Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Vol 2825 - Toxic baton
![]() Business slow? Time to advertise! Banner ads by the day, by the week, or by the monff Click Here to get more Hits Even if business is slow, let people know you're still here. Quotes
"There is a big difference between a disappointing friend and a deadly enemy. Of course the Democrats are disappointing. That's what makes them Democrats. If they were any more frustrating they'd be your relatives. But in this country they are all that stands between you and darkest night. You know why their symbol is the letter 'D'? Because it's a grade that means good enough, but just barely. You know why the Republican symbol is 'R'? Because it's the noise a pirate makes when he robs you and feeds you to a shark.'' -- Bill Maher Send e-mail to Bart Pew poll: Santorum catches Willard President Man-on-Dog is more than I
can bear
Link In Pew polling done Feb. 8-12, 30 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters support Man-on-Dog, while 28 percent prefer the Bain Bitch. A month ago, Romney led Santorum by double digits. Santorum’s surge is fueled by tea party supporters and white evangelicals. He takes votes from Romney, not any other candidate — support for Gingrich and Ron Paul remains stagnant. Even worse news for Romney: Doubt about him is growing, especially among tea party Republicans. Fewer voters see him as a strong conservative and as someone who takes consistent positions than did three months ago. I saw on Hardball that only one in six "conservatives" endorse Romney. It sucks to be Willard. Send e-mail to Bart If you follow me on Twitter,
I'll send you an e-mail when each new issue goes up. That nutty-ass Palin woman ![]() Link Sarah Palin strode out on stage at Nazi PAC in Washington carrying a red leather briefcase — and off to work she went, firing off a year’s worth of sarcastic one-liners at “Professor Obama.” “This government isn’t too big to fail; it’s too big to succeed.” “Hope and change? Yeah, you gotta hope things change.” “After a year or two [in ‘Obama’s Washington,’ lawmakers] decide it’s not really a cesspool. More like a hot tub.” “The last thing you need is a community organizer reorganizing the deck chairs [on the Titanic] while singing, ‘Let’s Stay Together.’ ” “So help me God,” she said, a world in which Americans are overtaxed “is not a future we’ll ever accept.” “He promised to transform America, and that’s one promise he’s kept; he transformed a shining city on a hill into a sinking ship.” As always, this idiot has everything backwards: Clinton gave us 24M new jobs, tripled the stock market and never sent a soldier into battle who didn't come home. Then Der Monkey Fuhrer promised to "turn America into a new direction," which he certainly did. What Bush gave to Obama was hardly "a shining city on a hill." The sick bastard bankrupted the entire country, losing 770,000 American jobs per month. Guess what, Piglips, the unemplyment rate continues to fall. By November, things will be much better than they are now. Suck on that. ![]() Seeing the ads puts
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Quotes "On his book tour President Bush says he used to do stupid things when he was drunk. But think about it, who among us hasn't had a couple of drinks and invaded Iraq?'' -- Letterman Send e-mail to Bart ![]() See
more at http://mariopiperni.com
Obama pressures GOP on payroll tax Link Obama is on offense today, raising pressure on congressional Republicans to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance benefits. But it is unclear if the president will accept a GOP effort to separate the two issues. With weeks before both provisions expire, Obama will host an event at the White House and release a video to nudge Congress to act soon. The White House event, expected to kick off around 10:40 a.m., will feature Americans sharing stories about what the loss of $40 per paycheck means to them. That amount is about how much they would lose if the payroll tax cut isn't extended. Obama solicited help from the public in December when Congress last fought on the issue. Then, lawmakers failed to pass a yearlong payroll tax cut extension because they couldn't agree how to pay for it, so they opted for a two-month extension for time to reach a long-term deal. That extension expires in late-February. This is so easy, I doubt even Obama could screw this up. If the Teabaggers want to raise our taxes in this election year, Obama should let them. Then he can say, "Give me a Democratic senate and you'll get your tax cut back." The only way Obama could screw this up is if he surrenders up-front. Uh-oh, did I just say that? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Sarah Palin Nude Link Thanks, they send me
Ronald Reagan, Welfare Queen
![]() Link Here is one thing we know about Mitt Romney: He loves Ronald Reagan (or at least he does now). Here is another: He also loves the Cayman Islands. It's something he kind of shares with the Gipper: creativity in sheltering his fortune from the prying eyes of tax collectors. But here's something he does not share with Ronald Reagan at all: skill at waving his hands and making the story go away. Not many people remember this now, but when Reagan was governor of California in the early 1970s, it came out that he'd paid no state income taxes - none - one year, despite being a wealthy man. And yet, he went on to run - twice - for the highest office in the land, without the revelation making any sort of dent at all. Learn from the master, Mitt. It happened like this. One Friday in late April of 1971, a student-operated radio station reported that Reagan's 1970 California tax return claimed the governor owed precisely zero dollars and zero cents. Brazen stuff. For one thing, Gov. Reagan pulled his tax dodge during an election year, when he was running for a second term. For another, his big crusade after reelection was fighting the Democratic legislature's attempts to institute tax withholding on salaries to make up for a budget shortfall. He wanted people should know exactly what they were paying; "taxes should hurt," was his slogan. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Astrocat Check out the news and toons at
![]() ![]() Read all about it! on the Bart Blog! Obama's chess match with Iran Let's hope he's better at chess than poker Obama has begun in recent months to
signal to Israel that the United States would not get involved Subject: Are the leaders of Catholicism
supremely holy men?
If you were Jesus, you would expect no less. After all, what's the point of being nailed to a cross if the Church you founded later turns out to be full of scoundrels at the highest levels? Well, the answer to my question is clear, especially in the wake of the latest revelations of scandal. A nest of vipers, that's what we're dealing with. There are all kinds of speculations as to what Jesus would do if he returned. Well, I know what would be most URGENT for him to do. It's to reform this monstrosity that the Church has become. Eckhard Festag Send e-mail to Bart Who is Willard Romney? He's a job-destroying corporate stiff ![]() Link The morning after Newt shut Mitt down in South Carolina, Rich Lowry, the editor of the pro-Mitt, anti-Newt National Review, channeled the horror of GOP grandees everywhere. “If Romney can’t right himself,” he wrote, then “every major elected Republican in the country will panic” and “every unlikely scenario to get another candidate in the race will be explored.” The names once again being floated—Mitch Daniels! Jeb Bush! Paul Ryan! Bobby Jindal!—have not been known to raise the pulse rate of anyone beyond the 25 percent of the GOP embodied by elite conservative pundits. What’s more likely is that the party’s panicked Establishment, and its Wall Street empire, will succeed in their push to crush Gingrich and prop up Romney in any way they can This is why I say it's bullshit each time they tell me Romney's tied with Obama. He can't even beat up Man-on-Dog, and he's going to slay the Obama Dragon? As Bush the Smarter used to babble, "Na Ga Da." ![]() Today's Mystery Car
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1954 Oldsmobile concept car, called the F-88. It was a fiberglas bodied 2-seat roadster similar to the Corvette of the same year. The last surviving example sold for 3.24 million at auction in 2005. Michael in OK Send e-mail to Bart ![]() If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament. Subject: fund-raising idea Some organization collect dues from members in their birth month. Karen in Indiana Karen, thanks for that. Born in February and August folks - can you spare a donation? Donations are accepted. You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or Donate
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you I Was Born in January/July Bart ![]() They say they found "prescription drugs" in her room. Do you think there's a hotel room in America that doesn't have prescription drugs in it? Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() Today's Mystery Celebrity Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart – that's Madonna – the eyes give it away! Rick in Everett, WA Send e-mail to Bart Subject: your platform
iBart, I am very happy and very grateful that you have developed a platform (your blog) that gives you the opportunity to express the frustration that many of us Democrats feel. I am very grateful that you continue to insist that Democrats "fight" for what is right. You have hit the nail on the head when you continue to illuminate the fact that most Democrats don't "fight" for their point of view and for those who are downtrodden. We need more fight in the Democratic party. This may be a result of an over-sensitivity to "political correctness", but as you have pointed out, "liberals" can't continue to acquiesce on issues that matter with the mad-dog conservatives because they simply don't give a damn. The Democrats "giving in" is just surrender to the ultra conservatives. Liberals have to learn how to fight by the same rules if they want their ideas to survive. I'm with you, as so-called liberals, we have to meet our ideological opponents on common ground with the same ground rules. Any other tactic simply won't keep the American Dream alive for the 99%. Bluedeer Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name that Food Link Subject: last issue's Food Mystery Link Bart, those are broiled shad with mushrooms. Rhonda Visiting our sponsors puts food on Bart's family... Send e-mail to Bart Wildlife Close-up Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, Last Issue's Mystery City is Havana, Cuba. I have been there and I have seen this memorial to the revolution. Owen S Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's history mystery What is last issue's History Mystery? Bart, according to the English paper, THE INDEPENDENT, “Art, science and the press converged when Charlie Chaplin threw a dinner party for Albert Einstein, to introduce to, among others, William Randolph Hearst the newspaper magnate. It wasn't a success: Einstein wasn't disposed to explain his theories to the uninitiated, the boffin and the mogul failed to hit it off. Things might have frozen up completely had not Hearst's girlfriend twined her fingers through Einstein's barnet and cooed: "Albert, why don't you get your hair cut?" Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donation Bart, it's about time I donated. My birthday is in February, Joe Mac Joe, thanks for that. ![]() Supermodel Keidi Klum ![]() ![]() Check out 1608 sexy, tasteful photos of Heidi Klum in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties. Marty always has good stuff. Shopping online?
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