Thurs-Friday Jan 24-25, 2013 Vol 3004 - The Disabled frog
![]() Democrats should introduce a bill that says any state that rejects Obamacare gets put on a 1:1 partity for government funds. ...but they won't, because that wouldn't be nice. Quotes "I’m glad that you’re accepting responsibility. I think that ultimately, with your leaving, you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9/11. And I really mean that. Had I been president at the time, and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, and I would have relieved you of your post. I think it’s inexcusable.” -- Rand Paul, giving Jim Inhofe a run for his money as the senate's biggest asshole Link Butt Rand, you say those four deaths were the worst tragedy since 9-11? Did you forget a little thing called the Iraq War, where 5,000 soldiers died because Der Monkey Fuhrer wanted to prove he was tougher than his daddy? I guess in Teabagger Land, four deaths is worse than 5,000 deaths. BTW, Rand, you imagining you were president is the closest you'll ever f-ing get. Hillary, on the other hand... Send e-mail to Bart Boner: Waaah! Obama wants to 'annihilate' us And what did you try to do to him, Boner? Link ![]() John Boehner told a group of whining Republicans hat Obama's focus was to "annihilate the Republican Party." Boehner underlined his point, adding, "And let me just tell you, I do believe that is their goal – to just shove us into the dustbin of history." Hey asshole, it's called "Politics." If you can't compete, slither away and let Obama kick some other Republican's ass. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Shop
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![]() ![]() We can't do that in America because it would anger God and he might get Old Testament angry... Round Two goes to Hillary Angry Little Men Keep Making Hillary Bigger by Smoking Joe Conason Link Anyone truly concerned about the safety of U.S. diplomatic personnel abroad has fresh reason for fury over Benghazi. But the target of public anger should not be Hillary, whose conduct has been exemplary ever since the tragedy. Far more deserving of scorn are the likes of Rand Paul (R-KY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and all the other grandstanding, conspiracy-mongering, ill-informed politicians who questioned her Wednesday on Capitol Hill. Republicans still seem to be obsessed with UN Ambassador Susan Rice before. According to Republican folklore, unsupported by facts, the Obama White House engaged in a conspiracy to conceal the true nature of the attack by mischaracterizing it as a “demonstration.” The continuing focus on that trivial issue – long since explained, understandably provoked an exasperated Clinton to scold Johnson, one of the dimmer idols of the Tea Party. When the Wisconsin Republican began to harp on this topic yet again – interrupting her answer, after stupidly asserting that Clinton could have resolved any questions about the attack with “a very simple phone call” to the burned-out Benghazi compound – she responded sharply: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because there was a protest or was it because there were guys who went out for a walk one night who decided they would kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and to do everything we can to make sure it never happens again. That transcript doesn't do justice to the anger in Hillary's voice. Scold is exactly what she did to that Johnson handjob and the new-starved networks have been running Johnson's scolding on a loop with the crawl, "Hillary in 2016?" ha ha I watched the snarling Whore House dogs attempt to lay a glove on Hillary. ![]() ![]() Even after watching her make fools of the GOP Senators that morning, the snarling House dogs still fell into Hillary's expertly-set trap. She did to the House dogs what she did to Giuliani back in 2000. ![]() They kept baiting her, but she never took the bait until, this Johnson asshole went too far. "Crack!" went the whip and the 2016 race had begun. Sidebar: I've also seen those Ambassador Rice interviews a few times and she constantly said, "From what we know right now, the preliminary points seem to suggest blah blah blah but it may be days or weeks before we can get a better picture of what happened." Somehow, the GOP twisted that into "You lied to us," and even our braindead Democrats finally figured out they could reply with, "You mean like Bush's fake WMDs that got 5,000 soldiers killed?" I got a tear in my eye when I heard Dick Durbin say that yesterday. It was like watching one of my kids graduate. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession beat you. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com ![]() Air Force: Sex assaults "appalling" Harrump! Harrump! Harrump! they chant Link The Air Force recorded an "appalling" number of reports of sexual assault last year even as it worked to curb misconduct in the wake of a sex scandal at its training headquarters in Texas, the service's top officer told lawmakers on Wednesday. Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force chief of staff, said there were 796 reports of cases ranging from inappropriate touching to rape. The 2012 figure is a nearly 30 percent increase from 2011 when 614 cases were reported. The number could be much greater, Welsh said, because many cases are never reported at all. "Calling these numbers unacceptable does not do the victims justice," Welsh said. "The truth is, these numbers are appalling!" Isn't it obvious that raping women is a "perk" men get for joining the military? They tell women up-front: "If you're raped, take it like a man. If you report your rape, your squad will never trust you again." Like a woman needs the trust of a squad of serial-rapists. Let's hope President Clinton fixes this. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Lance Armstrong Bart- this whole thing with LA reminds me a lot of Ken Starr investigating Clinton- they were not investigating doping in cycling (or any other sport for that matter) they were investigating one man, and spent millions of dollars doing so, to what end? I have no doubt that Armstrong is an asshole, just like about 98% of other pro athletes, because the only way to get to be a pro athlete is to be totally obsessed with your sport to the exclusion of everything else. so now you have all these sports writers tut-tutting at him for not being contrite enough, just like all the political writers tut-tutted at Clinton. Bruce from Charlottes Bruce, you raise a good point. I have a question: Why did Lance NEED to be taken down? They went after him like he was the REAL killer while some poor schmuck he skillfully framed was rotting away in some dank prison cell. CBS was the ring-leader in this lynching, breathlessly giving "exclusive" updates as tho the whole country was following the story like it was OJ f-ing Simpson. Semi-related sidebar: Why was Mark McGwire not even nominated for their crooked little Hall of Fame? The way I remember it, he used "Andro" but he did it openly because it was legal in 1998. When reporters went to the dressing room after a game, he'd open his locker and there was the bottle of Andro sitting right there for everyone to see. You'd think the second-greatest home run hitter of all time would get a sliver of respect, but baseball just told him to GFY. ![]() Quotes “Katie, put yourself in my situation. I, my whole world told me that she died on Sept. 12. Everybody knew that. This girl, who I committed myself to, died on Sept. 12. (Then) I get a phone call on Dec. 6, saying that she's alive and then I'm on national TV two days later, and to ask me about the same question. You know, what would you do?" -- Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o Link Dude, really? You "committed" yourself to some girl you'd never met? Ordinarily this would be as important as who won some damn bicycle race, but he's about to ask some NFL team for $50M so his credibility is a factor. Send e-mail to Bart Today's Sarah Palin Nude Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart Newtown Truthers Follow NRA
by Gene Lyons ![]() Link Conceived in a dream of reason, what the Internet too often reveals is mass credulousness and fathomless irrationality. According to Salon’s Alex Seitz-Wald, a video depicting Sandy Hook as a government-sponsored hoax has drawn 8.5 million views on YouTube. No doubt many viewers were drawn by idle curiosity or sheer incredulity. What would “evidence” for so transparently preposterous an allegation consist of? Nevertheless, there appear to be thousands of True Believers. Try googling “Emilie Parker alive,” to sample the crazy. Adepts claim that a photograph of a young girl sitting in President Obama’s lap reveals that six-year-old Emilie Parker was not murdered at Sandy Hook as reported. Supposedly, the photo reveals a telltale blunder. In reality, the child in the photograph is Emilie’s little sister, Madeline. But why go on? There’s plenty more in the same dogged, delusional vein. Debunk one aspect of the conspiracy, and a dozen absurdities replace it. To anybody capable of imagining that staging the Sandy Hook tragedy would even be possible—requiring, as it would, the active cooperation of half the population of Connecticut—mere evidence and logic are beside the point. Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. Gene's got that right. America is somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 crazy - and you ask why I own guns? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() GOP's Worst Week Ever by Matt Taibbi Link Have Republicans ever been more disjointed? More confused? More incapable of getting out of their own way? Watching America's political conservatives try to counter-maneuver opposite Obama's re-inauguration last week has been an incredible comedy - like watching the Three Stooges try to perform a liver transplant on roller skates. ha ha ![]() First, they set up "Gun Appreciation Day." But when they hold their gun rallies, on Martin Luther King Day, what happens? Five people get accidentally shot! Conservatives could have dealt with this post-Sandy Hook political curveball in a number of ways, from simply shutting up and working quietly behind the scenes to scuttle gun control. Instead, they decided to piss all over MLK Day and then shoot themselves in the process. Well done, fellas! You're well on your way to solving your demographic problems. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: First Round goes to Hillary I agree with that; she is so good at everything she does; it was good to see her bristle up at those A-holes and tell them like it is; she has received good reviews fromsome republicans. McCain is pathetic; why would anyone pay any attention to him? He must be losing it. Can't wait until Bill joins the fray; This might have been their last hurrah to get at Hillary; and where were all those republicans during Bush's and Cheney's nine year war; probably in a coma!! Marian in Missouri Marion, right now, the Republicans have no leader. McCain is the closest thing they have and he's the idiot who inflicted Palin on The GOP. Poor bastards are helpless without someone telling them what to think. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Marty's
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We can fix your computer We do the repairs magically, over the Net. ![]() Beyoncé Backlash: Stars React to Lipsynch Stink It's
Beyonce's turn to get dragged over the coals
Link First, this is almost as important as who won some damn bicycle race. Who could possibly care if she lip-synched outside in the cold wind? If she had forgotten the words or burped or coughed at the wrong time they would've said she "ruined" Obama's inauguration, so why not lip-synch? Sure, it would be different if, say, Robert Plant lip-synched on Zeppelin's big comeback gig because that would've been considered defrauding the public. BTW, I've had that show for two months and haven't seen it yet. I've heard it 50 times, but I'm saving the video for when I have the show memorized. Great night for Zeppelin - I hope you've had a chance to catch that. Whitney lip-synched her famous Super Bowl National Anthem and Aretha said she had a LOT of trouble with the weather at Obama's first inauguration but our whore media has chomped onto this "scandal" like a pit bull on a knotted rope. Cable "news" and the whore networks (NBC and CBS, at least) think this is a BIG story, but that's what lazy whores call news when they have time to fill. It would seem, like Lance, Beyonce NEEDED to be taken down - why? If this was Madonna or Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton or Amanda Bynes or some other tabloid target it would make more sense - but what's Beyonce's "crime?" Being friends with Obama? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery Car Link Today's car is totally bad-ass. Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, it's a 1967 Lincoln Continental. Somebody is looking for an argument over whether it's a '66 or a' 67, but the customizer has shaved all the badges (and door handles and locks) so I can't actually tell from here. So, '67, just because. Also he needs bigger rims or taller tires IMHO. Redlake ![]() Know Your Classics Link Subject: last issue's Classic Link Bart -- Easypeasy (the only kind I can get), it's from Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" Stew Send Classic Lines to Bart ![]() I got some sure-to-make-you-dizzy Don't Look Down pictures, thanks to Chris. Send e-mail to Bart Know your Supermodels Link Subject: Last issue's supermodel Link Bart, that's Ingrid Seynhaeve. Rey G in Seattle Send e-mail to Bart ![]() VTR Alert What happens when two psychopathic murderers become lost and stranded in the snow? Hilarity ensues! If you have HBO Signature, tonight they're running the Sopranos Episode "Pine Barrens." ![]() Written by Terence Winter (get it?) directed by Steve Buscemi. My favorite part - Paulie loses his shoe in the snow chasing the Russian and his foot is freezing so he makes a "shoe" out of an old piece of carpet. When the "shoe" fails to stay on (How could it?) Paulie shoots the piece of carpet - that'll teach it. If you're a Sopranos fan, this is one of the best. Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() China's train goes 190 miles per hour. We can't have modern transportation in America because BIG OIL has more 19th Century fuel to sell us. Today's Mystery
Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, those celebrities are Brooke Shields and Robert Downey Jr. And let your reader Russ know other people are responding to your quizzes, at least I know I am. ducks Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Going to Alaska Mrs Bart has always wanted to go to Alaska and Hawaii. Thanks to Scott H (Don HO) we got to Hawaii in 2005 and we thought we'd better go to Alaska before I have to drag an oxygen tank behind my wheelchair. We bought tickets last year but we kept running into reasons why we couldn't go so we're trying once again to go - and we're Alaska newbies. Astrocat says March is the best month for aurora viewing and the weather isn't always freezing - hopefully. BTW, there's something else: Once we land, I'd enjoy a conversation with someone who agrees with me on the stupidity of the Obama administration raiding legal businesses. Any Bartcop readers in or near Anchorage? And some thing new we're trying: Would you like to sponsor a portion of the trip? Maybe a tank of gas or a few dollars towards a hotel or a ferry ride or something? That would get your name in the sure-to-be-fun Alaska Trip Report. "And the third night we stayed at the Wedgewood in Fairbanks thanks to Lou and Rita farnsworth and the King of All Dogs," type of thing. Be in Bart's Alaskan Trip Report You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you ![]() Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, that' has to be Chicago looking from the West. Andy at Berea College Bart, that's Chicago looking east toward Lake Michigan. The four tallest buildings, from left to right/north to south: Hancock, Trump, Aon, and Willis (formerly Sears). Tim Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, That's Jimmy Stewart with Harvey the invisible rabbit. My dad loved that movie. I can't remember for sure but I think Harvey could stop time - or at least stop clocks. Great flick. Now I hope it's on Netflix so I can watch it again. Dave in Portland, OR ![]() ![]() Subject: donation Hey Bart; You put together one of the best political/social websites I have had the pleasure to read...plus you have a great sense of humor! Have a great vacation, you deserve it! Hal in New York Hal, thanks for that. The Alaska Trip now has four sponsors whose names (or first name and town) will be in the Alaska Trip Report. Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com is my best bet to staying on the InnerNets. ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Teen Fave - Victoria Justice ![]() ![]() Check out almost 800 sexy and tasteful photos of Victoria Justice More hot babes in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties... Send Your Hottie Suggestion to Bart
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