Thurs-Friday March 24-25, 2011 Vol 2668 - Shore Whores
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"The presidency is beneath Sarah Palin. There's more power in being Oprah Winfrey than in being Barack Obama. It would be my goal for Palin to become Oprah and be the ultimate kingmaker for twenty-odd years." -- Andrewe Breitbart, Republican and lying whore (redundant) Link I guess Brietbart read that new poll that showed Palin with a 28% approval rating and a super-disasterous 60-something percent disapproval. Yeah the presidency is "beneath her" - because she can't win. Send e-mail to Bart
hate Clinton & Obama
by Keef Olbermann Link If you're going to sacrifice your journalistic integrity to help get a guy elected, should you accuse him of murder just two years later? Send e-mail to Bart
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day ![]() Look! I found a toonist who's with Obama and me on Libya! ![]()
"Even 43% of Catholics in favor of allowing gay and lesbian people to marry, 31% in favor of civil unions, and 22% who said there should be no legal recognition of a gay relationship. Key finding: 39% of Catholics approve of the church's treatment of the issue of homosexuality, and 56% of Catholics believe that homosexual sex is not a sin.” -- Political Wire, Link Why didn't they ask them what percent approves of the Vatican's Child-Rape Club? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Click for subscription info, FAQs and Options Why subscribe? There are 168
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support. bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 to bartcop@bartcop.com ![]() "The human toll in Japan looks to be much worse than the economic toll, and we can be grateful for that..." Quotes "Celebrities go in threes ...and I’m next." -- Zha Zha Gabor, after losing Jane Russell and Liz Taylor Linkl Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Perkel and nuclear power Marc was absolutely right about it being the human element that is the most dangerous part of the nuclear power equation. I worked on every maintenance shutdown at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in MA since it was built until 10 years ago. I also worked there before it went on line. I also worked at Vermont Yankee while it was being built. At Pilgrim I watched as the quality of maintenance steadily dropped. Annual shutdowns went from 3 months to 3 weeks, for example. This was in tune with the philosophy that took hold in the fossil fuel plants in the area – which was, “Hey, it’s cheaper to just run this equipment till it breaks than it is to maintain it.” That is pretty scary when you’re talking nukes, though! It is my considered opinion that as long as America keeps bowing to businessmen to run everything we should stay away from nuclear power – and that goes double in this teabag era of government. --pipe Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Sammy Hagar produces a great tequila? Bart, you wrote: > The man produces a great tequila. Really?? When I tried it, it was about a small step up from Cuervo. Certainly not in the league of the much beloved Chinaco... Has it been improved? bayard Bayard, I was talking about Sammy's Cabo Uno. ![]() It's some of the best stuff on earth. I sipped on a shot for an hour at Tommy's in San Francisco and had multiple orgasms. Someday, if I ever have the money, I'd like to buy 4 shots and compare Cabo Uno to Chinaco Emperador, Herradura Selecion Suprema and Don Julio's Real. ![]() ![]() ![]() I've tried them all, but never together to see who's champ. I'd bet on the Chinaco. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "I never slept with a man I wasn't married to. How many women can say that?" -- Elizabeth Taylor, via Piers Morgan show Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Libya Bart, Usually I agree with you but I couldn't disagree more about Libya. I don't understand any logic to the distinction you're drawing between the Iraq War and the Libya War -- in both cases, don't we see a problematic dictator prone to human rights abuses against his own people, sitting on a lot of oil that the western corporations want a bigger piece of? How about in Libya we lose no troops? I'd call that a significant difference. If anything, wasn't Saddam clearly far worse than Gaddafi by any of the terms you're using to justify war? Most of the "liberals" who support the Libya War are also ones who supported the Iraq War (including your hero Hillary, who was the only Democrat who repeated the Bush administration's lies stating that Saddam cooperated with Al-Qaeda -- even Lieberman and Zell Miller didn't go that far!!). I am unaware of that alledged allegation. Can we see that, historically, governments usually do not actually go to war for "humanitarian" reasons, but that almost every war in world history has been promoted through humanitarian rhetoric? I agree with Gen. Wesley Clark in his principled opposition to the Libya War, and I thought you might be one of the smarter Democrats based on your support of Clark in 2004. On Libya, Clark agrees with Hillary and me. I'm hoping that Clark challenges Obama in 2012, and that we have a true peace candidate who can defeat Obama in the primaries and win in 2012, which will be a tough year for us regardless but all the moreso if we run a pro-war candidate when the American people are fed up with endless war. SC I realize liberals think "all war is always bad" but if that were true, there wouldn't be a United States. Keef Olbermann calls it "murder." Is it murder when you kill a soldier shooting unarmed civilians? I'm right - you should agree with me. Then you'd be right, too. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Gingrich Quotes "Exercise a no-fly zone this evening, communicate to the Libyan military that Gadhafi was gone..." -- Gingrich, March 7th Link Butt Newt, why would Obama lie to Gadaffy's troops and lose all credibility? He's not gone and it took a year for Bush to find Saddam, remember? "Let me draw the distinction. I would not have intervened..." -- Gingrich, this week Link Butt Newt, is your name "Cher?" I ask because to sell that lie, you have to Turn Back Time. ![]() "This is about as badly run as any foreign operation in our lifetime... This is as badly executed, I think, as any policy we've seen since WWII..." -- Gingrich, this week Link Butt Newt, Bush got 5,000 soldiers killed and accomplished nothing but Grand Theft Oil. How is "No Americans dead under Obama" worse than Bush's 5,000 dead ? ![]() "Maybe Bart has a point, Newt!" Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Obama dithering syndrome Bart, What you and Sarah Palin call dithering, I see as thinking through. And I'm damned glad (thrilled, ecstatic) that we have an ultra-thoughtful president who considers all the angles and consults with the bright people he's hired before rushing into complicated situations. Would you be glad he's slow and deliberate if Gadaffy was shooting at your family? Like you say, there's plenty to criticize, and I don't agree with everything he's done by a long shot, but dithering is a bullshit Republican claim. ...unless Gadaffy was shooting at your family Obama Derangement Syndrome is really getting widespread. It's not just for Republicans anymore. And if it has the effect of limiting Obama to one term, we'll be looking back at now as the good old days. Dan Leahy (no relation) Hey, be nice to me. I'm one of the few defending Obama these days. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: I want Bartcop.com to survive ![]() Bart, I read about your fund-raising problems and I'm here to help. I will add 50% to any donation you get up to $1,000. If a reader sends in $50, instead of giving them 6 months of Bartcop Radio please give them 9 months and I'll send you $25. You've kept me sane in some crazy times, Midnight Avenger Update A second reader offered to match donations up to $1,000. We are currently at $1,640 so only $360 to go. Thanks to all who have contributed and we're recording another Bartcop Radio Show tonight. bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
![]() ![]() Business slow? Time to advertise! Banner ads by the day, by the week, or by the monff Click Here to get more Hits Even if business is slow, let people know you're still there. ![]() Quotes "Most of the Hispanic students do not want to be educated but rather be gang members and gangsters." -- AZ state Sen. Lori Klein, reading a letter from a racist Republican Link Send e-mail to Bart Franklin Graham: Proof that I'm Insane He's not kidding, folks... Link
Excerpt: "The Muslim Brotherhood, with the complicity of the Obama administration, has infiltrated the U.S. government at the highest levels and is influencing American policy that leaves the world’s Christians in grave danger," warns the insane son of Billy Graham. This guy is so crazy, he could run for president in the Teabagger Party. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: "Does Obama Know What He's Doing?" Don't forget that Obama's vast experience consists of two years in the Senate, where he was trained by Harry Reid. Don3325 I'm getting dizzy... Send e-mail to Bart Wildlife Picture of the Day Link Send e-mail to Bart Better kiss the old woman... She fired on a man who denied her Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Check out the news and toons at
![]() on the Bart Blog! GMA trashed by Chris Brown
I guess anger management classes failed? ![]() Link Dude, this was Strikes One and two... ![]() ...and now you're sorry and want a fourth chance? I think the world would be safer if you were in a cage. Send e-mail to Bart Guess the City Link If you don't click, odds are this'll be your home town and your friends will wonder why you didn't recognize it. Subject: last issue's mystery city Last issue's mystery city is still unidentified. Where are you people who write "Too easy, Bart?" Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's History Mystery Link Do YOU, the reader, have a not-too-obscure History Mystery picture? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: last issue's history mystery What is last issue's History Mystery? Bart, those gentlemen are the Supreme Commanders of the Allied Forces (Montgomery - UK, Eisenhower - US, Zhukov - Russia, and Tassignyin - France) in Berlin as the Allies assume control of Germany on June 5, 1945. Big Orange Jeff PS - I spent the last two days in an industrial motor shop where they played Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity all day. I think my IQ has dropped 10 points in the last 48 hours. I also have a strange desire to purchase a bunch of gold coins, get a concealed carry permit, start hoarding ammo, and join the Heritage Society. Jeff, good one - thanks. I thought, and many people wrote and agreed, that the Frenchie on the right was de Gaulle, but de Gaulle was VERY tall - this dude ain't - then Jim in Portland sent this: ![]() which identifies them as Montgomery, Eisenhower, Zhukov and de Lattre. Turns out dude #4 has fourteen names, including de Latrre and Tassignyin. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donation Thanks to If
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