"I voted for Bush, father and son, but this
time I'll vote for Obama...I pray God, Barack
Obama is elected."
-- Dennis Hopper, traitor and backstabber, Link
Excerpt: Remember when the McCain
campaign told us that the candidate didn't speak for the campaign? Does
he ever?
The campaign zigs, McCain zags. The campaign initiates
a full throttle attack on Obama's association with Bill Ayers,
and McCain ignores Ayers in two dull debates.
Then, taking note of polls showing that the negative campaigning has
backfired, the campaign gropes for a change of
strategy by trying to find a way to make McCain look credible on
the economy. And so McCain decides that the last
debate is the perfect time to talk about Ayers.
Why would McCain attack Obama in front of a national
audience when he knows it will drive away voters?
knows, in his gut, that he put somebody unqualified on the ballot.
When this race is over that is something he will have
to live with... He put the country at risk, he knows that." -- -Matthew Dodd,
chief strategist for W's reelection campaign,
Excerpt: The House Oversight Committee released its report
(pdf) on PlameGate today.
The investigation sought to answer basic questions
about this incident, including (1) how the Plame leak
occurred, including whether there was a concerted
effort to knowingly disclose classified information;
(2) whether senior White House officials complied
with requirements governing the handling of classified
information; (3) whether the White House took
appropriate steps to address an improper leak and sanction
any individuals involved; and (4) what legislative
or other actions are needed to ensure appropriate identification
and handling of classified information by White
House officials so that such leaks do not occur in the future.
The Committee has been unable to completely investigate
these matters, in part, because of the President's
assertion of executive privilege over the report
of Cheney's FBI interview. This invocation of executive privilege
was legally unprecedented and an inappropriate
use of executive privilege. It prevented the Committee from
learning the extent of the Vice President's role
in the disclosure of Ms. Wilson's identity.
And each time the Democrats accept "Fuck
you, we ain't talking to nobody," the
criminals are
emboldened to commit more crimes, causing Waxman
and Leahy to write letters of disappointment.
How did I get stuck in a party of sacless cowards?
"Sixty percent of the people in America now
say we are headed toward a depression. We are in desperate needs of profitable
industries we can tax. Um, now can we legalize pot?" -- Bill Maher,
BTW, I saw Religulous yesterday - one of the
best movies I've ever seen.
Excerpt: In the
swing state of Colorado, we found that the Republican Secretary of State
wiped out 19.4% - one in five
- voter names in an unnoticed mass purge.
In swing-state
New Mexico, in the February caucus, one in nine Democrats found their names
from the voter rolls. The
name of the elections supervisor of San Miguel County was missing from
the rolls.
The names of the poor and
the dark were disappeared.
In Indiana,
you heard about 10 nuns who lost their vote because their ID - drivers'
licenses - had expired
(they were all over eighty). But
what about the others? We've calculated that 143,000 others were
turned away - disproportionately
Blacks and new voters.
And so
on and so on.
The poor Democrats only had four years to fix this - or eight if you
want to be precise,
but - of course - they had more important things to do than make our
votes secure.
Excerpt: The country desperately needs strong leadership
now, but there's none to be found at the White House.
The president is voicing the right sentiments,
even if his words (Thursday's 'we'll get through this deal')
are characteristically clumsy. He's even affecting
the right demeanor, between concern and confidence.
But nobody seems to care.
Maybe it's his approval rating, now trading at
pennies on the dollar. Maybe it's because his credibility
was shot by his administration's previous claims
about Saddam's nukes and yellowcake and cakewalks
and being greeted as liberators and mission accomplished.
"This ought to be a Republican landslide for
crying out loud!"
The vulgar Pigboy pounding his fists on his desk
because Obama/Biden
continue to confound his every effort to make
America believe that Obama
is on a mission to destroy the United States.
"I like McCain:
he looks like a guy who falls asleep testing a mattress at Macy's. I like Sarah Palin, too. She looks
like a lady with her own line of cookies." -- Letterman
If you watched Dave last night, he's not
letting up on Grumpy.
Maybe the Grumpy campaign should've bitten
the bullet instead of sending their boy
into the lion's den to deal with an angry
Letterman in front of TV cameras.
"The Dow made a comeback, gaining 936 points!
That is such a big jump, I wouldn't be surprised if John McCain
resumed his campaign."
-- Stephen Colbert
Excerpt: English teachers believe that diagramming a sentence provides insight
into the mind of its perpetrator.
The more the diagram is forced to wander around
the page, loop back on itself, and generally stretch
its capabilities, the more it reveals that the
mind that created the sentence is either a richly educated one
- with a Proustian grasp of language that pushes
the limits of expression - or such an impoverished one
that it can produce only hot air, baloney, and
Take this Palin-produced abortion of the English
language, from the Charlie Gibson interview:
I know that John McCain will do that and I,
as his vice president, families we are blessed with that vote of the American people and
are elected to serve and are sworn in on January 20, that will be our top priority
is to defend the American people.
Look at that mess - this is why I often challenge a monkey to
diagram what he just wrote.
I had to give up. This sentence is not for diagramming
lightweights. If there's anyone out there who can
kick this sucker into line, I'd be delighted
to hear from you. To me, it's not English - it's a collection of
words strung together to elicit a reaction, floating
ands and prepositional phrases ("with that vote of the
American people") be damned. It requires not
a diagram but a selection of push buttons.
Excerpt: The state Personnel Board investigation of Gov.
Sarah Palin's firing of Walt Monegan has broadened
to include other ethics complaints against the
governor and examination of actions by other state employees,
according to the independent counsel handling
the case.
The investigator, Tim Petumenos, did not say who
else is under scrutiny. But in two recent letters
describing his inquiry, he cited the consolidation
of complaints and the involvement of other officials
as a reason for not going along with Palin's
request to make the examination of her activities more public.
I wonder why Grumpy didn't have Palin vetted before he picked her?
Excerpt: And the winner is ... FDR. Remember
him--the great Democratic president who saved capitalism from
the capitalists by reining in their exorbitant
greed? Forget the Reagan Revolution heralding a new era of
small government, which turned out to be nothing
more than a fig leaf for legalized corporate crime.
The hero of the hour is FDR, as the essential
wisdom of his New Deal is now embraced by most
Republicans as well as Democrats...
Yes, McCain
finally gets it: "I will not play along with the same Washington games
and gimmicks that
got us into this terrible mess in the first place.
I am going to Washington to fight for you." I didn't check
whether this performance made it into the "Moment
of Zen" in "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,"
but it should have. "I am going to Washington"
is a classic proclamation of stupidity that assumes
the rest of us are unaware of where McCain has
been these past three decades
"Tough times on Wall Street right. Today
Bush said: 'The rescue plan is big enough to work but needs time.' Then Bill Clinton
said the same thing, but he wasn't talking about the rescue plan."
-- Conan, trying desperately to make a ten year old blowjob joke work,
They fired Leno for this guy?
They replaced a tired, lazy comedian doing ten year old blowjob
with a different tired, lazy comedian doing ten year old blowjob
Subject: When they impeach Obama,
will the Democrats come to his rescue?
Yes they will; Clinton's the only one they hate;
the envy and jealousy
is just not there for Obama as it was for President
Marian in MO
Marian, I disagree.
There is nothing inherently hateful about the
They are only hated because they are winners
who made the GOP eat it - twice
so the GOP hate machine went all in on them with
the slime and we see the results.
If Obama is lucky enough to win twice and become
"another Clinton," he'll be impeached
and some easily led Democrats will buy into every
fake charge the Fascist dogs fabricate.
Subject: I'm getting worried
about the war on Iraq
Bart, do you think that Obama has essentially
shut up about the war because it's
"not a winning issue" or for some other reason?
Maybe he's not as much of an
anti-war candidate as his supporters have claimed.
It worries me.
These weak debates where Obama fails to attack
are reminding me of Kerry's
witheringly bad performance. This worries me,
I don't want to live with this war any more.
It makes me mad enough to scream,
and I have screamed at protests before and since
the war began, but you can't
scream every day.
I'd like to feel light again. I don't want
to carry around this anger and discontent.
My life felt nicer when Clinton was around.
Sci Pol.
I don't know that there's a lot to say about the war. Obama wants to
move the war
to Afghanistan, McCain
wants to stay in Iraq and fight the Iranians for Bush's legacy.
Yes, Obama's performance has been Kerry II, but I think he's going to
As I always say, Democrats don't believe in working for a victory,
but victory
has knocked on Obama's door and he's got the brains to answer it.
After McCain's gigantic screw-ups, I think Obama's got this.
Pigboy Quotes
"Ask Obama about his plan for the economy,
you'll find he doesn't know what he's talking about, but the media doesn't write that about
him -- they write it about Sarah Palin."
-- Here, Piggy Piggy
Butt Rush, Obama has been doing interviews
and answering questions daily for two years.
Palin gave 3 interviews and did so bad
they won't ler her speak again - to anybody.
You can pretend it's the same, Pigboy, but
it's not.
Reminder to the Clueless Democrats: McCain
won't let Palin talk to the press because he knows she's not ready for
the job.
Since McCain thinks she's not ready for the job, why should
Ms. Palin's nuclear/nucular audio clips are amazing,
Bartcop -
Thank you for revealing that the English-speaking
Sarah Palin, and her Repugnican party, feel they need
to suppress their intelligence in order
to communicate with Americans in a language of ignorance that they
believe will keep winning elections. I'll stick
with the people who don't decide to intentionally appear to be
stupid in order to get elected.
The silver lining is that your Ms. Palin clips
lead me to believe that there is still a chance for everyone,
including Repugnicans, to learn how to
pronounce a simple word. We may even elect those with the
courage to want to pronounce correctly.
These people may also have the courage to engage in diplomacy,
to admit the limits of Am- eee-rican preeminence,
and to work on defusing the many ticking time bombs faced by all.
This election will prove to be the end of this
dumbing down tactic of the shepherds of the Right,
who are anything but dumb, by the way, as
they try once again to guide their sheep.
John B
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It could/should be pretty ugly.
You know, right now behind closed doors, McCain's handlers are
"If you don't attack him on Bill Ayres, and
attack hard, you're going to be the first Republican to lose the White House
to a nigger - you don't want to do that, Senator."
So no-backbone McCain will probably go for broke - but then what?
All Obama's got to say is, "John, because
of you and Bush, the economy is crashing, people have lost their jobs, their houses
and their life savings and you want to talk about some crimes that were committed by someone
else when I was eight years old?"
I'm going to watch.
Plus, we know it'll be fair and balanced because Bob Scheiffer
is in charge.
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