Black Friday, December 10, 2010 Vol 2622 - The epitome of indifference
Baby Crib Giveaway ![]() ![]() We're giving away this solid cherry
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“Washington is spending away our kids' future and they still want more." -- Sarah Palin, who sounds like she's against borrowing $700 billion from the Chinese to give it to rich sons of bitches who already have everything they want or need, Link But, of course, she doesn't mean a damn thing she says. Send e-mail to Bart Christmas Shopping online? Use this
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![]() We fix broken computers. Can we fix yours? Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() Quotes "Re: Wikileaks- In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble.” -- Ron Paul, the saner man in the family, Link Send e-mail to Bart Obama bought himself time by Gene Lyons Link Send e-mail to Bart Quotes
"Mr. President, face the facts: Republicans just aren't that into you.” -- Stephen Colbert Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Boycott the Socialist NFL Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Check out our new Bush Recession Prices Banner ads by
the day, Quotes "Did Obama ever give a speech where he said that Republicans were keeping food from the mouths of poor children in order for rich people to give their kids cars with sweeter rims? No, and that's because the poor are always the pawns, man, readily sacrificed until they're really needed." -- The Rude Pundit, Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: for what it's worth
I’m a registered independent, and I voted for Obama. I wanted change etc. etc... What I got was (from my perspective) just another politician who is trying desperately to keep his base. His base being those rich folk that he dare not piss off. If he does get them angry they might not give him money next time. Obama should play politics with as much passion as he plays basketball. It seems as though he is doing everything he can to avoid a direct confrontation with the so called opposition. The best politicians as those who roll up their sleeves, get into the gutter and go for the balls. Unless something happens to the contrary, I cannot in good conscience vote for him again. He seems to be a nice guy but, I didn’t vote for a nice guy. I guess George Carlin was right...I just doesn’t matter who gets in. They all serve their corporate masters. Ski, in CP Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Help Bartcop.com survive! to bartcop@bartcop.com OR send a 'love' check to bartcop.com
![]() 2010 Holiday Gift
For the last-minute gift-giver in a hurry - Use these links to order ![]() Click to Order World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (Collector's Edition) Bad-ass Video Game just $79.95 Can't find a damn plumber Our kitchen sink got plugged up somehow so I'm looking for a plumber. I've called about ten and they just laugh at me. "I'm booked for the next two weeks - I can probably be there before Christmas..." How long can it take to unclog a kitchen sink? If you're a plumber, move to Tulsa and you'll pay cash for your house inside a year. Send e-mail to Bart Made-in-China.com -
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Subject: Tally I like Obama guy too; I just wish that he were still in the senate (instead of the Republican, Mark Kirk, elected to replace him) and Hillary were our President. I think Tally was slurping the hopium when he claimed that Obama successfully dealt for passage of the DREAM Act and a repeal of Don’t ask/Don’t tell. Sorry, the Republicans made no deal on those items, nor did they agree to ratify the Start Treaty. And Obie caved almost completely on the inheritance tax issue as well. While the inheritance tax rate was gradually reduced under Bush from 55%, was 45% when Bush left office, and is now zero in 2010. Without Obama’s abject surrender and agreement to a 35% rate, it would have jumped back to 55% in 2011. No matter how much Obama and his sycophant admirers like Tally try to polish this turd, it is still a turd. Bob G ![]() t-shirts for sale!
![]() Your shirt will look better - this is Bart's photoshopping skills :) OR Mooselini ![]() Your shirt will be white ink on a Black shirt Just $23 each Paypal to bartcop@bartcop.com Or send a check to bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Black only, add $2 for larger than XX size ![]() Let’s Not Make a Deal by Paul Krugman Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: I agree with Tally Bart, I agree with Tally. Statistically, there has to be a few... The problem with the world today is that everyone thinks it’s a video game. They all believe that you can sit down and get rid of the bad guys or win the prize in an hour or two. The people increasingly think that the world is Black and White, yes or no, one or zero. There are a lot more complexities in politics in Washington than people realize or even care to know. That gives Obama an excuse to surrender before negotiations begin? We are in the economic funk that we are in because of the stark vision of the neo-cons. It’s been two years, give it time. How many elections should we lose before we start fighting back? I’ve said it before Obama plays chess while the neo-cons play checkers. Forgive me, but that's just bullshit. How does the surrender-early guy get credit for being the smartest guy in the room? Just because we don’t see ten moves ahead doesn’t mean He’s losing. So, that yellow liquid running down my leg just looks and smells like urine? Sometimes you have to sacrifice a piece to win it all. Our focus right now should be to keep everyone from jumping ship and handing the opposition party any more power than they already have. There are times it will seem very hard, but we must all grow a back bone and trust. We must grow a backbone? While watching Obama give the farm away? I know trust is a hard thing to do when it looks like the airplane is spiraling into the ground, but we have to trust the pilot to get us flying straight again. MSgt Tony I'm speechless. Send e-mail to Bart 2010 Holiday Gift
For the last-minute gift-giver in a hurry ![]() Isn't that the best book cover ever? Use this link to order $12.95 Link to 2010 Holiday Gift Page ![]() Check out the news and toons at ![]() Compromise after compromise is just defeat after defeat Link ![]() Click to Order “Mike Palecek reminds me of Socrates the gadfly who asked unwelcome questions, Diogenes with his lantern looking in vain for an honest man, Chekhov the man with the hammer challenging the complacent family to share their meal, Kerouac the ever on the move, somewhat hysterical searcher, and he reminds me of many Americans who as children were so blasted with propaganda that they’re devoting the rest of their lives to challenging the lies and all who tell them. In this land where babies are brought by storks and buildings collapse due to unpatriotic bricks, we need the gadfly because no leader, preacher, guru or saint will wake us up, though the Doomsday clock is ticking close to twelve.” -- David Ray, American poet, author of “The Endless Search” and “The Death of Sardanapalus and Other Poems of the Iraq Wars” ![]() Subject: Dems reaction Bart, I’m old enough to remember the Democratic Base’s reaction to Clinton on welfare reform, NAFTA, school uniforms, tax cuts, etc. Clinton was smart enough to know the votes are in the center. And I suspect you do too. BillJ I'm not sure where you're going with that but if only 29% of the people want the super-rich to get more borrowed money that can't be the center. Send e-mail to Bart Guess the City Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, last issue's mystery city is Caracas, Venezuela, home of La Previsora, whatever that is. Nelson Send e-mail to Bart You can select a monthly plan to provide
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![]() Today's History Mystery Link My history pictures have been temporarily ...relocated. Until I find them - do you readers have any pictures that would qualify? One reader sent me a picture of a fella playing guitar. Could you re-send that please? "I have some pictures, Bart" Send e-mail to Bart I could also use some city pictures from America and around the world. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Obama and Tally Bart:
In spite of our differences in the fall of '08, I
currently agree with you 100% regarding Obama. Among your
complaints -
> 2. He turned health care over to Reid & Pelosi (D-3,000 pages) - big mistake. It's far worse than that. Obama gave away the public option to big pharma in a closed door meeting without ANY public debate. THEN he turned it over to Reid & Pelosi, after having taken away their biggest and best bargaining chip. You, among all people, know how vehemently I
argued against torture. I'm not a hypocrite. Obama has not
lifted a finger to investigate these war crimes. In fact, he has even blocked the investigations of other countries seeking to enforce international law. All Obama has done is say, "America does not torture." Without enforcing the law, all that means is, "we'll keep it available for when it's convenient." That's a deal breaker. I WILL NOT support Obama in 2012. Period. My hope is that he will not run. As much as I love Tally, I'm not with her on
this one.
But all the same, since Tally's in "the biz,"
I'd like her to see this as a suggestion for her.
Jimmy the JD but not a lawyer on the
San Francisco Bay Peninsula
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