Wednesday Oct 22, 2008 Vol 2234 - Palin's Coprolalia
Quotes "I think we both know the answer to that.
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McCain-Palin, wild spenders Excerpt:
Who wants to donate so Palin can have $2500 in clothes every day?
This story has the potential to dampen enthusiasm
among GOP activists and donors at a
ha ha I do believe you bastards have been caught.
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Quotes "Even Dan Quayle, with whom Palin is often
compared because of her age and
ha ha You know you're in trouble when the sentence starts, "Even
Dan Quayle..."
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Voting Machines
Switch Votes; Officials Blame Voters
When they tried to vote for Obama, the machine
recorded a check in the box for McCain.
More W.Va.
voters say machines are switching votes
This is the second West Virginia county where
voters have reported this problem.
In both counties, Republicans are responsible
for overseeing elections.
They also blamed voters for not being more careful.
Odd that we're finding this out now - two weeks
ahead of time.
We should also make early voting available in
every state so
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What if we could guarantee
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Subject: Adding to vote with your wallet Every day, along with bartcop.com, finally, I go to waynemadsenreport.com, and opednews.com There's nothing, absolutely nothing, worse than
a Repug, except a Neocon Repug. Or a spinelass Dem.
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Monkey Mail for the Time Capsule Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog!
North Carolina Vote "funny" too Excerpt:
This policy has been in place for over 40 years
(added by Dixiecrats in 1967), and historically has resulted
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Subject: Frank D. and the 1st Brigade Frank
says the 1st took an oath to protect the Constitution, blah, blah,
blah -- the problem is
They aren't going to question whether their order
is superseded by their oath to protect the Constitution.
When I was in college I saw a Billy Jack movie, maybe The
Trial of Billy Jack. In the movie,
You and I have a difference of opinion of what our soldiers will do.
Do you think the generals will order their men to protect Der Fuhrer?
I sure hope we never find out, but maybe it's time for "all good liberals"
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Pigboy Quotes "JFK blew that missile crisis big time!" The vulgar Pigboy seems to not know his history. Decades after the Cuban Missle Crisis, we found
out Cuba
If JFK had Bush's "gut instincts," history would be very different
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Subject: Troops In American Streets Bart- What your retired Navy man overlooked is that
this brigade is being deployed to train larger groups,
Oaths to protect and defend the Constitution have
been notoriously gossamer among certain military types
When you add to that Obama's being so damned comfortable
with FISA, faith-based initiatives, and has
I hope I'm wrong.
Scott, there are over 200 million guns in the states.
As Chris Rock once said, "If Bush thinks it was tough taking Baghdad,
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Listen to Mike Malloy on novamradio.com/live/
He knows how to outwit the Flying Monkey Right
Quotes "It is worth noting that (the press) has not
Hey John, we know you sons of bitches spent
millions trying to dig something up
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Always Were,
Always Will Be
The GOP is a sanctuary for racists. It is
a side-effect of political correctness that we never discuss why
As long as people like Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly
and Michael Savage pollute the airwaves, answerable
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Palin: Election
in God's hands
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Paid for by http://www.fauxnewschannel.com/
Quotes "It's kind of like dating a supermodel.
That might be the best Palin line so far...
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Subject: Whose side is McCain on? Bart, Watching McCain reminds me of a "This Modern World" comic I saw on your site 3 years ago.
It is my theory that McCain has secretly been
trying to get a democrat in the WH for the last couple of years.
Once I saw him pick Palin, I knew that had to
be the case.
Russ, if McCain's trying to lose he needs to try harder :)
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
saw it on http://www.offthewahl.com
Why I Hate
He told reporters in July that he would overcome
Hillary's lead because "to know me is to love me."
True, there's a certain amount of tongue-in-cheekiness
to such remarks - (Yeah, like 100%)
So if you know he was kidding, why bring it up?
"It will light upon you," he continued. "You will
experience an epiphany. And you will say to yourself,
Every word out of Obama's mouth the last two years has been discussed
and investigated.
Clearly, this Fourner prick doesn't like Obama so the Whore AP gives
him the green light
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Quotes "The more I hear McCain and that Palin broad,
the whiter that nigger looks."
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Sports fun
and frivolity
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Subject: Norm Coleman - womanizer Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
CHILL Dark t-shirts $26.59 Mens and women's shirts, v-necks,
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Buy a shirt if you think "Obama's got this." After McCain's gigantic screw-ups,
Got Plans for Election Night? Spend Election Night here with us - in
the Live Chat Room.
It wouldn't hurt to check out the signing up part in advance.
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Special thanks to C.C. in Hollywood!! Help us get to $10,000 by election night! Anything will help $5, $10 $25 or more! You can select a monthly plan to provide recurring support.
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If you're interested in some Bartcoppers-only Fult Tilt Dollar Tourneys let me know. When you sign up, tell them 'Bartcop' referred you
If we can get 9 people we can have a private game.
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Subject: Election night pledge Bart ~ Ken's idea to donate for every GOP state that
goes blue for Obama
She's talking about Ken's
Subject: Election night pledge Bart, I'm going to give a dollar for every state
Obama takes.
I'm startin' to hear the Hammer everywhere!
Subject: Election night pledge I'll take Ken's pledge as well.
Subject: Election night pledge Hey Bart, I like Ken's idea too.
Subject: Election night pledge Bart,
Thanks to Suzanne, Paul, Ed, Gloria and Mike! And let's hope Obama wins!
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The game
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Subject: Generated Crisis? Dude, you totally glassed over that Biden "Obama
will be tested" comment.
What are we being psycholigally prepared for,
and why ain't they gonna try and stop it?
Democrats will love the new war, the draft and
the Trilateral currency.
Rex, I don't know what to say - but please don't vote for McCain.
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Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 36 Today's Puzzle is Name that Movie
Thanks to GK!
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Craziest thing you'll hear today Lou Dobbs is married to a Mexican lady.
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Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Lima, Ohio They read it in Lake Charles, Louisiana They read it in Deusseldorf, Germany They read it in Gyl, Pest, Hungary They read it in Stockholm, Sweden
Want to sell stuff everywhere? They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron. Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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We need more blog writers.
I forget - which party does McCain represent?
Legal Marijuana
is Possible
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barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of
oil per day.
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
brave men and women,
...all because of Bush's oil greed
Why are
we there?
Where's all that oil money going?
Subject: Donation Bart, here's something to keep Bartcop hammering.
or send a "love" check to
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Keira Knightley - costume-drama queen See a flood of tasteful Keira Knightley Pictures in BC Hotties
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