Tues-Wed Sept 30-Oct 1, 2008 Vol 2219 - GOP Strangles Economy
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Quotes "Palin just seems like someone you can relate
to. Hillary doesn't seem
"I just don't get Americans' fixation on picking
a president based on whether he or she
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Stocks fall
on pre-vote jitters
The decline follows a steep sell-off Monday and
a snapback rally Tuesday. Stocks logged their steepest
The Emergency
Bartcop Radio Show 145 will be up today.
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Subject: Is it time to panic yet? America is in a scary position.
But whose fault is it really?
Because she took impeachment off the table. Marc Perkel
Perkel is exactly right.
...it's almost like, ... the Democrats can't f-ing think.
C'mon, break a 12 year old crack dealer out of jail and ask him to show
Y'know, monkeys can see you do something, and then imitate it.
They saw how Clinton kicked Fascist-dog ass - twice. They've seen the
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The Rich
Stage a Coup
A shot of Chinaco for Michael Moore telling the damn truth.
The Bush bastards have emptied the Treasury and now they're borrowing
trillions from
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Subject: Is Moose Lady qualified to drive the planet? When I voted it was tied at 49% each.
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Quotes "McCain has revealed himself as a liar well
outside the permissive standards applied to politicians.
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Do Polls Miss Obama Voters With No Land Line? Excerpt:
The Pew Research Center, in three separate surveys
this summer, contacted users not only of
Pew found that yoots who are strictly wireless--nearly
half of the 18-to-29 bloc--are 10 points
So, maybe the 6 points Obama needs to counter the Bradley Effect might
be only 3 points?
I hope the election gets here before the stock market falls to zero.
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Master of
the Non-Answer
Palin is a master of the nonanswer. She can turn
a 60-second response to a query about
In one debate, a moderator asked the candidates
to name a bill the legislature had recently
The evidence keeps piling up that's she's another Bush-for-brains.
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The Palin Presidency
Barack Obunny and Elmer McFudd Excerpt:
I'd also never noticed before how much McCain
sounded like Elmer Fudd (without the speech impediment).
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Quotes "A tactic is when Bush used political operatives
to slander McCain in 2000.
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Subject: Jewish Princess I love you dearly for your honesty and courage.
I know I possess a sense of humor and I also understand
satire. I wouldn't frequent your site
Keep swinging the hammer, Bart, but could you
not wield it at me and my people?
I thought of Jewish Princess when I was in the shower and it had been
While reading it, I laughed, and thought others might enjoy the humor. I've never been Jewish so I have no idea if your offense is justified
If you had a comedy treehouse, and ran into a "Okies are Dumb" song,
Does this mean I shouldn't print Frank's Catholic
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Subject: VP debate Dear Bart: Let's make sure that Palin doesn't show up for
the debate
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Last word from the formerly sane Russell the Excitable
Subject: America is crashing And you younger kids, if you never start drinking
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the Florida Vote
The law, designed to prevent potential election
fraud and remove joke names from voter rolls
Opponents worry that the law poses needless challenges
to voters. The databases that elections officials
''You know what happens: You're out of town, or
you get busy and you put your mail aside and don't
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Subject: Amazing Republican Money-Destruction Machine Bart,
Yes, in the three days from the close on Friday
to the close today, the dow fell 6.98%.
If the Democrats know how to campaign...
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CHILL Women's Raglan Hoodie $37.79 Mens and women's shirts, v-necks,
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Buy a shirt if you think "Obama's got this." After McCain's gigantic screw-up yesterday,
Subject: my letter in the New York Times To the Editor: Barack Obama showed dignity, grace and intelligence,
proving that he can be
How can we believe that Mr. McCain will "reach
across the aisle" when he
Not traits I want in a leader.
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Subject: why I hate Sarah Palin Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
We're 2/3 of the way home! Thanks to those who contributed! Sorry this is taking so long.
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Quotes "Obama now holds a double-digit lead in key
battleground states. Among registered voters
In a cash poker game, if you have a great
hand that can still possibly lose,
It looks like McCain had wiggled his way
out of the lead,
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Subject: This bailout is bullshit Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Subject: random thought... Bart, Does anyone know what the current "threat level"
is? Is it green, yellow, purple, orange?
We better "fight them over there" (Wall Street)
"so we don't have to fight them here"(Main Street).
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Hockey Moms for Truth Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Just in time for the Thursday debate!
Subject: Crisis? What crisis? They say we are in the middle of an economic crisis
and that the economy is going to die.
So if this is such a crisis then why are they
taking a vacation?
Marc Perkel
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Subject: Will Race Decide this Election? How racist is it when 90% of African-Americans
will vote for Obama? Or is that different?
Blacks, because they had no choice,m have been voting for white candidates
for years
The GOP wouldn't vote for a Black man to save America.
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The Decline of US Power Excerpt:
Private chatter among the thousands of visiting
diplomats and dozens of national leaders has been
Yeah, we're ALL full of it.
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Seagate External Hard Drive
Store your porn on this,
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Quote "Every time the market falls a few hundred
points, Obama seems to pick up support."
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Subject: Need Sarah Palin lookalike
for adult film Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Subject: Another Bailout Vote Well, they're back. Wall Street is coming
back with their hand out again.
I wish I was in a party of fighters, but I know
the Dems
Rebecca, we lost a trillion dollars trying to save 750 billion.
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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!
Quotes "I don't remember a blaring call that said,
Frannie and Freddie are a disaster,
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Quote "George W. Bush's White House has gone belly
up like those big banks that failed."
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Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 22 Today's Puzzle is Simple 2 Clues
Thanks to GK!
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Subject: The MSM Have you noticed how the major networks are spending
their whole show trying to convince us
I see this as giving a country drunk with credit
more of the same, and that's bad.
In BCR 145 I said, "Our boat is on fire. Once
we put out that fire we can address the
Of course, not everyone will agree with that, but Obama just said on
Looks like Obama agrees with me about putting out the fire.
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Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Bad Oeynhausen, Nordrheim-Westfalen, Germany They read it in Athens, Attiki, Greece They read it in New Delhi, Delhi, India Shirley's family reads it in Edinburgh, City of, UK They read it in Lititz, Pennsylvania
We get hits from everywhere. Want to sell stuff everywhere? They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron. Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of
oil per day.
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
brave men and women,
...all because of Bush's oil greed
Why are
we there?
Where's all that oil money going?
Robert Plant: 'It's all about me' Excerpt:
"After those dates, Robert has no intention whatsoever
of touring with anyone for at least the next two years.
He called the reports "both frustrating and ridiculous,"
before adding: "I wish Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones
"Nothing but success?"
Of course, Robert still sings those songs, at
least lame, country versions of them.
Maybe Zeppelin should do what Yes did, what Boston
did, what Journey did,
What about Robin Zander or Ann Wilson?
Then, Robert can play little country saloons with
whatever band he wants to hire.
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Subject: Donation Bart, I still have your I miss clinton sticker
on my car
Dude, it takes courage to display a Clinton sticker... It's the only thing that'll make a Democrat key your car.
or send a "love" check to
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Next time the DNC asks you for money,
Johansson's quickie wedding
.. See Scarlett Johansson pictures in BC Hotties
Thanks to bartcop.com subscribers. We know you work
hard for your money, so we take it as
Read the Previous Issue of bartcop.com It had everything. Copyright
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