Tues-Wed Jan 27-28, 2009 Vol 2279 - Discorporated
Unique t-shirt designs
Quotes "Obama's biggest problem is with his own party
which seems to be drifting away from what he wanted,
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Bush Employment Daggers Excerpt:
Jobless rates for December hit double digits in
Michigan and Rhode Island, while South Carolina and Indiana
With tens of thousands of layoffs announced this
week by well-known employers such as Pfizer, Caterpillar and
Why won't Democrats say it - tax
cuts for the super-rich caused this - that and Bush's wars.
Democrats don't have the brains to take advantage
of the facts in front of their faces.
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Quotes "If the most popular Democratic president in
70 years can't stand up to an eviscerated GOP and say
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What do you think?
Subject: Right to vote Hey, Bart...
> Vertie Hodge was 30 when Blacks got the right
to vote.
I don't know about any other black people in this
country, but I got the right to vote back in 1870
I guess we'll have to disagree on that.
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Saw it on http://gahzette.blogspot.com
Quotes "I have Muslim members of my family. I have
lived in Muslim countries...
Obama is too polite the speak the unvarnished truth.
Poppy Bush put our soldiers in Saudi Arabia in his pretend war
in 1991.
America isn't the problem - it's the Bush bastards and
the greedy oil companies.
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Subject: Did'nt take Clinton Too long To become a Checken Hawk Like Obama Clinton says Israel has right to defend itself I never made it past the headline. Name for me an elected American politician who says "Israel
has no right to defend itself."
Lepers and rattlesnakes and Republicans and child molesters (probably) have a "right to live."I When you disagree with that, aren't you automatically Hitler?
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http://good-chiropractic.com/default.aspx All New Patient Fees Will
anti-Pigboy Petition
Link Listen to Rush's hate speech Excerpt:
The petition includes a sound byte of Limbaugh,
saying, “If I wanted Obama to succeed, I’d be happy
Meanwhile, Obama advised Republicans to stop listening
to Limbaugh's oink
"You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get
things done," Obama said to Fascist leaders
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Quotes "When Bush flew home to Texas, they showed
a video of his greatest accomplishments in office.
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Subject: Republicans are going(?) nuts A subsidiary point to this one -- to the extent
that tax cuts are on the table, Republicans are going nuts
http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2009/01/dumb_jock.php This is a perfect corollary to the typical
Republican’t talking point on paying taxes: at some point in the
Of course they are—for the top 5% of incomes!
But for the vast majority of Americans, the PAYROLL tax
They fought (my home state then-senator Don Nickles
led the charge) against making the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
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Quotes "The federal government now has the power to
tell any of these idiots
Well sure they do.
Rush, it's the syphilis eating your brain!! Fight it, Rush! Fight it!
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The mask dropped momentarily, however, when a
reporter at his final press conference asked him about the personal
"Oh, the burdens, you know," he sneered. "Why did the financial collapse have to happen on my watch?" Hipster, too cool to care. President Punk. Oh,
so you're broke and out of a job?
Polls show that somewhere between 22 and 27 percent
of the public continues to view Bush favorably.
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Quotes "Saying 'I want him to fail' is not what you
say the first week
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Subject: Veronica Mars Hey Bart, good response to the Veronica Mars comment! It’s too bad he didn’t hang around long enough
to see what a great show it was.
In browsing for stories about the upcoming movie,
I saw where VM producer Rob Thomas has a new series
Doesn’t look like it will have quite the depth
of Veronica Mars, but probably good for a laugh.
Take care…
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Still the best bargain on the Net Still at 2006 prices so the little guy
Clarence 'Slappy' Thomas sleeps thru the Inauguration
Same Old
The G.O.P.’s latest campaign is aimed at undermining
President Obama’s effort to cope with the national economic emergency
“Right now, given the concerns that we have over
the size of this package and all the spending in this package, we don’t
If anything, the stimulus package is not large
enough. Less than 24 hours after Boehner’s televised exercise in obstructionism,
Maybe the Republicans don’t think there is an
emergency. After all, it was Phil Gramm, John McCain’s economic guru,
The idiot Democrats - how f-ing stupid can they be? Why
don't they just say,
They are so totally brainless and clueless - how is that possible?
If only the Democrats were as smart as Ol' Okie Bart.
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Quotes "Maybe Obama's speechwriter should leave out
the Bush bashing.
Hey lady, try to get a clue of what you're talking about.
Every country was watching live - it was a bigger event
than the Super Bowl and the world
Obama HAD to say America would stop the murders, tortures and
And no wonder Bush didn't scold Clinton.
What the hell did Bush have to complain about?
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Subject: Forgive and Forget? Bart, I agree with Heinrich Heine.
Once the mis-leaders of the BFEE have gone to
the gallows,
Ez tiranoa, ez jopua,
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Quotes "So far so good for the Obamas. The family
is settled in. Their only complaint
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Halliburton to pay $559 million to settle bribery probe
Cheney's Halliburton said it was awaiting final
approval from the U.S. Department of Justice and the SEC
Gee, where can I get a deal like that?
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Subject: Rope a dope Pope Bart! you wrote, > And why is Benny picking a fight with the Jews? Answer: Someone has to, you won't, or are you still in love with Lieberman? Lieberman? Are ye f-ing daft?
Or maybe you like how they practice the same shit that the Nazis used against them. The Jews practice the same shit that the Nazis
used against them?
Open your blood shot eyes.
Oddly enough, I'm anti-world war.
You sound like a fucking republican.
You sound like a man whose ass is desperate for
And why do you like Hebrews if you accuse them
of using Nazi tactics?
Banana Facts:
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Press Whores
back at work
Suddenly revved up and vowing to keep a hawk-like
watch on the Obama administration ("I want to hold these guys
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Subject: Cryin' John Boehner Bart, why are the Democrats allowing this
asshole to complain about deficit spending?
By the way, I hope your conservative readers remember.
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Subject: The Juggs Sat January 31st w/ The Gulf Of Michigan @ Don Pedro's The Juggs, featuring the fantastic Dr Chops on guitar are in New York Saturday
Go see Doc Chops, tell him "Bart says hey!"
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Inauguration T-shirts!
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Legal Jeopardy For American Torturers Excerpt:
After reading Sands's book and, more recently,
listening to his comments on Terry
Gross's NPR show "Fresh Air,"
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Subject: Obama must stand up to GOP on Family Planning Obama is facing his first test as President -
will he be able to stand up to the Republicans?
Obama should not start out throwing women under
the bus by backing down on funding for family planning.
We won this election.
Marc Perkel
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Housekeeping John in Sterling Heights - your mailbox won't accept my Thank You mail, even with the nospam taken out. I'll send your package to 38183 unless I hear
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MGM in Vegas - Rooms for $15?
Quotes "Led Zeppelin are over! If you didn't see them
in 2007
That's right ...unless ...you're a subscriber to
DVD of Led Zeppelin's last show. If you're a subscriber, I can get you a copy for $37. Soon, Jimmy's lawyer will write and make me take this down.
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Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Yogyakarta, Indonesia They read it in Redmond, Washington They read it in Sevastopol, Ukraine They read it in Portage, Indiana They read it in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Want to sell stuff everywhere? They have money - their economy wasn't ruined by a religiously-insane moron. Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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