Weekend-Monday, Oct 9-11, 2010 Vol 2594 - Subnormals
Dining Room Tables We offer 56 beautiful hardwood choices on every furniture piece. ![]() Erik has been advertising with bartcop.com for nine years Quotes
"America is now extremely fractious and dominated by the loudest voices on cable television and the Internet and Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck and all this stuff. And Obama somehow thinks he can overcome it because he is such a conciliatory character. He's wrong." -- David Resnick, author of "The Bridge"; a biography of President Obama, Link Will the election teach Obama anything? Is our president capable of learning? Will he squander the next two years like he squandered the last two? Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() We fix broken computers. Can we fix yours? Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() Send
e-mail to Bart
Subject: Did no one hear what Glenn Beck said? In
this country using the N-Word is enough to get you virtually
excommunicated from normal society.
But using the N-Word does not even come close to what Glenn Beck said recently about slavery. Glenn Beck said that slavery started with innocent ideas and it was the government regulation that made it bad. Maybe I'm the only one who is paying attention but it sounds to me that Glenn Beck is at least justifying, if not advocating a return to slavery. But this time they will do it right and we'll have slavery that isn't in any way regulated by the government. And it's like W_ T__ F__ !!! He actually said that? When it come to racism calling someone the N-Word is nothing compared to suggesting that slavery started with innocent ideas, and then attempt to completely dismiss the history of what happened to blacks in America with a false story that he just made up. What Beck did was like 1000 times worse. But what really blows my mind is that the news media hasn't called him on it. It is absolutely irresponsible to allow a statement like that to stand unchallenged. Marc Perkel Http://marc.perkel.com Founder of the Church of Reality Reality changed my life. It can change your life too! ![]() Quotes "I understand that there has been a great deal of speculation about just who I am and how I got here. Well, the answer is simple. I'm you." -- Linda Tripp, hated by everyone involved in that ugly affair 12 years ago, Link ""I'm not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you." -- Christine O'Donnell, playing the Linda Tripp card Link Isn't that the weirdest phrasing ever? "I'm nothing you've heard?" You know they spent hours or even days working on the exact wording, and that's what they settled on? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Gov't off my back! Here's a guy who after WWII went to college on the G.I. Bill, got a great job, bought a house with an FHA loan, his kids got a college education with a student loan, drove to work on an Interstate Highway, is now on Social Security and Medicare and is now voting Republican to get the government off his back!!! Maybe we are as dumb as they think we are!!! Ron Henry ![]() Ohio Rethug has Nazi Fetish He likes to dress up in Nazi regalia ![]() "Rich Iott - second from right -Seig Heil!" Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Marty's
new stuff every day
Marty always has good stuff. Quotes
"Instead of being shortsighted and shortchanging our kids, we should be doubling down on them. We should be giving every child in America a chance to make the most of their lives; to fulfill their God-given potential. We should be fighting to lead the global economy in this century, just like we did in the last. Now, it is true that when it comes to our budget, we have real challenges to meet. Nothing would be more detrimental to our prospects for success than cutting back on education." -- Obama, who keeps making the same mistake over and over, Link Why can't our president learn? NOBODY CARES ABOUT EDUCATION, or tanning booths or peace in the f-ing Middle East. They want to hear about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS and our president want to talk about other stuff? I want to hear people and pundits say, "Obama is a broken record, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS is all he talks about." He should change his name to Barack JOBS Obama. He should change his dog's name to JOBBIE, JOB, JOBS. He should change his kids' names to Big Job and Little Job. He should be making FIVE speeches per day - talking about NOTHING but JOBS! But he refuses to give the voters what they're demanding - why? He's got his agenda and he doesn't care what voters think about it. Why can't our president learn? "Of course people are frustrated. People are impatient with the pace of change. They want things to move a little quicker. I understand that. I’m impatient, too. But the other side, they don't have an answer. All they have decided to do is to ride that frustration and that anger all the way to the ballot box."" -- Obama, who keeps making the same mistake over and over, Link Yes, and the GOP is doing a damn fine job of riding that anger to victory. So what if you took my advice and acted like jobs are important? If people saw you focused like a laser beam on nothing but JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, they might get the idea that you're trying your hardest - but things are just slow. But every time you go to a concert or greet the Girl Scouts or some hockey team, you're telling people, "Enough talk about JOBS," which is KILLING you and all Democrats. Why can't our president learn? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Is Bob Woodward Crazy? He thinks Hillary will make a move Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: social security Bart, there will be no social security COLA coming up for the next year. Stupid people, which are the majority in America, will blame Obama and the Democrats for this and I'm sure this will play out in this year's election. "Social Security recipients got a one-time bonus payment of $250 in the spring of 2009 as part of the government's massive economic recovery package. Obama lobbied for another one last fall when it became clear seniors wouldn't get an increase in monthly benefit payments in 2010. Congress took up the issue, but a proposal by Sen. Bernie Sanders died when 12 Democrats and Joe Lieberman joined Senate Republicans to block it. Please get this info out so people are aware that the republicans are screwing them, once again, and not Obama. By the way, I'm REALLLLLY sick of Lieberman. When is he up for re-election? He just needs to die already, literally. How much you wanna bet that Obama will stump for him? Diane I have NO DOUBT Obama will campaign for Lieberman - and Blanche Lincoln and every back-stabber who spent the year screwing their president and their country. And even if we lose the House and the Senate, (unlikely) I have NO DOUBT Obama will spend 2011 trying to get Boehner and McConnell to like him. Obama is who he is and I don't see him changing. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Check out our new Bush Recession Prices Banner ads by
the day, Send e-mail to Bart I need help
September income was as lousy as August, so I need to get back into the t-shirt business. I have an idea for a shirt, but I need help with the art. Who knows how to do art for a printer to put on a shirt? I could pay the winner $25 for a complete mock-up, if that's what it's called. It would be close to this: ![]() But I want to change the words to "We screwed you all" and I want to add images of Boner and the Bitch, too. So all we need is a clear picture of Boehner, McConnell with Bush in the middle and the changed (lower case) wording. PLEASE send your printer-ready art, winner gets $25 ...and, if this works, would you non-artists consider buying a shirt? I can help with that, Bart ![]() Help Bartcop.com survive! to bartcop@bartcop.com OR send a 'love' check to bartcop.com
![]() Rich getting much richer So, of course, they need tax relief ![]() Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "A Democratic operative sent this summary, from public sources, of outside television and radio spending on the 2010 races: Republican Third Party Groups - $43.6 million Democratic Third Party Groups - $ 6.6 million That's a seven-to-one advantage." -- Ben Smith, on why we're losing so badly, Link Republicans are desperate for victory. They're working hard, spending money and attacking Democrats. We got us a NitWH and the South is going to rise again. Meanwhile, IF victory knocks on a Democrat's door - loud enough and long enough, the Democrat juuuuuuuuuuuuust might consider letting victory in. But work for it? No way. Finance a victory? Are you crazy? Attacking the crazies who want to kill Medicare and Social Security? Why, listing the facts is offensive to some, so we f-ing drift towards Niagara Falls without a barrel. Subject: bumper sticker
![]() Bart, thanks for the stickers. Maybe all the i-Phone people will hit the site and be enlightened! Sel in Jax Sel, thanks for that. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Click to Order “Mike Palecek reminds me of Socrates the gadfly who asked unwelcome questions, Diogenes with his lantern looking in vain for an honest man, Chekhov the man with the hammer challenging the complacent family to share their meal, Kerouac the ever on the move, somewhat hysterical searcher, and he reminds me of many Americans who as children were so blasted with propaganda that they’re devoting the rest of their lives to challenging the lies and all who tell them. In this land where babies are brought by storks and buildings collapse due to unpatriotic bricks, we need the gadfly because no leader, preacher, guru, or saint will wake us up, though the Doomsday clock is ticking close to twelve.”— David Ray, American poet, author of “The Endless Search” and “The Death of Sardanapalus and Other Poems of the Iraq Wars” Look for bartcop Note: If you sign up,
![]() Quotes "They are tossing out these baseless charges. The president accused the Chamber of Commerce of a criminal violation by getting foreign money and spending it on American political campaigns, and they have not one shred of evidence to back up that baseless lie. This is a disturbing trend by the president to tar his political adversaries with some kind of enemies list, with being unrestrained by any facts or evidence whatsoever. Have these people no shame? Does the president have such little regard for the office he holds that he goes out there and makes these kind of baseless charges against his political enemies? This is just beyond the pale. How dare the president do this?" -- Karl Rove, Link Hey Karl, since the Chamber of Commerce REFUSES to say where they got the money, the logical assumption is they are ashamed of the donor OR it was illegal. If they did nothing illegal, why can't they divulge the source? Also, Karl, did Obama's "lie" kill 5,000 American soldiers? Did Obama's "lie" disable 30,000 young Americans for life? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject:
Bart: I understand and tend to agree that Hillary would not back down from the fights that Obama has. However, had the Democrats nominated her we'd be talking about President McCain (or more likely President Palin) I think with 16 years of practice the right wing Hate mongers had beating up on Hillary she had no chance of winning a general election. This is why I chose Obama not perfect but reasonable and not a target they had plenty of practice at. Hopeful in VA ![]() Stickers!
![]() Still have a few WPE frige magnets left Free
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check to ![]() Weird
Picture of the Day
![]() Quotes "I guarantee that if the Republicans take the House, they’ll start investigating anything and everything, from the Christmas card list, to who clip’s Bo’s nails. They’ll tell you that race has NOTHING to do with it. It’s a question of The Constitution, and Presidential overreach – in other words, they’ll try to impeach Obama for what Bush started." -- Debbie, Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: I am
Bart, I really have to take exception to the "toon" you ran on the latest issue: ![]() What the fuck, Bart? Seriously. It's not seriously - it's a joke. Sanchez gets the boot for anti-semitic comments and your reply is to run a racist stereotypical image of a Mexican with Sanchez' mug photoshopped on it? I realize you didn't make the toon Bart, but you're running it! A Cuban says something stupid about Jews and a cartoonist recreates a line from Blazing Saddles (and an old Bogie movie) and you took offense because you're Mexican? What would happen if you chose not to be offended? Like you say often when you run toons, "I don't get it". Seriously, what the fuck? What answer are you searching for? What is lost that needs to be found? BESIDES, SANCHEZ ISN'T OF MEXICAN DESCENT, HE'S CUBAN!!! THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CUBANS AND MEXICANS, BART. Again - where are you going with this? Who got hurt here? What was the damage? Please don't be as ignorant as the teabaggers we all love to ridicule. Greetings from Mexico, Ricardo I plead ignorant as to why you're pissed. Do you want all copies of Blazing Saddles and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre destroyed? Try to understand that every joke ever told offends somebody. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: foreign donations Bart, I was wondering if foreign corporations can find ways to donate to Republican based groups, couldn't foreign governments find a way to donate to democrate leaning groups? I'm sure there are many governmenttal leaders that favor Obama and the Democratic ideals. It it's possible it could even things out. Just asking. Ric the Pillar Ric, one side is fighting hard, the other side is surrendering early at every opportunity. Which side do you think most people will donate to? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Subject: why the big deal? I find out she was not of stellar character that's unfortunate but give her some slack we are not all perfect. I might have lost some respect for her behavior as a doxy or floozy to further her ambitions. But don't portray her as totally an evil person. It was close but sorry no cigars.Thanks. C. del Rosario It would help if I knew who you were talking about. PS. Could there be any juicy news about other famous people that I don't know about? I'll have to check your web-site again! They say Brent Favre e-mailed pictures of his junk to women in 2008. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() You can select a monthly plan to provide
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![]() Guess the City Send
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Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, last issue's mystery city is the Kansas City Plaza. Adrian the Environmentalist Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Thanks to whoever bought the Tamrac 5578 Expedition 8 SLR Photo Backpack ![]() Amazon.com sent me $8.40 Woo Hoo! which helps keep the Tequila Treehouse going!
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![]() Subject: last issue's History
Bart, last issue's History Mystery is The Kennedy Compound. Several generations of Kennedys spent winters there. It’s called “La Guerida,” and it’s in Palm Beach, Florida. It was originally acquired in 1933 by successful rumrunner Joe Kennedy. During JFK’s presidency, it was known as the “Winter White House.” I think the family sold it a few years ago, after a Kennedy relative was accused (but found not guilty) of raping a woman there. Swing on! Ross My copy was labeled "Al Capone's Florida home." When I told that to Ross, he e-mailed back this gem: Maybe the best answer is a generic one – the house belonged to a northerner who made his fortune during Prohibition.s Also, more people guessed Al Capone than the Kennedys. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() on the Bart Blog!
![]() Subject: Donation Kids finally got out of college, so
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I get to spend money on something I like. Thanks for persevering. Malakay Malakay, that was nice - thanks. Small donations WORK and they are very much appreciated.
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