Thursday August 20, 2009 Vol 2383 - Reckless eye-balling
Quotes "On what planet do you spend most of your time?
Trying to have
"It's about time we had evidence of an elected
official having some balls. What's hilarious is that the
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Dean Challenges Obama to Deliver Reform Excerpt:
Dean he sees his role as fighting for progressive
values, asserting again and again that health-care reform
"The worst thing that could happen is to pass
a bill without a public option," said Dean. "We'd put 60 billion new dollars
"We all voted for change we can believe in.
If we don't get it, we'll get some more change in 2010,"
I want to stand with my president, but Dean is right.
I wish Obama would stop playing footsies with the evil sons of bitches
Why do Democrats always fucking roll over when the going gets even a
little tough?
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Quotes "All the organizing and traveling and talking
and shouting has left the president’s plans
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Subject: Texas Bart, you asked: > Why does Texas wage a constant war on science, logic and common sense? Since I live here I can say with complete assurance
it's because Texas is the dumbest goddamn state in the country.
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New! RESIST DRAMA T-shirt!
Subject: interesting Worst President Ever sign
Even tho Bush hold the modern record for most Western Hemisphere murders, that's going too far. When you murder over 100,000 innocent civilians, shouldn't you have a reason? Bernard Goetz shot and wounded 4 thugs,
and we sent him to prison.
...but George Bush kills 100,000 and wins re-election as "the morality president." People of America - what happened to
your sense of decency?
"It's my
fault for being such a douche
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Here to see if reality
Barack, I Apologize Excerpt:
You KNEW what was going to happen at those town hall meetings during the slow news month of August. You KNEW the Republicans would start feeling confident that they could knock you out while they had you on the ropes. You KNEW whacked out Birthers and Deathers and Teabaggers were going to project their ignorant assed bullshit on eveyrbody. And I'll even bet you KNEW Charles "I Tweet Dumb Shit" Grassley would fucking BRAG about how he wasn't negotiating in good faith. Well, August is now more than half over.
Your ducks are all in a row. You now have every right to say, "we negotiated
in good faith with the Republicans to develop health care reform legislation.
BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE! Masterful. I'm sorry I ever doubted you.
This would be great if we could believe it.
We're betting our health care that Obama can pull this off and
that's one helluva gamble.
Some poll says people trust lying Republicunts more than Obama on the
issue, so where are we now?
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personalized website design and hosting.
people stupid racists
So where were these geniuses back when Clinton
was being called a drug smuggler and mass murderer? When militiamen spotted
Conservatives determined to prevent Obama from
succeeding understand that their best chance is to frighten poorly informed
Too often, the Democratic response goes something
like this: "The claims can be debunked a million times and it would make
not one
Persuasive, don't you think? OK, so I took that
from a fellow on my Facebook page. It's sadly typical. For a generation
To the extent Democrats resist, it's mainly on
Web sites like the invaluable Media Matters for America. What's needed,
No, the argument can't be won overnight. On the
other hand, it can't be won at all by calling people stupid racists.
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Subject: Madalyn Murray O'Hair Clarification I can't believe I'm defending the religious right... but truth is truth. You wrote, > "Damn, she was fun to watch - until they murdered her". I, and I figure most readers, interpreted that
as implying that religious nut jobs had killed her
Also, the more I read the less admirable a figure
she becomes,
You're correct!
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Like to write about beer?
Quotes "No one has ever died from marijuana that wasn't
shot by a cop."
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Subject: missing the point on the Texas Bible School Hey Bart, This is pure comedy gold! Imagine Genesis 19 being taught in school -- 30 Lot dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
If people actually read all of the bible, their
views on it would radically change.
Damn, it sounds like Sarah Palin's family.
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Quotes "Nevada Sen. John Ensign says his affair with
a friend's wife was different from Bill Clinton's affair with
Excuse me, piece-of-shit-liar, Clinton was accused of lying and was found Not Guilty. Your words, however, are not only lies but they are slanderous
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Subject: Bill from CT Tell Bill to hang tough - what if our Prez is
actually going to get us health care
When has not fighting back ever worked?
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The problem
with Wikipedia
So Wikipedia is fine for "fun stuff". But for
research it tends to be watered down
For example: A website I put together years ago...
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Subject: Goodbye, Texas I actually told God that I would go to church,
pay tithes, all of this faithfully if he would get Texas to succeed.
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Hands off Marc Emery!! Excerpt:
Everyone knows that about half of Americans are
morons who believe pot-smoking to be roughly on a par
When the US DEA said, "We want to arrest a Canadian
on Canadian soil and EXTRADITE him to the US
And that's what happened. To save a couple of
people who worked with him, Emery agreed to be extradited
For selling seeds...
God, America is such a backwards country. Will Obama let this abomination happen?
Where does the US get off pressuring other countries to surrender their
I recently saw a shaman smoking pot on Nepal on the History Channel.
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Bartcop Radio Show Summaries by Pete
Subject: Tom Ridge admits Tom Ridge, in his new autobiography, wrote that
he was pressured into raising the terror color alert by Bush and Cheney
When are we going to hold these jerks accountable?
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Quotes "Well, I’d like the President to produce his
birth certificate. I can. Most illegal aliens here in America can.
Did you know DeLay was once sued
by a vacuum hose from a 1978 Ford F-150
for sexual harrassment?
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Shopping online? Use this Amazon
Subject: Texas's mandatory Bible Clas From the article: > Nonsense, said William Mattox Jr. in USA
Today. “You can’t effectively explore American history,
Actually, American history and pop culture are
fairly transparent without a knowledge of the Bible.
The foundations of our Democracy has some influences
from the Bible. However, there are as many or more influences from
I continually point out to Christians that the majority of people in prisons ARE Christians. They are there because they have committed actual
CRIMES; thety are not there because they are "being persecuted for
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Subject: Jesus' first miracle Grape juice was developed by minister, physician,
and dentist Dr. Thomas Brantwell Welch in 1869.
Either Jesus' miracle was an early version of
this process and it was lost for over 1800 years,
Joel, I think grape juice was developed the first time someone crushed
a grape.
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Y o u r
A d
H e r e
Trust me - dozens of people read that.
If YOUR ad was here, people would
Still the best advertising bargain on the Net Banner ads by the day,
'Ism' Factor
But she certainly shares McCarthy's other attributes
-- and this one as well: the ability to drive the debate. In McCarthy's
With Palin, the subject is health care, which
is the Red Menace of our day and lends itself to a kind of political pornography.
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Subject: Proud to be a Liberal Bart, I swiped this off your site in 2001 It's as true now as it ever was. Thanks for being there and giving me ammo against
the greedheads and wingnuts.
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Subject: health care is like bottled water Bart, I have been watching the town hall meetings
and see mostly seniors (who have medicare?)
Our office of about 20 people voted on whether
to buy a bottled water service to deliver those big 5 gallon
Isn't that what this is? The seniors who
have medicare and those who already have insurance are worried
I don't think people would be so upset if they
hadn't just watched the big bank/insurance bailout,
I also enjoyed Rachel
Maddow's recent skit about ordering a pizza: Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Anyone know how Twitter works? I have a bunch of "follows" that Twitter won't allow me to check AS followers, know what I mean? It'll say "Bob is following you," but
when I click to follow Bob
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We're on Twitter Look for bartcop Note: If you sign up, you'll get an instant Twitter alert when
Quotes "The more the libs attack Palin, the more I
We don't fear that crazy bitch - we fear the damage she'd do with her Bush-brain.
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If Obama
would lead...
Obama is turning out to be a disastrous president,
wholly unsuited for the times
In Obama, we get all the corporate toadying of
the last Democratic president, along with an even greater
There is apparently absolutely no bottom - as
the events of recent weeks have reconfirmed - to the pit of
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Quotes "We already have death panels in America -
it's run by the insurance companies. They already decide
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There was a Netroots bloggers convention last week - somewhere. Why don't they ever advertise that they're holding one of those things? I never find out about them until someone writes that they were there.
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District 9 - movie review This was the worst movie I've seen since there's been a bartcop.com You want to read these spoilers, otherwise you might screw up and buy tickets. It was such a dog of a movie, it peed on my f-ing
take your kids to this movie.
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No Friday issue I have another scary date with the train doctor tomorrow. When it's over, we're going to see Inglourious Basterds.
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Subject: Donation Hi Bart.
Thanks (again) for keeping me sane!
Carol, it was nice of you to make the pie higher.
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