Thurs-Friday, March 29-30, 2012 Vol 2851 - Icing on the Cake
"Mitt Romney has changed positions more often than a pornographic movie queen." -- former U.S. Senator Arlen Specter Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Clown Justices vs Health Care Link The Republican justices on the U.S. Supreme Court behaved more like Fox News pundits than serious jurists weighing the constitutionality of an important law addressing the health of the American people. On Tuesday, they posed silly hypothetical questions of the sort that might boost TV ratings among Tea Party viewers but had little to do with the Constitution. Based on their goofy and hostile questions, the Republican majority seems poised to strike down the core of the Affordable Care Act, the so-called individual mandate, an idea that ironically originated with the right-wing Heritage Foundation, was enacted by Romney in Massachusetts, and only became a bête noire when Obama embraced it. Now, despite the Constitution’s grant of broad powers to Congress to regulate interstate commerce, the five Republican partisans on the Supreme Court appear ready to kill the health reform law in the midst of a presidential election and deliver a body blow to Obama’s reelection hopes. Subject: Supreme Court and Obamacare Bart, How come… The
Supreme Court Says You Can Be Held Indefinitely, Without Charge The
Supreme Court Says You Must Allow Military Recruiters in Schools Dennis, good one - thanks. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Shop Online
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Dem 'arrested' on House Floor His crime? Wearing a hoodie, of course ![]() Link The hoodie protests have arrived on the floor of the United States Congress. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) was chided and escorted from the House floor Wednesday for wearing a hoodie while delivering a rousing speech about the need for a full investigation into the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. “Racial profiling has got to stop,” he said. “Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum.” As he spoke those words, he removed his suit jacket and lifted the hood over his head. Rep. Gregg Harper (R-Nazi Pig), presiding over the floor as Rush delivered his remarks, began beating hid gavel like a madman almost immediately. Shouting over Rush, Harper said that Rush was out of order for wearing the hood. A long prohibition has barred House members from wearing hats on the floor. Rush was then escorted from the House floor. Damn, Rep Rush is lucky the racist bastards didn't shoot him dead on the House floor. ![]() Marty
new stuff every
on her fine, fine Entertainment Page Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() OK, let's say I buy the idea of painting with your penis. Why paint a picture of porn star Ron Jeremy? (Maybe if he painted hot babes his "brush" would be more difficult to control? ) Marty always has good stuff. This is what they
Interesting how racism trumps economics. The building owner would rather pay for four restrooms because Whites didn't want to share. Sarah Palin Nude Link ![]() Subject: Overturning Obamacare might backfire for GOP I see the Republican party salivating over the possibility that the Supreme Court will overturn Obama's health care reform law. Republicans seem to see this as some sort of huge victory but I think this could backfire. If the Republicans win it means that people and treatments that are now covered will no longer be covered. Voters are not going to be happy with Republicans taking things away from them when they vote this year. The result might ultimately be a public insurance option or a single payer system that Republicans will hate even more. Marc Perkel ![]() Business slow? Run a "We're Still Here, goddammit" Sale! Think how many people/companies have bitten the dust since Bush stole the Treasury. Banner ads by the day, by the week, or by the monff Click Here to get more Hits Even if business is slow, remind them why they need you! ![]() Quotes "With the cold part of my mind that keeps any sadness momentarily walled off, I make the call. Eldrick has become less of a golfer, and he’s never going to be the same again...” -- Hank Haney, Eldrick's former coach in his new "tell-all" book Link Its's amazing to see the whore press come together and protect their precious Eldrick. I haven't really been looking, but I've only heard ONE allegation against Eldrick and it was the one I printed about how Eldrick kept hardcore porn playing on his TV because he knew it would upset his "roommate," who was a devout Christian. (Why did Eldrick have a roommate?) Haney was on Piers Morgan, (who isn't fit to carry Larry King's jockstrap). Piers didn't ask about any dirt, he spent his time chiding Haney for daring to write about great and powerful Tiger, as if that was some cardinal rule that could never be broken. Apparently, that's true. After all the hookers and all the lies and all the missed putts, the whore sports media continues to cover-up for Tiger. I assume he's dying-golf's last, best chance to survive? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Check out the news and toons at
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is wrong: It's Romney's Race to Lose by Ted Rall Link Barring an assassination or a scandal, Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee. Obama currently leads Romney by about four to five points. (CNN has it 50-37 Obama) But that’s not nearly enough of a lead to carry him to November. History shows that GOP nominees steadily increase in popularity throughout the summer and fall of an election year. In April 2004, for example, Kerry led Bush by eight points. Swift Boating erased that lead. I agree because Kerry refused to fight back. If Obama refuses to fight back, he will certainly lose. Betting on a Dem to refuse to fight is usually smart money but I remember that Obama campaigns a lot better than he governs. For one, in a campaign, Obama doesn't surrender early and often. Obama is boxed in by three-plus years of inaction on, well, pretty much everything. He’ll argue that he’ll be able to “finish the job” during a second term, but that’s a tough sell when you haven’t tried to start the job—in 2009, when Democrats had huge majorities in both houses of Congress. His big accomplishment, healthcare reform, is disliked by 2/3 of the electorate. It is difficult to argue with the facts. You can’t vote for the first African-American president twice. Unless he picks a woman as VP, a vote for Obama will be a vote for the same-old, same-old. The history-making thrill is gone. What? A woman for VP? Which woman are qualified to be VP? Just kidding, but ...I wonder if Ted Rall is a gambling man? I know cartoonists don't get paid much, so how about this? If Obama wins, Ted publishes a toon that says "Bartcop was right." If Dog-on-Roof wins, I'll publish a statement that says, "Ted Rall was right and he knows more about politics than I do." What'dya say, Ted? I'll take that challenge, Bart Subject: ideas on Trayvon vs Zimmerman Send e-mail to Bart Premier Toonist
Wolf Grulkey
is running for
![]() Subject: Trayvon Martin picture Link Send e-mail to Bart Aborted fetuses in your Pepsi?
That's their best source for "flavor?" washingtontimes.com PepsiCo has come under intense pressure from pro-life groups for contracting with Senomyx Inc., a biotech company accused of developing flavor enhancers using cell lines taken from the kidney of an aborted fetus. PepsiCo announced the $30 million deal on its website in August 2010. The move represents what pro-life advocates describe as a troubling shift in commercial research involving cell lines developed from aborted embryos and fetuses. While research has centered on vaccines and medicines, Senomyx has contracted with companies that make soft drinks, candy, gum and coffee creamers. After a review of Senomyx’s patents in 2011 showed that the company was using the fetal cell line in its research, more than a dozen pro-life groups launched a boycott of Pepsi products that has since spread to 11 nations, including Canada, Poland and Australia, as well as much of Western Europe. Is the Moonie Times jumping the gun on April Fools? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() We're
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I'll send you a tweet/Facebook message when each new issue goes up. New Feature ![]() Can you guess the movie? Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: All I can say is WOW! Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: If the GOP Ticket is Romney/Santorum... It would be the Dog-on-Roof /Man-on-Dog ticket. RJ, Nomadic pillar ha ha I can't stop laughing... Good one, RJ! Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery Car
Link I think I have you stumped this time. And no, "The Lime-mobile" is not a proper answer. Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1976 Maserati Medici I; uglier than a hat full of Pigboys. Ken ![]() Send e-mail to Bart The GOP's War on the non-rich We're fighting the anti-progress GOP - can you help? You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or Donate
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you I Was Born in March/September Bart Thanks, they send me pennies... Today's Mystery Celebrity Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, tthat cheerleader is Rachael Ray from Lake George (NY) High School. Leo Send e-mail to Bart Subject: My Brush with Greatness Link We need more Greatness stories ![]() Subject: RE: Subject: What Obama should have argued in the Supreme Court Perkel was right on the money, (last issue) it’s all about cost-shifting. Can we argue that about our taxes too? And make the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share? Sel in jax Sel, only the little people pay taxes. Guys like Romney, who made $20M last year, don't pay as high a rate of taxes as you and I pay. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, Last Issue's Mystery City remains a mystery. I guess Americans don't go to Germany much... Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's history mystery Bart, Last Issue's History Mystery ? That’s some southern cop fingerprinting Rosa Parks for the crime of sitting on a bus seat while a white good 'ole boy had to stand. Boy, how uppity can you get? Sooz Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donation Bart, you position on Iran is HORRIBLE! Just kidding, ha ha My birthday is March 21st and I sent something extra to help out. I hope your health is good and you can drink tequila that doesn't suck. Best regards to you and your better half, Bill on a mission Bill, thanks for that. If some rich Democrat could throw $10,000-$25,000 my way it would sure take the pressure off for the upcoming political season. Think of the tax deduction! I hate to spend time every day trying to raise money. If you're shopping online, it never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() French singing hottie Alizee ![]() Check out over 100 sexy, tasteful photos of Alizee in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties. Marty always has good stuff. Shopping online?
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