Tues-Thurs July 20-22, 2010 Vol 2554 - Smoke Eaters
![]() Mike Malloy Live Quotes "We have a president that many of us want to cheer. But the reality is -- and it's a horrible reality -- we're probably in more dangerous times now than we even were under Bush and Cheney in terms of this insane war...nobody serious thinks we have a chance." -- Seymour Hersh, Link I'm not sure about more dangerous, but what are we trying to accomplish there? WaHoPo joins the Tea Party by Gene Lyons ![]() Quotes "Let’s
be clear about what has happened here today: A three-judge panel in New
York has authorized The question is, if Eldrick screams "Mother-effer"
at the top of his lungs and that includes the most surprised and spontaneous and excited utterance in a person's life? Is that all you idiots do? Sit there and watch edgy TV all day to see if you notice some cartoon butt-crack on an episode of Family Guy? Why don't you turn the TV off and read to your kids, instead? Subject: coining new words New word: Conned-stituent.
Refers to any supporter of Bachmann, Palin, Rand Paul, ALL of right-wing talk radio, Faux Noise and that idiot batshit-crazy woman from NevAAAAAAHduh. Doug, ![]() Marty's
new stuff every day
Marty always has good stuff. ![]() Quotes "This is the most activist court in history and every decision one-sided. They put not just their thumb on the scales of justice on behalf of corporations, but their fists, with brass knuckles." -- Al Franken, ...our most courageous senator? voices.washingtonpost.com Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Make my kitty famous! If you sent a donation and a pet picture
that I didn't run,
56 beautiful hardwood Eric has been advertising with bartcop.com for nine years ![]() Obama talks to Big Dog (finally) by Joe Conason Send e-mail to Bart Subject: the direction Obama is going You asked - is
Obama's presidency racially different from the presidency he envisioned
for himself??
Well I can only say that it's radically different than the presidency I envisioned for him, when I voted back in 2008. I have been unable to 'read' him right from the beginning. All I could go by was what he campaigned on. A lot of the things I (naively) believed, turned out to be wrong. I even wondered, who was advising him? His constant need to reach across the aisle to the GOP, even after repeated rebuffs, made no sense to me. He appeared to hang back during crucial negotiations, like for health care. I didn't hear or feel the leadership I felt Democratic Party and the country needed, then or during the start of the Gulf disaster. He may be getting his voice now. but is it too late? I am beyond disappointed in him regarding women's health issues and abortion rights. In fact, the Democratic Party should re-write it's platform on abortion because they apparently do not follow it, or believe it anymore. I was around for the first battle over this. Women will have to fight it again, if any care to. So I can't tell you what Obama may have envisioned for this first term, or if he's meeting his goals. I have serious concerns about the Democratic Party itself and the ability of a few - like Ben Nelson - to corrupt bills for their own personal agenda. There are plenty of problems to go around. I guess we will learn more in November. Mary Lou ![]() If
that drugs or alcohol are a problem for you,
![]() Obama Cedes Presidency To Glenn Beck
Esther is smarter than most Republicans who write. Send e-mail to Bart ![]()
![]() <> Adult Friend Finder.com ![]() Thanks to Chicago Jim Help
survive! we reached our goal to pay for the new computer. Thanks to everyone. I've been down a few days re-tooling the big machine. Sometimes when you re-load an old program, it changes the settings and everything blows up. Good thing my tech guy is a genius. to bartcop@bartcop.com OR send a 'love' check to bartcop.com
![]() The Right's Power of Infrastructure by Robert Parry ![]() Quotes
"I live like a little turtle. I turn on C-SPAN and I think, these old coots have no idea what people are going through! When I hear the stupid remarks of people like Orrin Hatch, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! You think we are all sitting home on our sofas popping bonbons in our mouths for $269 a week? What a hoot." -- a lady who lost a $50,000 a year job 18 months ago and whose unemployment benefits have expired Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Toyota It dismays me because I drive a 2005 Toyota Matrix and I like it a lot. Still, I do have problems trusting corporations. Never hurts to hear as many sides of an issue and make up your own informed mind, I say. Perhaps I should pray to the “invisible cloud being” each time I turn the ignition. LOL...... IF I was a teabagger would I trust the free market to fix this problem, see it as a conspiracy, Obama’s incompetence, lack of government over-sight or as cheap Japanese imported junk? Hell, do the baggernauts even know what they think???? LOL...... David in Georgia (goose-steppin’ with OK) You can't really trust any corporation, but some have better reputations. Detroit gave us built-in obsolescense and Toyota gave people free cars for extra years. When the witchhunt was at its peak, people were saying crazy things like, "Toyota is trying to minimize their problems with public relations." Duh! Every company in the world does that - so why are we trying to lynch Toyota? Bush & Cheney knowingly sent 5,000 soldiers into the desert to die for no reason, and we're going after Toyota for having a problem the government can't define? I'm so old, I remember when America used to hit the target. These days, we can't even identify the target. Business cards, letterheads, magnets, posters, stickers, banners, signs etc. http://red-hot-printing.comWe're on Twitter Look for bartcop Note: If you sign up,
![]() ![]() New stickers are in!
![]() 4 inches round ![]() ![]() Still have a few WPE frige magnets left Free
any donation or send a "Love" check to Can you help me
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I click on it, the PayPal welcome page comes up. (This is not a trick - you won't be charged) Just
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this down after a few minutes so things don't get out of hand :) Thanks
for helping. ![]() Weird Picture of the Day I'll bet you've never
seen anything
like it.
The mainstream news
media this week was misled by right wing racist Andrew Breitbart
who claimed that the NAACP is racist. His proof was a video he edited to make it look like Shirley Sherod was making racist statement at an NAACP meeting. As a result of all the news coverage, Sherod was fired. Now it turns out the news media was wrong and Ms. Sherod made no such racial statements. So who is the media blaming? Would you think they would blame Andrew Breitbart who phonied up the video? Do you think they would blame Fox News for inflaming it? Do you think they would blame themselves for getting it wrong? NO! The news media is blaming the NAACP and the Obama administration for believing the mainstream media. So when blacks are victimized who do we blame? We blame the victims, the people who believe the lie, not the people who told the lie. And that is racism on the part of the news media. This is their fault and the fault of Andrew Breitbart. Marc Perkel My blog: http://marc.perkel.com Founder of the Church of Reality http://www.churchofreality.org Reality changed my life. It can change your life too. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Best advertising bargain on the Net Banner ads by the
![]() More Anger at Obama When will he turns things around? Link
Subject: Make my kitties famous!
Bart, these are my cats,
Squeak and Psyco. ..
your pet's picture to Bart![]()
Send e-mail to Bart Meet Janelle Monae I've watched this clip over 100 times since Monday. Sure wish I could buy a piece of this girl's future. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Hey look! Obama's getting serious about the oil spill. UFO seen near Chicago You can select a monthly plan to provide
support. OR send a 'love' check to bartcop.com
![]() Guess the City Subject: last issue's mystery's city Hi Bart, You finally did a city I lived in – London! St. Paul’s on the right, Nat West tower on the left, Blackfriair’s Bridge, I think, on the lower left. Funny think, just last Friday I stood on the footbridge from Charing Cross and was taking photos of the river, and thought to myself that one of them would be good for Bart’s ‘Guess that city’. Keep on swinging that hammer! I feel the Dems will get the message eventually… (The Repugs NEVER WILL!) Marty Send e-mail to Bart ![]() My poker buddy, Perry Send e-mail to Bart Subject: thank you, Marc Perkel Marc said: Today was a good day. America took a big step forward. We are on the way to recovery. I am so tired of reading stuff such as "When will Obama wake up?" or "When will Obama come to work?" It's a breath of fresh air to see someone else still has faith in him. Susan When Obama does something good, I say so. When he caves in, I wonder when he's going to learn not to do that. Is it my fault if you're tired of reading about his caving in? Shopping online? Use this
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Today's Historic Photo Today's Historic contest takes a detective Link Who is the Mystery Lady? I created a "Trip to Alaska" that I can't find. Maybe that'll be in the next page... Subject: last issue's historic photo The man is Stokely Carmichael, later known as Kwame Ture. In the 60's he was the leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, pronounced "snick") and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He popularized the term "Black Power," a phrase that scared the hell out of white America then and still does today. Teabag nation looks at Obama and they see Stokely Carmichael. Roger ![]() Check out the toons and stuff on the Bart Blog!
![]() Subject: Donation Bart, thank you for providing an outlet from all
of those crazy right-wing nuts and the rotten GOP. Keep hammering, Maria, a proud liberal Maria, thanks for making higher pie! or send a "Love" check to ![]() Katie Holmes is back Lust over dozens of Katie Holmes images at BC Hotties
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