Friday-Monday August 21-24, 2009 Vol 2384 - Coked-up Rat
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Quotes "May, June, July, August, September, October,
November, December - no hurricanes. Thank God."
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is for suckers
But if seeking consensus is still his strategy,
as he and his advisors insist, it may be time for a rethink. All the months
The simple truth is that there is nobody on the
Republican side who wants to negotiate with Obama. They are no longer
I hate to ask, but is Obama "pulling a John
Kerry" on health care? Why does he refuse to fight back?
We're all hoping Obama's got some fabulous rope-a-dope thing going,
Barack, are you really going to stand there and do nothing? In 1995, health care was "too big to fix because it was 1/7 of the economy." Now it's 1/6 of the economy and if you continue to let them beat you
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Quotes "Harry Reid is on the ropes. Either Republican
Danny Tarkanian or Sue Lowden would knock out Reid
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Subject: Has Krugman been reading Bartcop? Bart, Krugman wrote: "Obama has wasted months trying to appease
people who can’t be appeased, and who take every concession
At some point Obama is going to have to get real.
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New! RESIST DRAMA T-shirt!
Subject: Time to go Nuclear on Filibuster Since the Democrats took control of the Senate
the Republicans have used the filibuster to block almost everything.
America voted and we won and it's time for us
to rule.
Marc Perkel
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Here to see if reality
Internet helps Amnesia Victim He woke up in a park in Seattle with $600 in his socks and no memory. I've always thought it would be fun to try to help a victim of amnesia. For instance, What color uniform should a football team wear?
Did you ever take the subway?
How hot does it get in the summer?
What time does David Letterman come on?
What's your favorite kind of pizza?
Does he "take" a shave?
His accent would tell a lot. People from Mississippi talk
different than Okies.
How many square feet does your home have?
Do you pay a toll going to work? How tall is a tall building? Ever been to Vegas? What color are police cars? Do you have a big back yard? What's your favorite beer?
How much does a movie cost?
If he cooperated, I think I could "break" him in an hour.
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personalized website design and hosting.
Reminder: Live Chat Next time Obama has an evening press conference or town hall
You might want to go there in advance
Does Obama have the guts? Excerpt:
Could she have been right when she said that he
was the candidate of lofty promises -- 'the skies will open,
"In her former life as a presidential candidate,
Clinton warned voters that Obama would let them down.
"She said it was not just a matter of Obama lacking
experience -- that was the least of it -- but that he lacked
And we are now going to see how he governs when
it comes to meaningful health care reform.
How Obama acts right now on health care reform
could tell us how he will act for the rest of his presidency.
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Subject: NetRoots Nation Bart,
Bob, thanks for that. Maybe The Big Dog was there talking to the bloggers ...and I know he was asking everybody, "Where's Bartcop? He's had my back since
waaaaaaay before '98 when I needed him.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind sharing shots of mas-fina tequila with
you and Bill Clinton.
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Quotes "The administration is finally realizing -
although they should have realized it long ago - that they’re
You could've asked me last year what was going to happen. How can a sharp guy like Obama not see the obvious?
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Subject: Boom Goes the Dynamite Hi Bart,
People just think it's all bullshit now when they
don't see Reid or Pelosi
I wish he would listen to you.
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Quotes "Is Obama bending over backwards, to achieve
bipartisanship...so he can SAY he bent over backwards
I hope, in a month or two, I'm forced to write,
I have a question: The right-wing says everybody has health care
My question?
Subject: Survival trip to Denver Bart,
What is this survival trip to Denver?
Donations have fallen to a dangerous level.
I am determined to survive.
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Are you on it? All we ask is you put ours on yours.
When a Rethug comes in to the ER,
Health Care
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Subject: District 9 I disagree with your review, but I do understand your frustration... It was similar to Shawshank, Schindler's List
and Papillon in that it was depressing and pessimistic.
And, unlike Lord of the Rings, Independence Day,
etc., not at all escapist.
But I had read early reviews and known that it
was very gritty and a big downer. Hey, sometimes despair
See you at the Movies,
So why did the trailer make us think it was going to be a slam-bang
action ride?
Peter Jackson, thy name is whore.
Subject: District 9 Bart, you were expecting a shoot-'em-up sci-fi film? This wasn't intended to be that. I was expecting what the previews suggested.
The director and writer came from South Africa,
and were around at the time when that was an openly racist country.
Also, the big oppressive military force was a corporation, just like Blackwater, making money off that racism. I get that, it just wasn't fun to watch. It's been a long time since science fiction films
actually asked the audience to use its brain.
I wouldn't call District 9 a great film, but it's
a smart film. It shows you can make a movie at a fraction
Yep, they saved money by having unknown actors play in a sewer for 2 hours. You can catch my longer review at http://www.cartoongeeks.com
if you want.
Subject: District 9 Bart, you are such a pussy.
Meaning what?
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Cash for
Clunkers ending
The program proved wildly popular, running through
its initial $1 billion in its first week
So why are we ending it - is this another Democratic laydown? The right-wing liars have been screaming about
the cost of this program which
So it's a little expensive, but we should ask, "Compared to what?"
Bush gave Colgate $300M and who did they hire? Nobody!
Bush gave his crooked Enron friends $772M and who did they hire? Nobody!
Bush gave Ford $5.5 billion and who did they hire? Nobody!
Bush gave GE $5.3 billion and who did they hire? Nobody!
Bush gave IBM $2.5 billion and who did they hire? Nobody!
Bush gave Microsteal $7.2 billion and who did they hire? Nobody!
Bush gave the crroks at WorldCom $4 billion and who did they hire? Nobody! Bush gave those corporate robbers $25.5 billion and who did they hire? Nobody! But when Obama gives a half a million families new, fuel-efficient
cars while saving tens of thousands of jobs
Why won't somebody list the damn facts? I'm putting this section on it's own page. PLEASE forward this to people. Maybe we can get somebody to look at the facts.
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Quotes "You know, pharmaceutical companies don't make
a lot of money."
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Shopping online? Use this Amazon
Subject: Barney Frank vs the Wingnuts Excerpt: Great point.
How do Rethugs get poor people to act against
their own interests?
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Twitter - still dead I guess nobody knows anything about Twitter? How can something so big be so broke?
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Subject: Open letter to Obama Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Y o u r
A d
H e r e
Trust me - dozens of people read that.
If YOUR ad was here, people would
Still the best advertising bargain on the Net Banner ads by the day,
Hate Glenn Beck
A total of 33 Fox advertisers, including Wal-Mart
Stores Inc., CVS Caremark, Clorox and Sprint, directed that
While it's unclear what effect, if any, this will
ultimately have on Fox and Beck, it is already making
You're right - it doesn't work.
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Subject: Tom Ridge admitted... In regards to Tom Ridge saying the Bush Cabal
wanted to raise the terror level artificially before the 2004 election,
Again another example of who the chief terrorists really are (especially as long as they walk free). These criminals stole from us, laughed and lied
to us with BS manifested from torturing.
As I've said for years, if the sheriff does nothing when you rob the bank, rob it every day. If the Dems do nothing when the GOP commits a crime, they'll continue with their crime spree. Is Eric Holder still on vacation?
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We're on Twitter Look for bartcop Note: If you sign up,
Subject: blogs failing Bart, your financial woes are practically a guarantee that you're on the side of the angels. I wouldn't blame you if you went over to the Dark
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Be on Bartcop
It's easy
- just call the BartPhone
Ditto Monkeys
are welcome to call! Keep your
language decent
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Quotes "In our society somebody who is indicted for
violating campaign finance law is now
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Subject: Brits angry about GOP health care lies Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
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Subject: Donation Just because you deserve the support and
Wayne, that was cool, thanks.
or send a "love" check to
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