Weekend-Monday June 2-4, 2012 Vol 2885 - Teavangelicals
![]() If you are planning on taking classes, visiting, or working at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu NM, you need to read this website. We've got a bunch of new letters that detail our gripes with management. Check it out, then please sign our petition to replace the current ranch administrator and her deputies and/or send us your letters and comments for print on the website. www.ghostranchfriends.org Florida: Screw Voting Rights Act They're not letting Blacks vote in November ![]() Link Florida, a key electoral battleground, will defy the Justice Department's warning to stop its effort to purge Black voters, a state spokesman said on Saturday. The warning issued this week by the head of the Justice Department's voting section said the move to purge Black voters appeared to violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protects minorities. It demanded a response by Wednesday. But a spokesman for Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner said the state must ensure only White voters cast ballots, and intends to go forward with the campaign. "We have a year-round obligation to ensure the integrity of Florida's White elections. We will be responding to the Justice Department's concerns next week," Chris Cate said. As always, Republican crimes will continue until the Democrats take action. Usually, our idiot Democrats wait until the week of the election to address these issues, then a judge rules there's not enough time to make the necessary changes. How did I get stuck in a party of spinless, clueless cowards? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() They say Walker will likely survive. I can't keep up with Wisconsin politics but I assume the Dems have failed to list the facts? Shop Online
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![]() John Edwards Not Guilty Jury hangs on trumped-up charges Link A jury's refusal to convict John Edwards for cheating on hios wife was less a redemption of him than a rejection of Bush's crooked Justice Department's boldest attempt to make an example of someone in the name of enforcing campaign finance laws. Thursday's verdict of not guilty on one count and a mistrial on five others bore out criticism from the earliest stages of the case that it was a reach, that prosecutors went after the ex-U.S. senator without the kind of evidence that justified the charges that he masterminded a scheme to use campaign donations to hide his pregnant mistress from the public and his terminally ill wife. "As noted by nearly every lawyer who considered the matter, this was a lousy case," said Melanie Sloan of some group in Washington. "All the salacious details prosecutors offered up to prove that Edwards is, indeed, despicable, were not enough to persuade the jury to convict him." Justice was eventually done in this case. In a time when Bush and Cheney lied us into two wars that killed 6,000 soliders how were they going to convict Edwards of lying about an affair where nobody died? And how were they going to convict Edwards of using campaign money funny after Sheldon Adelson gave Newt $10M to win racist Carolina? The crooks at Bush's Justice Department went after innocent John Edwards like their names were Hardon Kenny. These are the same crooks who framed Sen. Ted Stevens by witholding proof of his innocence. In America, it's 100 percent legal to frame an innocent person and the dirty crooks who put the scheme into action don't even get their wrists slapped. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Pete Hoekstra Pete is running for Senate, after a failed primary bid for the Governor’s race a couple of years ago. The Senate spot is currently held by Debbie Stabenow (D), who has never lost an election in which she was the main candidate (she was a Lt. Gov. pick on a losing ticket, once). During the Super Bowl this year, Pete ran an ad that should have ruined his political career, it was so offensive to Asians. He hired an Asian actress to speak pigeon English and refer to “Debbie Spenditnow” sending all the American jobs to China. The actress was thanking her for doing so. Pete has little primary opposition, but he also has little chance of beating the incumbent because of his offensive previous ad. Sue in Michigan Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Election could turn on CO Pot vote Crazy Pot jihad could cost Obama a second term Link Sure, he has acknowledged smoking pot as a young man, but he has disappointed marijuana advocates by opposing its legalization and busting law abiding marijuana providers like he believes Reefer Madness is real. His Justice Department crackdowns on medical marijuana dispensaries have severely angered his base. So now, with Obama facing a stiff challenge from Dixie's Mitt Romney in the November 6 election, it's ironic that his chances of winning the key state of Colorado could hinge on marijuana legalization. They say this race could be tight enough that Obama has to win Colorado and Wisconsin. Obama pisssed of Wisconsin by ignoring their war against evil Scott Walker and he's managed to piss off every pot smoker (and 30 million poker players) with his petty jihads against regular Americans, no doubt as an attempt to curry favor with the Bitch and the Boner. For a smart man, he's certainly screwed up a LOT of easy tests. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Lying Zimmerman behind bars He lied to the judge - he has no credibility ![]() "I'm a racist and a liar and a murderer who has gotten caught lying to a judge. I'm going to jail for several decades." Link Trayvon's murderer fucked up. He swore under oath that he was dead broke, failing to mention the over $100K that racists and Dixie-loving Rethugs sent him He has pissed off the judge and that's not good. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: snake handlers Bart, back in '82 when my wife and I were newly married we went to Tennessee to visit her grandparents. One evening while watching the news there was a piece about some man having been bitten and then died while testing his faith. Her grandfather shook his head and said "God gave me enough sense not to play with snakes." I think of that every time I hear of someone doing something stupid and expecting their omnipotent babysitter to take care of them instead of using their brain to really think it through. Dan. Oklahoma is chock-full of snake-handling crazies. We're also the cock-fighting capital of these ununited states. Jocelyn Elders was right - if these crazies would play with their cocks instead of rattlesnakes nobody would die and they might get some "aggression poison" out of their system, too. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Eldrick's Agent arrested for DWI Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: snake handlers snake handling,,, too much faith? Why not just drink Drano? Drano is legal in all states and is much easier to store. It would be the same test of faith according to their interpretation of scripture. It's an interesting concept that secular (state) law can legally deny folks practicing their faith. How would this concept affect the current issue of religions claiming that they are being denied the right to practice their faith by legally requiring them to provide contraception to women? Mark 16:17-18. "And these signs will follow those who believe," the verses say. "In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover." Keith Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Spend Money to Make Money Advertise at Bartcop.com, make more sales, generate more income. Two days just $35 One week just $75 If you don't advertise, your costomers won't know you have what they can't live without. Green Lantern Comes Out He's our first gay comic book hero Link One of DC’s iconic superheroes, Alan Scott a.k.a. the Green Lantern, has come out of the closet. Publisher Dan DiDio confirmed the rumors about the Green Lantern today, a character who currently appears as the lead in DC’s “Earth 2.” The comic is a rebooted version about one of DC’s original heroes and is written by James Robinson. In an interview with EW, Robinson said that Alan Scott’s sexuality i just a part of his character, but not his defining trait. “He’s an interesting, complex character that I think people will respond to on many levels. He’s the epitome of heroism. And I hope that he’s a positive representation of a gay man,” Robinson said. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() No wonder the GOP won't let a Democrat fix this mess. If it gets fixed, they can't charge $75 for aspirin anymore. Marty
new stuff every
on her fine, fine Entertainment Page Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty always has good stuff. ![]() Sarah Palin Nude Link Big Dog: Obama will win big Link Bill Clinton said he thought that Obama would be easily re-elected, even though polls currently show a close race. "I still think the president will win by five or six points," Clinton told CNN. Obama and Romney are even in a number of nationwide polls. At this point polls show support for the two men closer than it will be in November, Clinton said, due to continued stress on the US economy. But if Obama's supporters hit the trail and tout his achievements as president, Clinton said he was confident "he'll be fine and he'll be re-elected." In other words, if Democrats list the facts, they'll win. Where have we heard that before? Send e-mail to Bart Check out the news and toons at
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you'll know when each new issue goes up. ![]() You any good at Lyrics? Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: My Brush with Greatness Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Obama's Mess: Medical pot in Montana http://www.facebook.com/tom.daubert Send Tom some encouragement on Facebook and Friend him or Like him - Twitter his hashtag or whatever. Let's get Tom 100,000 followers. (He has 593 so far) He's probably feeling pretty alone, waiting to see if he'll get the full 20 years. http://www.codeofthewestfilm.com/ ![]() "I might get 20 years in federal prison because our president has a problem with legal pot laws." Link Tom Daubert, 59, faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, a $500,000 fine for following Montana's pot laws to the letter. He did NOT count on Obama waging a jihad against his legal business that was helping sick people. I saw in TIME Magazine where a reporter finally asked Obama about his hardon for pot smokers. His super-weak and illogical reply was, "Well, some of these marijuana growers have turned their Mom and Pop operations into giant thousand-pound money-making machines," which makes no sense. IF Obama has a problem with law-abiding Americans getting into free enterprise, why not WARN them to slim down their operations instead of busting the little guy in Montana without notice? You know how the saying used to be, "Better to let ten guilty men go free than convict one innocent man?" Well, that's been changed to, "Better to let ten innocent cancer patients die in pain than let once one pot smoker get high without a terminal illness." Barack, you've let us down. As a candidate, you promised you'd treat this issue with science and logic. You lied and it could cost you your place in history If you lose, it may be 50 years before another person of colors wins the White House because the racists repugs will say, "See? You can't trust a nigger with power." Is your petty little jihad against pot and poker worth losing the White House? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Business slow? Run a banner ad on bartcop.com Don't be a victim of Bush's Recession Banner ads by the day, by the week, or by the month Click Here to get more Hits Even if business is slow, remind them why they need you! Two days just $35 ![]() The GOP's War on Women We're fighting the anti-progress GOP - can you help? You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or Donate
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you I Was Born in June/November Bart Today's Mystery Celebrity photo was kinda hot Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, yesterday's Mystery Celebrity? That's Jill St. John Proof Bob in Des Moines Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The Morons at Parade Magazine Link I would never buy Parade magazine but it comes with my Sunday paper. I read where they updated the cover of Sgt Peppers with "new" people so I tried to check it out, but the morons printed a photo that's too small to see any faces. ![]() I can see Elvis Costello and Eric Clapton, but that's about it. How big of an idiot do you have to be to work at Parade Magazine? Maybe you kids, with your 20-year old eyes can make out more celebrities but I can't see a goddamn thing with my 58-year old eyes. I wonder how the artist feels knowing he spend all those hours working on the damn poster that most of America can't even f-ing see. Subject: My Brush with Greatness Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, Last Issue's Mystery City? That's Sveti Stefan in Montenegro, a very cool little fishing village that was, alas, bought by the 1% and turned into a luxury resort. At least hoi polloi like thee and me are still allowed to walk its cobbled streets before returning to the mainland via that little causeway. Peter Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's history mystery Bart, Last Issue's History Mystery is a One Wheel Motorcycle (1931) One wheel motorcycle (invented by Italian M. Goventosa de Udine). Maximum speed: 150 kilometers per hour ( 93 Mph). The Why -- I have no idea More Here Jim Bart, didn’t I just see those motorcycles in Men In Black 3?? Check it out Paula (it pays to have grandchildren or so many reasons!!) Yes, the new Men in Black movie seems to feature these. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Subject: donation I sent out a bunch of "Thank you" packages today. If I told you, "Look for something in the mail," and it doesn't show up by Friday, write and tell me what I owe you. I'm very late with these "Thank you" packages. If you sent a donation and can't hear the radio shows, write and tell me. If I promised you stickers and dropped the ball, write and tell me. I need a personal asistant. Preferably one who knows how to roll. If you're shopping online, it never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Out-of-work TV cop Eva La Rue ![]() ![]() Check out over 450 sexy and tasteful photos of Eva La Rue in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties. Marty always has good stuff. Shopping online?
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