Thursday August 6, 2009 Vol 2374 - Floaters
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
Quotes "When future historians look back at this passage
in our nation's history, I suspect they'll conclude
I would offer up a shot of Chinaco
for this flash of sanity if I hadn't said it first.
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Obama: health overhaul with or without GOP Excerpt:
Democrats may have to carry the legislation to
expand coverage and try to control medical costs
Obama pledged successful conclusion of the health care overhaul that he argues would stabilize the nation's fiscal health. "I promise you, we will pass reform by the end of this year because the American people need it," he said. That will take some doing, since action on legislation
in the House and Senate has been slowed by Blue Dog Demo handjobs.
"Screw those anti-American Fascist dogs," is what Obama would've said if *I* had written his speech. "Sometime in September we're going to have
to make an assessment" about whether to keep trying
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Subject: How to combat (astro)"turfers" at townhall meetings Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
personalized website design and hosting.
Quotes "You try to tell me anything about the newpapers
Mark Twain damn sure knew what he was talking about: According to the Aug 10 TV Guide $15M Katie the Perky
They couldn't get some clown to do Beck's job for $100K? You see anybody on that list with an IQ
as high as 100?
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Subject: I hate that bartcop Tulsa Police Department reports finding an man's
body in the Arkansas river just west of Tulsa.
The victim apparently drowned due to excessive
Chinaco Anejo Tequila consumption.
The police removed the George W Bush t-shirt to
spare his family any unnecessary embarrassment.
ha ha
Subject: I hate that bartcop out of all the liberal blogers he is dirt,
Yea, I'm always a-scared to mix it up with some Birther handjob. I have followed it for some years and that is
what made me decide to fight back,
ha ha
but i got tired of his lies. so this why i started
what i am doing.
Subject: I hate that bartcop He is a vile human being with a big libeal
Subject: I hate that bartcop you shouldread his blog, this country needs keep
its friends close,
Subject: I hate that bartcop I had to get off that scums page.
You sure can!
Monkey Mail is our most populat feature.
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Here to see if reality
I'm an atheist, so what? Excerpt:
A nearby coworker nearly had a heart attack. "You are?" she asked. "But ... you're such a ... good person!" In the words of Oneita: Oh, my.
Sometimes people get scared or nervous when they realize they're speaking
How can we mock Mohammed Atta's 72 virgins and then expect to be taken
Seriously - how can anybody believe that superstitious nonsense?
Tell you what:
Wait, things are tough right now so let's do a Stimulus Special:
Of course, I'll need the money up-front.
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Founder a Murderer?
In their testimony, both men also allege that
Blackwater was smuggling weapons into Iraq. One of the men alleges that
"It appears that Mr. Prince and his employees
murdered, or had murdered, one or more persons
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Like to write about beer?
Subject: fundraising help Bart, I know your income is down so I'll match
whatever donations
You've been a big help to me over the years.
Dude, that's way cool.
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Subject: black bottle of Chinaco on the Weeds show Bartcop, The Mexican drug leader was drinking tequila from
a black Chinaco bottle
Pretty cool
I had a shot of that and I don't know what the
big whoop is.
Maybe Chinaco Negro goes better
with blood :)
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Y o u r
A d
H e r e
Trust me - dozens of people read that.
If YOUR ad was here, people would
Still the best advertising bargain on the Net Banner ads by the day,
High Thought Used to have this thing back in college - the high thought. I still have a high thought now and then - and I know some people
Some people consider me a jenius, but there are things I don't know such as.. Why was the American Indian still in the Stone Age in 1880?
(That's a guess.)
A thousand years later, North Americans were still using the bow and arrow. Why didn't the North Americans evolve at the same rate the Europeans did? Note:
If it's wrong to ask what held the Native Americans back, then
handcuff me
It's like North Dakota having a 100-year technology jump on South Dakota.
Or are we too politically correct to admit that different races have
strong suits?
For a fee, you can pose for a picture with the NY skyline from 60 years
OMG! Bartcop just said another racist thing against Native Americans!!
I can explain that, Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Quotes "Obama is a good person and good-intentioned.
But I believe he didn't serve in government
Hey asshole, don't you realize tens of thousands of Iowans will
get health insurance if
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Glenn Beck This bitch needs a Pamprin
Another High Thought Let's talk about race and language. Yesterday was Obama's birthday.
Don't know him, but a Black member of the White House Press Corpse (joke)
I hit the rewind to be sure... Part of me loves seeing the White House being asked questions from the
I have 66,000 issues online featuring 445,500
different topics,
...and Koresh knows I'm a friend to the Black
...but is that where we are in 2009? Has BIRF-DAY become an acceptable word to use
at the White House?
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Subject: Asia/Yes Live in Muskogee, OK Bart, Were you aware 2 of classic rock's most formidably
talented and awesome bands played in Muskogee, OK July 16?
Keep swingin'
I think YES was a great band.
Saw them three times, the last at the Brady Theater in Tulsa, maybe
I missed that Muskogee show.
I would've enjoyed seeing them again.
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Quotes "It's hard to imagine that David Petraeus would
be willing to watch his gains in Iraq disappear
"President Obama acts in defiance of no man
or woman in uniform. They follow his orders - he is
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Subject: Donations Shit, I lost my password to BCR a long time ago.
Dude, I lost your e-mail but your password is probably summer
History may record Bush as the bravest war hero in our history.
I don't think we bloggers will come out very well.
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Be on Bartcop
It's easy
- just call the BartPhone
Ditto Monkeys
are welcome to call! Keep your
language decent
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The Comeback Kid (Again) Excerpt:
Clinton won plaudits from all sides -- (except John Bolton) -- for the release of the two women. Matt Gurney, writing in the National Post, called
Clinton the "perfect man to serve as an unofficial ambassador"
The praise for Clinton in his return to a familiar
role as diplomat to the world comes just over a year after he was
Blow me.
His 2008 crimes were so horrible nobody can say
what they were.
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Subject: Leslie Van Houten Fuck her. Let her rot in jail.
Personally, Bart, I hope she and all of the Manson
gang remain in prison until the day they die.
I say Manson was evil and the girls were young, stupid and high on LSD. Some people murder and get 6-8 years. Some
get 10-12 years.
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Subject: Bart, send your shows to Sirius and XM! Frankly, you are better than many air personalities I have heard. You're also earnest and honest. I can't say that they would be willing to give
you a show of your own right off the bat, but there's good money
And the knowledge that you were making money and being heard by bigger audiences would comfort us a lot. Maybe you could get your start by calling in regularly
to progressive-type radio shows, to get used to
Hi Bart
The best part is on XM and Sirius I wouldn't have to watch my language
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Gunman at
Pa. health club was bitter over women
George Sodini went to a fitness club on Tuesday
night and opened fire with three guns, spraying dozens
On his blog he wrote: "Women just don't like me.
There are 30 million desirable women in the US (my estimate)
This is a terrible tragedy and I'm not trying
to trivialize the carnage but
This crazy man was so lonely he snapped and there's
no reason for that
Legal prostitution is a sane way to address reality.
THIS is the price we pay for our idiotic and illogical obsession with non-existent ghosts. People love lying to themselves and look at the
damage that "luxury" can cause.
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Quotes "Did Bill Clinton hit on those two female journalists
on the long flight home from North Korea?"
Hey Pigboy, when you go to the Dominican
Republic with Viagra,
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Glenn Beck is a disgracist
Shopping online? Use this Amazon
Cali thought
they'd be real cute and elect this clown for governor.
This same stupidity could put Palin in the White House.
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Subject: Gaviscon, Translations Hey Bart,
What led me to become a professional translator
here in Prague back
- seemed sorta reasonable, I guess...
Sometimes English can be confusing, too.
I asked what it it meant and the dude look at me like *I* was the crazy
I would've used "Closed," but I guess that's a midwestern thang.
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Are you on it? All we ask is you put ours on yours.
Subject: McCain the asshole Bart, those "vicious attacks" on Sarah Palin have been almost as bad as this: "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
McCain told that "joke."
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Rescue Me They did it again.
The first 8 minutes was so inventive and imaginative
- it makes we wonder why ALL shows aren't this good.
It's an again Friday night and Sunday night on
the FX channel.
Other shows need to be stealing great ideas from Denis Leary because he has too many. The writing is super, the acting is the best and the special effects
are inspired.
New regular Maura Tierney helps, too.
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Worldwide Bartcop
to sell stuff everywhere?
Advertise on bartcop.com Why sell just to America when you can sell to the whole world?
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Subject: Donation Bart, here's something for the Bartcop Tequila
Theo, thanks for that.
or send a "love" check to
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Hayden Gets
Naked: Bad Career Move?
See 100 more Hayden pictures at BC Hotties Sidebar: My guess is Jessica Tandy in 1989.
Looking for something in a back issue? Thanks to bartcop.com subscribers. We know you work
hard for your money, so we take it as
Read the Previous Issue of bartcop.com It had everything. Copyright
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