"We've seen political parties get hit with
train wrecks, but it's so rare to have a party hit with two train wrecks in a row: 2006,
where we lost 30 House seats and six Senate seats; Last time it was Iraq and scandals,
and this time it's the stock market and the economy. If it were any worse, it'd be biblical."
-- Charlie Cook, Link
You crazy sons of bitches kept saluting Der Monkey as he drove
you over the cliff.
You were warned 100 times, so why are you acting so surprised
His approval ratings have been in the twenties for years
and you stuck with him.
You had a chance to denounce him - but nooooooooooooooooo.
Now you're paying the price, you dumb sons of bitches.
Excerpt: Yesterday, while reading the latest polling data
on McCain, Palin and their appeal -- or growing lack of it --
to " independent women voters" it suddenly dawned
on me: I am one of these elusive independent female
voters, and I have the credentials to prove it.
For the past couple of decades, I've sometimes voted Democratic,
sometimes Republican. I'm even a registered independent,
though I did think of switching to vote for McCain
in 2000. But because the last political party
I truly felt comfortable with was Thatcher's Conservative Party
(I lived in England in the 1980s and 1990s),
I didn't actually do it.
The larger point, though, is that if I'm not voting
for McCain -- and, after a long struggle, I've realized that
I can't -- maybe it's worth explaining why, for
I suspect there are other independent voters who feel the
same. Particularly because it's not his campaign,
disjointed though that has been, that finally repulses me:
It's his rapidly deteriorating, increasingly
anti-intellectual, no longer even recognizably conservative
Republican Party. His problems are not technical;
they do not have to do with ads, fundraising or tactics,
as some have suggested. They are institutional;
they have to do with his colleagues, advisers and supporters.
Think how different things would've been if Sarah Palin had been a nice
What if she came out with all that charm and none of the poison - would
we be in trouble now?
Instead of being a nice lady, she came out all hissing and snarling,
like a snake..
Instead of being a new face for the GOP, she was all pit bullish and
mocking the Black man.
For half of America, it was hate at first sight.
I mentioned at the time that it was a great mistake for Palin to introduce
herself with slurs and sarcasm.
McCain should've told Rove's goons, "Thanks
but no thanks," when it came to the Slur Factory.
The rest of his life, McCain will be haunted by the fact that he became
what he hated most
and that cost him what he wanted the most - the White House.
John, you fucked up.
Now take it like a man and retire.
Excerpt: Is there anything more that the administration
can do to ignore the spirit of the U.S. Constitution
before President Bush leaves office?
The New York Times has revealed that a 2007 memorandum
by the Justice Department's Office of
Legal Counsel claims that even federal programs
subject to nondiscrimination laws can hand out
taxpayer money to groups that discriminate in
hiring staffers. The memo says the administration can
bypass laws that bar giving taxpayer money to
religious groups that hire only staff members who share their faith.
It specifically applies to a $1.5 million grant
to World Vision, which is headquartered in Federal Way,
for salaries for staff members on a program that
helps at-risk youths avoid joining gangs.
The organization limits its hires to Christians,
but the DOJ memo said that's not a problem because
exceptions to the nondiscrimination rule are
permissible when obeying the law would impose a
"substantial burden" on people's ability to freely
follow their religion."
Since Bush is using our tax dollars illegally, do we still have to pay
"Obama will be able to handle this financial
crisis better, and I like his financial team of Robert Rubin and Paul Volcker. By contrast,
McCain's handling of the financial crisis made me feel nervous...I feel really badly. I just
hate to go against someone I served with in the Senate. I voted and I got it mailed and it
tore at me to do that." -- Former Sen.
Larry Pressler (R-S.D.),
He voted the way that was best for him and his wallet.
If all people did that, we'd never lose an election.
Excerpt: Voters in at least two West Virginia counties
-- Jackson and Putnam -- say electronic voting machines
are switching their votes from Democrats to Republicans.
The two county clerks, both Republicans, say they
don't think there's a problem. But these voting problems
have gotten the attention of everyone from CNN
to that Hillary-hating Huffington Post.
So far, eight voters from Jackson and Putnam counties
have come forward to say their electronic voting
machines kept changing their votes from Democrats
to Republicans -- usually, from Obama to McCain.
Susan Collins. That's who. Don't think
for a minute that she's not considering it.
She's kinda teflon-y. Somebody better get
digging into her personal life - she doesn't
appear to have one, which means she probably
has one she doesn't want you to know about.
Tim in Maine
The moderate side will be run by somebody like
Olympia Snow
and the neocon side by somebody like Boehner.
joe in toledo
I think the GOP fascists' leading man in 2012
will be the nicely coiffed Mitt Romney
... a nice-looking fraud and hypocrite (and
Mormon to boot!) ...
Keep on hammering ...
Dave in Pasadena
P.S. "Mitt" isn't a very presidential name, is
it? ;)
"I don't believe she's qualified. The first
judgment a potential President makes is who their running mate is - and I don't think John made
a very good selection. To try to make the excuse that she looks out her window and sees Russia
- and that she's commander of the Alaska National Guard. This is arguably the thinnest-résumé
candidate for VP in the history of America."
-- Chuck Hagel, Link
Is Chuck going to be Sec of Defense?
It would prevent the GOP from attacking Obama on military matters
- could be a smooth move.
The price of a barrel of oil has now dropped to
below $64, the lowest level it's been in well over a year.
Kinda co-incidental that it's happening just
before another election, eh? There are places across the US
where a gallon of gas is just over $2 and here
in CA, it's just starting to drop below $3.
If it wasn't for the economy tanking so badly
and the stock market crumbling, want to bet we would be
hearing from Republicans about how they're doing
such a great job and that McCain should be our next President?
And sadly, we'd probably would have fallen for
it again too.
RJ in San Francisco
Please take down the Palin porn comic on your
It is beneath you and insulting to and demeaning
to women.
Does it always have to be this sexist?
Is there no way you can satirize her political
policies without demeaning her as a woman?
Because your use of gender to humiliate her is
an act of violence against my gender as a whole.
Which Palin porn picture did you not like?
BTW, I'm showing great restraint because the x-rated photoshop boys
have been busy as beavers.
The pictures look 100% real, but I assume they're not :)
Excerpt: When Reagan began courting the religious right
in his bid to win the Presidency, I doubt he knew he was
spelling death to the lean tenets of Goldwater
conservatism. Yet soon afterward, under the thumb of right-wing
religion, the Republican party became a bloated
fool, stuffed with hypocrisy, greed, and anti-intellectualism.
In 2008, the price is being paid through lost
elections and a loss of public trust.
While Bush railed about the axis of evil, there
was another axis that gathered steam during the Reagan years.
The Moral Majority, Focus on the Family, and
The Christian Coalition were all formed within years of each other
as religiopolitical groups. Jerry Falwell, James
Dobson, and Pat Robertson, the respective leaders of these
movements, formed a triad that sought to influence
politics through a gospel of neo-conservative Christian
rhetoric aimed at millions of faithful adherents
whose votes, it was hoped, could swing the socio-political
pendulum away from progress and back to "traditional
In order to win the votes of the triad's faithful
followers, Republican politicians bartered themselves
into a hear-no-wrong, see-no-wrong trade-off.
Plus, if a politician gets caught with a man in his mouth, he's always
a right-wing Bible thumper.
Why do so many religio-handjobs think men want to be gay, and
only thru the help of Jesus
can they resist that "uncontrollable urge" to blow some dude?
Tim Robbins had a great suggestion to get out
there before election day.
He was on Bill Maher last week and he suggested
we document any funny business.
You can go to your voting building and hang out
outside (within the boundaries established by law)
with a video camera and record anyone who comes
out complaining of not being allowed to vote
and post the video on YouTube.
DOCUMENTATION might be the only way to get the
theft reversed.
Take Care,
Thanks - I meant to mention that.
Someone said the GOP is posting goons at the polls to scare blacks
Everyone should bring a camcorder or iPhone to vote and get that
Bart, I was just wondering what you thought of
the appearance of the Village People
at all the McCain-Palin rallies lately? They
think Bob the Builder and Carl the Cop are
really going to turn the tides of their mis-adventures
in campaigning?
Bart, you like to invoke "Koresh" and I just wanted
to remind you that David Koresh
is one example of how owning even a pile of guns
does no damn good when the government wants you.
I said you should get enough guns to hold off the federal government?
I could've sworn I was talking about breaking glass in the middle of
the night.
"According to expense reports, Sarah Palin
charged the state of Alaska over $21,000 for her children to travel with her
on official business. In fairness to Governor Palin, when she leaves them home alone, they
get pregnant." -- Seth Meyers, SNL
"It turns out the highest-paid person in the
McCain campaign is Palin's makeup artist. I'm not kidding. The highest-paid person,
she flies to every city where Palin appears. And McCain? He just gets the local
gal who does the funeral home." -- Bill Maher
"Sarah Palin says the election is in God's
hands now. Isn't that what you say to a prisoner
who's about to be executed?" -- Jimmy Kimmel
Excerpt: A jury found U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens guilty of
all seven counts in his federal corruption trial.
The jury found Stevens guilty of "knowingly and
willfully" scheming to conceal on Senate disclosure forms
more than $250,000 in home renovations and other
gifts from a guilty oil industry contractor.
Stevens faces a maximum sentence of up to to 35
years in prison -- five years for each of the seven counts.
Legal experts note the judge has the discretion
to give Stevens as little as no jail time and probation when he is sentenced.
He sat expressionless as the seven verdicts were
read out at the end of his trial.
Not anyone with brains. You have to set your TiVo
to manually record by time/channel.
Set to record Comedy Central from 11 PM to 12
AM (AZ time), Monday through Friday
...that way you get Colbert too. Can you handle
TiVo is the best invention since EVER, but you
have to be more tech savvy than my
72 year old mother. Most people don't even realize
you can turn off that annoying
'bloop' sound. I bet this guy's VCR blinked
12:00 as well.
There's something about my writing style that makes people aggressive
back at me
even tho I did/said nothing aggresive towards them - I wonder what
that is?
I was speaking in Bart-shorthand there - I don't have "TIVO" I have
so your snippy comments about me being stupid don't really apply -
do they?
After 27 years of VCRs, I know how to make my TV work - it just doesn't.
No matter how many times I tell it to record all new Daily Shows,
it won't
unless I manually tell it each day to record that day's show.
You can select a monthly plan to provide recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can afford. (10% of your gross is the usual tithe.)
to bartcop@bartcop.com
send a 'love' check to
bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
If you want to donate on a regular basis but you don't like PayPal, I
could call you and get your credit card information and manually process your donation monthly.
BC, Count me in, too. There was a funny
headline in the San Fran papers about Condaleeza
becoming the president of the San Francisco 49ers.
Ha ha! I've kept my season tickets through
the worst football drought since the 1970's,
but that straw would break this camel's back...
Subject: Republicans accusing
Dems of wealth redistribution
It's amazing that Republicans are accusing Democrats
of wealth redistribution saying the Democrats are
going to "spread the wealth around". And saying
this after the Republicans came to get a trillion dollars in
welfare from hard working taxpayers in real America
to spread around in handouts for Wall Street.
The Republicans just socialized the stock market
and they accuse Democrats of spreading the wealth around?
With Republicans it's the same old same old all
over again and they always have some lame excuse
and a lame attack and I'm tired of it. Republicans
are at fault for ruining America and it's time for them
to pay the price. It's time to throw the bums
I'm very left, I'm not anti-hunting, I'm not anti-gun,
but after seeing the picture
of the Mossback Spider Bull, that is just pure,
unadulterated pornography.
A captive animal killed makes it even more sickening.
This bull elk should have been allowed to finish
out his days
without having some egomanical monster go out
and prove
that he has a little tiny dick.
Eric X
Eric, that's probably one reason you're a Democrat.
If you're a Republican, killing the helpless
comes easy.
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