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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.


McCain Suspends 
Turn on your TV!HOTHOTHOT

 Wednesday   Sept 24, 2008  Vol 2215 - Decomplish

Quote of the Day

"It's the economy stupid--and empathy. 
  While Obama can talk about the economy, 
  his affect is more Kerryesque than Clintonian. 
  McCain, with 13 cars and 8 houses, projects 
  more empathy for the average American... 
       -- Kempis,     Link


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Econ Gives Obama Lead
Arrow Dems Cave on Drilling HOT
Arrow Suicide Pact HOT
Arrow Democrats - Use Your Heads 
Arrow The Truth about Marihuana 
Arrow Wall Streets WMDs HOT
Arrow Triple Monkey Mail 
Arrow CARE's S.M. Geller 



"Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of 
  his boiling moralism is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected 
  by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?"
     -- George Will, apparently endorsing Obama,   Link

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Economic Fears Give Obama the Lead
 The Old man is all about tax cuts for the super-rich


Turmoil in the financial industry and growing pessimism about the economy have altered the shape 
of the race, giving Obama the first clear lead over McCain, according to a WaHoPo poll.

Just 9 percent of those surveyed rated the economy as good or excellent, the first time that number
has been in single digits since the days just before the 1992 election. Just 14 percent said the country 
is heading in the right direction, equaling the record low on that question in polls dating back to 1973.

More voters trust Obama to deal with the economy, and he currently has a big edge as the candidate 
who is more in tune with the economic problems Americans now face. He also has a double-digit 
advantage on handling the current problems on Wall Street, and as a result, there has been a rise in 
his overall support. The poll found that, among likely voters, Obama now leads McCain by 9 points.

Can we hold the elction NEXT Tuesday instead of in November?

Can we send John Kerry to Gabon until November 10th?

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 Subject: will the bailout money be stolen too?

Yes, Yes, YES!
Why can't someone explain to the stupid American voters that the GOP
wants to bankrupt the US so they can end all social security, medicare,
medicade, school lunches, section 8 housing, etc, etc. etc.

And they have had a great start under war criminal Bush!

And why can't someone point out that the GOP's "trickle down" theory of economics
didn't work under Alzheimer Reagen, did not work under Daddy Warbucks Bush,
did not work under War Criminal Bush Jr.

Yet some Americans still think McCain would do better!
Un f-ing beleivable!

Sorry for the rant Bart, I just get sooooooooo pissssssed!
 Jon in Ohio

 Jon, you should be pissed - everybody should.
 When Bush "reforms" something it means he steals the money and we go broke.

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Dems Cave on Offshore Drilling


Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the coasts to expire 
next week, conceding defeat in a with BIG OIL set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer.

David Obey, D-Wis., told reporters that a provision continuing the moratorium will be dropped this year 
from a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running after Congress recesses for the election...

"If true, this capitulation by Democrats following months of Republican pressure is a big victory 
for Americans struggling with record gasoline prices," said House GOP leader John Boner of Ohio.

Sometimes, you fight to the finish.
Sometimes you have to cave, but you can negotiate your caving - unless you're a Democrat.

It would've been so easy to say, "We'll agree to offshore drilling IF..." but nooooooooooooo.
The Democrats are (A) too stupid and (B) too unwilling to learn.

Seriously, if they read  they'd have to learn something, right?
They make the same stupid mistakes again and again and they never learn.

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 Subject: dumdass remarkes

So if Obama is'nt elected, We are racists. You can't be that stupid.
 Bob Ski

IF some/many white Democrats refuse to vote for
the more qualified candidate and he loses,
how does that make me stupid?

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"What Obama doesn't have, so far, is an economic message. He's missing a story about 
what's gone wrong with the American economy and how to fix it.  He hasn't got a decent slogan.
Bill Clinton talked about  'Putting people first,' 'It's the economy, stupid,' 'Building a bridge to 
the 21st century'...Obama's lack of a resonant economic message has left too much space in 
the political discourse for freak-show debates about lipstick and moose hunting."
    -- Jake Weisberg,  Link

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This will upset the lay-off-Sarah-Palin readers
but some toons are just too good to pass up.

Suicide Pact


The words are stunning, so stark naked in their greed, lust for power, and utter contempt for America:
"Decisions by the [Treasury] Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and
committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."

Yhis grants the Secretary of the Treasury sole authority to dispense $700 billion as he sees fit among the
troubled financial markets. That would, right off the bat, make him the de facto most powerful man in America.

The language stripping him of all accountability is just icing on the cake. Incidently, the President himself
could be construed to be an "administrative agency" which means that Paulson really would answer to nobody.

Now there's a man who would never have any trouble filling out his dance card.

Paulson could decide that the Moonie Times or FOX News needs that $700 billion
and there's nothing we can do about it if the Democrats bend over as usual.

           "Bart, why don't you trust our president?"

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F___ You, Bill Clinton
 by Paul Slansky, liar and whore
The Huffy Folks still hate his f___ing guts


Given that we would never have had the odious George W. Bush in the White House in the first place 
if it wasn't for your blow jobs, Bill, it seems obvious that you owe it to the people of this country, and 
especially to the parents whose kids died in the Iraq War that Gore would never have started, and to 
all the parents whose kids would be killed in the WarFest that would be a McCain/Palin -- sorry, 
Palin/McCain administration -- to do everything in your power to get Barack Obama elected.

Yeah, there you go - blame the Clintons for every evil under the sun.
Be sure to give them all the blame and none of the credit.
You can make a lot of money in America this way - but you knew that.

Gee, I wonder how Paul Slansky's sex life would hold up if the Facsist dogs spent $100M 
threatening everyone Slansky knew, ever worked with and ever known with death in prison 
if they didn't fabricate some lies to hang him?

One again we see proof that we'd rather McCain be president - as long as we can blame the Clintons.
These we-hate-ourselves Democrats won't be happy until the Clintons are dead and buried,
but even then, they'll be blaming them for whatever bad stuff happens in the 22nd century.

And just to prove the point, I'll bet you could search the web for a week and not find 
a column with as much pure hatred for the Clintons written by a Republican.

It's possible we could lose this election because these Demo-Clinton-haters have driven
home the point that the most successful democrats are actually the scum-of-the-Earth,
so why not play it safe and vote for McCain-Palin?

Paul Slansky, you're a liar and a whore. 

The first reaction e-mail to this filth began with:

"And let's not forget how the Clintons made no effort whatsoever on Kerry's part." 

Yeah, Bill Clinton is so selfish, he let a little thing like quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery 
slow down his campaigning for Kerry. How self-centered can a man get?  Clinton should be hung.

<Bart does a shot...>

Bill Clinton is the only double-winner we've had in 60 years.
He's the only man alive who's beaten the Fascist dogs twice - and we f-ing hate him for that.

<Bart does another shot...>

Barack, be very careful.

If you win, or Koresh forbid win two terms,
these same "loyalists" will be smearing you like peanut butter in 2018.

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"Yesterday, Bush announced a massive plan to bail out our banking institutions,
  which might cost taxpayers more than a trillion dollars. To put that in perspective, 
  10 Bill Gates and 35 Oprahs still don't add up to a trillion dollars."
       -- Jimmy Kimmel

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Subject: Come on Bart - 12 year old Catholic boy?

When you mentioned the comment about the 12 year old Catholic
that figured out he didn't like girls, that made him Gay, not a pedophile.

From Sheryl, a catholic who figured out she didn't like boys at age 12.

I was attenpting to discover why people with non-mainstream sexual
predelictions often turn to the comfort of organized religion.

Are you saying it's just a coincidence that hundreds or thousands of priests
have raped and sodomized the little boys that were placed in their care?

Funny, you never hear of hundreds of pilots raping kids, or hundreds of plumbers,
or hundreds of lawyers - it's always the priests and they dedicate themselves to
keeping this Worldwide Organized Rapefest going so one has conclusions to draw.

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Subject: Bush Doctine

Plesae spell out the "Bush Doctrine" for your readers.
 Bob Ski

In the strictest sense, it means if Bush has a suspicion that some person, country or entity may, 
someday, if they happen to get lucky and obtain the necessary technology, decide to attack us, 
well, then we'll just murder them now and save the wait.

In a broader sense it's Bush's "my way or the highway" attitude.
If Bush sees something he wants, like Iraq's oil, he's going to take it.

That's the Bush Doctrine.

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Subject: Not a Palin Fan, but...

Palin said that you could see Russia from an island in Alaska.  The part about HER
being able to see it from HER house is a result of lazy <non> fact-checking....AND
she has done nothing to disabuse us of the misinformation.
 Lucy D

Lucy, what's your point?
Do you think I'm going to be fair to those sons of bitches?

ha ha

Have we met?
Hi, my name's Bart!

I don't check facts - I pound Fascist scum into little Fascist scum meatballs.

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Subject: Okies stealing land


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We have reached $6,000HOT

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"Somebody hacked into Sarah Palin's email account. They don't know who did it 
  but it's someone who understands technology and is interested in her background. 
  So we can rule out McCain."
     -- Bill Maher

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The Truth about Marihuana
 by Slothrop


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Subject: MORONS!

You are a bunch of very mean and angry people.

Why would ANYONE give you morons money when they could
donate to the Red Cross and actually do some GOOD on this earth?

Stop ranting and DO something constructive.
 Shannon Marie

Shannon, how do you spread peace by yelling "MORONS!" at strangers?

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American Dream In The Desert: A Burning Man Report


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"If something stupid can be said, you can believe someone on Daily Kos has said it."
       -- the great and powerful Kos,  Link

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Subject: shut the fuck up


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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!


"McCain sold his soul a long time ago; he has been auctioning it on eBay.  He deserves to lose.
  On the economy, though, Obama is not exactly demonstrating that he deserves to win either. "
       -- Andrew Sullivan, (R-Prissybitch)    Link

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Subject: Bailout bullshit

Dear Bart,

Let's see if I have this right. We are a family that wants to put a shelter over our heads
and it's a close shave, but we bet on the future of housing prices and take an adjustable
loan on a house. Things go south and our bet turns out badly and we are out on the street
because of our bad judgment and lack of moral turpitude.

But if I am a banker who wants to make more and more money, and I bet on the future
of housing prices and make investments based on the same hope as the homeowner and
things go south and the bet turns out badly, I get bailed out by the taxpayers and walk away
with millions of dollars in golden parachute.

Bart, WTF is wrong with this picture?
Why can't bloated gas bags like Chuck Schumer try and boil this down for the voter
instead of bloviating ad nauseam? I am so sick of Democrats and I've been one all my life.

Keep Hammerin Bart,
s. noons

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Subject: Obama struggling to win over Clinton Voters


 Wear your asbestos suit for this one.

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Subject: Chief Screaming Eagle responds


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           Note from Marty at Bartcop Entertainment
            Shirley is on Craig Ferguson (after Letterman) tonight

Subject: Why isn't Obama fighting?

Bart, you are so correct; obama ain't fighting.

all those obama-ites who write in complaining about your "criticism" are just blinded by love, etc.

they need to wake up.  palin has mobilized their right-wing low-IQ base.
and oldman plane-crasher has the vote of neanderthal military bozos.
and that may be enough to swing those cretinized red states into an electoral college win.

how intelligent can the average voter be- they voted for dumbom bush not once but twice.

obama comes over like an "intellectual"; which scares off the multitudes of ignorant voters.
he reminds me of Adlai Stevenson-  who lost against the more folksy Ike.

in USA, it's always the more "earthy image" that wins.   smarts don't matter.
better to be "strong" and wrong like McJerk  than accurate and weak Obama.

when will people wake up?

obama needs some short sound-bites.
how about this-

"McCain wants to cut taxes for those rich CEOs who just caused this economic collapse".

"After 8 yrs of a Republican president, are you ready to vote for another one with similar policies."

...but the dems never learn.
probably shrum is running this campaign which means a 9th loss in a row.

Don in Stockholm

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Subject: Liberals bailing our Conservatives

Now that the conservatives are coming to the taxpayers for a 700 billion dollar bailout 
I'm wondering what the conservatives are willing to give up in exchange for this massive welfare check? 

Maybe they should compensate us by giving up the Iraq war and the election? 
Maybe they should at least admit they were wrong? We taxpayers need something 
before we hand over $2300 per person to bail out the rich.

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.

McCain said yesterday it was $10,000 per household.
I don't know about you, but I can't afford to give the super-rich another $10,000.

Besides, that $700 billion IS NOT MISSING!
The super-rich still have that cash and they want to keep it.

Sidebar: This Wall Street "crisis" is just like a dope deal.


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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their big Halliburton upgrades

Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
Since oil sells for $125 or more per barrel,
Bush is stealing $750,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history but
our whore media is too busy to investigate.

4,157 brave men and women
have been sacrificed on the Altar of Oil.


All because of Bush's oil greed

Why are we there?
Because Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

Where's all that oil money going?

Subject: Donation


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