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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.


 Friday   Sept 26, 2008  Vol 2217 - Bad Business

Quote of the Day

"We had a deal worked out, but then McCain 
  showed up and everything went to hell." 
       -- Harry Reid, CNN 10:10 CST this morning


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow McCain afraid to debate 
Arrow Stuck with Sarah HOT
Arrow Grampa's Blunder a Trick? HOT
Arrow McCain afraid in 2000, too HOT
Arrow The Taranto Principle HOT
Arrow Laura's naked Pictures 
Arrow Chris Rock Saturday night 
Arrow Shania Twain's big hit 


"Candidates and new presidents have only one source of battle-tested experts to choose from
  when setting new policy or hiring new cabinet heads. And that's whoever served in the previous 
  administration of their party. So, it should be no surprise that Obama turned to the Clinton team 
  that brought the country great economic wealth.." 
     -- Paul Bedard,    Link

 Paul, you're right - so why report that as news?
 Who, on this whole planet, has more credibility on American economincs than Bill Clinton?

 Of course Obama's going to ask the Clintons for their imput.
 Why would anyone think otherwise?

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McCain still afraid to debate
 He's trying to summon the courage 


John McCain has yet to commit to participating in Friday night's debate with Obama, 
tying his appearance to progress on a Wall Street bailout plan being negotiated by lawmakers. 

That's an idiotic statement, since he committed to this weeks ago.
The whore press wants you to think Obama sprung a "surprise debate" on Grandpa
and Gramps isn't sure what his schedule will allow.

Obama said Thursday that he intended to travel to the Mississippi, where the debate had 
long been scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. EDT. He tried to press McCain into showing up,
saying they should be able to handle the 90-minute forum and the financial crisis at the same time.

"Sen. McCain has no need to be fearful about a debate," Obama told reporters. 
"He's a person of strong opinions and he's been expressing them on the campaign trail."


Taunt the little shit - call him a coward - ask him why he's afraid!
Pour some gas on the "McCain is a coward" riff and watch the old geezer buss wide open!

All this is going to happen in the next 9 hours - I can't wait.

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 Subject: suspense

They are starting their move to suspend other things. Like the election. 
A combat battalion is being deployed on US soil for the first time in our history on OCT. 1. 

They are creating chaos. Palins utterances make Bush sound like Patrick Henry. 
McCain is just acting his squirrelly self. O/B are being ignored and drowned out by the cacophony. 
This land of morons haven't a clue as to what is going down.
 George of the Desert

 George, you slid by the Oct 1 bombshell like it was some minor detail.

 What's going to happen Oct 1, and how do you know?
 Maybe got a link or two?

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McCain is Stuck with Palin
 by right-winger Kathleen Parker


My cringe reflex is exhausted.  Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. 
Cut the verbiage and there's not much content there.  If Palin were a man, we'd all be guffawing.
But because she's a woman, we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.

What can McCain do?  He can't repudiate Palin. He not only risks the wrath of the GOP's 
unforgiving base, but he invites others to second-guess his executive decision-making ability. .

Only Palin can save McCain, her party and her country. She can bow out for personal reasons, 
perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother 
who puts her family first.  Do it for your country. 

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 Subject: Mc with Cheese

Big Mac admits he knows nothing about the economy, so he should stay the hell out of D.C. 
and let the real thives settle how much their going to steal this time. 

Of course, he might want his share like he received in the Keating five.
He showed he could work with the Democrats then.
 James D

If there is a God (Why do I torture myself this way?) Old Man River would catch
a shitload of bad press for that stunt he pulled, flying back to Washington "to help.".

They announced yesterday that they had a deal which made Wall Street happy,
then Johnny Pop-off showed up to "fix" the agreement and now it's gone.

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"Sarah Palin's performance in the tiny vignettes of unscripted dialogue 
  in which we've been allowed to see her has been frightening and pity-inducing."
    -- Glenn Greenwald, Obama's man at Salon,   Link

 I like Glenn Greenwald, to a point.
 While trashing Palin, he had to drag Hillary into the fight, saying,
 "In this age of dynastic and nepotistic political power centers in both parties..." 

 He's comparing Hillary's two senate victories with Bush stacking the government
 with religiously-insane, unqualified Bush-loyalist handjobs.

 It's almost enough for a good, old-fashiooned "fuck you,"
 but I'm still in a good mood so I'm going to let it slide.

 But Glenn, watch your ass.
 The time to let go of  your Hillary hate was 2 months ago.

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McCain's Blunder - Is this a Trick?


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The Taranto Principle


According to Taranto, in 2004 the media quietly went along with Senator Jean-Francois Kerry's 
exaggerated claims to heroism and military prowess, thus encouraging his braggadocio and leaving him 
utterly unprepared when his fellow vets stepped forward and demonstrated that he had been a dreadful 
showoff in Vietnam. Officers who had fought alongside him served up evidence that his exploits were 
embellished and sometimes completely made up. They cast doubt on his medals and most damningly 
reminded us that in testimony on Capitol Hill Kerry accused his fellow soldiers of war crimes. 
The vets reproduced the video, video that any journalist could have laid hands on.

The vets' assault on Kerry is now called "Swift Boating" by left-wingers and journalists alike, 
who insist the vets' charges were "lies," though four years later it is apparent that the so-called lies 
composed an accurate rendering of blowhard Kerry's war record.

This is what happens when you don't fight back.
History will show that Kerry the fraud got caught by the "honest" Swift-Boat bastards,
just as it'll show Bush served honorably in the military - thanks to Dan Rather.

That means the Fascist dogs were RIGHT to sell purple band aids at NaziCon 2004 

See what happens when you don't fight back?

They literally re-write history before our eyes - because we let them.

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"Palin is mediocre, again, regurgitating talking points mechanically, not thinking. 
  Palin's just babbling.  I am truly embarrassed for her. I can't watch this train wreck."
       -- Rod Dreher,  Conservative handjob,    Link

 Rod, why complain?
 Those brainless types have always worked for you.

 Reagan couldn't find his ass with both hands - and then he got Alzheimers.
 All he could ever do is read a teleprompter like he knew what the words meant.
 Bush the Stupider never had a clue - and still doesn't to this day, so why aren't you 
 head-over-heels in love with this Neo-Con puppet with a vagina?

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Ours are black shirt, white ink.

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we could manufacture this shirt.

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Subject: White women and Obama

A recent Zogby poll found "65 per cent of women identified jobs and the economy 
as their most important issues, compared to 47 per cent of men".  Maybe women liked 
the fact that Palin was a woman for a very short while. 

 ha ha

Subsequent information about both Palin and the economy has lead them to reflect
that they would rather have a brown male president AND their house.

That poll's a bit depressing for us males though.  Apparently we don't mind 
sleeping under a bridge, as long as no gay dude is getting married.
 Sean R

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Subject: Dr Laura "nude"

What a rip-off , no balls at all. 

Dude, she's a woman - they don't have balls.
Is your computer new?

I wasted my time. 
Try not to be such a bull shitter on anything else, OK? 

Well, she's about as naked as a person can get.
You must be disappointed than I covered her gaping vagina.
I'll publish most anything, but a close-up of her Grand Canyon? 
Ain't gonna happen here.

If you want to see the inside of a woman, subscribe to

Talk about Laura's naked Pictures


It was important for me to see the pictures before this article is completed in order not to commit 
the grave error by journalists for jumping to conclusions over things they have not actually observed.
I was hoping they are not pictures of Dr. Laura in sexual positions with different men
-- that would have been harder to defend. 

 ha ha

The pictures did not catch her in sexual acts or in an orgy or robbing a bank...

Nude bank robbgery?
Laura, how could you!!??!!

 ha ha

Although some of them are provocative, others are flattery, but none is pornographic. 

You don't consider this pornographic?

If that's not onscene, I don't what to know what obscene is.

It's a clear-cut case of indecent exposure.

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Chill hoodie


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Buy a shirt if you think "Obama's got this."

After McCain's gigantic screw-up yesterday,
I think Obama's got this.

Subject: Thankful for your sanity

There have been things you've printed that I still don't agree with.

But today I had to deal with an insane Hillary-lover - my DAD. 
He's voting McCain because Hillary isn't the Democrat.

I tried to hammer sense into him, but I couldn't.  He wants a pilot who will crash our plane
because he can't get pick one exact pilot from the group that won't.  You'd think having 
survived one crash would be motivation enough to want anyone who won't crash again...

He actually said that all of what's going on now is Dems fault for not being able to fix 
6 years of Republican lawmaking with less than two years against a Republican veto pen. 
I was beginning to lose all faith in humanity.

Then I read your page, and I felt better about my elders. 
At least some of you have some common sense!

Keep hammering!

 Muddro, thanks - probably... :)

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Subject: McCain afraid to debate?

Hi Bart,

I agree that Obama has handled this well.  I think however, he could have gone further. 

McCain's campaign floated the idea that the 1st Presidential debate would replace the VP debate
with the VP debate put on hold or canceled.  An obvious effort to hide Palin.  If McCain absolutely 
refused to debate, Obama should suggest that the VP candidates step in and debate on Friday. 

After all, isn't that what a VP is supposed to do, fill in for the Pres. when he is busy, 
help during a crisis, be ready on day 1, etc.  I am sure Biden is ready and equally sure 
that Palin is not.  McCain would be on the next corporate lobbyist jet to Mississippi.
 Terry in Oswego

I think they're stuck either way.
McCain is more competent than Palin, but he's no match for Obama unless Obama 
gets all polite and decides to show McCain some respect and take it easy on him.

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Subject: Who gets the house?

Hey Bart

What am I missing here?

I get a mortgage and buy a house. I can't keep up with the payments
and not only am I about to loose my house but the  bank (or whoever now
owns the mortgage) is going to go into the red  for what I owe on the house.

Bush steps in and says we can't have all these bankers loosing money so the taxpayers
will buy that mortgage. The banker gets paid but I now live in my car.
Who gets the house?

James, a Bush crony gets your house.

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We have reached $6,000HOT

We're over the Half-way mark

Thanks to those who contributed!

Sorry this is taking so long,
but if one rich democrat would send $4,000
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 Tulsa, OK  74155


"Sarah Palin's approval is down to 34%, 13 points lower since their last poll."
     -- Katie Couric, CBS Evening News

 If Palin can't get to at least 50% approval what good is she?

 Looks like McCain was right to hold off on a press conference - she can't think,
 which is apparently why she's such a big hit with the Republican hard-right.

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McCain Backs Out of Debate In California - from 2000
 He has a history of backing out when his poll numbers drop


With new polls showing his campaign dead among California Republicans, McCain has 
pulled out of a long-scheduled debate with Texas Gov. Bush, set for Thursday in Los Angeles.

McCain campaign officials tried desperately yesterday to put the best face on their withdrawal.
They attributed McCain's decision to Bush's earlier reluctance to appear at the debate.

"We had agreed to do this debate a long time ago, and Gov. Bush said he wasn't going to do it,'' 
a McCain spokesman said yesterday. ``We aren't going to hold our schedule together forever.'' k

So McCain has a history of running from a fight?
Maybe he can get the Mooselini to debate for him...

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Random thought...

 Let's hope a year from now we're not selling 
 WPE shirts with McCain's picture on them.

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Subject: just asking...

osama bin laden killed thousands of innocent americans and we've locked up
and tortured people believed to have helped him and his organization.
this doesn't seem to upset a large segment of the population.

how is it that john mccain is considered a hero for bombing innocent vietnamese civilians
and is locked up and tortured for his actions and the decisions of his organization?
do the vietnamese people consider him heroic?
 billy s

Billy, how long you been with al qaeda?

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"What is shocking about the presentation by Bush -- and the deal that is unfolding -- is that we 
don't see any acceptance of responsibility for the failure of his team's stewardship of the economy. 
We didn't hear acknowledgment that the compulsive deregulation mantra of Bush's political and 
economic allies created a massive bubble where lots of billionaires were created and now tens of 
millions of less fortunate Americans are holding the bill. We didn't hear Bush say that..." 
       -- Steve Clemmons,  Link

 So if we're going to lose this anyway, if we're going to have to cave in and bail them out,
can't we at least make Bush say, "My tax cuts caused these problems" - then we write the check? 

Hillary's going to be all over this, demanding a moratorium on foreclosures for the little people 
if the corporate fat cats get to keep all their money, Rolexes, property, savings, boats, Rolls Royces etc.

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ha ha

How old are you and your memory?


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Subject: What's McCain up to?

I think McCain's latest move - suspend the campaign - is perhaps the moment 
historians will look back on and say, that is the moment he lost.
His motivations are hard to read. 

It could be that he is desperate to stop the crash - of his poll numbers. 
It could be a reaction to Bush's announced plans to give a national address. 
It could be he has some health problem that limits his ability to debate.

Whatever it is, all it does is make him look weak and frightened. 
In the midst of this economic crisis, he is the candidate running around with his hair on fire. 
He is the candidate afraid to debate. 
He is the candidate begging his opponent to suspend his political campaign.

He looks like a kid playing sick to get out of a test.  He looks like a little boy 
pretending he doesn't want to run the race, because he knows he will lose.

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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!


"I knew this was going to happen: the Democrats are running ads on McCain's age 
  and his health. I'm waiting for the blood-in-the-stools commercial -- you wait." 
       -- Der vulgar Pigboy, suffering from that raging syphilitic fever,

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Subject: feeding the beast


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Religulous Opens October 3rd

I'm sure it'll be funny and great.
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Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 20


 Today's Puzzle is Speaking Neo-Con

 Thanks to GK!
 She works hard on these customized-for-you puzzles.

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Obama: leader or Bailout Musketeer?
 by Arianna the Huff

This bailout bill -- if the details trickling out are accurate -- is going to be very bad legislation indeed. 
And by that I mean very bad for the American people, whose interests are by no means identical to Wall Street's.

If Barack Obama goes along with it in the name of post-partisan comity, he's making a big mistake. 
Washington is lacking political leaders willing to lead.

"This is our moment," Obama keeps saying. And this is his moment to lead, rather than to appear 
as one of the Bailout Bipartisan Musketeers ("One for all, and all for Goldman Sachs").

Could it be that he's surrounded himself with so many advisors who are looking at the bailout 
from a Wall Street perspective, he now sees it that way too?

Why is Arianna being so tough on my man Barack?

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Marty's Entertainment Page

Marty always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada

James reads it in Grand Forks, North Dakota

They read it in San Giusto Canavese, Piemonte, Italy

Edith reads it in Allentown, PA

They read it in Vienna, Wien, Austria 

    We get hits from Europe.  Want to sell stuff in Europe?

They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron.

 Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their big Halliburton upgrades

Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
Since oil sells for $125 or more per barrel,
Bush is stealing $750,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history but
our whore media is too busy to investigate.

4,172 brave men and women,
will never come home...


...all because of Bush's oil greed

Why are we there?
Because Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

Where's all that oil money going?

Chris Rock on HBO Saturday night

He's the man, but if he spends more than 5 minutes on how much he hates Hillary
I'm going to lose another favorite and I've already lost so many this year.

Yesterday, I heard Randi POUNDING the GOP while explaining the banking crisis,
but the whole time I had to ask, "How much of this is true?"

You can't trust anyone who says Hillary would have her killed if she told what she knew.
So while I still find Randi entertaining, she's someone who obviously can't be trusted

I used to have a mountain of respect for Robery Parry at
but then he became a Hillary mind-reader and destroyed a lifetime of journalistic credibility.

There are so many others - I'd like it if Chris Rock didn't join that ugly club.
So Chris, do us a favor, say "Jesus, I hate that f-ing c*nt" and then move on, please?

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Sarah Palin - the 90 second Disney Movie

I'll bet you can't watch without laughing

Subject: Donation

Dope will get you through times of no money, 
better than money will get you through times of no dope. 

Bart...your a dope.

John, thanks for that.
If you send a donation, you can call me Shirley :)

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PO Box 54466
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Next time the DNC asks you for money,
tell them you sent their money to
because, while he's wrong a lot, at least he fights back.

Shania Twain - 'Hottest' career song?



 See tons of  Shania Twain pictures in BC Hotties


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