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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

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 Friday   Sept 19, 2008  Vol 2212 - Fluff Bucket

Quote of the Day

"The Palinpalooza is basically over, 
  despite the attempts to keep it going." 
       -- Big Tent Democrat ,   Link

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow McCain and the Lying Game 
Arrow McCain's Phony Populism HOT
Arrow Those Bush Bastards HOT
Arrow Without Exception 
Arrow McCain Attacks Greed 
Arrow Obama and the Virgin HOT
Arrow Brooke Burke on 'Dancing' 





"They want Obama to go in there and gut McCain...They want to believe that their president
  is someone who, as a preview of what he can do in world affairs, they want to see him smite his
  opponent in the election with a real muscularity. They don't want this kind of Ivy League debate
  society. They want him to crush McCain. If he's not capable of crushing McCain rhetorically,
  they're not going to vote for him."
     -- Alec Baldwin,     Link

 Kerry tried that "Ivy League debate" crap and look what happened.
 It would appear that, if Obama can't win 'nice,' then he doesn't want to win.

 Isn't this exactly what we didn't need?

 Can we get Obama to fight his way back into this battle?

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McCain and the Lying Game


Politics has always been lousy with blather and chicanery. But there are rules and traditions too.
In the early weeks of the general-election campaign, a consensus has grown in the political community
- a consensus that ranges from practitioners like Karl Rove to commentators that John McCain has
allowed his campaign to slip the normal bounds of political propriety. The situation has gotten so intense
that we in the media have slipped our normal rules as well. Usually when a candidate tells something less
than the truth, we mince words. We use euphemisms like mendacity and inaccuracy ... or, as the whore AP
put it, "McCain's claims skirt facts."

But increasing numbers of otherwise sober observers, even such august institutions as the New York Times
editorial board, are calling John McCain a liar. You might well ask, What has McCain done to deserve this?
What unwritten rules did he break? Are his transgressions of degree or of kind?

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 Subject: Wall Street Meltdown

Hey bart
I am so f-ing tired of hearing "Clintons Fault" "Clintons Fault."
Sure he started the Sub-prime lending program back in the mid 90's.

And heres what the republicans did with it after that.

"In the 1990s, there was a residential real estate lending boom, with  subprime lending growing at an even faster rate.
In 2001, the Wall Street  Journal reported a tripling in the number of outstanding subprime  mortgages from 1995.
According to The Department of Housing and Urban  Development ("HUD"), the subprime lending industry has
grown from $35 billion in 1994 to $650 billion today."

So just as it usually is the dems start a program to help those a little  less fortunate or able,
and then the repugs move in and contort it, change  it, destroy it so they can profit from it.
 Hoosier Tim

I wish people would talk about the billions THEY STOLE.
They talk like this money evaporated in the hot sun, but no, it was stolen.

The super-rich played a pyramid game (because they repealed the laws against it)
by turning $200K homes into $500K homes in paper, then getting some poor schmucks
to borrow $500K from a bank to buy a $200K home.

Then when prices came down to Earth, the bank and the schmuck get burned while
the super rich jackals made $300 per home and there were millions and millions of homes.

This money did not disappear.
Mistakes were not made.

This money was stolen and nobody even calls it a theft.

It's just like the trillions they stole from Iraq
When they keep saying "They made a mistake" they're helping them steal.

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McCain's Phony Populism


It is almost literally unbelievable. John McCain, responding to the current economic troubles,
says that "Wall Street has betrayed us." He calls the current mess the "result of excess and
greed and corruption."...Right now, McCain is sounding a more populist tone than Obama,
whose strategy seems to be to portray McCain as too tied to Bush and too out of touch to
be trusted with this hurting economy... It's phony populism. It's like the head of a Mafia family
decrying a crime wave caused by his own lieutenants. But that doesn't mean it cannot work.

In politics, being right doesn't always count. You have to show you can fight. McCain is
ignoring reality to position himself as a populist reformer. Obama better burst that bubble.

I'll bet if you found 50 stories about this presidential campaign,
25 of them will include the line, "So why isn't Obama fighting back?"

If I could get Obama to listen to me, I'd say, "Win the goddamn fight and then
get all touchy-feely nice guy AFTER YOU HAVE TAKEN THE OATH."

I know Obama wants to change the tone and all that, but he can't do that if he loses.
Surely Obama knows this, so what explains his lack of energy, his lack of fight?

He only has six weeks to learn this lesson - can he do it in that time?

I think we've gone past the point where Obama can win with speeches.
He's going to have to do something drastic.

He's got to do something that makes every network newscast start with,
"A surprising new Obama showed up today and rocked the McCain campaign by..."

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 Subject: Palin is no Al Capone

Bart, you wrote:

> She wasn't vetted before McCain announced her.
> Who knows - she could be Al Capone with a vagina.

No way, Bart.
Capone looked after his own neighborhood by starting some soup kitchens
and giving free milk to the local kids to fight rickets.

Miss "Drill Baby Drill" makes Al Capone look like a saint.

sneezy the squid

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"The Old Man and the C..."
      -- Ernest Hemingway   (1899-1961)

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What the Bush Bastards have done
The greatest destruction of wealth the world has ever seen


This is what a Category 4 financial crisis looks like. Giant blue-chip financial institutions swept away
in a matter of days. Banks refusing to lend to other banks. Russia closing its stock market to stop the
panicked selling. Gold soaring $70 in a single trading session. Developing countries' currencies in a free fall.
Money-market funds warning they might not be able to return every dollar invested. Daily swings of three,
four, five hundred points in the Dow Jones industrial average.

What we are witnessing may be the greatest destruction of financial wealth that the world has ever seen
-- paper losses measured in the trillions of dollars. Corporate wealth. Oil wealth. Real estate wealth.
Bank wealth. Private-equity wealth. Hedge fund wealth. Pension wealth. It's a painful reminder that,
when you strip away all the complexity and trappings from the magnificent new global infrastructure,
finance is still a confidence game -- and once the confidence goes, there's no telling when the selling will stop.

I'm reminded of all those handjobs who "wanted to have a beer with Bush."
THIS is what happened when you elect a moron Republican instead of a smart Democrat.

Can Obama use this to his advantage?

Or would that not be "fair?"

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The Good News...

With the markets crashing and the Treasury emptied, with the theft of
the extra billions from Lehman Bros, AIG and Fannie and Freddie,
I, for the first time, think Bush & Cheney are actually leaving in January.

That's good news, unless McSame takes their place.

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Dos Caras


"Wall Street got drunk...It got drunk and now it's got a hangover."
       -- Dubya, in July,    Link

"The administration was serving the drinks. And Bush was bartender in chief."
       -- Naomi Klein,   Link

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Subject: McCain and Guns

Bart, did you know that McCain doesn't own a gun?
Do you find that odd or interesting?

He's big on the 2nd Amendment and has solid NRA ties.
He goes fishing, but not hunting.
I wonder why I didn't know this earlier?

Is there a story?

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Subject: the weather in Indiana

Hey Bart, Hell has officially frozen over.
Barack leads in Indiana poll ... by 3 points!
If Indiana turns blue, we are going to have a landslide victory, mark my words.

Thanks for resetting my password for the radio shows.
I always listen to them and especially enjoyed the New York trip stories.

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 Charts from HERE

If the Democrats would show these (or clearer) graphs,
why would anyone vote for more of the same?

Double the debt, from a BIG surplus to a BIGGER deficit,
millions of lost jobs and 5,000,000 more people in poverty.

If the Democrats would list the facts,
why would anyone vote for more of the same?

All the fancy talk in the world, all the $50 words you can use
won't provide as much good information as one graph.

It's so f-ing EASY but they won't listen to me.

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Subject: honoring our troops

Bart, the big thing about McCain that gives him a free pass is the "I am a veteran, that excuses everything" meme.
But that is fundamentally incorrect.  Timothy McViegh was one of our troops, but we executed him.  The military
tried to say he had left the forces long before he did because they tried to distance themselves from him but regardless,
he was "One of our honored soldiers" until he tried to kick-start the neo-con agenda,, I mean "went off the reservation."

The reality of the "honored troops" thing is that they are honored only as long as they can be exploited.
They are better off dead than wounded because honored dead are exploitable, needy wounded are not.
 Jonathan K.

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We have reached $6,000HOT

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"Yesterday Obama called for "a new, 21st-century regulatory framework."
  Zzzzzzz.     That's not lunchbucket language. McCain's out there talking about "greed."
  Obama needs to find a way to punch it up.'
     -- Howie Kurtz,    Link

 Obama is sounding more like Kerry when he needs to be moving away from
 that Harvard-speak bullshit.  Obama is right, of course, but so were Gore and Kerry. 

 Obama needs to speak like you and me, not some fancy northeastern liberal.
 If I was on Obama's staff, I'd rewrite his speeches to make him sound more human.

 You know we're in trouble when Howie Kurtz has good advice on how to win.

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Subject: Sarah's likes and dislikes


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Without Exception
 by Gene Lyons


Even Gen. David Petraeus' masterful handling of "the surge" - more a combination of diplomacy,
police work and bribery than warfare - has been misinterpreted by McCain as a military triumph
enabling the U. S. not to exit Iraq but to go blundering ever wider and deeper into the folly conservatives
once derided as nation-building. Bacevich endorses neither presidential candidate. Given the decayed
state of the Republic, he recently told Bill Moyers, "People run for the presidency in order to become
imperial presidents." Under new leadership, however, there's some chance of a gradual return to reality.

Elect McCain and we're due for a hard landing.

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Okies raise cattle without buying a truck


"Where's the President tonight? You got Paulson out there. Where's the President?
  He's pulling one of these Katrinas again. Where is he? The country's worried like hell
  when you lose this amount of value in the wealth of this country in a matter of days.
  You'd think Bush would come on TV and explain the situation to the American people."
       -- Tweety  Link

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Matt Damon smacks Sarah Palin

Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 16


 Today's Puzzle is Political Potpourri

 Thanks to GK!
 I know she works hard on these customized puzzles.

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McCain Attacks Wall Street Greed
 While 83 Wall Street lobbyists work to get him elected


Phil Anderson: AIG
Wayne Berman: AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Charlie Black: Freddie Mac
Judy Black: Merrill Lynch
Kirk Blalock: Fannie Mae
Carlos Bonilla: Freddie Mac
Mark Buse: Freddie Mac
Nicholas Calio: Fannie Mae, Merrill Lynch
Andrew Cantor: Merrill Lynch
Alberto Cardenas: Fannie Mae
James Courter: Merrill Lynch
David Crane: Freddie Mac
Dan Crippen: Merrill Lynch
Arthur Culvahouse: Fannie Mae
Alfonse D'Amato: AIG, Freddie Mac
Melissa Edwards: Freddie Mac
Benjamin Ginsberg: AIG
John Green: AIG, Fannie Mae
Vicki Hart: Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch
Richard Hohlt: Fannie Mae
Kate Hull: Fannie Mae
James Hyland: Merrill Lynch, Freddie Mac
Aleix Jarvis: Fannie Mae
Thomas Loeffler: Fannie Mae
Peter Madigan: Fannie Mae, Merrill Lynch
Alison McSlarrow: Fannie Mae
Susan Molinari: Freddie Mac
John Napier: Freddie Mac
Susan Nelson: AIG
James Pitts: AIG
Aquiles Suarez: Fannie Mae
Don Sundquist: Freddie Mac
William Timmons Sr.: Freddie Mac
Vin Weber: Freddie Mac

Thanks to Dave G

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Thanks to Shintao

What If?

What if the Democrats ran a TV commercial where Grandpa McCain walked into
a family diner in Bald Knob, Arkansas and asked the waitress, "Will you be my VP?"

Sarah Palin has as much experience as a waitress
and McCain wants her to drive our planet in the event of his death.

If we could just get Obama to mention that...

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Obama and the 40-Year-Old Virgin
 by Joe Conason


Regrettably but predictably, the success of Obama has revived traditional knee-jerk racism
on the American far right - and the latest examples are more blatant than latent.

In Michigan, right-wing operatives are seeking to aggravate white Democrats by linking Obama
to Kwame Kilpatrick, the mayor of Detroit who leaves office today in a deal with prosecutors.
A brief clip of Obama praising Kilpatrick last year, long before his indictment, is the centerpiece
of an inflammatory ad appearing on cable channels in Macomb County outside Detroit, where
white Democratic voters reside who may be susceptible to such appeals to prejudice.

Behind the ad is "Freedom's Defense Fund", a Washington-based PAC that is actually the
front for a group of Republican consultants affiliated with an outfit called BMW Direct Inc.
They specialize in racial politics, having put together a dubious "Black Republican PAC"
that deploys African-Americans to attack Democrats.

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Subject: tired of their lies


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Marty's Entertainment Page

Marty always has good stuff.

Click on the E!


"There's a lot in the internals of the new New York Times poll to chew over,
   but (the data) seems to suggest that Obama's holding up pretty well under the
   withering assault the McCain campaign has hit him with for months now."
      -- Greg Sargent    Link

 For months, McCain has been fighting - what is Obama doing?

 Think of two men in a boxing ring.
 One guy is throwing all the punches and they're landing.

 Do we praise the guy who's getting beaten up?
 Do we say "He sure can take a punch?"

 Does Obama know that if HE throws a punch, Old Man River would
 have to stop punching long enough to play defense to block the blows?

 Remember the old westerns, they'd be having a gun battle and someone would say "Cover me,"
 which means if you fire bullets constantly at the bad guy, he'll choose to hide behind a tree or a rock
 for a few moments out of fear of getting hit, which allows the good guys to move closer or get some
 strategic advatage while the bad guy is playing defense.

 Doesn't our side know how to fight?

 Why doesn't Obama go on the offense?
 Why is he always ducking McCain's "lipstick" punches instead of throwing his own?

 Does Obama think he can win by taking more punches?

 Why doesn't Obama fight back?

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The Market and the Wafer-thin Mint


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Sarah Palin by the Numbers
 Sarah Palin may lie, but numbers don't
  by my good friend Dan Kurtzman


2007: the year in which Sarah Palin first obtained a passport

312: the number of nights during her first 19 months in office that Palin charged taxpayers
a "per diem" totaling $16,951 for staying in her own home -- an allowance intended to
cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business

$500 to $1,200: the fee that Wasilla charged rape victims to pay for post-sexual assault
medical exams, after the city cut funds during Palin's tenure that had previously covered the exams

$150: the cash payment offered by the Palin administration to hunters
who turn in legs of freshly killed wolves gunned down from airplanes


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Whore ABC, Whore CBS

When Charlie Gibson won the Sarah Palin interview lottery...

 Think what a shit reporter you must be when the GOP calls on you
 to conduct a puff piece interview on their unqualified candidate...

...whore ABC hacked the interview up in 90 pieces, putting some on
 Good Morning Whores, some on World News Tonight and the rest on Nightline.

 That way, they get to make more money from this news story AND they prevent
 most Americans from seeing the interview because who can watch TV at 8 AM, 5 PM and 11 PM?

 When Perky won the second Sarah Palin interview lottery...

 Think what a shit reporter you must be in the GOP calls on you
 to conduct a puff piece interview on their unqualified candidate...

...whore CBS plams to hack the interview up in 90 pieces, putting some on
 CBS Morning Whores, some on CBS Evening News and the rest on 48 Hours, or whatever.

 That way, they get to make more money from this news story AND they prevent
 most Americans from seeing the interview because who can watch TV at 8 AM, 5 PM and 11 PM?

 Oh, and NBC doesn't get an interview because the McCain bastards
 are punishing NBC for letting the Obama Twins go wild for an entire year


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 If you have stuff that'll ship you  should be advertising on

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
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Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
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Where's all that oil money going?

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Brooke Burke on 'Dancing w/Stars'


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