Tues-Wed April 6-7, 2010 Vol
2502 - Meltdown or Payback?
Great Sand
Dunes National Park, CO
Quote of
the Day
"I never considered myself a maverick." -- John 'Maverick' McCain,
Link .
This poor, deluded bastard.
Palin hijacked his nutty self-description and turned it
into a synonym for "racist teabagging
handjob." Now McCain has to change - again - at age 74?
"Only 20% of college students consider oral
sex "sex," according to a new study. The authors attribute the perception
to the fact that the students were young adolescents during the Clinton-Lewinsky
affair." -- Ben Smith, Link
Let's remember that Clinton and Monica did all they could to keep
that quiet.
The GOP, on the other hand, felt that oral sex was the perfect
topic for the network news
and the family dinner table conversation all around the country
for a couple of years.
Excerpt: Republicans are following a playbook that has
evolved over more than four decades,
to regain power by sabotaging Democratic presidents.
Republicans believe they can reclaim the lucrative
levers of national authority by making the country
as ungovernable as possible while a Democrat
is in the White House, essentially holding governance
hostage until they are restored to power. Then,
the Democrats are expected to behave as a docile
opposition “for the good of the country” (and
usually do).
You can say that again.
Our sacless Dems are afraid to fight for anything.
The “destroy Obama” game plan tracks most closely
with Gingrich’s strategy for undermining Clinton 16 years ago.
But today’s strategy also traces back to Nixon’s
sabotage of LBJ’s Vietnam peace talks in 1968 and Reagan’s
October Surprise gambit against Carter’s Iran
hostage negotiations in 1980.
In all four cases – covering the last four Democratic
presidencies – the Republicans did not behave as a loyal
opposition but rather as a single-minded political
enemy that viewed the White House as its birthright and
Democratic control of the Executive Branch as
Since Democrats refuse to stand up for themselves, we can expect the
behavior of the Rethigs to continue.
To make things worse, when the Bush bastards STOLE power, the please-take-my-lunch-money
said, "Bush is MY President and I'll stand
behind him - and even vote with him."
Why change tactics when fighting the Surrender Party?
Subject: is Robert Parry saying
something intelligent? (See above)
Just wondering (anonymously).
Bob often says very intelligent things.
For years, I wrote that consortiumnews.com
was the most important site on the Internet.
But when Hillary announced her intention to run
for president,
Bob Parry completely lost his mind, not to mention
his credibility.
He started reading Hillary's mind, telling us
her innermost thoughts.
He stated as FACT why Hillary was doing and saying
things she said and did.
I haven't seen anything like it in all my years
on the Net.
A very, very highly respected investigative reporter
suddenly going completely ape-shit.
It might help if the crazy Hillary haters would
say WHY they hate her so much.
I mean, beyond her clothes, her hair, her laugh
and "She thinks she's so smart."
I don't mean to compare Bob to the Teabaggers,
but when someone goes insane with rage
and they can't identify the reasons, one can't
help but wonder why rationality fled the scene.
Since Hillary didn't win, Bob is becoming reacquainted
with credibility. (Compliment)
Excerpt: A Washington State man was arrested Tuesday on
charges that he repeatedly threatened to kill
US Senator Patty Murray because of her support
of the recently passed healthcare reform law.
Charles Wilson of Selah, Wash., left at least
13 expletive-laced messages on an answering machine
at Senator Murray’s Seattle office in recent
'There's a target on your back now' “I hope you
realize there’s a target on your back now,”
Wilson told Murray in a message recorded March
22, according to an FBI affidavit.
“There are many people out there that want you
dead. Just remember that as you are politicing [sic]
for your reelection. It only takes one piece
of lead… Kill the … senator! Kill the … senator!
I’ll donate the lead. Now that you’ve passed
your healthcare bill, let the violence begin.”
The next day, Wilson called again – five times.
“I hope somebody kills you, and I hope somebody
kills [the president],” he said. “You are signing
my death warrant, so I want to sign yours.”
And the politicans who literally cried, "We're
24 hours from Armageddon" will say,
"How can you hold me responsible for what
some crazy man does?"
Hey Boner, when you tell the crazy man he's 24 hours from the end of
the world,
what kind of rational response do you expect from him?
Michael Steel, head of the RNC, said that he has
less room for error because he's black. He might be correct.
Republicans are making a big deal out of the
incident where Republican staffers spent almost $2000 at the Voyeur Club,
a lesbian bondage strip bar. Although this sounds
bad for the chief fundraiser for America's "Party of God",
it's not so bad when you compare it to white
Republican scandals.
For example, Senator David Vitter was caught paying
for sex with prostitutes. Senator Ensign was caught having
an affair with a staffer and funneled hush money
to her and her husband, possibly breaking the law. GOP Senator
Larry Craig (wide stance) was caught playing
footsie in a Mens restroom in a police sting to catch men trying to
pick up other men for sex. Republican Governor
Mark Stanford used state funds to sneak off to Argentina to
cheat on his wife and 4 kids and although he
is now single again, he's still serving as governor.
So if Republican Senators and Governors can have
affairs, prostitutes, and pick up men in bathrooms without
resigning then why should Michael Steele resign
because a staffer, not him, took some donors to watch lesbian bondage?
I think Steele may be right about being treated
"The Tea Party people are kind of, without
robes and hoods, they have really shown a very hardcore angry side of America that
is against any type of diversity. And we saw opposition to African Americans, hostility toward
gays, hostility to anybody who wasn't just, you know, a clone of George Wallace's fan club.
And I'm afraid they've taken over the Republican Party." -- Rep Steve Cohen, listing the
facts, Link
Well, I suppose it was inevitable but how do you
feel this? The forum that bears your online moniker
bans posters who object to bigotry. I don't advocate
for Palin. I object to calling her and other women
"cunts", "bitches" and jokes about them working
the stripper pole ( though I didn't say anything in that thread).
I've been posting at that forum for over a decade.
Granny C and Jody Bresch both agree with me. The language
is completely out of line. How are we supposed
to complain about racism on the right if we engage in misogyny
on the left? Women do not want to come
into a forum and read people calling women politicians "bitches" and
"cunts" anymore than African Americans want to
come in and read white people complaining about "niggers."
Why is that so hard to understand?
Why can't the forum abide by the TOU and simply
step away from that rhetoric?
I have no problem calling Palin a nutty bitch,
but yeah, the "C" word is going too far.
It's not Christ's fault if Judas betrayed him..." -- Dean of the College of Cardinals, Angelo
saying Benny the Rat
has been a great pope. Link .
Would Christ shuffle a raping priests from parish to parish
so they could attack little boys who don't know their past?
Excerpt: In all there have been 23 "significant earthquakes"
of above 4 on the Richter Scale in 2010 thus far,
according to the US Geological Survey. And of
those, 17 have been over 6 on the scale. There were
72 "significant earthquakes" in all of 2009 and
58 in 2008, and 56 in 2007.
If this rate continues according to this blogger's
calculations, there will be 92 "significant earthquakes"
for 2010, 20 more than in 2009 and 44 more than
for all of 2008, and 46 more than in all of 2007.
The skeptic would offer that this current trend
of "significant earthquakes" could be slowed by a lull,
but even excluding 2010, the number of "significant
earthquakes" has increased from 56 in 2007 to 72
in 2009 in looking at the USGS information.
Is global warming causing the quakes?
Jim Inhofe is the expert and he says "No."
"Were Michael Steele to leave the RNC tomorrow,
what really would have changed? The incestuous culture of consultants will still be there
sucking the same money from the building. The narrative will shift to the
GOP throwing out the black man. Steele
would become the sympathetic victim at the hands of evil racist Republicans who really always wanted that racist
country clubber from South Carolina to be Chairman anyway. It serves no good purpose to try to oust Michael
Steele right now. We go into the election with the army we have, not the
one we would prefer. We go with Michael
Steele and Mitch McConnell and the rest, so suck it up and deal with it." -- Erick Erickson, the most important
Rethug in America today, Link
Hillary Clinton, AND Obama, AND Cheney
were/are ALL OWNED by the Jewish RIGHT-WING
WAR LOBBY, and their partners in Crime,
the GOLDDAMN-SACHS, JPMorgan-Chase NY/London/Tel
JPM have SWINDLED from American consumers,
investors, pensioners, and taxpayers in
the form of "BAILOUTS" and fraud, is an INSANELY HUGE warchest
they use to BRIBE our Congress and White House.
I have a slightly different theory. Remember this?
This ran for years and years on bartcop.com
Note: I put this on a separate page so it can be e-mailed to others.
practice safe sex with your parishoners..."
"I’m kinda sick and tired of the left and Democrats
when they get in trouble, they go to that card, they play that
race card, that slavery card, that civil rights card." -- Michael Tom Steele, December 8, 2009,
"I don't see stories about the internal operations
of the DNC that I see about our operation. Why? Is it because Michael Steele is
the chairman, or is it because a black man is the chairman?" -- Michael Tom Steele, In a recent interview
with Washingtonian magazine, Link
If you're going to spend the bucks for a bad-ass Camaro, wouldn't it be nice to get a decent color red?
Subject: It's our internet, not
I am a member of MoveOn and I got this from them
I don't know how you feel about this kind of
stuff, but you might want to share the link with your readers.
Thanks for what you do man, I appreciate it.
Excerpt: The Vatican heatedly defended Pope Benny the
Rat on Tuesday, claiming accusations that he helped cover up pedophile
priests are part of an anti-Catholic "hate" campaign
targeting the pope for his opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage.
Why are you trying to change the subject?
The subject is your raping priests - why drag abortion and same-sex marriage
into this?
"The pope defends life and the family, based on
marriage between a man and a woman, in a world in which powerful lobbies
would like to impose a completely different"
agenda, Spanish Cardinal Julian Herranz, head of the disciplinary commission
Holy See officials, said on the radio.
I realize you need to get off the subject of raping
priests, but we're not letting you bait-and-switch us.
Stick to the topic at hand and leave abortion
and other subjects alone for now.
Why do you think we're objecting to something
other than your raping priests?
The longer you ignore this, the more parishes you'll have to close and
the more
millions you'll have to pay to the devastated families of your suicide
Isn't it time to confess and ask for forgiveness?
Observation: Maybe the next Pope shouldn't be a Cheney-Rove, unltra-conservative
"enforcer" type of thug?
Exxon made $45B in profits last year yet paid
no income tax like you and I did.
Exxon has 20 wholly owned subsidiaries in the
Bahamas, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands
that (legally) shelter the cash flow from operations
in the likes of Angola, Azerbaijan and Abu Dhabi..
John D
Yet we went to war and lost 5,000 soldiers
so Exxon could avoid paying their fare share of taxes?
"It is a sad day when al-Qaeda suspects are
afforded more rights than priests." -- Catholic Bill Donahue (R-Pro-Rape)
"In what way have priests lost any rights in
this? I'm not aware of any priests dragged from their beds and hauled off to jail
without charge or strung up in the parish yard. By reporting on victims, cover-ups
and attempting to shame the church into actually dealing with the problem we are preventing
them from exercising their rights?" -- MikeMa, Link
"Donohue is like Bill Crystal in many ways.
One would think that at some point, he would get tired of always being
wrong, but it earns a nice paycheck." -- FastLane, Link
"I am a public school teacher. If a student
told me that his priest had forced him to do some sex act, I could be criminally
prosecuted for not reporting the abuse...Sad when high officials in an organization promoting
profound crimes against humanity and denial of reality are afforded more rights
than school teachers." -- BaldApe, Link
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'I'd rather entrust the government of the United
States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory
than to the faculty of Harvard University.'
-- William F Buckley, years ago Link
"I would go Buckley one better: I'd rather
entrust the government of the United States to the first 254 people we could pull
out of a minimum security prison..."
-- Teabagger John Hawkins at townhall.com Link
Translation: "Anything - even criminals - would be better than
a nigger in the White House."
Excerpt: Te pope understands the enormity of the affliction
that is currently upon the church. Critics have likened the crisis
to the church’s worst since the Reformation.
Benny the Rat was unsparing in his assessment of the extent of the damage
done to the church: The scandals, he said, “have
obscured the light of the Gospel to a degree that not even centuries of
persecution succeeded in doing."
Predictably, critics of all stripes have lined
up to land blows on the Vatican and at the pope - some deserved, some gratuitous.
Critics, including the lawyer Geoffrey Robertson,
have even called for Benedict to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity,
raising visions of a sex-crimes Nuremberg that
would reduce the Vatican to rubble...
Would that be a bad thing?
Wouldn't children be safer with fewer priests
and fewer rapes?
Benedict is a wise man, and more worldly, by far,
than his predecessor. He knows that the current crisis has ensured that
papacy will be the first of a new sort of scathed
papacy: henceforward, no pope will be beyond the reach of his flock, and
wrath of his flock. His predecessor was the
last "infallible" pope. Benny the Rat is the first of the fallible popes, and a recognition of that fact lies at the
heart of all reform to come.
So, the Catholics have traded the Pope's infallibility
for a few butt rides?
Could they show their God and their Church any
less respect if they tried?
Excerpt: If this Tiger Woods "scandal" hasn't reduced
our media to a bunch of jumping, hooting, pointing chimps,
it's only because the cable news circus was like
that before Tiger's ritualistic sex-shaming. What was shocking
Monday wasn't the blaring postgame coverage of
Tiger's presser. It was how CNN sank lower than Fox News.
And I was prepared to laugh at Fox's Megyn Kelly
shouting sweet nothings at Brian Kilmeade (hard not to guffaw
when Kelly yells, "I want to choke you and hold
you down!"). But overall, the conversation was staid, short and
almost intelligent. I even appreciated it when
a Fox analyst made a somewhat deviant observation: "CBS is happy,
CBS is going to make a boatload of money on this."
OK, so maybe Kelly exclaimed, "Tiger's car crash
was happening a few months ago while we were all having our
Thanksgiving dinner!" But I give credit to Fox
for conducting a mostly reasonable discussion, then quickly shifting to
the California quake story. Either Fox News is
gaining gravitas or it perceives disaster porn as a meal-ticket.
That could be a rhetorical non-question.
Or, maybe FOX is treating him well because he's a super-rich Republican?
Excerpt: Father James Poole's story is not an isolated
case in Alaska. On the morning of January 14 in Seattle,
Ken Roosa stood outside Seattle University to
announce a new lawsuit against the Jesuits, claiming a widespread
conspiracy to dump pedophile priests in isolated
Native villages where they could abuse children off the radar.
"They did it because there was no money there,
no power, no police," Roosa said to the cameras.
"It was a pedophile's paradise." He described
a chain of poor Native villages where priests—many of them serial
sex offenders—reigned supreme. "We are going
to shine some light on a dark and dirty corner of the Jesuit order."
These abusers in Alaska, Wall said, were specifically
sent to Alaska "to get them off the grid,
where they could do the least amount of damage"
to the church's public image.
One by one, the Alaska Natives took their turns
before the cameras, talking softly and nervously and
choking back tears. "I am Flo Kenny," a woman
with a gray ponytail and sunglasses said carefully.
"I am 74 years old. And I've kept silent for
60 years. I am here for all the ones who cannot speak
—who are dead, who committed suicide, who are
homeless, who are drug addicts. There's always
been a time, an end of secrets. This is the time."
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Idol is soooo in the tank for Crystal Bowersox.
The cardinal rule has always been "Don't
forget the lyrics." Simon tells contestants,
"If you forget the lyrics, plan to go home."
Last night Crystal forgot the lyrics to Come
and all four judges chose to ignore it
- which made me throw a yellow flag.
I like Bowersox, too, but you can't drop the ball and have the referees
rule it a touchdown.
One of my favorite Beatles lyrics is "He bag production" and
I was waiting for it when
Crystal repeated the second verse. The
judges lose credibility when they cheat, doncha think?
I was also put off by all the weepy ballads - why does Idol want us
to go to sleep?
Where was Saw Her Standing There, She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your
Hand? etc.
Why rock out when you can bore us with sleepy, weepy ballads?
And what could be worse than a sloppy rendition of Hey Jude?
A sloppy rendition with a dude playing the bagpipes - gag me.
Paul McCartney is boring when he sings it - what chance does a rookie
Thanks for continuing to keep me sane about U.S.
I wish Obama would put you on his staff.
I sure look forward to your page each morning.
Obama is such a refreshing change, especially
to someone living in Europe.
You can't believe the amount of respect America
has (again) overseas.
I might not agree with all that he does, but
just having a president who can articulate a
complete sentence is a refreshing change. For
a little over a year in office, I think he's doing
a kick-ass job cleaning up the Republican mess
of the last eight years.
Anyway, Here's a list of the back-stabbing Dems
who voted no on the health care bill.
I hope the people in these states vote them out
during the primaries.
Bobby Bright
Artur Davis
Mike Ross
Harry E. Mitchell AZ
John Barrow
Jim Marshall
Walt Minnick
Daniel Lipinski
Ben Chandler
Charlie Melancon LA
Stephen F. Lynch MA
Frank Kratovil Jr. MD
Ike Skelton
Travis Childers
Gene Taylor
Heath Shuler
Mike McIntyre NC
John Adler
Michael Arcuri
Zack Space
Dan Boren
Tim Holden
Stephanie Sandlin SD
Lincoln Davis
Chet Edwards TX
Jim Matheson UT
Glenn Nye
Rick Boucher VA
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