Wednesday, June 6, 2012 Vol 2887 - Big Flipper
![]() If you are planning on taking classes, visiting, or working at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu NM, you need to read this website. We've got a bunch of new letters that detail our gripes with management. Check it out, then please sign our petition to replace the current ranch administrator and her deputies and/or send us your letters and comments for print on the website. www.ghostranchfriends.org Willard ![]() That was then, now he says that's "queer" Link Romney has distanced himself from the health care reform bill he signed as governor of Massachusetts amid criticism that the law bears more than a passing resemblance to Obamacare, which he's repeatedly pledged to repeal if elected in November. But a series of emails obtained by the Whore Street Journal reveals Romney was actively engaged in negotiating the specifics of the 2006 Massachusetts bill and that he and his top aides championed a provision identical to one in Obama's law requiring individuals to have or buy health insurance. The individual mandate is at the heart of most conservative criticism of Obama's health care law, with many Republicans calling the provision unconstitutional. But in 2006, emails obtained by the WSJ under a public records request show, Romney and his top aides pressed for an individual mandate even when Massachusetts Democrats weren't yet embracing such a proposal. It seems like no matter how many giant blunders Romney makes, nothing sticks. Everyone knows he's a spineless, coreless flip-flopper, but they don't care. His skin is white and he hates the poor - that's all today's GOP needs. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Shop Online
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![]() Just a little frustration here... For the first two years, when the GOP said, "We need to cut health, housing and education," Obama's answer was, "I agree - how much?" Didn't we win in 2008? What happened to our victory? Walker's win is Obama's Loss We see the first cracks in Obama's armor ![]() Link Obama wasn’t on the ballot on Wisconsin, but Gov. Scott Walker’s decisive victory last night is a stinging blow to his re-election prospects. The re-election was a telltale sign that the conservative base is as energized as ever, that the Democratic voter mobilization efforts may not be as stellar as advertised, and that the Democratic-leaning “blue wall” Rust Belt states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania will be very much in play this November. Walker won by a bigger margin than he did in 2010, and with more overall votes. He carried 38 percent of union households – a slight improvement from his 2010 midterm tally – a strikingly strong number given how he’s been cast as the villain of labor. It’s a sign of the cultural divide between national Democrats and blue-collar whites, one that is particularly acute for the president. So what went wrong? Can anybody explain? Send me a paragraph or two, NOT a shitload of links. Does this prove we're losing the unions? Why did 38% of union households vote to bust the unions? Or did we lose the unions a long time ago, and Dems are lying to themselves? The biggest difference we have between them and us is we're right. If we lost an election, it must've been bungled by boneheaded Democrats because since we're right, all we have to do is list the facts and we win the debate/election. This Democratic bungling is very dangerous. It tells the Teabaggers they have real power and that sane Americans refuse to fight back. Wisconsin is a Blue State, for Christ's sake, and we can't beat a union-busting Teabagger? Write and tell me, in your own words, what went wrong here... Send your answer to Bart ![]() Trayvon killer "confused, fearful" The racist gun nuts are weeping for him Link George Zimmerman (R-Killer)'s attorney says his client was confused and fearful when he vrazenly allowed his wife to lie to the judge about the couple's finances. Attorney Mark O'Mara says that he would file a motion asking for another bond hearing. A day earlier, Zimmerman returned to jail because his $150,000 bond was revoked. Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin after he accused Travon of walking while Black. Prosecutors say the Zimmermans lied during an April bond hearing when Zimmerman's wife testified they had limited funds. Prosecutors say they had raised at least $135,000 from a website. A judge ordered Zimmerman back into custody and says he will hold a hearing so Zimmerman can explain himself. If it was almost anybody else in jail for any other reason, I could have some compassion for him. But he was so eager to play policeman, he decided to "patrol" the neighborhood, looking for "niggers." He found one and then confronted Trayvon after the cops told him not to. George Zimmerman went waaaay out of his way to go looking for trouble. He could've stayed home and watched TV and had a beer, but nooooooooo. He knew "those people" were freely walking around HIS neighborhood and, Lincoln be damned, he could NOT allow "those people" to walk in HIS neighborhood without explaining themselves. George, you CHOSE to get your gun and to drive around, looking for trouble. You CHOSE to get out of your truck after being ordered NOT to and you CHOSE to confront an innocent kid who had gone to the store. Again and again and again, you CHOSE trouble over minding your own business. I cannot feel compassion for someone who wanted to find trouble in the worst way - and did. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Spend Money to Make Money Advertise at Bartcop.com, make more sales, generate more income. Two days just $35 One week just $75 If you don't advertise, your costomers won't know you have what they can't live without. ![]() Marty
new stuff every
on her fine, fine Entertainment Page Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty always has good stuff. ![]() ![]() Sarah Palin Nude Link Romney, Omega Theta Pi frat brother theangryliberal.blogspot.com Mitt Romney would've been a textbook-perfect brother of the Omega Theta Pi fraternity. What fraternity is that, you ask? In the movie Animal House, it's the frat house populated with well-to-do, pompous, vacuous a-holes, represented most famously by Neidermeyer. Recall Douglas Neidermeyer was your stereotypical ROTC/Patton-wannabe, a bit too gung-ho, a bit too straight-laced, a bit too into enforcing what he deemed normal. All in all, your classic jerk and bully. Compare this profile to what we've come to learn about Romney, in particular the recent revelation about his bullying of a gay classmate. During high school, several friends held down the victim as Romney proceeded to use scissors to cut clumps of hair from the presumed gay boy's head. Romney's defense? "I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks during high school," he said while chuckling. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Wal-Marts Proxy Vote The stupidity of the American people has no boundary. Luigi S Now and then, the chickens vote for Col. Sanders. Send e-mail to Bart Check out the news and toons at
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you'll know when each new issue goes up. ![]() You any good at Lyrics? Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: The NYPD "Gotcha!" Bart: Bloomberg & Cuomo are catching heat because of the way that the NYPD is using “gotcha” tactics in their stop and frisk policies to elevate a ordinance violation to a misdemeanor arrest. Fewer than 25 grams of weed in the pocket is a local offense, punishable by a fine of about $100. If that under 25 grams is openly visible in public, well that’s a misdemeanor. The cops approach someone and ask them to turn out their pockets. Once they do so, they are arrested for openly possessing, a misdemeanor. If the stopped individual refused to turn out their pockets and made the cops search them, they would be OK (given a ticket, but not arrested), but if the person obeys the cop’s order, they get popped. That makes no sense at all. I guess that's why Cuomo made a move to fix it? The courts are pretty much tossing these misdemeanor cases, but it is still an arrest, there is still a “booking” process and significant amounts of iridescent bologna are consumed. Rob G Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Best Mystery 'Car' Ever? Bart, that VW’s concept hoover car. Not real, but I wish. ![]() Is Luke Skywalker’s Land Speeder from Star Wars finally a reality? No, but if that idea ever came to pass, this is sort of how it would look. The video below shows a VW flying two-seater zipping through Beijing. The car, powered by minerals underground, was the brainchild of a girl in China who responded to the carmaker’s call for car innovation concepts. The idea is that thrusters on the back of the car would propel it forward. Link Maurice Send e-mail to Bart Obama's Mess: Medical pot in Montana http://www.facebook.com/tom.daubert Send Tom some encouragement on Facebook and Friend him or Like him - Twitter his hashtag or whatever. Let's get Tom 100,000 followers. (He has 603 so far) Tom picked up just 10 friends yesterday - can we do better? He's probably feeling pretty alone, waiting to see if he'll get the full 20 years. http://www.codeofthewestfilm.com/ ![]() "I might get 20 years in federal prison because our president has a problem with legal pot laws." Link Tom Daubert, 59, faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, a $500,000 fine for following Montana's pot laws to the letter. He did NOT count on Obama waging a jihad against his legal business that was helping sick people. If Obama loses in November, he'll have the rest of his life to wonder what made him go so crazy on pot and poker that cost him the election. Wait - let me guess: Bob Shrum told Obama it was a smart move to attack everyday Americans who enjoy pot and poker? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Business slow? Run a banner ad on bartcop.com Don't be a victim of Bush's Recession Banner ads by the day, by the week, or by the month Click Here to get more Hits Even if business is slow, remind them why they need you! Two days just $35 Supporter Slaps Barrett After Loss
Like a good Democrat, he conceeded during the count Video Why do Democrats (almost) always surrender up-front? Send e-mail to Bart The GOP's War on Women Yesterday the GOP voted down equal pay for women. If *I* ran the GOP, they would pay dearly for that, but I'm pretty sure Obama gave the "No fight" order. We're fighting the anti-progress GOP - can you help? You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or Donate
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you I Was Born in June/November Bart Today's Mystery Celebrity photo is hot. Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, yesterday's Mystery Celebrity? That's Chuck Norris, who is the Karate King (after Bruce Lee of course). John from Charlotte Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Thanks to Hal for the new graphic Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Last Issue's Mystery City? Hi Bart, That's the Palace of the Popes Avignon, France, the spectacular fort and housing where the Popes hid out when they pissed off the Romans sufficiently that they had to flee to Avignon, France till things cooled down Pete New Zealand Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's history mystery Bart, Last Issue's History Mystery is Bonnie & Clyde - the originals. When I was delivering pizzas south of Fort Worth I realized I was taking Clyde's early escape routes, most of their earliest crimes were committed in the area. Ricky H Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donation If you're shopping online, it never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Growing up fast - Miley Cyrus Let's hope that no-pants look catches on :) ![]() ![]() Check out over 2650 sexy and tasteful photos of Miley Cyrus in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties. Marty always has good stuff. Shopping online?
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