#156 is up BCR
#157 is up Links at the bottom of
the page
Thurs-Friday August 27-28, 2009
Vol 2386 - Into
the Sun
Quote of
the Day
"Sailing on Mya with Vicki at my side
and my dogs, Splash and Sunny, at my feet. And,
of course, a Democrat in the White House and regaining our majority in the Senate." -- Teddy, asked what his idea of happiness was,
"This country is now much better off, one less
socialist, anti freedom senator."
"Now if we could just talk God into taking
Spector, Reid and Pelosi, America would be Eutopia!"
"good riddens"
"I hope God makes him babysit all the aborted
children for eternity."
"Ted Kennedy dying has made my day...."
"Good ridencance to a sorry person."
"It's about time, we can only hope Pelosi and
Ried will be joining him very soon. All 3 of them should be buried in Moscow." -- comments on Sarah
Palin's facebook page, Link
Excerpt: Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma says he will vote
against the healthcare reform bill before reading it.
The Republican whore insisted: "I don't have
to read it, or know what's in it. I'm going to oppose it anyways.”
According to the Express-Star, Inhofe admitted
he would not read the bill at a town hall meeting in Chickasha, Oklahoma.
Inhofe said public opinion and information provided
by news media have helped him become a staunch non-supporter of the bill.
The senate's stupidest senator isn't the only
Republican who will not read the bill before voting on it.
Mitch the Bitch says he has also not read the
proposal, but says he knows enough about it to hate it.
"Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this
week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining
who is actually running the White House.
-- Sarah Crazy, wehateclintons.com
I give up - who's actually running the White House?
Rex Rammell, the East Idaho veterinarian who would
like to be a Senator or governor or something,
has criticized Gov. Otter for not buying the
first wolf tag and indicated he'd buy an "Obama tag" if offered.
Apparently, you need to buy a tag before you kill a wolf.
When will the "Let's kill Obama"
jokes stop being funny?
I was so proud of my wife, Evelyn.
Yesterday she got a call from the Clark County
Democrats, asking for a donation.
She told the caller she would consider a donation
when the Dems grew some balls and fought back.
He said he hears words to that effect a lot.
Don in Vancouver, Wa
It's uncertain if anything exists that will make a Democrat fight, (unless
it's against the Clintons)
but donations drying up probably has the best chance.
Excerpt: So yet another Bush administration Cabinet-level
official has petitioned to get his conscience and reputation back.
This time, it's Tom Ridge. He admits in a new
book that he felt political pressure from the White House to issue
bogus terror alerts before the 2004 presidential
Big surprise, right? By 2004, anybody who didn't
grasp that crying wolf was the Bush/Cheney administration's
basic game plan was probably also astonished
last January when the "Texas cowboy" who's never been seen
on a horse chose a Dallas mansion over his beloved
ranch. Golly, who's doing all that brush-cutting?
Indeed, the most fascinating aspect of the Ridge
revelations has been a flame war that's broken out between
establishment Washington pundits and less-reverent
bloggers. The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder started it by
observing that he and like-minded colleagues
were actually right to be wrong about fake terror warnings.
People who smelled a rat, see, "based their assumption
on gut hatred for President Bush, and not on any
evaluation of the raw intelligence." Whereas,
sober-sided thinkers like him credited Bush's good intentions.
Excerpt: Organizers of an Anchorage event that has been
billing Sarah Palin for weeks as a star speaker were left scrambling
Wednesday after learning that the former governor
won't be there for tonight's event and claims to have never been asked.
It would be at least the fourth time in recent
months that an anticipated Palin speech has fallen through after the
publicity whore and her camp disputed they had
ever confirmed it. That includes the brouhaha over whether she'd
speak at the annual congressional Republican
fundraising dinner in Washington, D.C., this summer.
Can you have a coincidence four times in four months?
Hey Bart, I’m listening to BCR #155 and you make
some very good observations about what Beck is shoveling.
The numbers game is a particularly interesting
part of his scare tactic, but you cut that down very quickly using
something foreign to these types called logic
and the election results. Demagogues like Rush and Hannity use
simple formulas to spread their lies, but with
Beck you really have to question his sanity.
Bill from CT
BCR 156 has an 18 minute Glenn Beck beatdown.
Click Here to listen
to some Bartcop radio Warning,
I use the language most Americans use.
Right Click Here
to download it to a CD and give a copy to that Glenn Beck-loving asshole
you work with.
Quotes "Obama wants to rebuild New Orleans. Why?
Build it and they will come. They? The debris
that Katrina chased out."
-- Neal Boortz (R-Pigboy wannabe) on why he hates poor Black people,
"Senator Kennedy is beloved for one reason:
He used the government to take money from people that work
and give it to people that don't." -- the vulgar Pigboy
Excerpt: Shirley Rish of Mesa, Ariz., met with an orthopedic
specialist earlier this month hoping for relief from some pain
in her wrist. Instead, she received an unwanted
dose of politics.
"Well, we're in a box, because I can't give you
a cortisone shot, because of the valley fever," the specialist said,
according to Rish, who had recently recovered
from valley fever. "Your valley fever doctor would not be happy with me.
But we're lucky we're not in the Obama box,
because if we were, I couldn't treat you because you're over 70."
"I could not believe my ears," Rish said in an
interview with wehateclintons.com. She took what the doctor said
to be a version of the false "death panel" propaganda
spread by health care opponents. She told him she disagreed.
"I'm 74, but I'm not stupid," she said."
Why not name the crazy handjob doctor?
She's not really going back to this racist, birther nutbag, is she?
Excerpt: Are you sick to death of the I-can-out-crazy-your-crazy
screaming, the Obama-wants-to-kill-yo-mama infantilism,
the he's-a-Kenyan-Nazi-Communist, America-doesn't-apologize,
torture-shmorture, government-is-evil-except-when
-it's-interrogating-Muslims, my-gun-gets-bigger-when-you-rub-it,
and the O'Reilly-Beck-Hannity-Limbaugh Axis-of-Evil?
If the answer is yes, I salute you. If the answer
is no, I also salute you... with this one finger.
I have some advice for President
Obama. Stop trying to get these people
to realize how wrong they are and how right you are.
Stop trying to apply reason to the profoundly
unreasonable. Stop trying to mitigate or explain their collective temper
Stop trying to curry their favor, their votes,
their attention. They don't care about truth, right and wrong, good or
They care about stomping feet, crying victim,
and pointing fingers. Barney Frank had it exactly right, it's like arguing
with a dining room table. Enough is enough. Fuck
When will Obama get the message?
Will he let them kill health care and then
realize what a mistake he's made?
"On Martha's Vineyard, they're serving a new
drink inspired by Obama. It's an Obamarita. And remember George W. Bush?
He inspired the Mojidiot." -- Letterman
Use this Amazon
portal and they'll send bartcop.com pennies from each dollar.
"Obama wants to mandate circumcision ... And
that means, if we need to save our penises from
anybody, it's Obama." -- the vulgar
Pigboy, fantasizing about sex with a Black man,
It's been a while but I hope you and your Chinaco
bottle are OK.
I called both Ron Reagan Jr. and Stephanie Miller
(boy, is she hot to talk with!!!)
and told them that a single payer proposal should
have hit Congress' desk before
the table settings were cleared at the inauguration.
This is nuts. Between the jackasses for
the Rethugs and clowns like Baucus
and Conrad they could screw up a wet dream with
Megan Fox.
Chris From NJ
"It is difficult to get a man to understand
something when his salary depends upon his not
understanding it."
-- Upton Sinclair, talking about our lying media whores, Link
For some reason, Windows turns my JPGs into JPEs
- does anybody know how to stop this?
When I click on a JPE, a fucking window pops up
and says,
"You can't open a JPE with Windows, would
you like to convert it to a JPG?"
It was a JPG when I saved the son of a bitch
but once again, Bill Gates steps in to "help."
This sounds like a small thing but when you deal
in hundreds of pictures a day it's pretty goddamn frustrating.
There are dozens of "helpful" features on Windows that I wish I could
turn the hell off.
Another one is the auto-copy feature.
If I failt to click on a picture perfectly (I'm a busy man and I've
got shit to so) it makes a copy of the picture.
Who needs that crap?
Why can't those Microsteal crazies just stop making "improvements?"
Is there a way to turn off all the idiotic features in Windows?
People say "Apple products are so intuitive." I think they mean, "Apple isn't as crazy-gimmick-happy
as f-ing Windows."
Excerpt: I couldn't help, while watching the idiots ranting
untruths about gays, god and guns at town hall meetings on healthcare,
wondering why the left isn't somehow capable
of motivating the great majority of Americans who are, to be charitable,
dumb as a post. We've been idiots! Why focus
on a tiny minority of intellectuals and well-informed newspaper readers?
We need to go where the demographic action is--the
I'm willing to bet Holder doesn't do a damn thing.
Anyone out there crazy enough to bet on a Democrat
actually doing something about the Bush bastards?
Subject: Trying to shake Obama
out of his naive fog
It seems as though Maxine Waters is sending Obama
a good message; oh! if only he will heed it.
Being nice isn't always the answer; bullies love
picking on the meek;
and it worries me that Obama just might turn
into a John Kerry if he doesn't fight back.
He has the ability to be a "bully stopper" but
he has to stop believing that
the republicans and the blue dog democrats are
really human.
Marian in MO
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Great Idea...
Obama should offer to debate Sarah Palin on health
What's she going to say, "I'm
too busy with Facebook?" You think the offer would strike fear into the hearts of the crazies.
Deep down, they know Palin is as stupid as bellybutton lint.
If she says she can't fit a debate into her "busy" schedule, Obama could
fly to Wasilla.
How's she going to say she doesn't have two hours for the president?
At the very least, the debate offer should get her to shut the fuck
If she's "too busy" to debate, she'll probably stop throwing barbs
at health care
but Obama would probably see this idea as "an attack" so he won't do
I've also suggested he ask everyone in favor of health care reform to
march in the streets but that idea isn't getting any traction, either. Why bother
showing America which side the
vast majority are on when you can hold still and do nothing - the usual
Democratic plan?
Obama either wants to reform health care or he doesn't.
He seems to be proving a point I've made for years and years - that
are willing to accept victory if
it falls into their lap, but they refuse to work for it.
Are we going to go down without a fight - fucking once again?
Obama's approval is down to 50%.
Is he going to wait until it gets to 40%
before he joins the fight?
After World War 3 the Nazis where put on trial
for war crimes.
Many of them used the excuse that they were "just
following orders".
Although the scale isn't as great are WWII members
of the CIA who tortured
and killed prisoners are using the same excuse
- I was just following orders.
If we don't prosecute these people then it sends
a message to the CIA that
they can break any laws without having to pay
a price. That is the wrong message.
I want CIA members to know that torture and murder
are wrong no matter if the president
is ordering you to break the law or not. In the
future if a criminal president orders the CIA
to torture and murder I want the to have a good
reason to say, "NO - this is wrong and I will not do it!"
It's easy
- just call the BartPhone at 1-800-530-2979
leave your 2 minute message or question or joke or impression to be played
on BCR. If you screw it up, just say it again and I'll edit the bad part
out. Ditto Monkeys
are welcome to call!
Keep your
language decent so I can
play it in BCR@
Excerpt: A lawyer for "Survivor" winner Richard Hatch
is threatening to go to court if her client is not released from jail.
Hatch had been serving the remainder of a prison
term for tax evasion on home confinement at his sister's home.
He was jailed Aug. 18 after granting two TV interviews
without the Bureau of Prisons' permission.
Hatch was not allowed to have a lawyer present
at Wednesday's hearing with two sheriff's deputies.
His lawyer and the Rhode Island ACLU submitted
witness statements.
Are we still in Bush's Amerikkka? Why is Hatch in a cage for illegal speaking?
The ACLU claims that Hatch's constitutional free
speech rights are being trampled. "It is appalling that
he would be sent to jail for engaging in quintessential
free speech activity," the ACLU said in a statement.
He might be going back to jail for talking to Matt Lauer and Access
What kind of bullshit is that?
What are the prison bastards so afraid of?
1) Peter Jackson was the producer, not the
director, so about all he did was go to the studio and say
"I like this filmmaker and this is a good script".
They put his name on it because he has more clout than the filmmaker.
Actually, they put his name on it because people
like me once trusted him.
When I heard it was a PJ movie, I immediately
reached for my wallet.
2) You can't blame the filmmaker for the
ads, those are put together by the studio.
If you go by the ads, "Funny People" is a laugh
a minute movie about stand up comedy,
"Inglorious Basterds" is a constant action picture
and "G. I. Joe" is a good movie worth watching.
I disagree.
When you sign a contract, you negotiate trailer
size, days of shooting, what meals you want, your per diem,
where your name goes (above or below the title)
and you can have a "no nudity" clause if you're extra hot.
If PJ took out a full page in Variety and said,
sorry they misled you," then I
wouldn't blame him.
3) Entertainment Weekly had a cover feature
about how the movie is about refugees, racism, xenophobia, etc.
..and not an action movie.
I don't get that magazine, but I saw all those
expensive ads on TV that played up the flying saucer.
With all of those points I can see why you didn't
like it (I did and think it was the best political movie in years),
but to blame the filmmakers for it not being
what you thought it would be just doesn't work for me.
Cory!! Strode
The Best Dressed Man In Comics
My expectations were reasonable.
PJ did Lord of the Rings and King Kong. Who knew he was going to spend his next movie in a trash dump?
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"The safest place during a stampede is the
middle of the herd. Establishment journalists with mortgages, car payments and children
in private schools saw what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Why couldn't it happen
to them?"
-- Gene Lyons, on why reporters told so many lies to help Bush,
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