"Given eight years of case law and experience, we would not have handled the shoe bomber the way that we did.
We would have handled it in a better way." -- Dana Purina, saying Bush was wrong,
Today's Tequila Treehouse...
the Toyota recall
Bart can
Fix America's Crash
Capt America
vs tea-baggers
Sarah Palin's
dumber than Palin
for Fine Scotch
Duff ...and Botox?
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"Maybe God took him out. Maybe God Answered
our IMPRECATORY prayer that we prayed every
30 days." -- Southern Baptist
Pastor Wiley Drake, who sayi that he and his prayer warriors
had been praying for John Murtha’s death for four or five months,
I'm getting fed up with these handjobs who enjoy death.
What kind of sick religion to these bastards practice?
Excerpt: Wayne Masden report has learned that Obama authorized
the anti-Toyota campaign as a warning shot to Japan
over its reformist government's insistence that
the U.S. pull its military troops out of Okinawa. WMR has learned
that Obama and Rahm Emanuel, have decided to
turn the screws on Japan, not only for auto market leverage,
but also to punish Japan over their insistence
to move the U.S. military off of Okinawa.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, from Peoria,
Illinois, who is owned by Peoria-based Caterpillar, whose
major competitor is Japan's Kubota Tractor Corporation,
kicked off the anti-Toyota campaign when he stated that
all Toyota owners should stop driving their
vehicles and return them to the dealership for a fix.
LaHood was referring to a problem with some
uncontrolled acceleration problems with some Toyota.
However, LaHood painted a wide brush in his comments
when the problem, which resulted in a voluntary
recall of millions of Toyota vehicles, including
Camrys and Corollas, affected only a small fraction of Toyotas.
LaHood has also threatened Toyota with unspecified
civil penalties.
This is hard to believe.
Would Obama take such a bold move?
Have we seen anything this bold from Obama?
And why the hell do we need military bases in
The parts that ring true are: Toyota is getting screwed
like crazy. I saw some lady on the Today Show say
Toyotas reputation may take
a decade or two to recover, which I don't believe
but the more our whore media
plays this up, the harder it'll be for them to come back.
They're attacking Honda, too.
I just find it hard to believe that Toyota and Honda would
build great cars for decades and then start building
broken ones.
Is LaHood the idiot tool he seems
to be? I'll buy that "owned by Caterpillar" charge all day.
He's a Rethug, but apparently not a right-winger.
> How is it possible that the world's biggest
(some say best) car company > suddenly can't build a spoon that isn't
It's an economic hit job on Japan for various
reasons by the USG....
yen v. dollar....the accelerator assembly is
actually being interferred with
by an RF used by the military, and the Prius
does not have brake problems,
its some kind of lag when the propulsion changes
from gas to electric...
Oh yeah, and GM-USG CORP is trying to bring back
THEIR share of the market......
I would tell you how I know this, but then I
would have to shoot you...or me...or both of us.
It makes no sense.
Since Toyota built near perfect cars say, in 2006,
why not use those same 2006 parts in your 2010 cars?
If the Prius gas pedal works fine in 2006, why fix it for 2010?
If Toyota brakes work perfect in 2006, why fix them for 2010?
If Carolla steering is perfect in 2006, why fix it for 2010?
I agree with you - this fails to pass the smell test.
Excerpt: The raw political truth is that the GOP reacted
to its 2008 electoral losses by elevating party over country.
The fundamental strategy has been to harass the
Obama administration with hysterical falsehoods, prevent it
from getting anything important done, then argue
that Democrats are incapable of governing. So far, they appear
to be getting away with it.
Maybe that's because the United States no longer
has a government, I thought while watching Sarah Palin's
$100,000 "tea party" speech. Instead, it has
politicized infotainment, an endlessly evolving reality-TV program.
Personality trumps complexity, sex appeal sells
soap suds, and everything's a crisis, because conflict enhances storylines.
Facts and causality can be rearranged as needed.
On all the networks, the wish to jump-start the
2012 presidential campaign was almost palpable.
In short, "How's that hopey-changey thing workin'
for ya?" Watching Sarah, Queen of the North, wowing her
Nashville fans was enough to give any rational
citizen the bends. Reading from a script, she mocked Obama's
use of Teleprompters. Her fans saw no contradiction.
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"In the years after the 9/11 attacks, the CIA
worked with Pakistani and other intelligence services to hunt down senior terrorist leaders
and take them in for interrogation...Today, Obama is no longer attempting to capture men like these
alive; it is simply killing them. This may be satisfying, but it comes at a price. With every drone
strike that vaporizes a senior al Qaeda leader, actionable intelligence is vaporized along with him. Dead terrorists
can't tell you their plans to strike America." -- Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen,
So, killing the enemy on the battlefield is a bad thing?
You fukstix are just angry that Obama's not into torture as much
as you are.
I'll bet Bush & Cheney are wanting new torture tapes to masburbate
Excerpt: Thanks to CribNoteGate, we can finally say it
out loud: Sarah Palin is stupid.
But where does that leave Barack Obama?
Even stupider.
A year ago, Obama comes into office facing a global
economic meltdown. Half a million jobs
are vanishing each month. Millions of Americans
have just lost their homes to foreclosure;
millions more are on the chopping block. So what
does he focus on?
Healthcare reform.
Staring down the Christmas 2009 recess, Obama
had everything he needed. Senate Democrats
passed a conservative version of ObamaCare. The
House, also overwhelmingly Democratic, passed a
slightly less conservative version. All Democratic
leaders had to do was reconcile the two versions.
So what did the Moron-in-Chief do on Christmas
Eve, after the Senate passed its bill?
He sent Congress home for the holidays.
"I think the president should recess all of
them... It should be done. What's being done
to this president is unfair." --
Harry Reid, calling for Obama to follow through on his threat of making
recess appointments for stalled nominees, Link
Harry Reid, in his last year as a US senator, finally
grows a pair?
I saw an old Law & Order SUV rerun from many
years ago last night.
A man was murdered and it turned out he was gay and he wanted his gay
to leave his wife and kids and come live with him. He was killed to
keep the secret hidden.
These five guys got together every week for a "poker game" that was
really just an excuse to be together and have gay sex "on the downlow."
Elliot said, "These guys don't consider themselves
as gay. To them, it's not a relationship, it's just some casual sex and that's how they
tell themselves that they're still straight. Some guys have to get real high on meth so
they feel like it's not really them doing it."
It's probably a fake, but if *I* was banging Marilyn Monroe
I'd sure want to have some pictures to show my friends :)
"The swift boat ad that killed John Kerry was
not an aberration, it was just the beginning. They took a man who actually served
in Vietnam and made him a coward compared to a man who didn't. And people bought it. Now it's everywhere.
Right is wrong, wrong is right, crazy is normal, good is bad, hot is cold. I am not sure what the
anti-Christ's plan is, but I can't imagine this is not part of it." --
Albert Brooks in a article from Huffpo, Link
I assume he wants to kill her for using too much postage?
Can you believe Pitney-Bowes would fund such an ad?
This is what America was like just a few years ago.
"Taylor Swift is a VERY young girl who happens
to be exceedingly talented at songwriting and she has launched FOR HERSELF a
blindingly successful recording career. The fact that she is young, pretty, articulate and
seemingly sweet is a rather difficult pill for some to swallow and the fact that she ISN'T the best
singer in the world drives some critics and more accomplished singers to judge her harshly. The fact
that she writes her own songs, has a point of view and dresses up like a sugar plum fairy is exactly
WHY she can get away with not having to sing other peoples songs like a perfectly programmed automaton. --
Shirley Manson, either attacking Swift or coming to her aid, not sure which,
In Taylor Swift's defense - she was singing with Stevie Nicks
who always sings out of tune.
Excerpt: Issue 602 of the comic features Captain America
investigating a right-wing anti-government militia group called
"the Watchdogs". Hoping to infiltrate the group,
Captain America and his Black sidekick The Falcon observe an
anti-tax protest from a rooftop. The protestors
depicted are all white and carry signs adorned with slogans almost
identical to those seen today in Tea Party rallies
like "tea bag libs before they tea bag you" and "stop the socialists."
Who knew Captain America was a big pussy?
Marvel Comics has backed down and apoligized.
Marvel Editor Joe Quesada then says Marvel would "apologize for and
own up to" a series of "stupid mistakes"
that led to them "accidentally identifying" one of the members of the
protest group "as being a part of the Tea Party
instead of a generic protest group." He explained that they were on
deadline to get the issue to the printer, blah, blah, blah...
I wish some tea-baggers would have a problem with something *I* wrote.
I'll show you how to stand up to those racist cowards.
Excerpt: 'If the primaries were this year, I suspect she’d
be nominated,' says a senior adviser to one of Sarah Palin’s rivals.
It’s easy to see why: no one who’s thinking of
running beats the enthusiasm she generates among Republican activists.
But there is more to the case for Palin than
just the confluence of her personality and a vacuum within the Republican
there is a method to her management of her public
image. It strongly hints that she has pretty much decided to run in 2012,
unless something knocks her out of the race;
it is more organized and structured that it appears; and it is something
Republican insiders, in particular, will ignore
at their peril…
"Palin, writes Jonathan Raban, has an ‘exceptionally
canny political instinct for connecting with her own kind.’ (Morons)
Her conservatism is resentment-based, and is
fueled and nourished by the specter of elite mistreatment. (Palin is savvy
enough to tease back.) But it is more than that.
More than a list of grievances, Palin mixes Nixonian derision for those
who think they know better with an aspirational
dimension that motivates the middle class to vote...
The only presidential candidate who is able to
put the boots to Obama and get away with it. What's she running for?
Not the question. What's she running against?
Not just Rockefeller Republicanism and the media, or pointy-headed
law lecturer presidents, or Katie Couric: she
wants to relitigate a bunch of issues that once were settled but now seem
to be unraveling. The unrestricted embrace of
immigration and the dilution of an American culture.
We "elected" an idiot in 2000 and he broke the entire world. Are we going to elect another idiot and expect a different result?
"I am sick of Obama always relying on Nuance
and Inference. He needs to do some plain talking that can be understood by the average
working class person. Tell it straight and like it is, for a change. He is always having to come back and
try to clarify, because he is too damn opaque in the first place." --
Liam, Link
After a frightening highway collision that's left
him hospitalized, Tulsa piano player Brian Lee
can add hero to his credits.
Lee, who is blind, helped his driver, Bartcop
Radio's The Wiseguy, out of the car after it was hit
by a suspected drunken driver early Sunday morning
about 20 minutes outside St. Louis.
The Wiseguy said "Make no mistake, it was Brian's
clear head that allowed us both to exit the vehicle."
The Wiseguy's door was jammed shut. He escaped
through the passenger-side window as Lee
yelled directions to him. The Wiseguy
suffered minor injuries.
Lee was more banged up, suffering "severe road
rash" abrasions on both knees, two broken ribs,
lung contusions and other injuries, his wife
Lisa Lee said. He's recovering at a hospital in St. Louis.
Around 2 a.m. Sunday morning, Lee and The Wiseguy
were returning to Tulsa. Lee had performed at
a piano bar in St. Louis earlier that night and
was on his way back to Tulsa for a Sunday church gig.
The Wiseguy's vehicle was struck by another car
that was traveling in excess of 100 miles per hour on I-44.
The Wiseguy said his car rolled five times
and skidded 150 feet on its roof before coming to rest.
The coward in the other car fled the scene like
a little bitch, witnesses told St. Louis police, who are still seeking
the white sedan that caused the wreck.
After the car rolled, Lee helped "coach" The Wiseguy from the wreckage.
How does a blind man who's just rolled five times and then skidded
150 feet upside down
(with two broken ribs) coach another injured person out of a crushed,
overturned car?
One more thing: The Wiseguy was on the Interstate going about
60 MPH. The force of the hit
left a partial impression of the cowardly bitch's vehicle's license
plate on The Wiseguy's bumper.
A shot of Chinaco to them both.
Note: Brian Lee plays keyboards for Leon Russell when he tours.
Why does Leon Russell need a keyboard player? :)
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"Obama just held his first monthly bipartisan
meeting and said that working together on jobs would be a good place to start. You
know where else would have been a good place to start? A year ago."
-- Jimmy Fallon
Excerpt: Economic times were tough then. Unemployment
was high and people were poor. Uncle Julius and I were watching
the men digging out a basement with hand shovels
behind Spicker’s furniture store on the south side of Cherokee St.
Several other unemployed men were also watching.
One shouted at the foreman, "Hey, hire me "and "Fire that guy.
I can dig faster than he can"! (I'm sure he was
serious). I can remember one night, Dad came home and broke out
in tears because he had to apply for emergency
relief money and food for us kids from the State of Missouri.
Poor man was all upset and Mom tried to console
him. In his spare time he also tried to sell household refrigerators
(even though we couldn’t afford one ourselves)
He sold the Bohn brand, made in Minneapolis on straight commission.
I don’t think he sold very many because no one
else had any money either. I know that the American People were made of sterner stuff than they are now.
During these tough times, we had lots of lentil soup lentils and beans
they were cheap. Dad called them "Indian" beans
to encourage us to eat them. To encourage us, he would say
"Eat The Crusts, they make you pretty". Also
to encourage us to not waste any and clean off the bones he’d say,
"the closer to the bone the sweeter the meat".
I can remember we kids would get white margarine (occasionally butter)
on our bread, but Dad would dip his bread into
hog fat (grease or lard) and lay it on the wood stove to toast it.
Looking back now, I believe that contributed
to his fatal heart attack in Sept. 28, 1936.
This was written 75 years ago.
Things are pretty goddamn tough right now, but America has survived
tough times before.
Funny that right now we have to fight Blue Dog Democrats to survive.
Excerpt: When Ernest Shackleton abandoned his 1909 expedition
just short of the South Pole, he left behind
two cases of McKinlay's Old Scotch. Three years
ago historians found the pine crates embedded deeply
beneath the hut where the explorer and his men
stayed alive during the brutal, nine-month-long winter.
The conservationists left the preserved cases
undisturbed, their stag's head logo clearly visible six feet under.
Now, a Scottish distiller is fronting an expedition
to Shackleton's Antarctic outpost to drill down
and try to rescue some of the 100-year-old whisky,
London's Telegraph reports.
Whyte & Mackay, which owns McKinlay and Co.,
wants a sample to try to replicate the defunct
Scotch and relaunch the brand.
One hundred year old scotch?
I've never gotten into scotch.
I need a Scotch sherpa to take me there.
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