Weekend-Monday Feb 28-Mar 2, 2009
Vol 2295 - Severe
& Austere
Quote of
the Day
"No one doubts Mr. Obama's legitimacy. He won by seven points, with 53%." -- Piggy Noonan, calling Alan
Keyes a flake, Link
I find it amazing that Piggy Noonan could
string together two sentences without a lie.
Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Paul Harvey
is Dead
GOP Losing
a Generation
Rush Limbaugh
Against Jindal
of the Fascist Dogs
How Radio
Wrecks the Right
TV's Hottie
Lawyers Finals
Welcome to the BeezKneez gallery! Expecting a baby or new grandchild?
Announce all the details to your friends and family
with Birth
Announcements and Baby
There's always an occasion to say "thanks" with
my line of Thank
You notes,
especially for wedding gifts, baby shower gifts,
graduation gifts, or any occasion!
"Obama's nationally-televised address this
week boosted his approval rating to 67%. Obama's support among Republicans rose
to 42% from 27%."
-- Political Wire, Link
"Laura and I are saddened by the death of Paul
Harvey. Paul was a friendly and familiar voice in the lives of millions of Americans. His commentary
entertained, enlightened, and informed. Laura and I are pleased to have known this fine man, and
our thoughts and prayers are with his family."
- the Worst President Ever Link
Paul Harvey was a lying, worthless piece of shit who helped kick-start
bartcop.com Harvey was the Original Mind Reader, he made shit up and his cornpone
yokels bought it.
I marched in the Inaugural protest and felt
that I was witnessing something monumental.
I was dumbfounded when I realized that
the media had entirely ignored the mass rejection of pResident Bush.
I was in a deep depression until I found
Bartcop, and now I now longer feel lost in a wilderness of ditto-monkeys.
Your daily dose of rational thought gives
me hope.
Just one question....I've noticed Paul Harvey
and "horse molester" used in the same sentence.
Can you enlighten me? I've never
heard about this.
Keep up the good work
ha ha
It's all true - every word of it - you didn't know?
I even have a witness.
Hey, Mr. Ed, answer this question:
Has Paul Harvey ever let a day go by without "bothering"
There you go - right from the horse's mouth.
Illinois just passed the "Harvey Law," which makes animal
sex a felony.
He deserves this and so much more.
And if it was not true, why doesn't he sue me?
ha ha
The Paul Harvey thing goes like this:
In 1996 (pre-Monica) between the two conventions, I heard Paul
Harvey say that Bob Dole
loved his wife, and their marriage was real.
Then he stated,
for a fact, that Bill and Hillary
did not love each other, that they just had a marriage
for power's sake.
Since that could only be true if Bill or Hillary told him
(they didn't)
he must be taking an accusation and assigning it "fact" status.
I figured if that was how the game was played, I could play by
those rules, too.
I thought a minute about the most scurrilous thing one could
say about an old man
and "sex with horses" was the most disgusting thing I could think
of at the time.
Since this is fair game in Paul Harvey's world, that ugly statement
is TRUE! It's a FACT that Paul Harvey performs sex acts on stallions. That's the game he plays.
Sometimes Republicans write and tell me how "vile and disgusting"
but they don't realize I'm using Rush/Hannity/Harvey tactics,
which they enjoy immensely when the lying is done about Bill Clinton or Al Gore.
If you think I'm being too mean, then you're the type who thinks liars
and bullies
shouldn't be given a taste of their own medicine and on that we disagree.
Millions of people listened to and believed Harvey's horseshit.
I think I went too easy on him.
"What happens when we leave Iraq? And who gets
the blame if things fall apart? There is still no real stability there and when we pull out,
the ethnic tensions that exploded into civil war after Bush invaded will almost certainly explode again.
That's no argument for staying longer. If things are going to explode either way, we might as well leave
sooner than later. But if Obama has really adopted Bush's goal of leaving behind a secure Iraq, then
the failure, should it happen, would be his." -- Dan head-up-his-ass Froomkin,
No, you have that all wrong.
Iraq wasn't a problem until the WPE decided to steal their oil.
Excerpt: Republicans have their work cut out for them.
Americans identifying themselves as Democrats
outnumber Republicans by 10 points, the largest gap in 24 years.
The gap has widened significantly since the Worst
President Ever’s re-election in 2004, when it was 3 points.
But by the time Mr. Katrina left office, less
than a quarter of Americans approved of his performance.
These days, 38 percent say they are Democrats,
28 are Republicans, and another 29 percent claim to be independents,
according to a handjob pols conducted last year
by The New York Whore Times and CBS Whore News.
Whether Obama is able expand that gap to favor
his party will probably depend mostly on Americans
under the age of 30 who have yet to form strong
partisan ties.
If Democrats LIST THE FACTS our advantage would go to 30 points.
The Republicans have to lie - the truth is their enemy.
If Dems would point that out - nobody would allign themselves with
the liars.
Excerpt: I'm no expert on the stock market, but this doesn’t
look good for Kellogg's:
As the chart shows, the company's stock took an
immediate dive following its decision to drop Michael Phelps
over the infamous bong hit photo. What began
as a coordinated boycott by drug reform organizations quickly
escalated into a full-blown media frenzy as major
news outlets picked up the story. Pot-friendly websites like
Digg.com began directing massive traffic to news
coverage that was critical of Kellogg's anti-marijuana posturing,
thereby increasing the campaign's visibility
among likely supporters.
The cumulative impact of all this negative publicity
is helpfully illustrated by The Vanno Reputation Index, which monitors
the public image of leading corporations:
Out of the 5,600 company reputations Vanno monitors, Kellogg ranked ninth
before it booted Phelps. Now it's ranked 83.
Not even an industry-wide peanut scare inflicted as much damage on the
food company's reputation. [Business Insider]
In the current economic climate, it would be silly
to think we're solely responsible for Kellogg's falling stock.
Still, the Vanno data clearly shows that we've
dealt a substantial blow to the company's reputation at the worst
possible time. Whether or not we actually had
a considerable impact on Kellogg's bottom line is beside the point.
What matters is that we sent a message to
corporate America that reefer madness is bad for business.
People might be tempted to think the bad economy
is hurting Kelloggs, but what's cheaper than cereal?
It's interesting to see how quickly the Party
of Bush wants to try to shift the economic blame to Obama.
It took Reagan and the first Bust 12 years to
run the national debt up to 4 trillion. It took Clinton 5 years
to turn that around and generate a budget surplus.
It took Dubya over a year to squander the Clinton surplus.
Obama hasn't been president for 40 days yet and
nothing that's been past has gone into effect.
So how is it Obama's fault? I think it's time
that the Party of Bush who caused the problem
to quit complaining and work on solving it.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
That's why I keep saying all the Dems have
to do is LIST THE FACTS!
When they refuse to list the facts, idiots
like Bush win.
"I don’t know the justification is for a presence
of 50,000 troops in Iraq. I do think that there is a need for some, and
I don’t know that all of them have to be in the country. They can be platformed outside.I would
think one-third of that, maybe 20,000, maybe more than one-third, 15,000 or
20,000." -- Nancy Pelosi, attacking
her president again,
Hey Nancy, I have a couple of suggestions for you:
Shut the fuck up - nobody
cares what you think. You spent the last eight years
covering up for Bush so you have no voice in anything
so sit down and close your mouth.
If you think you have all the
answers, then run against Obama in 2012 and when he beats you,
realize that nobody cares what you think
so shut the fuck up a second time.
Excerpt: The rumor is true. I got a bit of face time with
Rush Limbaugh yesterday in the green room.
He was as warm and gracious as you’d expect.
It was a high honor.
I had lunch with Cheney a few weeks before he
left office and was not nearly as intimidated
as I was meeting Rush - the stuttering I had
as a child returned. It was absolutely amazing.
What’s more amazing though is that this guy provides
excellence on the radio day in and day out.
He speaks without a script, from the heart processed
through the head (a key step liberals miss).
CPAC attendees recognize just how excellent he
is - they named him the most popular conservative out there.
Now I need to get working on my radio skills so
maybe I can guest host one day.
I think it's an excellent tactic for Democrats to name the vulgar Pigboy
as the head of the GOP.
Then the Fascist dogs have a choice to make:
Do they get splashed with the tar of every racial slur the Pigboy's
ever spoken?
Or do they denounce his hateful ass and say, "That
scumbag does not speak for us?"
Building traps like this is so easy - I could do it as a small child.
If only the Dems had the brains of a small child.
"Tonight, we tell America that Republican values,
conservative values, are right for America. Tonight, we tell America: we know the
past, we know we did wrong. My bad. But we go forward in appreciation of
the values that brought us to this point." -- Michael Steele, (R-Tom) token head of the Whites-Only
party, Link
Hey Tom, saying "My bad" is not good enough.
We want to hear you say, "Bush was a
fucking disaster and we were wrong to coddle him. He was certainly the Worst President
Ever and we apologize for impeaching Clinton for his non-crimes while Bush should've been
impeached for his very real crimes that killed 4200 soldiers."
If you say those words, then you can begin your 20-year
exile and start to come back in 2036.
Excerpt: Wagering against Bill Clinton was always a sucker’s
bet. And the smart money says that wagering against Jindal
on the basis of one rotten performance is a sucker’s
bet, too. He’s got three things going for him that most politicians
who aspire to national leadership don’t – time,
ability, and a platform.
At 37, and just one year into his first term as
Governor, Jindal has time on his side – time to get a little gray in his
time to work on his speech delivery, time to
put on some weight, time to accomplish all the cosmetic and delivery changes
necessary to consider him a serious message-deliverer
as a national player. To those who suggest concern for "style" is
somehow misguided – Rush, I’m talking to you
– I simply say, You don’t understand the electorate as well as you
think you do if you believe that style isn’t
important enough to warrant concern.
The only way Jindal can win anything is if the Democrats surrender to
him like they did to Bush.
The Dream Ticket would be Palin/Jindal, because they don't have a combined
IQ of 55,
but as I've said until I was a Smurf, Ol' Bart could beat up Mike Tyson
he refused to fight back.
"We have a tougher job than our friends across
the aisle. They've been offering Americans a free lunch for the last 80 years, rather successfully.
And you know, those of us who believe in a smaller, more accountable government, we have a tougher
time making our policies relevant to the American people. But it's our challenge, and we've got
to do it."
-- Rep John Boner, pretending like the truth has held the sons of bitches
back, Link
Truth is, America saw what happened when you bastards had absolute
You emptied the Treasury for generations to come.
You robbed Wall Street of every other nickel we had invested.
You sent 4,200 soliders to their graves just so you could steal
Saddam's oil.
You spied on us, you read our e-mails and you listened to our
phone calls.
You turned America into a nation of kidnappers, torturers and
murderers - for fun.
Subject: GMAC boss awarded
$11.62 Million compensation in 2008
This bastard auto CEO lay'd off thousands of workers,
Shutdown factories, Accepted billion$ of bail-out funds
from US taxpayers....and this SOB lined his own
pockets with millions and millions of dollars-- nearly $12M,
even though the auto firm he is supposed to be
running is de facto bankrupt.
Excerpt: Strip away the platitudes and cheap applause
lines about freedom, self-reliance and the virtues of capitalism,
and you're left with the subject that really
interests Rush Limbaugh: himself. The Nazi pig with the self-professed
"talent on loan from God" spoke incessantly in
the first person: there were more "I's" in his CPAC address than
in an Idaho potato field. One clear message emerged
from the speech: "Le mouvement conservative, c'est moi."
And it's a message that makes some of the nominal
leaders of the Republican Party uncomfortable. The self-aggrandizing
Pigboy referred about nine times during his speech
to it being his first ever live televised national address. While that
the four years during the 1990s when he had a
racist TV show, taped live before a studio audience (and produced by
Roger Ailes), it does underscore his relative
importance to what remains of the national Republican Party.
Rush has let power go to his syphilis-racked brain.
He truly berlieves he's the savior of America and the Nazi Right.
I heard his speech CPAC speech and he thinks he's truly God's gift to
the Party of Bathroom Stall Perverts.
I would enjoy rebutting every lie in his Nazi rant speech, but that
would be one, long radio show.
Excerpt: For more than a generation, the traditional media
has tried to build a wall around public sentiment to protect the
Democratic Party from articulate critics. Recent
election cycles and the emergence of the Internet have only
exacerbated the situation. In the past year,
media bias has gotten out of hand. But it has not been able to stop
that mountain we call Rush. He is much more than
an entertainer or a person who can "motivate the base"
- as the media repeats like cheap talking points.
He has the uncanny ability to expose the intricate
web of bias to those who do not yet know that they should
doubt the media's sincerity. Many in the Regency
Ballroom on Saturday night were once dupes or elitists like me
who were shown the light by a guy who didn't
even graduate college. The media has good reason to hate Mr. Limbaugh.
Mr. Limbaugh is the man who is most to blame for
their demise.
No wonder they bad-mouth him every chance they
Rush killed "the media?" Really?
Have you ever heard such bullshit in your whole life?
The media built a wall to protect Democrats? Is that
why they spent 8 years hounding the Clintons
and let Reagan/Bush off the hook for having to pardon their way out
of a long list of Iran-Contra felonies?
Is that why they let Reagan/Bush off the hook for making a deal with
terrorists to get Reagan elected?
Is that why they let Reagan/Bush off the hook for closing their papers
off to hide their crimes from the public?
Rush the mountain? I'll buy that - if it's a mountain of horseshit.
Rush has the "uncanny ability" to explain falsehoods to extra-stupid
And yeah, Andrew, keep thinking that a lack of education is a plus in
today's world.
And there's a very good reason why Rush doesn't debate - he f-ing
can't. Newbies would crush the Pigboy like an SUV crushed Phil Leotardo's
"So let me get this straight. The man who passed
out Exxon-mobil "campaign contribution" checks to members on the floor of congress right
before a vote on an energy bill is complaining that Obama is giving America a free lunch?
In Boehner's lexicon "conservative" must translate to dishonest." -- Iaintbacchus, Link
I also remember Boner passing our checks from Big Cancer on the House
The fact that it's illegal to do that didn't bother Boner at
all - and of course,
the Democrats didn't have any problem with Boner's crimes so they remained
Excerpt: Why have we allowed carny barkers to run away
with the Right?...
Did the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Savages, and Ingrahams
lead us to this sorry state of affairs? They surely did.
At the very least, by yoking themselves to the
clueless George W. Bush and his free-spending administration,
they helped create the great debt bubble that
has now burst so spectacularly...
In place of the permanent things, we get Happy
Meal conservatism: cheap, childish, familiar.
Gone are the internal tensions, the thought-provoking
paradoxes, the ideological uneasiness of the early Right.
But however much this dumbing down has damaged
the conservative brand, it appeals to millions of Americans...
If conservatism is to have a future ... it will
need to listen to more than the looped tape of lowbrow talk radio.
Isn't this Derbyshire prick the guy who said he wanted to kill Chelsea
And now he wants to do away with the vulgar Pigboy?
Excerpt: "A pair of liberal groups (Not
the Democratic Party - they refuse to fight)
are launching an ad campaign
Friday portraying Republicans as a bunch of obstructionist
sons of bitches beholden to Rush the Piggy Pigboy.
The commercial, paid for by Americans United for
Change and AFSCME, shows a series of GOP congressional
leaders saying "no" to President Obama's stimulus
plan and, more broadly, his effort to revive the economy.
"So who are Republican leaders listening to?"
asks the narrator before showing an image of the grunting pig.
Bart, thank you for the very fine response.
Please don't think you have to send me anything.
I don't want you to dilute my contribution
by sending a box to Phuket, Thailand. Not a cheap
mail drop.
Access to Bartcop Radio is plenty generous, thank
Another thank you for including the Gene Lyons
columns on your blog. Indeed, he is a national treasure of journalism!!!
You probably are beginning to get the feeling
that the "edge" you give to observations of the US political-economy
has gained a wider audience, including some of
the "young net-savvy turks" in the Obama administration.
You don't give them a free pass either; and,
that's a good thing.
I also enjoy the "wedgies" you give to the Democratic
party leadership. I know Senator Leahy a bit. I was a year
behind him in the same college. When I spoke
with him at reunions in the mid 80s he showed more promise as a
politician mustering some outrage over Iran-Contra.....no
real deeds to words were forthcoming, however.
So, the pink tutu is fine with me.
I think Mrs. Bart must be a neat lady, a real
Best wishes to you both,
Michael, that was cool - thanks.
And thanks again for your mega-generosity.
You can select a monthly plan to provide recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can afford. (10% of your gross is the usual tithe.)
to bartcop@bartcop.com
send a 'love' check to
bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
If you want to donate on a regular basis but you don't like PayPal, I
could call you and get your credit card information and manually process your donation monthly.
Hi Bart:
Hope you're keeping it together despite all the
I have three things for you:
1) Saw this on the page: "There's no right-click
on a Mac".
This is obviously untrue. If for some reason they
have an old one- button mouse,
a control-click on the "Right Click to download"
link presents a contextual menu which
offers a "Download Linked File" option.
The "Listen" option does operate as they describe.
Thanks for that.
2) Do you have any deserving old ladies (like
last time) or similar that could use a subscription?
Probably - anybody out there need a Bartcop
subscription that can't afford one?
3) I need some of your patented Bartcop
"street logic" for an argument against one of these
100% anti-gun types when they say something like
"I guess you're saying you should take a gun
to bed when you sleep with your wife, since you
never know what might happen or what she might do".
blue in seattle
Hmmm, I've never slept with a woman that was so dangerous I needed a
gun to control her.
One keeps a gun near the bed because (I assume) most burglaries occur
at night and it makes
no sense to awaken to breaking glass knowing your gun is in the attic
or basement.
I wonder - do people who say, "I'd never own
a gun" own TVs?
Seems like Katrina would've convinced everybody that the law isn't always
there for you.
Bart, can't thank you enough for the Zeppelin
DVD hook-up.
Got the DVD tonight and immediately watched the
entire thing. Fantastic!
- Scott
Subject: Re: Led Zeppelin
Bart, thanks for the DVD.
I wanted it as part of a gift for a 30-yr-old
employee for his 5 years with us.
He was blown away because he had tried watching
You Tube clips that are poor.
Thanks also for your smart mouth, your humor
and your hammer.
Bart, a little something for you to keep up your
We have to work harder because those Fascist
assholes never sleep.
Keep swingin' that hammer!
Our motto for
this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind".
So - if you have an anti-bush site and you are choking on hosting
fees or dealing with threats - let us know and we'll help keep you online.
We also
have that strongest server side spam filtering on the planet.
Check out Marx
Mail for info on how you can have a Spam
Free Email Account.