. Palin is still
a political lightweight who is in no way qualified
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Subject: I noticed the hair thing, too Hey Bart: It's so gratifying to know that
I wasn't the only one to notice
In addition, did you catch that mom's glasses
were trés chic - unlike
ha ha I believe Palin's primary appeal as a candidate
is that middle-aged white men find her
Perhaps she left the glasses on so that she could
emerge from the Green Room unmolested by
Paunchy Republican men with frightening comb-overs
and 18th century attitudes could never
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Subject: drinking at the Igloo It'd be interesting to know if those photos were taken at the Palin home or the Governor's igloo. Bristol ain't old enough to be doing the chug-a-lug. Somebody let the Governor's 17 year old daughter
get liquored up.
When Jamie Lynn Spears (16) revealed she was pregnant,
Bill O'Reilly said, "That's what happens when your parents are pinheads!" ha ha O'Reilly is such a stupid whore - he called his VP nominee "a
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see more at whatnowtoons.com
Subject: message to that snotty Palin woman Jesus was a Community Organizer.
See the difference now, Mrs. Palin?
Thanks to Eddy
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Quotes "I am extremely disappointed in the choice
of Sarah Palin
When's the last time this old battle axe* spoke the truth? I'm so old, I remember when Laura tolerated gays.
So why is she peeing in the GOP's pool over Sarah Palin? Note: Dr Laura's
nude pictures are here.
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The GOP's Lies
Palin: "I told the Congress 'thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge to Nowhere." Facts: Her
opposition came only after the plan was ridiculed nationally as a "bridge
to nowhere."
McWhore: "She's
been governor of our largest state, in charge of 20 percent of America's
energy supply
Facts: McCain's
phrasing exaggerates both claims. Alaska ranks second nationally in crude
oil production,
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Stocks Plummet
The market was already nervous, so news from the
nation's major retailers that shoppers
New applications for unemployment insurance rose
by 15,000 last week. That heightened
Furthermore, if the job market keeps deteriorating,
it is tough for Wall Street to see
I don't think this writer gets it - McCain
was a POW!
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Subject: Bristol drunk illegally WTF?!!! She is totally underage and obviously drinking alcohol.
When will we see these pictures on FIXED News?
Especially the one with Penisboy
And speaking of Nazis, that last photo of Bristol
and her girl pal...
I can't wait to hear the story about that on Handjob and Colmes tonite. Keep on swinging that hammer!
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Quotes "McCain used the word 'change' at least 10
times in his speech -- but since the Republicans
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Subject: Palin calls Obama 'Sambo' So Palin not only wants women to have rapists'
babies and ban classic books
If the Republicans win the White House this fall,
look out.
We need to foward this article far and wide Excerpt:
Besides insulting Obama with a Step-N'-Fetch-It,
"darkie musical" swipe, people who know her
...and urge the mainstream media to ask some tougher
questions to and about Palin.
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Quotes "We are now on Day Nine for Palin and are told
to expect another thirteen before
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Special Rights for Rapists?
That sounds outrageous and it is.
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cheating ways
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MSNBC chills
Olbermann and Tweety
David Gregory, dance partner for Karl Rove, will take over during such events. The move follows increasingly loud complaints
about Olbermann's anchor role at the conventions.
Well, I hate losing a voice on the Left - and
whatever you'd call Tweety - but it's about time.
How could MSNBC pretend to be a news channel when their anchors get
chills up their legs
These two are the opposite of professional - their hero worship is embarrassing. BUT... Rachel Maddow is exactly the same and her new MSNBC show starts next
Are they going to dump her, too?
Note: Don't get mad at me for speaking the truth.
Hell, we might've had a different nominee if MSNBC had done this earlier.
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Subject: Republicans running against the Republican Establishment In his convention speech John McCain
admitted that Republicans lost the trust of the people
If so, does that mean that we should vote against
the Republicans running for Congress?
I'm not sure that's "Change I can believe in." Marc Perkel
And why did he send his pit bull out on Wednesday to hurl right-wing
sarcasm at Obama
If McCain isn't controlling Palin - who is?
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Humorous & Political T-Shirts
Quotes "Wasilla, Alaska is a very small town. The
town is so small,
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Quotes "John McCain
is who he is. It's Sarah Palin's party now."
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It pays to advertise on bartcop.com Spend a few pennies
How stupid are voters? They say Cindy McCain
wore $300,000 worth of clothes and jewelry
Why do voters elect Republicans who promise to make themselves richer? Why do voters put up with the rich rubbing their
wealth in our faces?
Why do Democrats allow this crap to continue year
after year?
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Quotes "Okay, I don't know this. I'm not in these
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Random thought... Handjob pundits on TV keep asking, "What's going on with the price of oil?" "After Hurricane Gustav, prices went down - what's that about?" "It makes no sense that oil is falling - we have to match Beijng's prices." If you read bartcop.com you know exactly why the
price of oil is going down
They're propping up McCain's candidacy. The minute he wins the election, gas is going to $200
barrel and $7
a gallon.
If we could just convince the poor to vote themselves a raise,
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What they think of her in Alaska Excerpt:
recklessly chose someone he hadn't vetted. It's not Palin's fault,
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Palin is
reaping tons of political "points" because
Why do they
always say they want less government
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Hulk Hogan's Divorce - Under Bush Excerpt:
They disagree over his net worth; Hogan claims
it is $32 million,
What? She claims $26M when he claims it's actually $32M?
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. That's just crazy.
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
What happened Friday It wasn't the best week I've had lately. First, the laptop fried and I had to invest $650 in a new one.
Then my power supply died, that cost another $500.
Sometimes you can just sneeze and be out $1000.
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barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of
oil per day.
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
4,150 brave men and women are gone.
All because of oil greed
Why are
we there?
Where's all that oil money going?
Subject: Donation Lots I wanna say - but this is just for having
a link to DailyKos,
(Tip: Always visit DailyKos through the Bartcop.com link to change that) Cheers,
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