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 Weekend-Monday   Oct 4-6, 2008 Vol 2222 - Jews & Cuban Food

Quote of the Day

"Obama pals around with terrorists..." 
       -- Moose Lady, extra desperate,   Link

  I feel good about her ass getting kicked but 
  I feel bad for Alaska - she's their problem now.


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Dow falls below 10,000 
Arrow Palin - She's No Quayle HOT
Arrow How Sarah Palin blew it 
Arrow Pitbull Palin Mauls McCain HOT
Arrow GOP: November Massacre? HOT
Arrow Crisis Killing Car Dealers 
Arrow Rove: Obama will win 
Arrow Kristen Bell for Obama 


McCain - Deer Hunter...


"Senator McCain and his operatives are gambling that he can distract you with smears 
  rather than talk to you about substance. They'd rather try to tear our campaign down... 
  It's what you do when you're out of touch, out of ideas and running out of time..."
     -- Obama, landing a strong uppercut to the Old Man's chin,   Link

 Keep hitting him, Barack, harder with every punch.

 Hit him until your arms feel like they're going to fall off,
 then continue hitting him long after that - he deserves it.

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Dow falls below 10,000 for the first time since 2004
 Bush is crashing America - why won't somebody just say that?


The Federal Reserve also took fresh steps to help ease seized-up credit markets. 
The central bank said Monday it will begin paying interest on commercial banks'
reserves and will expand its loan program to squeezed banks.

Investors took a bleak view of the future, seeing no end to the crisis in the near term.

If this happened under a Democrat, the GOP would be out in force saying,
"This is what happens when you trust a Democrat with power," but we're 
too nice and we're too worried about 'playing fair' to score some points off of this.

Not only is America losing their savings and their future, we have to be polite
about it and not point any fingers at the sons of bitches who stole it all.

They're going to steal every dollar they can get their greedy, oily hands on
but it wouldn't be polite to list the facts so the Democrats remain silent.

If nothing else, can't we refer to this as "the Republicans' crash?"

Or would that be less than polite?

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Pitbull Palin Mauls McCain


Sarah palins post-Couric/Fey comeback at last week's VP debate was a turning point in the campaign. 
But if she "won," as her indulgent partisans and press claque would have it, the loser was not Joe Biden. 
It was McCain. With a month to go, the election is now an Obama-Palin race - about "the future," 
as Palin kept saying Thursday night - and the only person who doesn't seem to know it is Mr. Past, 
poor old John McCain.

McCain is looking increasingly shaky, whether he's repeating his "Miss Congeniality" joke twice in 
the same debate or speaking from notecards even when reciting a line for (literally) the 17th time 
McCain's "dismaying temperament," as George Will labeled it, only thickens the concerns. 

We didn't know it at the time, but it would seem that picking Palin really killed his chances.
But the religio-wacko right loves that she's unqualified, so we might see her again in 2012.

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 Subject: the Moose Mom brings up Ayers, the terrorist


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"Faced with unprecedented financial crisis, McCain's standard response is to talk about 
  wiping out earmarks and eliminating waste, fraud and abuse. Memo to Mr. McCain: 
  Waste, fraud and abuse are the only things holding the system together at this point."
      -- Jonah Goldberg,    Link

 Jonah, this one time, since you were kinda honest, I won't run the picture 
 of your Mom blowing LBJ.   Consider it an early Christmas gift.

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 Subject: Election Prediction -  Martial Law declared by W

I've said since Bush signed the Military Commissions Act of 2006 that he was going to stage 
some kind of attack on us, or maybe it's the financial crisis going on now, and declare martial law 
and cancel the elections. 

This is the second time I am sending in this prediction and I hope you print it, 
although I also hope I am totally wrong.

I wonder if "the martials" would take orders from that failure of a pResident.

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See more of Keith's work at

I saw the headline, didn't read the article, but apparently
somebody proved Palin had never been to that part of
Alaska where you can see Russia - so it was ALL a lie.

 Subject: Rebuild Wall Street?

Bart, you wrote:

> "I don't mind Obama's support to re-build Wall Street
>  if he goes after the thieves once he takes office."

Good one!  And then he'll send Bush and Cheney to the Hague to stand trial for war crimes.
And then he'll go back in a time machine and punish the lynchers that burned down "the Negro Wall Street".

-- Brad

p.s. I'd sooner rebuild the sex shops that used to be in Times Square.

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How Sarah Palin blew it


Biden and Palin were talking to two different Americas Thursday night. Actually, that's unfair to Biden;
he was trying to talk to everyone. I can say for certain, though, that Sarah Palin was talking to -- and
winking at -- her own private Idaho, and for long stretches of the debate, it was an unnerving experience.

But the pit bull in lipstick was back. After her disarming "Hey, can I call you Joe?"
Palin was vicious, with a winning smile. After a passionate Biden plea to "walk with me in my neighborhood,"
in Delaware and Scranton, where "the middle class has gotten the short end," she ridiculed him:
"Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again! Pointing backwards again!"

Have we ever seen her be nice?  Ever?
She was a buzz saw the night America met her and she hasn't let up.

She reminds me of Ann Coulter - without the Adam's apple.

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 Subject: Worldwide Bartcop


When I deployed to Diego Garcia a couple years back I still read you daily - as always.

So put a big red dot in the middle of the Indian Ocean!

Phil runs  where I found this:

"I see your Ayers, and raise
  you the Keating Five"


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GOP Fears November Massacre

 Mitch the Bitch:  "We're fucked."


With the party already struggling to generate enthusiasm for its brand, Republican strategists fear that
an outpouring of public anger generated by Congress's struggle to pass a rescue package for Wall Street
may contribute to a disaster at the polls for the GOP in November.

"The crisis has affected the entire ticket," said Jan van Lohuizen, a Republican consultant who handled
the polling for Bush's reelection campaign. "The worse the state's economy, the greater the impact."

In the Senate, Fascist Dogs are teetering in North Carolina, Kentucky and Georgia because of
the economic crisis, according to several GOP strategists closely tracking the contests.

"Two and a half weeks, we were losing three to four Senate races," said one Republican strategist.
"Now we will lose six to eight."

If we can get 61 in the senate, we can kick that backstabber Joe Kissyface out on his ass.

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Can you believe her winking in that debate?
She acts like a waitress at Hooters 
winking at guys to get a bigger tip.

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Excellent work - wish I knew who to thank.
(Besides McCain's staffers, I mean)

Subject: The DNC callers

Bart, that John e-mailer from last issue wrote:

> I told the caller "I just gave"   He asked, "To the DNCCC'?
> I said "No, to Bart Cop, he's on your side but fights harder.

I wish I had written that comment because it is so TRUE....
but normally when I get calls soliciting money...whether it's for
campaign donations or a charity ....I just tell them to ask Bush
for the money.....he apparently has billions to spare.

ha ha


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Subject: Bush is the past? I wish!

In the debates Sarah Palin talked about Bush as he were history saying "there's just too much,
too much finger-pointing and looking backward." Unfortunately Bush isn't history yet.

Someone should remind Mrs. Palin that Bush is still president today and we will continue
to be stuck with him as president for the next 3 months. McCain and Palin would like to
run away from Republicans and pretend they aren't Republicans. But they are Republicans
and McCain is one of those Republicans who created the mess we are in today.

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA

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Marty's Entertainment Page

Marty always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Palin Comparison: She's no Dan Quayle
 by my good friend John Breneman at the Boston Herald


Gov. Sarah Palin delivered a debate-night wakeup call to all those elite, East Coast liberal, pro-Obama,
anti-Main Street, mainstream media critics who say a Joe Six Pack hockey mom can't be president.

She's the spunky, lunch-bucket, maverick, moose-carvin', Putin-huntin', pitbull America never knew it was waiting for.

Palin erased all doubt about her ability to awkwardly infuse McCain-Bush talking points with a brisk
Alaska breeze. Cleverly adopting the disarming verbal strategy of an eager student trying to stretch two
pages of material into a 10-page report, she peppered her homespun spin with W-esque presidential folksiness.

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Subject: Ayers

Hi Bart,

Will the real Mr. Ayers please stand up?  Where is he? 
With his name being dragged thru the mud I am surprised he hasn't popped up yet.

To play this properly, he should come out and say: "I'm endorsing McCain for president,"
 F Pizzle

FP, I like your idea.
That's one sideshow that'd screech to a halt :)

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Saw it on

When Palin Winks, the World Heaves
 She might as well have a slit up the side of her skirt


When Sarah Palin winks, the world blinks.  Her winks have become as much a part of her repertoire
as her folksy Alaskanisms.  It's just her style, like a coke hooker trying to get her nose candied.

But it's Sarah's flirting that has caught the attention of the world.  Photos of Sarah doing the wink-a-wink
routinely appear in the print newspapers in Japan, Taiwan, France, Poland, Russia and Israel. Her wink
has gone global. It's the Palin trademark.

But what kind of wink it is? And should it be trusted?

"Sarah Palin's wink is kind of like waving a red cloth in front of a bull, said one observer.

"She winked," said a male blogger on the NYWTimes web site. "I can just see LBJ saying:
"I ask for your help, and God's." [WINK]. Or Ronald Reagan saying: "They slipped the
surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God." [WINK]."

Said another blogger about Winky Dink: "If you don't give a hoot about substance, and if jaw-dropping
contradictions impress you, and a folksy-phony style turns you on, and you don't mind twisted English
and flawed logic - and you thrill to the sight of a candidate for the second highest office of the land
brazenly flirting with her audience - then 'Winky Dink' might just be your gal."

"She came off as too folksy to me," says a 23-year-old engineer of Palin's performance.
"I could have done without the winks."

Who told Palin to wink?

Who decided this election could be won by an actual harlot,
instead of the usual I'll-do-anything-to-win, GOP-style harlot?

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CHILL Dark t-shirts


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After McCain's gigantic screw-ups,
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Obama produces Keating Five Video

Gubment: We got OJ, ha ha ha
He's probably guilty, but this was a set up


 It's easy to gloat and say "Gotcha,"
 but they had to cheat to get him - that's not America.

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We have reached $7,000HOT

Thanks to Erix X and Joe in Japan
and Roy in Salt Lake for kicking off
the third leg of our 2008 fund-raiser!

Help us get to $10,000 by election night!

Anything will help $5, $10 $25 or more!

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Option: If you want to donate on a regular basis
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manually process your donation monthly.

Bart, call me so I can sign up!

The Boss entertains at the Obama Rally in Philly

Thanks to Deb for the pics!

The Meaning of Credit

Function: noun 
Etymology: Middle French, from Old Italian credito, from Latin creditum something entrusted to another,
loan, from neuter of creditus, past participle of credere to believe, entrust 

The granting of credit means "I trust you to bring my money back."

Nobody trusts Wall Street right now.  They've been exposed as lying whores and thieves.
The teacher was away (the Democrat) and the substitute teacher (the no-regulations GOP) let the class 
run wild and now they've destroyed the entire school and somebody has to pay to rebuild it it.

Wouldn't it be nice if the Democrats stood up and said, "This is what happens when the government 
gets out of the way, which is what the GOP stands for. If you've lost everything, or maybe just a lot,
remember it was the Republicans who said that 'Government is the problem,' remember?"

You know they'd be doing it to us, but we're not doing it to them because 
we're too nice and some people might not think it was fair to blame the guilty - so we don't.

...and we wonder why the voters only elect us when the Republican is severely flawed. 

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Credit crisis killing car dealers
 Who's got cash to pay for a car?


Hundreds of thousands of new cars and trucks that would have quickly made their way to people's 
driveways a year ago are now stacking up on dealer lots across the country, with potential buyers 
worried about whether they'll keep their jobs, be able to pay for gas, or qualify for a car loan. 

For auto dealers already suffering under the worst U.S. sales downturn in 15 years, the increasing cost 
of the credit they use to keep inventory in their showrooms means every Ford Focus and Grand Cherokee 
with a sale sticker in the window is chipping away at dealers' razor-thin profit margins every day and 
threatening to send more of them out of business.

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"McCain has become the kind of politician he ran against in 2000. He has embraced those 
he once denounced as "agents of intolerance", promised more drilling and deeper tax cuts, 
even compromised his vaunted opposition to torture. Intent on winning the presidency at all costs, 
he has reassembled the very team that so viciously smeared him and his family eight years ago, 
selecting as his running mate a born-again moose hunter whose only qualification for office is her 
ability to electrify Rove's base. And he has engaged in a "practice of politics" so deceptive that 
even Rove himself has denounced it, saying that the outright lies in McCain's campaign ads go 
"too far" and fail the 'truth test'." 
           -- Tim Dickenson in Rolling Stone,   Link

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Rove: Looks like Obama will win
 Watch him - he's sneaky and he lies a lot...


Karl Rove projects that Obama would get at least 273 electoral votes - three more than are needed
to win - if the presidential election were held today.  But Rove says this race is "susceptible to rapid changes,"
so no definite prediction is possible.

The remarkable forecast from the architect of Bush's failures underscores the straits that have rapidly
enveloped McCain and that stewardess he picked as the banking and credit crisis spread.

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TomTom Bluetooth 
Portable GPS Navigator

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McCain needs one of these to find his old self.

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"One of the most embarrassing moments of the night was when Joe Biden had to say 
"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't listening to the question. I was thinking about Sarah naked."
     -- Letterman

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Subject: Sarah Palin is Grinder Girl

This cartoon sums up Sarah Palin's candidacy,
 Rock in Alabama


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Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 25


 Today's Puzzle is Fill in the Blank Proverbs

 Thanks to GK!
 She works hard on these puzzles for you.

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Ratingen, Germany

Kyle reads it in Kansai, Western Japan

They read it in Harrow, Greater London, UK

Phil read it in Diego Garcia, Indian Ocean

They read it in Benton, Arkansas, where Gennifer Flowers met her snake.

  Want to sell stuff everywhere?

They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron.

 Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their big Halliburton upgrades

Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
Since oil sells for $125 or more per barrel,
Bush is stealing $750,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history but
our whore media is too busy to investigate.

4,176 brave men and women,
will never come home...


...all because of Bush's oil greed

Why are we there?
Because Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

Where's all that oil money going?

Subject: Donation

Bart, Crickets are loud and annoying...
 Courtney P

 Click to Subscribe


or send a "love" check to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK  74155

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Shouldn't Trudeau win some kind of award?
He's been consistently good since Nixon was in office.

Kristen Bell, campaigning for Obama
Star of Gossip Girls, Heroes and Forgetting Sarah Marshall

in Springfield, Mo where Marc Perkel is almost wanted...


This is the first campaign I've worked on for any candidate," said Kristen Bell.
"This election is so important. - it doesn't really matter if you understand all the issues.
Use what you know and vote to affect change," Bell urged the audience.

 See a flood of tasteful, good-Democrat  Kristen Bell pictures in BC Hotties


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