Weekend-Monday Nov 15-17, 2008 Vol 2247 - Turtle & Meadow
Quotes "I believe Hillary as Sec of State would be
an outstanding appointment. If it is true,
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Wall Street's
Bailout is a Trillion-Dollar Crime Scene
Yes, there is only one president at a time, but
that president needed the support of powerful Democrats,
When a bank is robbed, nobody says "We need to put more money in this
But we have this problem...
I don't have the details, but there's some government entity that guarantees
Will the Democrats demand that the Bush bastards return that money?
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Subject: Let me clear this up - Bruce Yurgil Bart, you've gone through this before, now it's
my turn. I've gotten some comments from people
"Bruce, I didn't like that Obama thing with the girls. Hell, whose side are you on?" "Depicting President-elect Obama as a pimp
is beneath you. It is more so beneath him.
I've been making cartoons for the last eight years.
Every one of them an attack against those
And what's wrong with showing Barack with a babe
on each arm?
I thought the copy on the cover was quite apt.
I only needed to change one word, vice into votes.
He garnered a higher percentage of votes
Dude, I can't explain it, either, but for some
When I ran a picture of Obama as Elvis, they called
that a slur.
Friends turn on friends when you practice your
During the campaign, I had to cut back to 3 issues
a week because anything
The worst thing you could do would be to stop creating your art.
Would MLK have wanted Obama to get hands off, "special treatment?"
I think it would be the latter.
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Quotes "Obama's most dangerous foe remains now who
it has always been.
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The Moose Stops Here Excerpt:
At Fox News, Greta Van Susteren has been trashing
Fox's Carl Cameron for his report
In an exuberant class by himself is Michael Barone,
a ubiquitous conservative handjob who
We had our civil war, now we need to see the GOP have a really big one
of their own.
I suggest we give them all super-sharp knives and may the best Fascists
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Subject: Bob Parry's Hillary problem? Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
down to bizness with Obama
"There's the story of how, the night after
Clinton was elected, Emanuel was so angry at
He's mean, he's ultra-partisan, and he's a fully-paid
up member in good standing of the War Party:
I like Rahm Emanuel.
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Subject: Prop 8 After the Prop 8 fiasco it's clear to me that there should be more of a push against politics from the pulpit. If these Jesus monkeys want to influence the outcome
of elections in this country they need to pay taxes.
Additionally, boycott all that is Mormon.
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Quotes "When it comes to the Clintons, the U.S. media
long ago
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Palin steals the show at GOP governors meeting Excerpt:
At a press conference, Palin indicated she
wanted to look forward rather than back at her
“As far as we’re concerned, the past is the past
and we’re all focused on the future,” she said,
But then, immediately after addressing reporters,
she walked across the hall and delivered a
I think it's official - Palin is the future of the GOP - ha ha Of course, there's always a chance that she can
learn, that she can get better,
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Subject: Obama the surgeon Obama is the surgeon working on the country’s intestinal tract. The Democrats are an enema. ha ha The Republicans are polyps. (Most are benign right now except for Ted Stevens of Alaska; he’s cancerous.) John McCain is years of undigested red meat. (At one time we liked him but he’s been around too long to be useful anymore.) Sarah Palin is a leftover, undigested vitamin.
(She looked great at first and sounded like a good idea but did nothing.
Thanks to Tim
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Quotes "I'm a free market person - until you're told
that if you don't take decisive measures
Why wouldn't the same be true of health care?
We have about 50 million Americans with no health insurance.
The Clintrons tried to fix this, but the Republicans said "NO" and the
scared bunny Democrats
Looking at it another way - didn't Republican bribes kill Detroit?
Detroit can't compete on the world stage because the Republicans keep
Why do we settle for that? American drug companies sell pills in Canada for 15 cents each,
Why do we settle for that? Remember: Bush made it ILLEGAL to negotiate for lower prices. If *I* was running the DNC, I would've made them gag on that 1,000 times,
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Subject: Let the Auto Industry go Bankrupt Unlike financial institutions going bankrupt doesn't mean Detroit automakers will go out of business. Several airlines have gone bankrupt over the last
several years and are still in business today.
When you see a car with the paint falling off
- that's an American made car.
We need to put a stop to borrow and spend and this is a good place to draw the line. Marc Perkel
I wish that sentence in bold wasn't true, but it is. Go to any parking
lot in America
No doubt, some handjob thought he could save $30 on a car by using cheap-ass
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Random thought... If I had a new blog that wasn't getting many hits, and I was so broke
That way, if people liked what they read
It's called 'free advertising.' If you want to become a Bartcop Blogger, send an email to Chicago
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Subject: Rush and O'Reilly why don't you listen or watch Rush or O'Reilly before you judge. Typical useless idiot you are
Well, I can't watch Rush because his TV show failed,
And who hasn't seen too much of O'Reilly?
If these are your heroes, you should broaden your scope.
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Reagan and Bush and boy prostitutes?
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What if we could guarantee
Tired of blogging for just a few? If your product is good, all you need is exposure.
doesn't cost
to advertise on bartcop.com
Banner ads by the day,
Subject: Bill Ayers The GOP, along with the entire whore media have
labeled Bill Ayers as a "terrorist"
In reality Bill Ayers was nothing more than a
vandal, causing only property damage,
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Quotes "The Wall Street bailout looks a lot like Iraq
— a "free-fraud zone"
That's twice now that somebody has told the truth
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Get an iPod for Christmas! Apple iPod touch 8 GB New and used from $173 w/ free shipping 8 GB of storage provides 1,750 songs; includes
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Subject: OLD whores at that! Hey Bart! I surfed by Press the Meat for about 30 seconds
and saw Tom Brokaw and Andrea Mitchell
It's like watching Antiques Road Show without
the value.
I think they're paying homage to Saint Timmeh.
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Palin will never be president Excerpt:
The Republican Party is only a step away from
becoming the fringe of the fringe, identified more
The Republican Party is now the toy of the
Rush Limbaugh windbags. These folks include
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These 3 blokes represent the feelings of Australians
when we went on vacation
I know that little guy in the blue shirt is
Subject: Obama, us and you Bart: Congratulations to America and Americans
for showing the world that the dreams of your
You have sent a clear message to those who hate
America how misconstrued they are and demonstrated the
We non-Americans have much to be grateful to you for. Thanks for voting Obama. And, thanks for the last 8 years, Bart, but please
don't let Obama off the hook!
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Bush ruining our national parks
Late on Election Day, the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management announced a Dec. 19 auction of more
The National Park Service's top official in the
state calls it "shocking and disturbing" and says his agency
Officials of Bush's BLM, which oversees millions
of acres of public land in the West,
Can we get rid of this nature-hating bastard early?
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Subject: thanks Bart, Copious thanks for all you did to drive the fuckers from power. Barry, thanks for that. Y'know, it's not fair that a comedy legend like Barry Crimmins
Who can fix that?
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CHILL Dark t-shirts $26.59 Mens and women's shirts, v-necks,
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So Long, Turdblossom Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog!
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The Marijuana Trick Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBl
Subject: Limbaugh misquote Hey Bartcop, I really like your site, and you usually do a
great job of separating th BS from the truth,
I didn't do that on purpose.
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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!
Subject: Amazon commission Hi Bart, I hit the link you gave for the computer monitor
but had to noodle around awhile
Paul, thanks for asking.
So - once you find what you want, if you could
copy the name of it, (for example
But if everybody did that, those four cent commisions would add up :) Thanks again for thinking about me. Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia They read it in Toledo, Ohio (Hey Joe!) They read it in Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia They read it in Emmaus, Pennsylvania They read it in Krzeszowice, Krakow, Poland
Want to sell stuff everywhere? They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron. Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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Subject: Donation Thanks for all you do, Bart.
or send a "love" check to
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