#156 is near, hopefully Links at the bottom of
the page
Weekend-Monday August 15-17, 2009
Vol 2380 - Tiger
Quote of
the Day
"If this makes me a one-term president, we're going to take it on because the country is in need of us taking this
on.' -- Obama, on fixing health care,
Barack, you can't bet your presidency on the hope
that the Democrats have your back because they don't.
Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Victory On Death Panels
Obama on
Drugs: 98% Cheney?
The GOP's
Misplaced Rage
Will Dems
ever fight back?
was a Bolshevik
list to argue about
Yang stings
Tiger for Victory
unwanted kisses
Like to write about beer? Professor Good Ales wants
"Right-wing presidents inherit whole armies
of blitzkriegers, those willing to organize and fight unquestioningly for the reactionary cause with indefatigable
enthusiasm. Progressive presidents inherit quitters and critics." -- P.M. Carpenter, who
must be reading bartcop.comLink
Excerpt: Sarah Palin crowed Friday over news that the
Senate Finance Committee
will leave end-of-life care out of its health
care legislation.
"I join millions of Americans in expressing appreciation
for the Senate Finance Committee's decision
to remove the provision in the pending health
care bill that authorizes end-of-life consultations," she wrote
on her Facebook page. 'It's gratifying that the
voice of the people is getting through to Congress.'"
(insert vomit graphic here)
How could they have fucked up this badly?
Now Palin gets to say "I'm the one who saved American
from Obama's Death Panels."
Swear to Koresh, *I* would do a better job than our fucked-up Democrats.
"You want to talk about Don't Ask Don't Tell,
I'll tell you exactly what happened. You couldn't deliver me any support
in the Congress...and the media supported them. They raised all kinds of devilment.
And all most of you did was to attack me instead of getting me some support in the Congress."
-- Big Dog, telling the truth on why Dems can't win even when they control
everything, Link
Bill Clinton tried to give gays rights, but the Democrats wouldn't
stand with him.
Bill Clinton tried to fix health care, but the Democrats wouldn't
stand with him.
We are the party of quitters and losers and we'll stay
that way until Blue Dog
asshole Democrats decide to stand with the Democratic presidents
the people elected.
We lived in Terwilleger Heights near St. John's,
Utica Square, Woodward Park.
I miss lots of things, including: Rio Verde;
walking to the rose garden and Philbrook Museum;
Cain's; Lebanese appetizers; Gilcrease Museum;
Merritts Bakery!; the Admiral Twin drive in theater.
Chattanooga may be home, but it is the pits.
I give Tulsa a bad time, but once you get past the weather and the cavemen,
it's OK.
Bart, seriously, did you write that Vern
the Monkey King letter yourself so you could make fun of it?
Vern's been hanging by his tail so long, he thinks
Hogan's Heroes was a reality show.
> Look what the Germans did to the Russians?
Yes, they got their asses chased all the way back
to Berlin.
Remember East Germany, Vern?
That's where the Russians settled after they
got done taking Germany to the number 6 dance.
Vern needs a brain enema.
I did not write that.
There's a Bartcop Facebook Stalker page.
When they put MM in the subject line I know it's them.
Yeah, if Hitler had listened to his generals we all might be
speaking German now.
But he thought he could take Russia in the winter and England USA at
the same time.
Excerpt: I searched transcripts and no one asked the President
what is probably the most important
question of what passes for debate on the issue
of health care reform: $80 billion of WHAT?
On June 22, Obama said he'd reached agreement
with big drug companies to cut the price of medicine by $80 billion.
He extended his gratitude to Big Pharma for the
deal that would, "reduce the punishing inflation in health care costs."
Hey, in my neighborhood, people think $80 billion
is a lot of money. But is it?
I checked out the government's health stats (at
HHS.gov), put fresh batteries in my calculator and totted up
US spending on prescription drugs projected by
the government for the next ten years. It added up to $3.6 trillion.
In other words, Obama's big deal with Big Pharma
saves $80 billion out of a total $3.6 trillion. That's 2%.
Hey thanks, Barack! You really stuck it to the
big boys.
You saved America from these drug lords robbing
us blind. Two percent. Cool!"
It would be nice of more bloggers stuck with Obama, too.
Maybe my good friend Greg Palast is making that same old mistake
- comparing Obama to some mythical perfect president who doesn't exist.
Subject: Do you believe Democratic
politicians are sincere?
Hey, BC,
I think you'd agree that most Democratic politicians
don't take effective action
towards progress and most don't fight back against
Republicans, even by listing the facts.
Do you think this behavior comes from a sincere
place, or is it all just theater?
If the ineffectiveness and weakness are real,
what are the causes?
For example, it seems unlikely that an ineffective,
weak person could achieve election to the US Senate.
It's gotta be in their Demo genes because they're all the same.
Rethugs to to Washington and deliver what they promised. Every time
Dems go and agree with the Rethugs and sell us out. Every f-ing
Excerpt: When will Democrats ever learn that giving in
to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles.
As every schoolyard victim knows all too well,
when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back,
continually upping the ante - until, finally,
after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept
the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally
fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's
political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it
been more starkly on display than in the last
few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine,
have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that
their lies, as transparently foolish as they
seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.
The first thing Democrats need is a desire to win.
If victory knocks on their door - there's a small chance they'll answer,
but when it comes to seeking out victory, forget it - they have
other priorities.
I've concluded that the term "conservative" means
"terrified of change".
It doesn't matter if it's change for the better
or not.
Our healthcare is the laughing stock of the developed
world and roughly
30% of the population is too backward to grasp
it. What's even more ironic
that the public option would greatly benefit
the very people that are disrupting
the town hall meetings in the first place.
Just because Rush and Sean tell them to.
Thank God that at least 70% of the population
can see through all the BS.
Maybe the south should have won the civil war,
then they would no longer be
a burden to the rest of the US that would like
to move this country into the 21st century.
We could then just let them disintegrate into
poverty, ignorance, racism, and religious fanaticism.
I have another idea for Obama:
He should ask everyone who wants the health care mess fixed to fill
the streets this Saturday.
Without a doubt, hundreds of thousands of marchers would be in
the streets in every major city.
Then the AM radio handjobs would say, "All
who disagree, flood the streets NEXT weekend." and a few stragglers would show up and America could see where the
vast majority stands.
NO WAY the loudmouth birthers could win this.
It's so f-ing easy to win - if the Democrats would just listen to some
good ideas and follow them.
Too bad our side doesn't care about winning.
"I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana.
I think we should cane people caught using and maybe execute dealers.
That would solve the problem -- Rep Tommy Benton, (GA-Handjob)
We would save lives if we caned everyone
caught wirh a Budweiser.
But saving lives isn't the goal.
The goal is pleasing the Invisible Cloud Being who doesn't exist.
Is there any group of people more stupid than Americans?
The GOP's
Misplaced Rage by GOP Economist Bruce Bartlett
Obama-hating town-hall mobs have it wrong the person they should be angry with left the White House seven months ago.
Excerpt: Where is the evidence that everything would be
better if Republicans were in charge?
Does anyone believe the economy would be growing
faster or that unemployment would
be lower today if John McCain had won the election?
I know of no economist who holds that view.
The economy is like an ocean liner that turns
only very slowly. The gross domestic product and the
level of employment would be pretty much the
same today under any conceivable set of policies
enacted since Barack Obama’s inauguration.
Conservative anger is misplaced. Obama is only
cleaning up messes created by Bush.
Bush’s incompetence led to the election of a
Democrat. If he had done half as good a job
as Republicans believed he did, McCain would
have won easily.
Obama's just getting beat up by the GOP's hate
The Democrats refuse to help him like they refused
to help Clinton.
Bart, the thing that completely shocked me was
placing Frank Zappa at number 45!!
I guess that no whore at rolling stone ever heard
'zoot allures' or 'overnight sensation'
or anything he actually did after 'we're only
in it for the money'.
Chuck Berry only had one lick. It was a great
one, mind you, but he only had one.
Clapton being 6 places above GOD is a travesty,
but 42 places above zappa?
They should be taken out and shot.ene
Subject: 100 Greatest Guitarists
Bart, I think the greatest is likely someone not
well known.
There are a lot of fantastic players whom most
people never heard.
Example- Russ Freeman of the Rippingtons.
And why wasn't Chet Atkins on the list?
Al in Indy
I didn't go farther than the Top Ten, but where
was Pink Floyd's David Gilmour?
Rolling Stone thinks BB King is better than David Gilmour?
They're lying to make more money - you know what that makes them?
"I believe that political parties should do
penance for their mistakes and just losing power is not enough. Part of that involves understanding why those
mistakes were made and how to prevent them from happening again. Republicans, however, have done no penance.
They just pretend that they did nothing wrong. But until they do penance they don't deserve any credibility and should
be ignored until they do...One reason this isn't happening is because the media don't treat Republicans as if they
are discredited. On the contrary, they often seem to be treated as if they have more credibility than the administration.
Just look at the silly issue of death panels. The media should have laughed it out the window, ridiculed it or
at least ignored it once it was determined that there was no basis to the
charge. Instead, those making the most outlandish
charges are treated with respect, while those that have credibility are treated as equals at best and often with
deep skepticism, as if they are the ones with an ax to grind." -- Bruce Bartlett,
a veteran of the Reagan and H.W. Bush administrations,
Here's the answer:
Our whore media isn't in the truth business any more than Brad Pitt's
in the taking prisoners business.
They're in the "Let's cover the brawl"
business, so they help the underdog - unless they're Democrats.
Then they ridicule them to death.
Bart, I see you taking some flak from a marine.
There are a number of leftists in the military
but generally not in wartime and not in the combat type units.
They have to psych themselves up into the mood
to go overseas or to stay here waiting to see your loved one again.
Another thing you have to remember is that a
lot of these people are SO YOUNG.
They hardly know what life is before they naively
enter the military thinking they can change the world with one charge.
I was born, raised and married military. We are
now retired, but things haven't changed too much in the military.
Mostly I remember the men after the wars were
over. Disillusioned young men who see their lives in
and see no future in front of them. And the recessions
that invariably follow wars.
That is why we must only go to war when we are
really defending our country, not 'defending democracy'.
Subject: Media doesn't cover
Town Hall meeting in Liberal Districts
Yesterday I went to a town hall meeting in Fremont
California conducted by Congressman Pete Stark
and one thing in particular was different than
what I see in the news. There were no reporters there.
It seems the the "legitimate news media" only
covers town hall meetings in conservative areas.
It seems that the news media is still a puppet
organization of the right. During the Bush administration
I remember being at protests in San Francisco
that had over 100,000 people that got no national coverage at all.
I think the insurance companies are not only
funding the town hall protesters, but also the news media that covers them.
Excerpt: Long before many of today’s frothing right-wing
demagogues were born, American conservatives came to idolize Winston Churchill.
Journalists and bloggers on the right admire
him so much that he has even outpolled Ronald Reagan as their “Man of the
Yet by the standards of the present moment, as
these same conservatives mobilize against health care reform to “stop socialism,”
Churchill was a raving Bolshevik. For among his
most enduring legacies was the founding and sustenance of the system that
the National Health Service. Arguably as much
as any other British politician, it was Churchill who established “socialized
Perhaps it is a forlorn hope that facts and history
can make any impression on the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Chuck Grassley,
or Bill Kristol,
but let’s try anyway -- because it is worth understanding
that despite the low quality of our own so-called conservatives, there
was once another kind.
Subject: Because I'm less a military
hater than most Lefties
Hi Bart, you wrote:
> “Because I'm less a military hater than most
I’m sure this sounds a lot harsher than you intended.
I’m also sure that I am not the only progressive
veteran around.
There can be no doubt that many active duty /
veteran / guard / reserve
count on you to hear the truth, just like the
population at large.
Before Bush, I described myself as "pro-military," because I know their
value, but:
When people signed up to get
to the killing fields, I began to question that.
The endless rapes and the "Don't
make trouble" handling of them also soured me.
Screwing the injured soldiers
out of health care - who can get behind that?
The families of the injured
who stayed quiet out of loyalty to the Bush bastards.
The rats at Walter Reed - I
wasn't a big fan.
The no-bid contracts that were
paid even when the work wasn't done.
War used to have profiteers
- Now those profits are why wars are waged.
If you want to talk about folks that hate the
military, you are right in
pointing the finger at the WPE and his heartless
VP. They hate soldiers.
That’s why they don’t care about quality in the
Send ‘em off to war without proper training or
One a draft dodger and the other a flat out deserter.
Steven in IDCNY
So why do soldiers love Bush & Cheney and
hate the Democrats
who didn't desert and didn't lie them into their
graves for personal financial gain?
Subject: Re: Bachmann's Son Joins
"Re-Education Camp"
I'm so old that I can remember when military
service was an obligation and a duty; there was even a draft.
When I was in the Navy, the President (JFK) was
a certified war hero, not some little chickenhawk
who deserted the cushy post his daddy got for
I've served along side many young Americorps
volunteers during a number of Red Cross deployments
(Hurricanes Katrina and Ike, and a couple of
floods), and they were all a credit to the program.
They worked hard many long days, and cheerfully
accepted the spartan life in a Red Cross staff shelter.
Obviously, Congress critters, like Ms. Bachman,
feel like that sort of service is beneath them.
Her so-called "service" has to include the limelight,
big bucks and all the perks that go with being in Congress.
She's just another one of those pseudo-patriots
who like to wave the flag, and run their mouths,
but really contribute nothing to the betterment
of society.
Bill in Versailles, KY
It's easy
- just call the BartPhone at 1-800-530-2979
leave your 2 minute message or question or joke or impression to be played
on BCR. If you screw it up, just say it again and I'll edit the bad part
Ditto Monkeys
are welcome to call!
Keep your
language decent so I can
play it in BCR@
The Wizard of Waukesha belongs to the ages.
A shot of Chinaco.
Tom B
I agree.
A shot of the Chinaco Seven Year to Les Paul.
Bart, sad news about Les Paul. He was a
I once met him when he visited the school where
I taught in NJ.
The kids knew about him and knew they were meeting
a giant. He was terrific.
Joe in Texas
I saw a quote from Les, probably from the American
Music Masters Tribute Concert in Cleveland last year: "People thought I was a guitar -
until I started playing it."
Yang stings
Tiger for Victory Eldrick lost every major in 2009
"Only an intervention from the sky (Or
Bartcop's "Hex on Thee')
could prevent Woods from claiming his
15th major title." -- Sally Jenkins, fortune teller,
Excerpt: Eldrick had never lost a major when he was leading
going into the final round.
Yang started the day as a 20-1 underdog, according
to an online sports wagering site.
Woods was a 2-9 favorite, roughly the same as
Secretariat in his prime against your pet cocker spaniel.
ha ha Hex on thee, Tiger!
Eldrick spent much of the round muttering to himself
in frustration. He had only three one-putts.
"I made absolutely nothing," he said. "I had a
terrible day on the greens. . . . I hit the ball
great off the tee, hit my irons well. I did everything
I needed to do except get the ball in the hole."
Did you see Yang's great shot on 17?
He didn't - he was behind a tree and looking at a hill when he made that.
This happened at 8 AM Seoul, Korea time. It'll bet they're still
Over on Huff Po, Arianna
is asking readers to nominate people using "new media" to change
the world.
I nominated you already but I'm not sure how
to get the Bartcoppers to rise up and stuff the ballot box.
This could get you exposure to some new readers.
Keep after the bastards!
Bart, I wish I could be sending you more and more
You are my daily dose of sanity. I realize
how much time and effort
you must put into the page and radio and we readers
need to do
everything possible to keep it going.
You know, a squirt gun works pretty good in training
Keep doing what you do.
Grego in CO
Greg, thanks for that.
Our squirt gun gets a lot of use :)
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