"I’m convinced that Arizona’s law will be a
spectacular success even if it never goes into effect. Look at how much it’s accomplished:
It’s derailed the Democrats’ amnesty bill; it’s refocused national attention on the disgraceful
state of border enforcement; it’s convinced some illegals that Arizona's not worth the trouble;
and it's baited bottom-feeders in the media into all sorts of dumb, self-discrediting analysis.
All that in just a week, before the law’s even taken effect. That’s some mighty efficient legislatin’
right there." -- AllahPundit, Link
Well geez, if you look at it that way, think how far America
could "advance"
if Arizona passed a law that legalized the lynching of
“What’s important about this sheen is that
97% of it is a rainbow sheen. Only 3% contains emulsified crude… So it is important to understand that,
while this is an unprecedented disaster—the oil slick is wide and covers a large section of ocean—97% of it
is an extremely thin sheen of relatively light oil on the surface.”
-- Sen Mary Landrieu of Louisiana - saying the oil spew is no big deal,
Butt Mary, if it's no big deal, why is your state
acting like this oil spill is some kind of catastrophe?
They have electric trucks here in Cologne.
Surely if they can get electric trucks to run
here in Germany,
you can get them to work in the USA, too.
I'm thinking your politicians are less crooked than ours.
I often tell the story, I had an electric toy car in 1960.
In the dark, it would do nothing.
But point a flashlight at it and off it went.
...and in 50 years they can't make that work on bigger cars?
"Can you imagine, if what's going on with the
tea party rallies, if they were a group of black people, waving guns, coming up armed, talking
about how you might have to take matters into your own hands if the government doesn't do what you
want, you think the reaction in this country would be similar to what it
is now?" -- Bill Maher, telling the truth
If that happened FOX and talk radio would go berzerk and urge whites to arm themselves and go into the streets.
Then we'd have another real and bloody civil war and talk radio would
"What did you think would happen when
the niggers got uppity?"
"If Scott Brown can win in America, there isn't
a seat in America that Republicans can't win." -- John Boner (R-Ohio) saying
if a craptastic loser like Brown can win, any Rethug can,
Bob and Elizabeth Dole remind us of the words
of Theodore Roosevelt:
"It is not the critic who counts; not the
man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done
them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena … who does actually
strive to do the deeds."
As I read this, I could think only of our president,
who is striving so valiantly to solve our problems.
And the critics: the Rush Limbaughs, the Glenn
Becks and, yes, many in Congress — the small men who,
for power and money, do nothing but criticize,
tear down and attempt to destroy him.
Sadly, too many Americans admire the critics,
whose negativity serves only to destroy, rather than the doer,
"whose place shall never be with those cold and
timid souls" but who "spends himself in a worthy cause"
because that is what brave men do.
It is time we rethink our heroes.
Johanna D, Los Angeles
It appears to me that the Catholic Church only
cares about children BEFORE they are born.
Jason W
They also had no problem with Bush's murders,
kidnappings, tortures and invasions,
but if Joe Biden tries to take Holy Communion,
they're suddenly outraged.
I hadn't planned to attend or play in this years $1,000 WSOP Tournament,
(May 29th-June 3?) mostly because
I can't afford it, but before I dismiss the idea altogether, I though
maybe I'd put the subject on the table
in case somebody out there was feeling extra generous and wanted to
read the 2010
WSOP Trip Report.
In poker, we call this a "two-outer" meaning I figure there's a 5% chance
of this working, but ...those things sometimes happen.
I would welcome any donors to show up at The Rio
and sip tequila shots with good Ol' Bart between games :)
Quotes "George loves to tell the story of how all
his Midland friends would come to the Oval Office and say, 'I can't believe I'm here.' And then
they looked at him. Couldn't believe he was there either." -- Pickles, talking about how nobody believes
her idiot husband was president, Link
...and then George would life one leg and fart as loud as he
Hey Bart,
I think we're being prepped for HUGE election
When you add unlimited corporate contributions,
bogus polls, voting machines,
no exit polling, voter suppression, and a corrupt
media, Boehner could be right.
He seems he's setting the stage.
The GOP will steal elections until the Dems stop them.
The Democrats have no fight in them, so expect that to happen.
Our motto for
this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind".
So - if you have an anti-bush site and you are choking on hosting
fees or dealing with threats - let us know and we'll help keep you online.
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