Weekend-Monday, Oct 6-8, 2012 Vol 2950 - Spicey dust
![]() ![]() ![]() Quotes “My Mom is way hotter than Julianne Moore." -- Bristol the publicity whore, begging for attention Link First, what a dumb-ass comptetion to get caught up in. It may be true, but why would you want to invite the comparison? What are you going to say when someone says, "Your Mom is nowhere near as hot as Nina Dobrev." ![]() ![]() Then you're stuck saying, "Granted, she's hotter than my Mom, but I still love her." More likely, Bristol would lie and say, "My Mom is way hotter than Nina Dobrev." I realize Bristol is an inexperienced child, but that's no excuse. It's the reason why she needs to keep her foul mouth shut - she just can't do it. Second, Julianna Moore has the respect of (wild guess) 90 percent of her peers. Palin doesn't even have the respect of 50 percent in the GOP. Bristol is condemned to a lifetime is lying to herself, pissing people off and blaming others. She might even end up with money, but she'll always be the poorest person we all know. Seems daily, I'm reminded that I had the best parents ever. Send e-mail to Bart Romney: 27 lies in 38 minutes It's hard to debate a guy with no positions Link 17) "Well, I would repeal and replace it. We're not going to get rid of all regulation. You have to have regulation. And there are some parts of Dodd-Frank that make all the sense in the world." Romney has previously called for full repeal of Dodd-Frank, a law whose specific purpose is to regulate banks. MF Global's use of customer funds to pay for its own trading losses is just one bit of proof that the financial industry isn't responsible enough to protect consumers without regulation. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What did we really see in that Debate? by Tally Briggs Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: My Brush with Greatness Link Let's keep the "Greatness" stories rolling again. I know you have some stories you've yet to share... Send e-mail to Bart Shop
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![]() Romney Closes Gap HuffPo Romney's surprisingly strong debate performance has resulted in a dramatic tightening in the race, according to tracking surveys conducted since Wednesday. Gallup reported that on three days of calling after the debate, their survey finds Romney and Obama tied with 47 percent of the vote each among registered voters nationwide. Gallup had Obama leading Romney by 5 prior to Obama's debate surrender. Gallup typically reports findings on a seven-day rolling average, and their latest such average gives Obama a 3-point advantage (49 percent to 46 percent). Send e-mail to Bart Mining Exchange Motel - Haunted? Oh Lawdy Lawd - not ghosts! Link For the first time in years, laughter and eager voices filled the Mining Exchange building, a corner-stone structure indowntoen Colorado Springs, as they did in 1902. They are hotel guests, not ghosts, but their presence has not dislodged the spirit of the building’s commissioner, gold-miner millionaire Winfield Scott Stratton. “Nobody has seen him, but you can sense him,” Murphy said. Stratton’s spirit is not the only one hovering close to the downtown that he helped create. Down the street, a murdered ghost lurks around the Pioneer’s Museum, Murphy said. Around the corner at the Peak Theater, built in 1937, two ghosts haunt the back rows of the movie house. “Needless to say, the city auditorium is haunted,” Murphy added. Hmmm, in 2004, we spent the night in a "haunted" hotel, the Crescent in Eureka Springs, AR. I don't believe in that stuff - but - shit happened that night that I was unable to explain. Listen to Bartcop Radio Show #62, Part 2 for the full story Send e-mail to Bart Marty
Entertainment Page has
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Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Eva Longoria with her sister, Liza Longoria. Why is God so terribly cruel? Marty
always has good stuff. Quotes “My conservative friends always get mad at me when I cheer good economic news." -- Scarborough Friday, letting the trith slip out Republicans hate Obama so much, they want America to fail. Scarborough admitted it Friday live on MSNBC Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart Bartcop's Computer Repair
We can fix your computer We do the repairs magically, over the Net. Jordan the Tech is super-polite and he's a computer expert! Watch Jordan work on your computer LIVE! Or, you could call Best Buy and have them send out some punk-ass kid who knows half as much for twice the price and the creep will be all up in your private computer business. Who needs that? Jordan's been my friend for 6 years. He's NOT curious about what's on your computer. ![]() All Holder can see is pot smokers and poker players. Major crimes go unnoticed. Sarah Palin Nude Link Subject: debate performance Hi Bart, I hope you have cooled your jets since your last page. I couldn't possibly remain as angry as I was... In a reality show framework, Romney owned the POTUS, I think if voters are dumb enough to mistake bullying and lying for leadership, they are already in the tank for the Mittster. I saw President Obama calmly letting Mitt take enough rope to hang himself, and the new round of ads are a fine tree limb indeed. You likely already saw the Mitt cheat sheets to boot. This first round begins a chess match. Obama could have attacked Mitt in many weak areas but held off. Any attacks however effective would have painted him as an arrogant and angry blackie McBlackie who wants to end freedom and whatever other buzzwords cable jockeys can come up with, instead, all Mitt's "success" will get him is the Snookie, Kardashian, and Honey Boo Boo viewers' votes. And they are probably too stupid to find their polling place anyway. I do think the campaign needs you, I do keep asking Bill Maher to have you on his show too. Julian Julian, thanks for that. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery
Car Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that’s a 1955 Dodge La Femme, the first car made especially for women. Another big mistake from Detroit. It was designed by men, so it contained all sorts of patronizing garbage that pissed women off left, right, and sideways, so they didn't sell very well. They only made those in '55 and '56. David J Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: When is good news bad news? bI ask the question, "When is good news for America bad news?" When Republicans want to get elected. The job numbers came out and unemployment is at 7.8% and the Republicans are freaking out because it's good news. It reminded me of when Clinton was president and there was good news all the time. They used to complain that the economy is "overheating" and the Fed was trying to put the brakes on to stop uncontrolled economic growth. And back then the Republicans were freaking out over, "What are we going to do about the surplus?" And then there was Bush and the surplus problem went away fast and it was all bad news. Especially at the end what the whole economy was collapsing and 4 years ago we were in a state of crisis. The Republicans put us in such a deep hole that here we are 4 years later hoping to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Which brings us to today's news. Today we crossed an artificial line of below 8% unemployment which is at least a symbol that we are finally crawling out of the Bush hole and it's good news for Democrats and bad news for Republicans. It seems to me that the choice in this election is clear. If you like good news then vote for the Democrats and if you like bad news then vote for the Republicans. Maybe we can send the Republicans a message that preferring bad news is the wrong answer. Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Sirius XM has moved Mike from midnight - 3
mikemalloy.com Years ago, Mrs. Bart was watching Play Misty for Me, starring the chair molester and she asked, "Can we use one of our free flights to visit Carmel?" Since she never asks for anything, I give her everything she wants, so I said yes. In the trip report, I had several shots of the California coast. Bartcop reader Elizabeth M in Austin is a painter and she painted one of those photos, framed it and sent it to me last week - isn't that cool? ![]() She's a pretty good painter, too. A shot of Chinaco for Elizabeth M in Austin. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession beat you. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com ![]() Check out the news
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We lost our premier Blogger, R S Janes. He'd been fighting a long illness, then went suddenly. R.I.P. Rick Memorial for Rick Janes Check out the Bart Blog! New Feature - Know your Supermodels ![]() Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Mitt Romney--Hahahaa Was anyone listening to what Mitt Romney was saying in the debate? If he became president, he would turn medical assistance over to the private sector. Let people manage their own medical needs. He never mentioned any special provisions for the retarded, handicapped, disabled and aged who have difficulty managing everything in their lives. He didn't even mention phasing this out. He was very arrogant when he said this and it sounded like his plan was to just dump this on the people and let them figure out how to handle it. I don't know if people realize this or not but most of the people receiving Social Security and Medicare benefits are living below poverty level. Every dime of the money they receive goes back into the economy. Romney also said one of the first things he would do to save money would be to stop funding PBS.....and this is part of his plan to reduce the trillion dollar debt and boost the economy? Three things he stressed in the debate: Everything said about him in the campaign is lies, let the people handle their own medical insurance needs and stop funding PBS. Thank you, Mitt Romney, for letting us know what a shallow person you really are. Diana Looking at the facts - Obama got bin Laden, saved the banks and saved Detriot. Meanwhile, Romney is gunning for Big Bird. How is this even a race? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() "Chelle the wonder cat" heading out for a bike ride. Amber Tamblyn, David Cross tie the knot No wonder he was too busy to write ![]() Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Pool shark As a kid I watched as the pool sharks missed easy shots they would never normally miss in order to make their opponent relax and feel more comfortable, loosening the grip they had on their money. If we younger bystanders acted dumb and didn't give them away they would sometimes reward us with a free soft drink. I'm now watching the GOP being hustled, and I love to see it. Until this debate I was very concerned that Romney might be replaced somehow, and I definitely didn't want to see that. Anyone else would do better. He was dropping below 20 on Itrade, and remember, Intrade was only off by less than .03% in the 2008 results. NOT 3%! Point Zero Three percent! They did far better projections than any of the top pollsters. "Losing" the debate also served to stir up Dems who were falling asleep with confidence. I think Obama just set the hook AND woke up the choir! I have long been convinced that he is just that kind of smart! Tim in Muldraugh Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery
Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, I believe that is a very young Demi Moore. Oddcatout Send e-mail to Bart Michael Jackson's money-grubbing siblings New book has one "shocker" after another Link When Katherine Jackson was “abducted” from her home and held against her will in Arizona by some of her kids in July, it exposed all the greed and backstabbing that has consumed the family since MJ’s 2009 death. Michael apparently used to put his money in black garbage bags, which he then hid under the carpets at his home. Ronald Williams, who handled security, tells a new book that he saw LaToya and her boyfriend stuffing black garbage bags into duffel bags at the house, which LaToya denies (she says nearly all the money was gone by the time she arrived.) Sounds like Latoya got away with just a few trash bags stuffed with Michael's kids' cash. When it came time to bury their beloved cash cow, the scheming over money did not cease. According to Sullivan’s book, Michael was not laid to rest until September 2009 (he died June 25) because Janet would not allow it until his estate repaid her the $40,000 cemetery deposit that she had ponied up to secure him a spot at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California. According to an excerpt in Vanity Fair, Janet, Rebbie, Jermaine, and Randy, “were attempting to gain a conservatorship over her, possibly by demonstrating her incompetence to serve as guardian of Michael’s children. They hoped to gain control of their brother’s fortune, which would follow Prince, Paris, and Blanket wherever they went.” Have you ever seen such a viper's nest of slime and greed? What a nightmare - an 82-year old lady has to watch her back around her own damn kids. And, like the Arab Spring, Twitter stepped in to save the day when Paris alerted the world that they'd kidnapped her grandmother. Had Janet succeeded in stealing Paris's phone, they might've gotten away with this multi-hundred million dollar kidnapping/extortion scheme. I know my close friend Perry Sanders Jr. will protect Mrs. Jackson and the kids. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: You suffer from the impulse to kick Democrats every chance you get Sorry, Bart, but in your zeal to pin petticoats on Democrats, one of your favorite activities, next to drinking Chinaco and playing Texas hold-up, which I think I can say as one of your regular readers over quite a few years, you have once again grabbed the sow by the wrong teat by so roundly condemning Obama here. In so doing, in the midst of your many right-on-the-mark verdicts, here you have joined with a vengeance all the dummies who have been so ignorant of the importance of never rushing to make snap judgments -- or paying attention to snap polls -- instead of waiting a few days to see which way the wind is blowing, and also for your mind to snap back to a more sensible shape. I like to put my ideas in print before I read what others think. Right now, a little over two days later, what I see are strong indications that Obama is coming out of this smelling pretty rosy. So far what little we see of the polls indicates that he isn't any worse off now than he was before. In fact he could be better off. He is still drawing huge crowds with much more faith -- and good judgment -- than you're showing (did you see the picture of those 30,000+ that swarmed to see him in Wisconsin?), the unemployment sank to 7.8, Romney mainly showed his behind in the debates by his feverish and schoolyard bully behavior that couldn't have sat at all well with that biggest proportion of the electorate, the ladies, the biggest buzz that is going around is about all the lies he told, and above all, Big Bird, Kermit, Oscar, and all the others are on his case! Maybe you need to get out of the mind-blipping air of Oklahoma worse than you think. Meanwhile you also need to drop the dumb poker and instead start playing the game that really sharpens the mind, my game, chess, though, if you insist on coming out with lapses like this anti-Obama garbage, it's too late. --Carl, aka Sofarsogoo I don't think the Oklahoma air is the problem, nor is poker, which I haven't been able to play in YEARS because Obama saw killing poker as a priority - something that needed stomping out as fast as possible. Maybe we'd be better off if Obama spent more time trying to create jobs instead of ordering raids on legal pot stores and legal, one-dollar poker games. I'm surprised Obama hasn't declared war on tequila. I've printed 3-4 e-mails today from people say, in effect, "Don't worry, Obama knows what he's doing." I hope you're right. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The GOP's War on women, the poor and non-whites We're fighting the anti-progress GOP - can you help? Support bartcop.com the way the racists supported Chick-fil-A You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or Donate
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Hi Bart, That’s Philadelphia from across the Schuylkill River. Keep on swinging that Hammer§ Kevin in France Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that is Gregory Hines. Great dancer. Pretty good actor, too. Played with Bariyshnikov in “White Nights,” Josephus in Mel Brooks’ “History of the World, Part I.” My favorite is the first film I saw him in. He played a very hip coroner’s assistant in the great suspense movie, “Wolfen.” Best line? He moons Albert Finney as he looks through a night scope and says, “Black Moon over Manhattan.” Funny. Talented. Phillip R ![]() ![]() Subject: donations Bart, I bet on thre Dallas Cowboys to beat the "world champion" Giants so here's your cut. Of course, if you think it's dirty money you don't have to cash this check. Scobber in Ft Woerth Scobber, I do NOT consider that "dirty" money. Not only did I get a donation, I got a good laugh, too - thanks, Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com is my best bet to staying on the InnerNets. ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Gift Cards and the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() French Songbird Alizee ![]() ![]() Check out almost 100 sexy and tasteful photos of Alizee More in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties. Send Your Hottie Suggestion to Bart
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