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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

BCR 146 is Here!HOT

Thanksgiving Weekend  Nov 26-30,  2008   Vol 2253 - The Lamest Duck 

Quote of the Day

"The Capitol Hill Christmas tree arrived. 
  And they've got to decorate it so a 
  $10 billion contract went to Halliburton." 
      -- Letterman

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Bush's Last Days 
Arrow War Foes Get Short Shrift HOT
Arrow Obama to keep Gates HOT
Arrow Rumsfeld's Snow Job 
Arrow Attack, attack, attack 
Arrow Coulter's jaw wired shut HOT
Arrow Mike - Sports - Obama 
Arrow Brooke Burke Dancing! 


Paid for by the DNC


"The economy’s in the present state because when the Democrats took the House and Senate 
in 2006, you knew that those tax increases were going to come in 2010. The stock market began 
to collapse as soon as you recognized that those old tax rates were coming back. So, we’re in the 
middle of responding to those tax increases."  
      -- Grover Norquist, clearly insane,     Link

Norquist is a handjob who thinks facts don't matter.

Don't forget - Clinton raised taxes on the super-rich and tripled 
the stock market that the Bush bastards just cut in half.

By the way, who is Grover Norquist?


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Bush's Last Days
They can't get here soon enough


We have "only one President at a time," Obama said in his debut press conference as President-elect.
Normally, that would be a safe assumption - but we're learning not to assume anything as the
charcoal-dreary economic winter approaches. By mid-November, with the financial crisis growing worse
by the day, it had become obvious that one President was no longer enough (at least not this President).
So, in the days before Thanksgiving, Obama began to move - if not to take charge outright, then at least
to preview what things will be like when he does take over in January. He became a more public presence,
taking questions from the press three days in a row. He named his economic team. He promised an
enormous stimulus package that would somehow create 2.5 million new jobs, and began to maneuver
the new Congress toward having the bill ready for him to sign - in a dramatic ceremony, no doubt
- as soon as he assumes office.

Never in our lifetime has a president taken peace and prosperity and trashed it so badly.
If the Democrats had any brains (Why do I punish myself this way?) they would remind us
"This is what happens when a Republican steals power," but they refuse to do that
because it's not polite and Mr. Rove might not approve.

Voters are so stupid, their memories are shorter than Bush's attention span.
If Obama even sneezes, they'll soon be begging for more supply-side economic horseshit.

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Iraq War Foes Get Short Shrift
   by Robert Parry


Arguably, Barack Obama’s most promising promise of the presidential campaign was his vow
to not just end the war in Iraq but “to end the mindset that got us into war.”

Yet, while there is no room at the dinner table for the anti-war “ideologues” – as they’re often called
– there appear to be plenty of seats for the neocon-lites of the Democratic Party and even some spots
for key holdovers from the Bush administration.

According to press reports, hawkish Hillary is in line to be named Secretary of State and
longtime Bush Family loyalist Robert Gates is likely to be retained as Secretary of Defense.

Obama might have had trouble finding two political figures more representative of “the mindset
that got us into war” – a Democrat who supported war to look tough and a Republican who put
career advancement and ideology over everything.

Obama isn't even on the job yet and he's got critics everywhere.
I think I'll wait till the ball game starts before I criticize the coach.

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 Subject: who will replace Alan Colmes (D-Loser)

My suggestion to replace Alan Colmes be James ( "The Dragon") Carville. 
Little Sean wouldn't know what to do with a real opponent. 
I would love watching Hannity quivering next to Carville. 

After further review, Fox doesn't have the nuts to do it.
 Mike in Texas

That's one thing you'll never see - a Republican in a fair fight.
The only way they can win is with no opposition or with a hired stooge like Colmes.

BTW, sorry about that 50-point shellacking my Sooners put on Texas Tech.

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"There's been a lot of discussion about how to address those responsible for the worst excesses 
of the Bush bastard's extralegal responses to the terrorist threat. Regardless of how he approaches 
the guilty, I'd like to see Obama honor the JAGs, pro bono lawyers and civil liberties groups who 
pushed back against the excesses and in so doing defended us all against them. It would be a strong 
symbolic rebuke to those who, for reasons of political cohesion at a time of crisis, might not be 
immediately prosecuted themselves." 
    -- Judah Grunstein,   Link

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 Subject: Gimme a break Dems, quit the whining already!!

Bart, you wrote:

> I spent most of 2008 feeling like the only blogger backing Hillary.
> Am I going to spend the next four years being the only bloggger backing our president?

I, too, am sick of the whining from the Democrats regarding Obama and how he is setting up his team 
and trying to save our country from the last eight tyrannical years of bush.  OK, so if you have to whine 
about Obama to be a true Democrat, then I guess I'm not one.  That being said, I love the way he is 
trying to create a government that will pull our nation back from the brink.  I respect the man and I think 
he is doing his very best to save us from ourselves.  Thank God he was elected. 

Bart, just keep on being the way you are.  
Obama hasn't done anything as of now to be derided by the Left.  
You get Obama's back, and there are plenty of people like me who've got yours.

Keith, it's nice to hear a sane voice now and then - thanks.

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New stuff in the Bartstore

Obama to keep Gates at Pentagon


Defense Secretary Robert Gates has agreed to stay on under Obama, according to officials in both parties. 
Obama plans to announce a national-security team early next week that includes Gates at the Pentagon and 
Hillary as secretary of state, officials said.

Retired Marine Gen. James Jones, former Marine commandant and commander of U.S. and NATO forces
in Europe, will be named national security adviser, the officials said.

I don't have a problem with Gates staying.
Obviously he's going to follow Obama's orders and he probably knows more 
about Bush's wars than anybody else so why not tap into that knowledge?

Can somebody check on Bob Parry?
He must be suicidal with this news.

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"If accurate, this is fabulous news for several reasons. For starters, it means Obama 
  will be avoiding the bad decision of taking money out of taxpayers' pockets at the 
  exact moment the U.S. economy needs it the most."
     -- Jim Geraghty, on a report that Obama may delay his pledge 
         to repeal Bush's tax cuts for the super-rich,   Link

 If Obama does that, I'm going to assume he has a good reason, 
 but why not target those tax cuts and get something out of them?

 Instead of handing the super-rich a boatload of cash (again) 
 why not give the super-rich a bonus for every person they hire?

 Remember these, from 2001?


 Who did Ford hire?  Nobody - so what was the point?


 Who did Microsoft hire?  Nobody - so what was the point?


 Who did General Electric hire?  Nobody - so what was the point?

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 Subject: Health care

Bart, you wrote:

> Republican health care bribes is the primary reason why Detroit can't compete.
> The greedy Republicans are the enemy here - we should aim our fire at them.
Nobody knows what you're talking about so link or slink,
Carson, Mayor of Chimp City

Well, all the non-chimps know what I'm talking about. Are you old enough to remember 
the Clintons trying to fix our (then) biggest financial problem back in 1994-95?

The Republicans lined up against any changes to the money-draining system we now have and the 
idiot Democrats agreed that the Clintons were "dangerous socialists who needed 
to be held in check" so the voters agreed with both parties and turned the government over to the 
right-wing bastards who had nothing better to do than impeach a president for having a girlfriend.

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Rumsfeld's Snow Job


"Donald Rumsfeld is writing his memoirs, and if his op-ed in the Nov. 23 New York Times is any preview, 
it should be a classic of self-serving revisionism. On the surface, the former defense secretary's piece seems 
to be a warning - sound, if unoriginal - that merely sending more troops to Afghanistan won't fix that country's 
problems or win the war.

But his real intent is clearly to justify his own policies on the war in Iraq, to refute the (properly) widespread
idea that he committed serious errors, and even more to deny that he held the views that he actually did hold...

During his six years as defense secretary, Rumsfeld famously wrote hundreds, maybe thousands, of memos 
to subordinates - they fell so rapidly from on high that his aides called them "snowflakes." According to several 
officials, many of these snowflakes contradicted one another; he seemed to be staking out several positions on 
key issues so that he could later claim that he'd taken the right side. In his forthcoming memoirs, he will no doubt 
quote chapter and verse from just the right snowflakes. Readers, be forewarned - he's blotting out the full storm.

Can you imagine the horror of being fired by George W. Bush ...for incompetence?

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"If you bought a gas guzzler in the last 15 years you have no excuse to oppose a bailout for Detroit. 
None. You enabled Big Three greedhead management to step on the gas despite the fast approaching cliff. 
This isn't the union workers' fault, workers report to work and manufacture what they're told to manufacture. 
And the UAW has already made too many concessions new hires don't make a living wage and their benefits 
are shit. UAW retirees helped the Big Three turn big profits while they spent their lives on assembly lines. 
These workers completed an endless task and have earned and should get every dime in pensions and every 
bit of benefits they have coming. AIG gets six times what the auto industry has asked for. And CEO's travel 
by private jets. If these three clowns get fired for it, fine by me. The private jet travel is annoying but cracker 
legislators using it as an excuse to crush a predominantly Democratic part of the country look just a tad 
vindictive at the moment." 
     --  Barry Crimmins,  Link

 Good point about private jets - how often do our senators and representatives use them?

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Attack, attack, attack


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 Subject: Ann Coulter's jaw wired shut!!  WAHOOOOOO!!!!!!


For the next few weeks, fans of Ann Coulter--anyone?--will have to rely on Lindsay Lohan 
to provide mind-bioggling sound bites.

Because of a nasty fall last month, the 46-year-old slut will have her jaw wired shut.

News is scant at the moment, but we didn't think it would be possible to silence Ann Coulter, 
the screeching reactionary broke her jaw and the mouth that roared has been wired shut..."

I think we can go a shot of Chinaco for that...


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"I wondered whether Obama would merely be a center-left president in the Clinton mold
-- i.e., one who enjoys short-term political success while failing to seriously advance liberalism
-- or whether he would actually be a transformational liberal leader who creates enduring big 
  government institutions a la FDR and LBJ.   Having been able to take a look at some of his 
  early appoints, right now, it's looking more and more like the Clinton model."  
     -- Phillip Klein,   Link

 The Clinton model?
 You mean eight years of peace and prosperity?
 You mean tripling the stock market?
 You mean never sending a man into battle who didn't come home alive?
 You mean when our biggest problem was how to spend the surplus?

 Please, not that!

 The last thing this broken country need is more Clintonian success.


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Police dash cam of Meteor

 Subject: Democrats 

Bart, you wrote:

> Democrats - they never pass up a chance to criticize their president.

That's the theme. The question -- What the hell is wrong with these people? 

Why do democrats play right into the republicans hands? Republicans didn't start criticizing Bush 
until well after the 2004 election when it was too late to do anything about the bastard. Democrats 
crying about "where's the change" sound just like asshole republicans and those evil pricks are going 
to take it and leverage it to their advantage. 

Why can't Democrats unite behind their president? 
Why do Democrats have to help the Republicans convince the media to turn on their guy? 
I have to echo your sentiment, "Who do they want appointed"? 

Should we dig up Karl Marx and appoint him to something? 
It's frustrating to be in a party full of back-stabbing babies.
 -pm in Texas

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 Subject: Thanx for putting me on your page

Bart I guess you forgot how politics works, both sides do that bs and you know it.
I guess I forgot how the internet works.  I'm at your mercy and shame on me for emailing you.
I learned a lesson.  Thanx for the embarassment after all the contributions I made to you. You could have 
just emailed me back and said screw you but you didn't.  I still hate the republican party and damn them 
for what we are going thru.  I honestly don't know whats in store for us but I feel sorry for kids right now.

Sorry about that kids - we were to busy consuming that we forgot about you.  Bart there is a douchbag 
named Schnitt that has a show on XM 152 and he is as bad as pigboy.  Check him out and unleash the dogs 
on him before he parlays his dipshit talkshow into 40 millon a year talk show.

Bart I'm done with you and I'm done with all the political talking heads.
Good luck and I hope your health stays good. 
Peace out!,

Bill, you opened with:

Bart, you and I used to be on the same page but you 
have entered the realm of that peice of crab Limbaugh. 

Did you think I was going to let that go?
Do I look like a senate Democrat to you?

Is that how friends talk to each other?

If you wanted me to back off Palin (odd request) you could've asked nice but you 
chose to insult me personally and you're surprised I didn't take it like a Democrat?
And note that you weren't portrayed as a screaming monkey.
See?  I can be nice.

I hate to lose you, but you might be careful about popping off to people,
especially in red states where fighting words can quickly lead to a real fight.

Last thing - that embarassment you suffered?
You're not the only Bill in America.


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Marty's Entertainment Page

Marty always has good stuff.

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"It has been proved time and again, the Clintons 
  are devoted to no interest other than their own."
     --  Christopher Hitchens,   Link

 You mean eight years of peace and prosperity?
 You mean tripling the stock market?
 You mean never sending a man into battle who didn't come home alive?
 You mean when our biggest problem was how to spend the surplus?

 Please, not that!

 The last thing this broken country need is more Clintonian success.

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 Subject: Thanks for the laugh

Bartude, thanks for the best laugh I've had in awhile.

> "Are they hoping Kucinich will get Secretary of Defense?"

For real man... I could actually picture in my head those more hot-headed 
Huffingtonpost readers saying that there couldn't be a better pick for Secretary of Defense. 

Good thing Obama's got a lot more sense than them.
Take care dude,

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Visit   in San Francisco

 Subject: my problem with OnStar


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Mike on Sports and Obama


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 Subject: Father Newman

People who have Communion with known child molesters should hastily shut up about abortion. 
Tell that to ANY Catholic priest who dares to open his big mouth.

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"She did a great job of energizing our base. I'm very proud of her. 
  I think she has a very bright future in the Republican Party."
      -- John McCain, on Sarah Palin,   Link

"What else could he say?
'She's as dumb as a bag of hammers and I made a giant mistake in choosing her'?? 
 That would make HIM look bad...He'll lie through his teeth to the end on this one.."  
     --Carol,     Link

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 Subject: Those unsatisfied with Obama's cabinet

I'd be happy if we could have Barry Crimmins put in charge of Health and Labor.

Barry Crimmins is a comedy genius.

He's busy writing his autobiography, but I hope he 
has time to do his always-great end of the year round up.

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 Subject: Palin hoax?

Watch out for this kind of stuff:

Yesterday, Dee wrote: 

> You can do better than this, considering the story was a hoax:


> Don't perpetuate bullshit, Bart cause it makes you as bad as the bullshitters.
>  Dee in NJ.
A lot of people are mistaking this for the story being a hoax.
It’s not.

The hoax was when some guy pretended to be the leak for the story.

When he said he leaked the story he was lying.
The story itself remains true.

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  Subject: Quickie about the Obama criticisms

Hey Bart, love your work but you're being unfair about the Obama criticisms. 
I'd say the left has good reason to be criticizing the guy. Why? Because we came out for him 
in force and that's why he won as hugely as he did. So we scratched his back & got him elected, 
but is he scratching ours? 


We're not seeing any of our own guys being picked to work in his administration. He's picking some 
good people to work with, sure -- but no good _progressives_, ya know? The hardcore progressives 
are gonna feel alienated by Obama's playing to the center and playing it safe like that. In fact, if you're 
a true believer, I can see that almost being like a slap in the face. I'd be saying, "I worked to get you 
put in charge and now you're gonna work with the people I didn't want? You're gonna forgive goddamn 
Liebermen & play nice with the Repigs?!?!? WTF!!!!

So before you start blaming "the Left" that came out for him, you might wanna consider 
that maybe it's Obama's own fault for not throwing the people who got him elected a bone.

Keep swingin' the hammer.

Jonny, who do you want to see hired - and for what positions?

There's a chance Obama is smarter than either of us :)
I say we give him a chance before we launch into him.

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 Subject: Catholic nutjob

Bart - that Catholic nutjob is in SOUTH Carolina.
Please please use the North and South with the appropriate Carolina.

These are two very different states, and I think we've earned a distinction by turning blue.
 Mark in Morehead City, NC 

You have a point there.
Since you guys went blue, I can no longer say all Carolinas are alike.

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 Subject: Leftists for Obama to think about

Bart, you asked: 

> Who does the Left want appointed that they're not getting?

Alan Blinder, Dean Baker, Paul Krugman, James Galbraith, and Robert Reich for starters.  
Krugman just won the Nobel prize for economics, for Chist's sake. 
Obama might consider that he has something to offer.


I've never heard of Blinder, Baker or Galbraith - are they good Leftys?
I like Krugman but maybe Obama is smart to keep backstabbers like Reich at arm's length.

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Subject: Donation

Bart, El Gusto es Mio, and a shot of Chinaco to you for your perserverance and for keeping 
me sane while all the other blogs were going wacky with Hillary hate.  Only now can I watch 
Olbermann or read the Huffpost and even then you can still see it sometimes.

So here's to you, thanks for your great site which I read every day if I do nothing else.
 Rdale in eu-taw

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