Tues-Wed September 29-30, 2009 Vol
2404 - Excited Utterance
Quote of
the Day
"Palin's new book was written by a hardcore Christianist; the Hong Kong speech
was written by a hardcore neocon. She remains the
hood ornament for a marketing campaign that
now passes for the conservative movement."
-- Andrew Sullivan, gay Rethug, Link
Today's Tequila Treehouse...
block Public Option
Ben Stein
- Thief and Whore
eases pot penalties
More quackery
at HuffPo
meet the new sheriff
Is Glenn
Beck a Rapist?
The Mess
Left Behind
Spears's 3-way
Help Bartcop.com
to bartcop@bartcop.com
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bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
"Obama's first act as president of any consequence,
in the middle of a financial meltdown, was to send taxpayers' money overseas to pay for
the killing of unborn children in other countries. If a president will
do that, there's almost nothing that you should
be surprised at after that. We shouldn't be shocked that he does all
these other insane things. A president
that has lost his way that badly, that has no ability to see the image
of God in these little fellow human beings, if
he can't do that right, then he has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is
an enemy of humanity." -- Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ),
raising hate speech to a whole new level, wehateclintons.com
Excerpt: Democrats vowed to keep fighting for a government-
run health-insurance program
after the Democratic-led finance committee defeated
the proposal yesterday.
The panel rejected amendments offered by Schumer
and Jay Rockefeller to create a
“public option” that would compete with private
insurers such as Indianapolis- based WellPoint Inc.
Panel chairman Max Baucus (D-Traitor) and two
other Democrats joined with all of the committee’s
Republican sons of bitches to vote against both
amendments to keep 50 million people uninsured.
When will Obama decide to come to work?
When will Obama give up his "Kumbaya" pipe dreams?
When will Obama get a clue about how politics works?
I don't mean to be harsh, but every day it gets worse.
What would Barney Fife say?
"Nip it
- nip it in the bud!"
Don't tell me about how important it is to get
an education,
or to develop your skills in order to get ahead
in this world ...
Item: Sarah Palin got $300,000 for talkin' fuckin'
gibberish for an hour or so
to Chinese bankers (aren't bankers supposed to
be smart?)
Item: Howard Stern got a 5-year $500,000,000 contract
for talkin' dirty for 3hrs a day, 4 days a week.
I'm not even gonna get into the Rush-Hannity-Beck
Axis of Ignorance,
but there's untold millions shoveled into that
blind pool of confusion as well.
The kids who never got to hear Obama's speech
didn't miss nothin' -- stoopid pays good in Kapitalist Amerika.
(sorry, it's just that I mourn the passing of
the old American values I grew up with)
"While some lawmakers from other parts of the
country showed a lack of concern and understanding after Katrina it’s hard to understand
how Rep Steve King (R-Heartless) a lawmaker from Iowa, a state that’s also vulnerable to flooding,
could be unwilling to help."
-- the Times-Picayune, New Orleans’ award-winning newspaper, Link
King does that because it's the GOP's Christian motto:
"I got mine, those with less can go fuck themselves."
You guys have the reputation of spoiled shit and it's getting
especially with minorities and that's what - 30 million votes?.
Excerpt: Freescore.com is one of those ugly online companies
that offers a free service, but then baits you into a
$30/month subscription service. Now they're suing
Yahoo in an attempt to reveal an anonymous blogger
who quoted a Reuters article when describing
their service as "predatory bait and switch," and who revealed
that Freescore is owned by a company with a long
history of billing customers without permission.
You may have seen Ben Stein hawking Freescore.com
on your TV in recent months. (It's why he was fired from the
New York Whore Times in August, in fact, because
of a perceived conflict of interest.) It's no different from any other
"free" credit report nonsense out there in that
after a short trial period—7 days in this case—you have to pay for what
can get for free once a year from annualcreditreport.com.
The company exists to lure in people who don't mind paying
unnecessary fees, as well as people who don't
read fine print, as well as those who do read fine print but forget to
within that 7 day window. Freescore.com is even
more obnoxious in that it will charge you $1 to access your "free" initial
results; the fine print says that if you choose
to cancel within 7 days, "remember to ask for a refund of your $1 processing
I've talked about these crooks on Bartcop Radio.
They keep screaming "FREE" at you,
but they need your credit card for "verification."
They they bill you to death with phoney charges - and you get tired
of fighting them.
But the good news is - they've been caught.
A few years ago they had to pay a million dollar fine for lying,
cheating and stealing
but we must assume, with Bush's Justice Dept, they probably stole $20M
in fees
so paying a million dollar fine is just the cost of doing business
- and they're STILL stealing.
So the next time you hear that obnoxious yodeling commercial, think
bastards are crooks," and then remember that the worthless piece of shit Ben Stein is in
bed with those crooked bastards.
"The president...is trying to talk softly about
health-care reform in hopes that Republicans in Congress will support a reform bill. Forget
it, Mr. President. The Republicans are not going to give you an inch. That also goes for the so-called "blue
dog Democrats," who are really Republicans at heart. The
biggest failure will result from the president’s reluctance to fight..."
-- Helen Thomas, Link
Everybody but Obama sees things the same
Quarterback Obama refuses to suit up and
get on the field - and his team is losing - badly.
If/when Obama loses his first giant fight, he'll become a crippled,
lame-duck president.
Why doesn't Obama understand that?
Why can't he see what everyone else sees?
Why does he continue to expect friendly results from the rabid
dogs that hate him?
We need a fighter and we have a Kerry-ish response, instead.
So the question might become - who will the Democrats run for
president in 2012?
Do you think Obama made Hillary SoS so she couldn't run against
him in 2012?
If Hillary resigns, say in 2011, look for that to happen.
We need a fighter - not a great speech.
Rabid dogs don't respond to great speeches.
"I'm a little bit disappointed. I know he's
strongly for it, and I know his tactic has been to let the Congress do his work and then he'll come in
when the crunch really counts. Well, the crunch is really beginning to
count now, so I think it's important that he come
in at this point strongly." -- Jay Rockefeller, wondering
why Obama refuses to come to work, Link
No boxes checked on his to-do list?
What about the reports that the economy is recovering?
Isn't the war in Iraq winding down?
Aren't whole platoons leaving Iraq?
Isn't Gitmo shutting down?
Notice how everything on that list has an "ing"
in it?
Can you say "Job well done" for something that's
getting less worse than it was?
Wasn't the "Cash for Clunkers" successful?
Yes, it was wildly successful, but then the GOP
said, "We hate that,"
so they ended it early.
If only Obama had chosen to fight back and keep
that great success going.
Didn't he give it his best shot to have bipartisan
health care reform?
We're losing the health care war and he's putting
daisies in the GOP's guns.
I suggest that strategy be replaced.
Don't we have more respect around the world and
real allies since he became President?
True, the world is relieved that the murdering,
torturing dictator is gone.
This is not an inconsiderable list of accomplishments
in his first 9 months... especially given the hot mess he inherited?
Doesn't President Obama have enough detractors
Unlike most of his detractors, I'm just trying
to get him to come to work.
Yes, it's tough work, but it's like Angelo Dundee barking at Sugar
Ray Leonard.
"It's the last round and I need three great
minutes from you." (Actually, he said, "Do you wanna be a fucking
bum all your life?") I don't think we've gotten our three minutes yet.
His "The GOP will come around sooner or later"
mistake is killing us.
Excerpt: Ever since its very inception, I've been--shall
we say?--less than enthusiastic about HuffPo's medical blogging.
Indeed, the level of anti-vaccine rhetoric there
from the very beginning, back in 2005, astounded me. If anything,
HuffPo's record has gotten even worse over the
last four years, be it Deepak Chopra, or, in 2009, the addition of
a variety of quacks to its roster, not to mention
a brain-blisteringly stupid anti-vaccine rant by Fire Marshal Bill --I
Jim Carrey--the promotion of "functional medicine"
quackery by Mark Hyman, "detox" woo, or several different
varieties of swine flu quackery. (Speaking of
swine flu quackery, there's been some more at HuffPo just the other day.
Fortunately, PalMD's on the case.) Heck, there's
even at least one post advocating "distant healing."
In any case, it seems to me that the quackery
quotient of HuffPo has been escalating ever since Patricia Fitzgerald,
acupuncturist and homeopath, was hired as HuffPo's
"Wellness Editor." The trend has continued since Dr. Dean Ornish
was hired to become HuffPo's medical editor.
A more embarrassing title I'm hard pressed to come up with. HuffPo's
"medical editor"? Is that like being the biologist
in charge of Ken Ham's "Creation Museum"?
ha ha
I don't get all that but I think Arianna is a power-hungry fraud and
I don't trust her.
A year ago, was any site more lose with the facts than HuffPo?
On Sunday, we Germans elected a new government
(Merkel will still be on top),
but the interesting part is that we will probably
get a new Foreign Secretary, who is openly gay!!!
I don't like him because of his politics, but
I'm very interested in how he will be received in countries
where being gay is bad for most of the people,
like the islamic world, Latin America, the USA etc.
What do you think about his reception in the
"Obama should be called the first Muslim American
President...a lot of Muslims think he is Muslim. But the key to me, is, he is pursuing
a course that is indistinguishable in important respects from that of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose mission
is to destroy Western civilization from within." -- Frank Gaffney at the "We're
all handjobs" conference,
This is the kind of rabid dog Obama is trying to reason
"Thank your hero, W, for making the Rethuglican
brand so toxic that America would vote for a
Muslim ...over a war hero..." -- Robbez, Link
"If they had any balls at all, they’d just
put their robes and hoods on and burn a cross. But they’re
cowards, so they won’t." -- tombaker, Link
"Andy Williams recently said that Obama is
"following Marxist theory" and wants to turn the US into a "socialist country"...I probably
wouldn't even remember who the heck Andy Williams is today, except that he was once married to
the delightful Claudine Longet, who shot her boyfriend while still married to Andy Williams. I am beginning
to think that it is entirely possible that she shot the wrong guy..." --
Dr. Zaius, Link
I wish I had a photo of that old fuck Andy Williams exposing
Excerpt: Nevada's reputation as the state with the toughest
marijuana penalties ends Monday when
a state law goes into effect that makes possession
of small amounts of pot a misdemeanor offense.
Police will hand out citations when they catch
people with an ounce or less of marijuana.
These people face fines of $600 for the first
two times they are caught with small amounts of marijuana.
"I don't believe we should be arresting people
for misdemeanors," Nevada Highway Patrol Chief David Hosmer said.
Hosmer will advise his officers to decide case
by case whether to ticket or arrest people with marijuana in their cars.
In Las Vegas, the DA is advising police to consider
issuing tickets rather than busting users and hauling them off to jail.
(Bart faints at the idea of common sense being applied to drug laws.)
"The feminist movement is the most dangerous,
destructive force in our society today. I’m talking about drugs, sex, illegitimacy, drop outs, poor
grades, run away, suicide, you name it, every social ill comes out of the
fatherless home." -- Phyllis Schlafly, Link
"Schlafly couldn’t be where she is right now
without standing on the shoulders of countless feminists who’ve made it possible for a woman
to have a leadership role in society. Nice way to repay that sacrifice…" -- raynman, Link
"She may be on to something - how many fatherless
homes have Gingrigh, Guiliani and Mark Sanford left in their wake?" -- Dallas NE, Link
I have a question:
If being gay is a choice, like Schlafly claims, why did
her Rethug son choose that lifestyle?
Excerpt: Sooner or later, heaving buckets of blame onto
George W. Bush will become a facile excuse;
at some point, the whole kit and caboodle will
be the sole property of President Obama,
whether he likes it or not and be damned to excuses.
Already, his administration has taken
enough dramatic measures to ensure that, should
something go wrong, a fair share of
censure will and rightly should be placed on
the present and not the past.
The simple fact that an American president had
to stand before that world body and apologize
for the last American president is a stinging
humiliation for this country, but the sad fact is that it
had to be done. Resentments over what Mr. Bush
and his minions did continue to fester all over
the world, but especially in the two war-torn
countries where fighting and dying continue - two
countries Mr. Bush tore apart with the greedy
opportunism of a spoiled child opening other
people's Christmas presents.
Note: If you sign up,
you'll get an instant Twitter alert when
a new page or radio show is fresh and hot.
"For the GOP, torture is no longer a "necessary
evil." It is a rally cry, a "values" issue like same-sex marriage or abortion.
They don't "grudgingly" support torture, they applaud it. They celebrate it. Liz Cheney's unequivocal
support for torture methods gleaned from communist China has people begging
her to run for office." -- Adam Serwer, Link
Regarding Ken Burns, I don't really care if he's
a socialist.
He is disliked by Latinos since he left them
out of his series "The War" almost completely.
He also left them out or downplayed their importance
in his baseball series.
I guess he is uncomfortable acknowledging the
fastest growing segment of the U.S. population.
I"m no fan of Ken Burns and will be boycotting
his National Parks series as I did The War.
First thing - you are missing some of the best
stuff that's ever been on TV.
Second, how do you cover a story as huge as WWII
and include everybody?
Third, who told you he left Latinos out of his
baseball serries?
I ask because it hasn't been produced yet - it's
due in Fall of 2010.
If Ken Burns is a racist, the evidence has yet
to come to my attention.
Until it does, I'm going to give him the benefit
of the doubt.
Excerpt: New Federal Communications Commission Chairman
Julius Genachowski could have used a few more dollops
of genuine humility in his Monday speech advocating
enforceable "network neutrality" rules for the Internet.
Despite declaring "we cannot know what tomorrow
holds on the Internet," he showed he intends to lead the FCC
as if it were all-knowing. That will only end
up choking the greatest engine of innovation in modern times.
Genachowski laid out his plans in a highly anticipated
speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC.
The mostly voluntary concept of net neutrality
-- which encourages the free flow of content across the Internet
-- would be transformed into formal rules Internet
service providers (ISPs) would violate at their peril.
Instead of managing traffic in response to market
forces, ISPs would be forced to cede such decisions to the FCC, which would decide which practices
are "fair" and "reasonable" on a "case-by-case basis." But it would be foolish to replace the swift
judgment of millions of consumers with the dictates of a
handful of slow-footed, uninformed, unaccountable
Why is Obama allowing this to happen?
Is it being done with his knowledge and permission?
What if Genachowski desides Bartcop Hotties are "obscene?"
Perkel gets put out of business unless we take them down?
I haven't researched this - there's no time - but if this is true,
that would make Bush's FCC more reasonable so how can that be?
Knowing Democrats, they'll go after Howard Stern and Bill Maher
and let the Pigboy's and the Glenn Becks run wild.
"I find Glenn Beck terrifying. He's like an
old school demagogue, and it's really frightening. If you look at the rest of the world and what this
kind of behavior has done, like in Rwanda, where the demagogues got on the radio and fomented all that hate
between the Tutsis and the Hutus and the devastation that happened from that, I mean, it's terrifying.
That could happen here." -- Bette Midler,
I seem to remember Midler being a Rethug - is that right?
She gave a lot of money to Bush or something ... who remembers?
Excerpt: If Glenn Beck, isn't a rapist then why won't
he show anybody his police record, or allow the police to release it?
If there is nothing to hide, why hasn't he shown
it to the public already?
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