Thursday Sept 25, 2008 Vol 2216 - Apocalipstik
Quotes "If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for
you to get over your problem is with Obama,
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White Women
Swing Back to Obama
* Obama/Biden 48%
* Obama/Biden's 6% lead is their largest in the Diageo/Hotline tracking poll yet. * Obama/Biden are moving
ahead among white women. The Dems now hold a 1% edge, 46-45%;
I can't explain that (Can anybody?) but it's great
news and I'll take it.
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Subject: Republican Wall Street Welfare Queens The pejorative term "Welfare Queen" is used to
describe a lazy irresponsible social pariah
But before you yell "Racist!" I'm not talking
about black women. I'm talking about the Republican
I'm talking about guys like John McCain who owns
a private jet, 7 houses, and 13 cars who is
Ronald Reagan must be spinning in his grave. Now
these same Republican Welfare Queens
Marc Perkel
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Palin - Moose Humping with Brad Hanson Excerpt:
These sources have named Hanson as Palin's secret love, and say their affair nearly wrecked both their marriages. Hanson owned a snowmobile dealership with Palin's
husband Todd, who immediately dissolved
Doing the Moose Hump with her husband's partner?
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Subject: Gay people in the history of the Catholic Church Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Quotes "The Democratic Convention felt like America,
it looked like America.
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What a stupid, stupid thing to do - and Obama was ready for him. McCain announces that he's suspending his campaign.
But the fool said "No Mas," which
made it look like a surrender, anyway.
ha ha Obama also said, "This is exactly the time
when the American people need to hear
Bingo! That was handled about as well as anybody could've handled it.
McCain, forever the idiot, said he would stop all advertising, fundraising
and other
Stop all fundraising? ha ha I'd like to send some South
Finest Chocolate to the aide who suggested that.
BUT... Could the real answer be that he found out Palin knows less than nothing
and can't learn?
If Obama wins this race, we might look back on Sept 24
Today, the GOP has buiyer's remorse that wouldn't fit in Boeing's biggest
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The Sarah
Palin Scandals
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Quotes "This is eerily similar to the rush to war
in Iraq. We have been told repeatedly by Bush that the
Grandpa said the economy was sound a week ago Monday.
Or maybe he knows less about economics than I do.
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Subject: Russell the Unhinged Thank the Gods for Monkey Mail. It always makes
me smile.
Dee, there was no deity involved :)
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Subject: McCain is a true American Dear Bart: John McCain is suspending his campaign to deal
with this economic crisis.
I'm sure Norm Coleman and Libby Dole care more
about dealing with the economy
Oh, please, someone make this happen.
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Chill hoodie $34.99 Mens and women's shirts, v-necks,
Also available this way:
Buy a shirt if you think "Obama's got this." After McCain's gigantic screw-up yesterday,
Subject: The Clintons not doing enough? This may be a moo point (think Joey on Friends) since Gramps
decided to commit hari kari,
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Subject: Bartcop: GOP operative Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Subject: Welfare for Wall Street Bart, I think I know what we need to do. First the American people must tell Congress "Thanks,
but no thanks to that new bridge to nowhere,
Instead we will take the money for that "bridge"
anyway and we will decide where it's really needed
We know now that we can't expect big government
to come to the rescue anymore. We are on our own
Let's support the American worker who is the real
fundamental of the American economy,.
So let's get to work locally to get America working
to get itself free from dependence on market fluctuations
We will need to work together and we will need
leaders that really know how to get the best
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We're over the Half-way mark Thanks to those who contributed! Sorry this is taking so long,
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Quotes "Tony Soprano would be very proud."
One difference between Tony Soprano and Bush? Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog!
Letterman goes off on McCain Link to nine minutes (!) of Dave ragging on Gramps Y'know how sometimes Dave gets stuck, and he rags on the same thing the whole show? ha ha He went after McCain on Wednesday's show - the whole show. Some people say I obsess over stuff, and they're right, but Dave
Don't get me wrong - it's our duty to savage them, but Dave going after
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ha ha I have a feeling the Heart girls didn't write that.
Subject: "Clinton should be hung" Holy shit Bart, I am LOLing at your reaction to
Paul Slansky's article on HuffPost.
In fact, yesterday's whole episode of bartcop.com
was freaking awesome!!
Leanne, I was thinking of Blazing
Saddles again.
[Bart returns unexpectedly after being sentenced to be hanged]
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Dragan Lady Hammers Palin Excerpt:
Sarah was motorcading around Manhattan even as
a "greed is good" Wall Street experienced
After losing its moral superiority abroad with
phony evidence for attacking Iraq, the U.S. has now lost
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Quote "If the Bush administration has been formulating
this plan for months and never breathing
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Subject: YOU are chief screamneagle! I may be more observant than most - you and he
are using the same sentence structure.
heh heh funny too.
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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!
Quotes "Mr. President, you gave Wall Street the keys
to the liquor cabinet, by failing to
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Subject: Sarah Palin What's the difference between Sarah Palin and a pit bull? A pit bull protects her young.
Thanks to Grower
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Subject: Internet rumor - Biden dropping out? But there's no reason for him to drop out now.
All Obama needs to do is run the ball and run out the clock.
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I'm sure it'll be funny and great.
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Organized religion is what causes people to
Knowledge and education are not bad things.
Some "pointy-headed Harvard elites" know more
If your kid was in a wreck and you needed a surgeon
Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 19 Today's Puzzle is Bush Babblings Thanks to GK!
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Quotes "You don't suspend your campaign. Are we suspending
it because there's an economic crisis
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Charlotte Dennett vs GOP Murderers Excerpt:
In fact, a New York Times/CBS poll taken as early
as January 2005 showed that the majority of
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
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barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of
oil per day.
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
brave men and women,
...all because of Bush's oil greed
Why are
we there?
Where's all that oil money going?
Subject: Donation Bart, I haven't missed a column since first running
into your link with Eric Alterman around '03.
or send a "love" check to
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