Wednesday, Sept 29, 2010 Vol 2588 - Ajax Liquor
Dining Room Tables We offer 56 beautiful hardwood choices on every furniture piece. ![]() Erik has been advertising with bartcop.com for nine years Quotes
"Darrell Issa means business! If the GOP takes back the House, the new chairman of the Congressional Oversight and Government Reform Committee will investigate only the important stuff, like ACORN (which no longer exists) and the post office! Scary stuff! I’m really glad that Democrats decided not to investigate the Bush bastards for torture, lying us into a war, and wiretapping American citizens, etc. It totally made the GOP re-think launching stupid investigations if they were to ever take back the House. Who can’t wait for the "birther" hearing? Impeachment anyone? Please VOTE on November 2!" -- Zerlina Mazwell, Link Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() We fix broken computers. Can we fix yours? Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() Marty's
new stuff every day
Marty always has good stuff. ![]() Quotes
"Rather than lecturing Democrats about how unreasonable they are to be upset with Obama for constantly negotiating with himself, Biden would do better having a talk with his boss, and asking him why George Bush was so effective at passing his agenda, at kow-towing Democrats, and at thwarting opposition filibusters, when Bush had far fewer numbers than Obama has now in the US Senate. 60 is the new 50 because Democrats permit it be so." -- John Avarosis on Biden telling Dems to stop whining, Link "The 'professional left' is busting our butt to mobilize progressive voters in 2010, picking up the ball that this White House dropped when they refused to fight for the overwhelmingly popular public option, refused to break up the big banks, and demobilized Obama voters who expected this president to at least fight for big change. When Biden tells Lieberman to 'stop whining' about the public option, and tells Ben Nelson to 'stop whining' about voting on a middle-class tax cut that benefits 98 percent of us, he'll have some credibility on the whining front. You're welcome, Joe Biden, for helping to get the more electable Democrat who actually excites voters to be the Democratic nominee - instead of a lame corporate stooge. How's Blanche Lincoln working out?" -- Adam Green on Biden telling Dems to stop whining, Link I guess we'll be at each other's throats as long as we keep losing. We were winners just 22 months ago - how'd we lose everything? Every sign points to Obama refusing to show up for work. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Subject: DieHard launches on Bartcop ![]() Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "It’s so hot in Los Angeles, Mel Gibson ran into a synagogue just for the air conditioning." -- Craig Ferguson Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Mr. Orange Glow Bart - One time our young nephew would eat nothing but carrots. He soon developed an orange glow similar to whose name I will not speak. ![]() He might be hiding a similar addiction. We know these guys always have SOME sort of addiction (besides power). Keep swingin'! Karl Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Check out our new Bush Recession Prices Banner ads by
the day, ![]() Adult Friend Finder.com Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Your Google ads
I was looking at your page the other day and discovered that Google had put up an ad for Scott Walker, our right-wing, no tax increase, privatize everything Milwaukee County Exec who's running for Governor ![]() I figure if he can give you money, I can too. Find a small gift on your paypal account. John in Milwaukee John, thanks for that. I believe Scott Walker has to pay a dime every time someone clicks. If so, clicking on the banner would cost the Teabagger money and it might make bartcop.com THE place for right-wingers to advertise :) When a deal like that comes along, I jump in it! Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Help Bartcop.com survive! to bartcop@bartcop.com OR send a 'love' check to bartcop.com
Quotes "One closing remark: It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election. The idea that we've got a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base, that people are sitting on their hands complaining, is just irresponsible..." -- Obama, Link Sir, with all due respect, who are YOU to tell us being on the sidelines is inexcusable? Who are you to tell us that sitting on our hands is irresponsible? Some of us have been fighting the enemy every day while you were ...busy with other things. Truth is, your inattention (and the constant caving in) has sapped the party's will and strength. I'm not sure you're in a position to lecture anybody about coming to work. Sidebar: I don't like having to straighten the president out so often, but why does he keep saying these things? Telling us to "wake up" is like Bristol telling girls how putting off sex is better. After sleeping and kissing GOP butt for two years, why is he telling us to get in the game? We've been here every day since you were inaugurated, Sir. It is YOU that has chosen not to engage - how can WE fix that? Send e-mail to Bart Is Ken Burns a Rethug? ![]() Click to Order “Mike Palecek reminds me of Socrates the gadfly who asked unwelcome questions, Diogenes with his lantern looking in vain for an honest man, Chekhov the man with the hammer challenging the complacent family to share their meal, Kerouac the ever on the move, somewhat hysterical searcher, and he reminds me of many Americans who as children were so blasted with propaganda that they’re devoting the rest of their lives to challenging the lies and all who tell them. In this land where babies are brought by storks and buildings collapse due to unpatriotic bricks, we need the gadfly because no leader, preacher, guru, or saint will wake us up, though the Doomsday clock is ticking close to twelve.”— David Ray, American poet, author of “The Endless Search” and “The Death of Sardanapalus and Other Poems of the Iraq Wars” Look for bartcop Note: If you sign up,
![]() Quotes
"Yes, actually, I do. The reason being that becoming a Christian is more than simply rooting for a football team. There's an actual conversion that takes place. And I don't think we've ever seen evidence that he ever converted." -- Jonathan Moseley, Christine O'Donnell's Former Campaign Treasurer, asked if he believes that Obama is secretly a Muslim, Link Hey Asshole, where the evidence that your maturbating witch is sincere in her faith?
![]() I don't know this guy, I have no idea if he's guilty ot not, but he said, "I'll address the charges Sunday" but when Sunday came he was all marble-mouthed which certainly makes him seem guilty. Stickers!
![]() Still have a few WPE frige magnets left Free
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Quotes "Obama has proven that he is anything but a radical. On domestic policy he is barely to the left of center. On foreign policy, he is actually to the right of center. His two years in office has been devoted to stubbornly refusing to try to move the country to the left. The problem for conservatives is that they cannot attack Obama for his policy mistakes because most of his policy mistakes have continued the bad policies of Bush or focused too much on reaching compromises. So they have to go to the outer limits of crazy to find criticisms -- he's a Muslim, he's a terrorist sympathizer, he's the next Adolf Hitler, and so forth." -- Ed Brayton, Link Is that what Obama has been thinking these last 22 months? I have the Left, now I need to convince the Right? Can't somebody get word to him that that won't work? His skin color has made the Monkey Right lose their minds and nothing is going to bring them back to sanity. If a comet is heading towards Earth and Obama wants a rocket to kill it, they'll just call that, "another Stalinist power-grab to please al Qaeda," and talk radio and FOX News will back them up. I'm afraid that what's coming is this: The GOP will guarantee civil war and blood in the streets and they'll tell Obama the ONLY way to avoid that is for the Democrats to surrender and Obama, thinking like Gore in Florida in 2000, "It would be too divisive if we choose to fight this" and then BOOM, we no longer have a country. Send e-mail to Bart Quotes "I cannot help you. And don't say anything to my children. I will tell them you already have a new job ...and from now on you don't know me, and I don't know you. You have never seen me, and I have never seen you. Do you understand me?" -- Meg Whitman (CA-Teabagger candidate for Governor) firing her maid via voice-mail for being illegal, Link Send e-mail to Bart Profiles in Timidity Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Subject: My New Philosophy Bart, there are four things you should never have interpreted by certain people: 1. The Bible by someone who says they have read it (especially if they are paid to teach it), 2. The Constitution by someone who you can tell has never read it (especially if they are sporting bags of caffeinated beverage), 3. The News by any commentator that wouldn't even think of reading it (especially if they're paid to fit the evidence to the opinion), 4. Your kid's grade card by your own little darling who, like those mentioned above, doesn't want you to read it. Also, it has come to my attention that the political movement of the political moment no longer wants to be called teabaggers. So, in order to respect their wishes, yet maintian the same flavor, we should call them democracy baggers...or d-bags for short. See if they catch on any faster than they did with the first name. Wayne, Dayton Send e-mail to Bart You can select a monthly plan to provide
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![]() Guess the City Send
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Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, last issue's mystery city is Cologne, Germany... I've walked across that bridge, the Hohenzollern Cheers Colin Kennedy Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Thanks to whoever bought the AcomData 1 TB USB 2.0/ External Hard Drive s Amazon.com sent me $3.89 for each which helps keep the Tequila Treehouse going!
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![]() Subject:
last issue's History Mystery
Bart, last issue's history mystery is Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957. This is considered one of the top 100 most important photographs of the 20th century. The picture was taken by Will Counts, who was nominated for a Pulitizer Prize that year. The young lady in the forefront is Elizabeth Eckford (she will be 69 next Monday). On this morning, she is to be denied entry into Little Rock Central High School. She is one of the "Little Rock Nine," the first blacks to attend the newly integrated Little Rock Schools. It was said President Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered federal troops to the school after seeing this photo. BTW, the big mouthed tormenter shown is Hazel Massery. Keep on hammerin' bekaye! From Wikipedia: In 1997, Eckford shared the Father Joseph Biltz Award (presented by the National Conference for Community and Justice) with Hazel Bryan Massery, a segregationist classmate who appears in the Will Counts photograph screaming at Eckford. During the reconciliation rally of 1997, the two women made speeches together. In 1999, President Bill Clinton presented the nation’s highest civilian award, the Congressional Gold Medal, to the members of the Little Rock Nine. Send e-mail to Bart ![]()
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Amarillo is as right-wing as Tulsa. Keep up the good work, Casey Casey, thanks for that! Small donations WORK, especially when you use the Personal botton instead of the Purchase button ![]()
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